1、最新对外经贸大学考研国贸专业历年考研试题集对外经贸大学考研国贸专业历年考研试题集对外经贸大学考研国贸专业历年考研试题集(2007-04-12 14:31:53)转载2004年国际贸易学综合试题一.判断(每题1分,共5分)1、在均衡的国民收入水平上,非计划存货投资必须等于零,且计划投资与实际投资必须相等。()2、当政府对某一行业的产品实施最低限价政策时,通常会导致该行业单位供给减少,市场需求增加。()3、根据国际商会2000年通则的规定,如果买方想采取铁路运输,愿意办理进出口清关手续并承担其中的费用,买方可以采用FCA贸易术语。()4、根据国际惯例,保兑行审核单据无误而付款后,若开证行倒闭或无理
2、拒付,则保兑行有权向受益人索要货款。()5、2002年8月国际货币基金组织有关数据表明,中国是2001年黄金储备增长最多的国家。()二.单项选择 (每题1分,共5分)1、垄断厂商面对两个相互独立、需求弹性不同的市场时,为获取最大利润,厂商应该实?br / ()。A、同一价格 B、一级价格歧视 C、二级价格歧视D、三级价格歧视2、厂商对要素的需求取决于()。A、要素的边际生产力 B、产品的价格 C、要素的平均产量D、要素的供给量3、一切险与水渍险各项保险责任的不同之处在于()的赔偿。A、自然灾害所造成的单独海损B、意外事故所造成的全部或部分损失C、一般外来原因所造成的损失D、特殊外来原因所造成的
3、损失4、下列哪一项属于国际收支的长期性不平衡:()。A、结构性不平衡B、收入性不平衡 C、周期性不平衡D、货币性不平衡5、下列属于三级储备资产的有()。A、活期存款 B、短期存款C、黄鸫?nbsp; D、普通提款权三、多项选择(每题2分,共10分)1、对于生产函数Qf(L,K)和成本方程Cw*L+r*K来说,在最优的生产要素组合点上应该有()。A、等产量曲线和等成本线相切B、MRTS(lk)=w/rC、MRTS(lk)=-K/L=MP(K)/MP(L)D、MP(L)/w=MP(K)/r2、按UCP500规定,除非另有约定,卖方不得提交()。A、舱面提单B、已装船提单C、清洁提单D、不清洁提单E
6、1)美国的服装交易量和价格是多少?(2)配额导致的效率损失是多少?(3)拍卖配额权会带来什么影响?2、我某进出口公司于5月15日向外商A发盘并限其18日复到我方。A于16日上午10时向当地邮局交发关于接受我方发盘的电报。但由于当地邮局工人罢工,该电报在传递途中延误到22日才送达我方。我公司认为对方答复逾期,未予置理,并将货物以较高价格售予外商B。5月25日,A来电称:信用证已经开出,要求我方尽早出运货物。我方立即复电A,声明接受到达过晚,双方并不存在合同关系。因此,双方发生争执。试根据联合国国际货物销售合同公约的有关规定,分析双方孰是孰非?并说明理由。3、试析战略性外购(strategic o
7、utsourcing)的合理性。七、专业英语(每题25分,共50分)1、The Taylor Rule:Could a Robot Replace Alan Greenspan?Macroeconomist John Taylor of Stanford University Calls for aNew Monetary Rule That Would Institutionalize Appropriate FedPolicy Responses to Changes in Real Output and Inflation.In our discussion of rules versu
8、s discretion, “rules” were associated with apassive monetary policy-one in which the monetary rule required that the Fedexpand the money supplyai a fixed annual rate regardless of the state of theeconomy.“Discretion”on the other hand, was associated with an active monetarypolicy in which the Fed cha
9、nged the interest rate in response to actual oranticipated changes in the economy.Economist John Taylor has put a new twist on the rule-versus-discretion debateby suggesting a hybrid policy rule that dictates the precise active monetaryactions the Fed should take when changes in the economy occur.Th
10、is so-calledTaylor rule combines traditional monetarism, with its emphasis on a monetaryrule, and the more mainstream view that active monetary policy is a useful toolfor taming inflation and limiting recession. Unlike the Friedman monetary rule,the Taylor rule holds, for example, that monetary poli
11、cy should respond tochanges in both real GDP and inflation, not simply inflation. The key adjustmentis the interest rate, not the money supply.The Taylor rule has three parts: If real GDP rises 1 percent above potential GDP, the Fed should raise theFederal Funds rate(the interbank rate of overnight
12、loans),relative to thecurrent inflation rate, by .5 percent. If inflation rises by 1 percent above its target of 2 percent, then the Fedshould raise the Federal funds rate by .5 percent relative to the inflationrate. When the real GDP is equal to potential GDP and inflation is equal to itstarget rat
13、e of 2 percent, the Federal funds rate remain at about 4 percent,which would imply a real interest rate of 2 percent.Taylor has nerther suggested nor implied that a robot, programmed with theTaylor rule, should replace Alan Greenspan,chairman of the Federal ReserveSystem.The Feds discretion to overr
14、ide the rule(or “contingency plan forpolicy”)would be retained,but the Fed would renove the “mystery”associatedwith monetary policy and increase he Feds accountability.Also,says Taylor, ifused consistently, the rule would enable market participants to predice Fedbehavior, and this would increase Fed
