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1、虚拟数字存储示波器中英文对照外文翻译文献中英文资料外文翻译文献 (文档含英文原文和中文翻译)Virtual-digital storage oscilloscopeVirtual digital storage oscilloscope-the structure and composition:Virtual digital oscilloscope PXI bus from a multi-functional data acquisition card and the corresponding software. They will be installed on a PC runni

2、ng Windows, constitutes a powerful can store digital oscilloscope.Data AcquisitionThe design of NI is used by the companys multi-purpose data acquisitioncardPXI-6670E, its main functions are as follows: 64-way single-ended / 32-way differential analog input; 12 accuracy; 1.25 MSPS sampling speed; 1.

3、25 MSPS disk write speed ; 0.05 10V input range; two-way 12 analog outputs; eight digital I/O.two-way 24 counter /timer.Functional equipment In this case virtual digital oscilloscope with real-time data acquisition, spectralanalysis and window treatment and filtering capabilities. In the virtual dig

4、ital oscilloscope main panel on data collection and analysis of the spectrum, and window processing, filtering and other function keys, according to the corresponding button we can enter into the appropriate sub-panel.Software Design and ImplementationVirtual digital oscilloscope software design bas

5、ed on the use of C-language programming environment LabWindows / CVI. LabWindows / CVI support numerical type, Boolean, and the string of text, and other data types, but the biggest advantage is through dialog forms of interactive operations generate standard C code. In addition LabWindows / CVI pro

6、vides a very rich debug tools, including single-step, breakpoints, variable view, monitor window, and so on, these features make the adjustment process has become more vulnerable.The main function modulesVirtual digital oscilloscope mainly by the software control signals the completion of the acquis

7、ition and display processing, data collection in the main panel to complete the following features: Setting up access, set up sampling frequency, set up a manner that waveform, data collection in the main panel to complete the following Features: Acquisition of real-time signal and the signal on its

8、 own spectrum analysis, see lines, and other functions, and window panels dealing with the acquisition of real-time signal and the signal to increase processing windows (including windows Haiming, Hamming window, Buiakean smoothing windows and window, etc.).Filtering in handling panel includes the f

9、ollowing features: the acquisition of real-time signal and the signal on its own filtering treatment (including single-step filtering, multi-step filtering method and tradit ional methods, etc.) The source files generated when the control panel to complete the set, you can have a function of the cod

10、e of procedure. Specific methods for: to have completed the panel as a response to the current state of the Code menu, select Generate in the All Code, in the pop-up dialog function selected in the main panel and withdraw from the function , And the user interface will be able to produce documents r

11、elative to the framework of the code function.Add the code generated automatically step on the corresponding control is a function of the framework, to make certain controls to complete the function, we must add code to control the controls. One main () function is the entrance procedures, it is the

12、 function of initialization procedures, loading the user and display panels, such as to complete other functions required to add code. Following the code for data acquisition functions, data acquisition process by calling the callback function button SHOU external acquisition.Software development en

13、vironment: virtual digital oscilloscope software design based on the use of C-language programming environment LabWindows / CVI. LabWindows / CVI support numerical type, Boolean, and the string of text, and other data types, but the biggest advantage is through dialog forms of interactive operations

14、 generate standard C code. In addition LabWindows / CVI provides a very rich debug tools, including single-step, breakpoints, variable view, monitor window, and so on, these features make the adjustment process has become more vulnerable.Have the function function with real-time display: Acquisition

15、 Acquisition signal to the input signal and real-time display in a PC terminal. digital filtering: IIR filter on the use of digital signal processing and real-time filtering, at the same time filter can be set up in the best approximation function type, filter type, order, from top to bottom cut-off

16、 frequency, and other parameters. latest wave show: to meet the transient waveform display, but can also be transient waveform to be saved. waveform storage: at any time after the original signal or signals to the LVM LabVIEW unique file format stored on the local hard drive, for future analysis or

17、processing. One transient signal to the cut-off wave after BMP format images stored in local hard上供view and analysis of the future. significant wave back: to keep the memory of the LVM format waveform re-read the document and then displayed on a PC client. spectrum analysis: After the filter frequen

