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1、模块一UnitSchoollife模块一 Unit1 School life【No.1】November 5, 2007 主备人:吴素云 殷伟伟 李运苗 尹朝阳 审核人:朱志万 【考点透视】I 重点短语1. know know of: 知道有,听说过 know about: 知道的情况,了解,知道 prepare :准备2. prepare prepare for :为作准备 prepare sb. for / to do .:使某人为做好准备 in the end: 最后,= at last, finally3. end to the end: 到最后 by the end of: 到底为止

2、 at the end of: 1) 在结束的时候 2)在的末尾处used to do sth: (过去)常常/ 习惯做某事4. use be used to (doing) sth.: 习惯于做某事 be used to do sth: 被用来做 U for / in fun:闹着玩儿地; make fun of sb.:取笑、拿某人开玩笑5. fun adj. 有趣的、愉快的; adj. funny n. 轻松、自在:do sth. with ease: 轻松地、不费力地做6. ease be at ease with sb. :与某人一起感到自在 vt. 解除: ease sth.使某人

3、减轻: ease sb. of sth. n.U 经验, C(具体的)体验,经历7. experience vt. 经历 experienced:有经验的8. teach:教(书)、教授,后接双宾语:teach sb. sth. = teach sth to sb. 类似结构 buy sb. sth. = buy sth. for sb.; give sb. sth. = give sth. to sb.; show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb.; tell sb. sth. = tell sth. to sb.made sb. sth. = make sth. fo

4、r sb. .9. make sure + (that) + of sth.sure的短语:be sure of / about:对肯定、有把握; be sure to do:务必、一定要做; for sure:必定、一定,= surely 用于句首,作“虽然”解,引导让步状语从句,不与but / however连用,10. though 但可与yet / still / and yet连用, = although 用于句末,作“但是”解,起转折作用 n. (一)滴、点,降落、下跌:a drop of water, drops of rain11. drop vt. 掉/降下、戒掉(坏习惯)、

5、跳过(学科、音) drop by:顺便到(某处)以下; drop的词组 drop in at:顺便拜访(某地),后接地名; drop in on:顺便拜访(某人),后接人; drop out (of):脱落、掉脱、退出 n. (可数)少量的、小块的,常用a bit of或bits of。12. bit adv. (时间、程度)稍微,后接形容词或副词。 a bit of a/an:颇有几分、有点儿bit的词组 bit by bit:逐渐的、徐徐的 do ones bit:尽某人之力/本分13. forget forget to do: 忘记做某事(这件事没做) forget doing sth.

6、: 忘记做过的事。 类似结构remember to do sth.记得要做某事;remember doing sth.:记得做过某事stop to do sth.:停下来去干某事; stop doing sth.:停止做某事(停下不做了)mean to do sth.:打算做某事; mean doing sth.:意味着做某事 go on to do:接着做(另一件事);go on doing:继续做try to do sth:尽力做 ; try doing sth:尝试着做 compare A to B: 把A比作B(用于比喻)14. compare compare A with B: 把A

7、和B相比(用于比较) Compared to / with , .:与相比,inform sb. of sth.:通知某人某事15. inform be well informed:消息灵通; keep sb. informed:随时向某人通报情况 inform oneself of sth.require sb. to do sth.16. require vt. require sth. of / from sb. Sth. require / want / need doing / to be done. require that(should) do sth. introduce sb

8、.( to sb.) introduce sth. into / to a place17. introduce introduce sb. to sth. make an introductionn.:introduction make a self introductionan introduction to sth.a letter of introduction develop / form the habit ofdevelop an interest (in)18. develop vt. a developed countrya developing countrydevelop

9、 a roll of film n. development【基础训练】一、单词拼写1. Would you mind i_ your invention to us? 1. _2. I came i_ I heard the news. 2. _3. Please tell us about your e_ in Africa. 3. _4. The manager asked his men to i_ him of everything concerning the sales in time. 4. _5. The teacher asked us to pay a_ to our h

10、andwriting. 5. _6. We belong to the same _(一代人). 6._7. In this _(文章), the writer discusses the advantages of the Internet. 7. _8. I _(抱歉)to tell you that you are fired. 8. _9. This little girl of five is interested in American _( 文学). 9. _10. Working part-time can _(准备)them for a future career. 10.