15、 credibility and reduce uncertainty.Critics of the Taylor rule admit it is more in tune with countercyclical Fedpolicy than with Friedmans simple monetary rule. But they bo reason to limitthe Feds discretion in adjusting interest rates as it sees fit to achievestabilization and growth.Monetary polic
16、y may be more art than science. Thecritics also point our that the Fed has done a remarkable job of promotingprice stability, full employment, and economic growth over the past decade.In view of this succes, they ask,“Why saddle the Fed with a highly mechanicalmonetary rule?”2、Petition of the Candle
17、makers, 1845French Economist Fredric Bastiat(1801-1850) Devastated theProponents of Prorectionism by Satircally Extending theirReasoning to Its Logical and Abusurd Conclusions.Petitogogo,Candlesticks,Street Lamps,Snuffers,Extinguishers,and of the Prodecers of Oil Tallow,Rosin,Alcohol,and,Generally,o
18、f Everything Connected with Lighting.TO MESSIEURS THE MEMBERS OF THE CHAMBER OF DEPUTIESGentlemen-You are on the right road.You rreject abstract theories,and havelittle consideration for cheapness and plenty,You chief care is the interest ofproducer.You desire to emancipate him from external conpeti
19、tion, and reserve thenational market for national industry.We are abour to offer you an admirable opportunity of applying your-what shallwe call it?No;nothing is more deceptive than theory;your doctrine?your system?your principle?but you dislike doctrines,you abhor systems,and as principles,youdeny
20、that there are any in social economy:we shall say,then,your practice,yourpractice without theory and wothour principle.We are suffering from the intolerable competition of a foreign ribal,palced,itwould seem,in a condition so far superior to ours for the prodection fo light,that the absolutely inund
21、ates our national market with it at a price fabulouslyreduced.The moment he shows himself,our trade leaves us-all consumer apply tohim;and a branch of native industry,having countless ramifications,is all atonce rendered completely stagnant.This rival.is no other than the Sun.What we pray for is,tha
22、t is mat please you to pass a law ordering the shuttlingup all of windows,skylights,dormer windows,outside and inside shutters,curtains,blinds,bulls-eyes;in a word,of all openings,holes,chinks,clefts,and fissures,byor thought which the light of the sun has been in ues to enter houses,to theprejudice
23、 of the meritorious magogo wehave accommodated our country,-a country which,in gratitude,ought not toabandon us now to a strife so unequal.If more tallow is consumed,then there must be more oxen and sheep;andconsequently,we shall be hold the multiplication of artificial meadows,meat,wool,hides,and,a
24、bove all,manure,which is the basis and foundation of allagricultural wealth.The same remark applies to navigation.Thousand of vessels will proceed to the whale fishery;and,in a short time,we shall possess a navy capable of maintainingthe honor of France,and gratifying the patriotic aspirations of yo
25、ur petitioners,the undersigned candlemankers and others.Only have the goodness th relfect,Gentlemen,and you will be convinced that thereis perhaps,no Frenchman,from the wealth coalmaster to humblest vender of lucifermatches,whose lot will be ameliorater by success of this our petition.2003年国际贸易学综合试题
27、ival Contract),在这类合同下,卖方均无办理货运保险的义务。4、WTO海关估价协议规定了六种海关估价的办法,它们是进口商品的成交价格、相同商品的成交价格、类似商品的成交价格、倒扣法、计算价格法和合理办法。5、2002年6月经中国人民银行批准,渣打银行成为首家获准向中国内地居民和企业提供外币服务的外资银行。6、择期是一种可以放弃合约履行的外汇业务。三、单项选择题(每题1.5分,共6分)1、在垄断厂商的长期均衡产量上可以有:A 、P LACB、 P IB、DX+DIID、SX+SII四、多项选择题(每题2.5分,共10分)1、下列哪些项目可计入GDP:A、政府转移支付B、购买一辆新的载
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