18、cy signal respectively corresponding analysis and response analysis of the frequency and wave at the same time to show real-time manner and form.Basic principlesthe use of hardware acquisition card acquisition signals, using software provided by NI DAQmx READ acquisition signals, and then through Wa

19、veform Graphs to conduct real-time display. This has a basic oscilloscope, signal showed that after using Write To Measurement File waveform will be saved as LVM documents. This realization of the basic store function, but through Read To Measurement File can be read LVM, thus completing the echo fe

20、ature. As the hardware and the acquisition of PC-card-based, so the limit of sampling oscilloscopes in the rate, bandwidth, resolution, and other parameters is limited. And procedures on the response time is dependent on the PCs configuration and procedures for the implementation of efficiency.The m

21、ain function: DAQmx Read, Digital IIR Filter, Waveform Graphs, Write To Measurement File, Read To Measurement File, and other major function.Customizing the Waveform GraphThe waveform graph indicator displays the two signals. To indicate whichplot is the scaled signal and which is the simulated sign

22、al, you customizethe plots. Complete the following steps to customize the appearance of anindicator on the front panel.1. Move the cursor over the top of the plot legend on the waveform graph.Notice that while there are two plots on the graph, the plot legenddisplays only one plot.2. When a double-h

23、eaded arrow appears, shown in Figure 1-11, click anddrag the border of the plot legend until the second plot name appears.Figure 1-11. Expanding a Plot Legend3. Right-click the waveform graph and select Properties from theshortcut menu to display the Graph Properties dialog box.4. On the Plots tab,

24、select Sawtooth from the pull-down menu. Click theLine Color color box to display the color picker. Select a new linecolor.5. Select Sawtooth (Scaled) from the pull-down menu.6. Place a checkmark in the Dont use waveform names for plot namescheckbox.7. In the Name text box, delete the current label

25、and change the name ofthis plot to Scaled Sawtooth.8. Click the OK button to apply the current configuration and close theGraph Properties dialog box.Notice how the plot color on the front panel changes.9. Experiment with other properties of the graph by using the GraphProperties dialog box. For exa

26、mple, try disabling the autoscale featurelocated on the Scales tab.10. Click the Cancel button to avoid applying the changes you made whileexperimenting. If you want to keep the changes you made, click theOK button.11. Save and close this VI.Saving Data when Prompted by a UserComplete the following

27、steps to build a VI that logs data to a file when theuser clicks a button on the front panel.1. On the block diagram, double-click the Write LabVIEW MeasurementFile Express VI to access the Configure Write LabVIEWMeasurement File dialog box.2. Change the file name test.lvm to Selected Samples.lvm in

28、 theFile name text box to save the data to a different file.3. Close the Configure Write LabVIEW Measurement Filedialog box.4. Right-click the Signal input of the Write LabVIEW Measurement FileExpress VI. Select Insert Input/Output from the shortcut menu toinsert the Comment input.5. Right-click the

29、 Comment input of the Write LabVIEW MeasurementFile Express VI. Select Select Input/OutputEnable from theshortcut menu to insert the Enable input.In the previous exercise you learned to add inputs and outputs byexpanding the Express VI using the down arrows. Notice that thismethod is a different way

30、 of displaying and selecting the inputs andoutputs of an Express VI.The inputs and outputs of an Express VI appear in a predeterminedorder when you add new inputs and outputs. To select a specific input,you may need to add an input first, then change the input to the specificone you want to use.6. M

31、ove the Write to File terminal to the left of the Write LabVIEWMeasurement File Express VI.7. Wire the Write to File terminal to the Enable input of the WriteLabVIEW Measurement File Express VI.The block diagram should appear similar to Figure 2-6.Figure 2-6. Block Diagram for the Save Data VI8. Dis

32、play the front panel and run the VI. Click the Write to File buttonseveral times.9. Click the STOP button on the front panel.10. To view the data you saved, open the Selected Samples.lvm filewith a spreadsheet or word processing application.Notice how the Selected Samples.lvm file differs from thetest.lvm file. test.lvm recorded all the data generated by the SaveData VI, whereas Selected Samples.lvm only recorded the datawhen you pressed the Write to File button.11.

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