11、_二、翻译短语:1学校日常生活 _ 2体验成功 _ 3网上冲浪 _ 4出席晨会 _ 5考高分 _ 6平均 _ 7午餐时间 _ 8赢得尊重 _9在年底 _ 10缺课 _三、词汇单选1 His health condition can be _ step by step.A. corrected B. turned C. improved D. raised2. I _ that you will have a wonderful time at the party. A. wish B. hope C. want D. suggest3. A delicious meal can be _ in

12、 an hour or so. A. preparing B. prepared C. prepared for D. preparing for4. Hurry up! We mustnt _ the bus to school or well be late. A. catch B. miss C. fail D. waste5. Im afraid none of us can _ the machine that has been imported from abroad. Which of the following is wrong? A. work B. run C. turn

13、D. operate6. Bob, quickly get this film _. I want to know if this camera works well. A. washed B. developed C. printed D. shown7. The 2008 Olympic Games will take place in Beijing, China. That is to say, Beijing is the city to get the chance _ the 2008 Olympic Games. A. to run B. to host C. to happe

14、n D. to have8. Andrew returned to the room and _ Mary of their decision. A. invited B. informed C. persuaded D. required9. When _ to the market, these products enjoyed great success. A. introducing B. selling C. introduced D. sold10. I hear that you ran in a marathon last week. - Yes, But I _ after

15、15 kilometers. I wasnt fit enough. A. left out B. dropped out C. carried out D. ran out四、语法专练11The factory will not take anyone _ eyesight is weak. A. which B. that C. whom D. whose12. This is the very knife _ I used to cut apples with. A. which B. that C. whose D. who13. He makes good use of the ti

16、me _ he can spare. A. that B. 不填 C. which D. A,B and C14. Xiao Li, _ your best friend, will try her best to help you out. A. who is B. who am C. that is D. what is15. Do you know the man living in that house _ windows faces south? A. whos B. whose C. which D. where16. Last week we visited a factory

17、_ makes toys for children. A. where B. which C. in which D. who17. Who is the man _ is sleeping under the tree? A. who B. that C. whom D. which18. Ahead of me I saw a woman _ I thought was my aunt. A. who B. whom C. which D. what19. New books have been given out to the students, _ is happy with the

18、books.A each of them B each of whom C that D whom 20.How do you like the cake ? Its quite different from _ I had last month.A that B which C the one D the one what五、句型转换1. A: The following information may help those who are working on the project. B: The following information may be _ _ those _ on t

19、he project.2. A: Though he is always on time, he didnt come as early as usual this time. B: Though he is always on time, he came _ _ _ this time.3. A: While in Britain, he became interested in teaching Chinese to English students. B: While he was in Britain, he _ _ _ _ teaching Chinese to English st

20、udents.4. A: The students in Britain are different from us because they can give up some subjects if they dont like them. B: The students in Britain are different from us because they can _ some subjects if they dont like.六、根据课文内容填空。Literature experience headmaster life desserts different preparing

21、introduce surf chance Dear Wei Hua,I am a high school student in the UK. I have just read your article about your _1_ in the UK. I would very much to be your pen friend.First of all, let me _2_ myself to you. My name is Daniel Adams. I am studying at Southampton High. My favourite subject is English

22、 _3_. I am interested in reading novels. I have read all the Harry potter books. At the weekend, I like playing football and _4_ the Internet. Maybe you can give me your e-mail address, so next time I can e-mail you. I do like eating _5_ after meals as you mentioned in your article.This morning, at

23、assembly, our _6_ talked to us about Chinese history, and I thought of you immediately. I didnt realize how _7_ schools in the UK are from schools in China until I read your article. Students in the UK dont have many _8_ to learn about Chinese high schools. Would you please write and tell me more? I

24、 m very interested in knowing what _9_ is like in a Chinese high school.I am _10_ to travel to China with my parents next summer. Would you please be my guide if I travel to your city?I hope the magazine will pass this letter to you soon!Best wishes, Daniel AdamsM1U1【单元检测】【No.2】November 6, 2007 主备人:

25、吴素云 殷伟伟 李运苗 尹朝阳 审核人:朱志万 单项填空1. They _a lot through group work on the sports field. A. earned B. gained C. won D. achieved2. I remember _, but I have forgotten the exact number. A. paying B. being paidC. to pay D. to be paid3. You require too much _ me. Its beyond my power. A. at B. in C. of D. with4

26、. Lovely weather, isnt it? Yes, a bit hot, _ . A. although B. but C. though D. yet5. He lives in a _ city, I mean in a city that is _ . A. faraway far away B. faraway faraway C. far away far away D. far away faraway6. After cutting down the tree, they _ a little boat out of it. A. went on to make B.

27、 went on makingC. went on with D. continued7. Better _ all the lights are turned off before you leave the classroom. A. to be sure B. to make sureC. be sure D. make sure 8. He _ in the north, but now he _ here. A. used to live; is used to the life B. use to live; is used to live C. used to living; i

28、s used to living D. used to live; is used to live9. Ill spend what I have _ you a new coat. A. buying B. bought C. to buy D. buy10. I _ hope that every one of us will be successful in our studies. A. do B. did C. does D. doing11. Would you please keep me _ with the latest news? A. informing B. to informC. being informed D. informed12. Miss Tang teaches _ and we all like her class. A. our English

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