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1、完整版高中英语同义词大全327高中英语同义词大全 (1)able 能干的,有能力的capableabandon 放弃give upgive awayquitresignsurrenderadapt to 适应fit inadmit 承认acknowledgeabolish 废除do away withcast asideaboutas for 与 有关concerningin relation towith reference toin respect ofaccidentally 偶然,无意中occasionallyby chanceby accidentaccording to 根据bas

2、ed on basingdepending on in terms ofon the advice ofadmire 崇拜,钦佩adorelook up toadvantage 优点strengthplusexcellencedisadvantage 缺点shortcomingweaknessdrawbackadvice 建议suggestiontipproposaladvise 建议suggestproposerecommendadvise 说服persuadeconvinceaffect 影响effectinfluencehave an effect onimpactagainst / a

3、nti 反对,不同意disagree withdisapprove ofobject tobe opposed toopposeagree with 同意agree to do sthagree on doing sthapprove of for in favor ofsubscribe toallow 允许permitgive sb permissionshallahead of time 提前ahead of schedulein advancebeforehand bring forwardannounce 宣布declareall 所有的,全部的totalentireoveralle

4、very bit ofof allaltogether 总共in all in totalanyway 不管怎样anyhowin any casein any eventregardlessappear 出现turn upshow uparisearea 地区zoneregiondistrictneighborhood高中英语同义词大全(2)arrive 到达arrive inarrive atreach get toas soon as 一就the moment immediately on (doing sth)hardly when no sooner thanas long as 只要

5、so long asif onlyautumn 秋天fallcan do sth 能做某事be able to do sthbe capable of doing sthbe enough to do sthbe eager to 渴望long tolong fordesire to doban 禁止forbidprohibitmustntbecause 因为as since for in that now that thatbecause of 因为as a result ofdue toowing towhat withbecome 成为makepromisechange intotran

6、sform intobegin work 开始做某事begin to workbegin workingget down to workset about to doing sthbefore 在。的前面in front ofahead ofbelieve 相信be surebe certainbe confidentbe convincedbelieve in 信任trusthave faith inhave trust inhave belief inhave confidence inrely onbesides 此外,另外alsofurthermorewhats morein addi

7、tionmoreoverblame 责备scolddispraiseboring 无聊dulluninterestingbusinessman 商人dealermerchanttraderbut 但是,然而however 句首, 句中yetthough 句尾, 句中neverthelessbut for 要不是if it were not forbuy 买purchaseby no means 绝不,从不on no conditionat no timenevercancel 取消call offdeclare offtake care 当心 be carefullook outcatch 抓

8、住hold take seize grasp take hold ofseize hold ofcatch hold of高中英语同义词大全(3)cause 引起,导致start lead to result inbring aboutaccount forcelebrate 庆祝observechange 改变,转变transformvaryaltercheat 欺骗fool trick take in deceivechase 追赶pursuerun afterrace aftercheck 检查check overlook overexamineinspectclever 聪明的brig

9、htsmartwiseintelligentcompany 公司firmcorporationcompletely 完全地fully entirely totally to the fullestconsider 考虑think abouttake into considerationreflect ongive a thoughtconsult 咨询enquire aboutask aboutcontact 和联系contact with come into contact withget in touch withkeep in touch withcure 治疗treathealreme

10、dythe other day 前几天a few days agoevery day 每天each dayper day dailyday in, day outday in and day outin the day 在白天in the daytimeduring the dayat night 在夜间in the eveningduring the nightdecide to do sth 决定做某事decide on doing sthdetermine to do sthdetermine on doing sthdeclare 宣布announcehand downdelay 推迟

11、,延期postpone put offstand overdepend on 依靠rely on live on be dependent on bank oncount ondespite 虽然,尽管in spite ofdesire 渴望be eager tolong fordie fordetailed 详细in detailinjure sb 伤害某人hurt sbdamage sbharm sbdestroy 破坏(完全)damage 破坏(部分)ruin 破坏(逐渐)spoil 破坏 (假期)break 破坏(规则)difficult 困难的hardtough高中英语同义词大全(4

12、)disagree 不同意,反对oppose be opposed to object to againstdisease 疾病illnesssicknessdo sb good 对有益do good to sb be good for be of benefit to sbdoubt 怀疑suspectmistrustbe eager to do sth 渴望desire to do sthhave a desire to do sthlong to do sthencourage 鼓励inspireend 结束put an end toenough 足够的adequateplenty of

13、enter 进入get intoget insidego intocome intoespecially 特别,尤其是in specialin particularparticularlyenvy 嫉妒be jealous ofexcept 除了.之外other thanbutbesides 除了.之外 in addition toapart fromaside fromexpense 费用cost feefare 车费,船费,费用expect 等待,期待look forward towait for / awaitwatch forexcited 感到激动thrilledexpect 期待l

14、ook forward towait for / awaitwatch forenvy 嫉妒be jealous ofbe envious offace 面对be faced withbe headed forin fact 事实上as a matter of fact in reality actually in truth in practice in nature as it is practicallyfavour 偏爱preferhave a preference forpetface 面对be faced withoppositefear 害怕dreadbe afraid ofbe

15、 fearful ofbe terrified ofbe frightened ofbe scared offeel 感觉senseperceivefeel upset 感到沮丧feel depressedfeel frustratedfeel downfoolish 愚蠢stupidsillysenselessbe full of 充满be brimful ofbe filled with高中英语同义词大全(5)first 首先firstlyfirst of allabove allto begin within the first placefinally 最后at last in the

16、 end eventually lastly last of allfind 发现discoverspotfinish 完成complete accomplish achieve fulfill get throughbe finished withforbid 禁止 banprohibitforgive 原谅,宽恕excusehave mercy onfree 释放set freereleaselet gobe friendly to 对。友好be good tobe kind to高中英语同义词大全(6)get 获得,得到gain receive obtain attain acquire

17、get in 收获bring inharvestgoal 目标,目的aimpurposeintentiongraceful 优雅的elegantbe good atbe skilled inbe skillful atbe expert inhandle 处理do with deal with dispose ofattend tohappen 发生take place come into being come aboutoccurarisego forwardhappy 高兴glad pleased enjoyablejoyful cheerful delighted merryhappin

18、ess 高兴gladnessdelightwelfareenjoymentjoyhardly 几乎不barely rarely scarcely almost notnot nearlyharm sb 伤害某人hurt sbinjure sbdamage sbdo harm to sb 对。有害do sb harm be harmful to sbdo damage to sbhave 有,拥有ownpossessin possession ofto be honest 说实话to tell the truthhonestly speakingfrankly speakingto be sur

19、ehugeenormousvastignore 忽视,不理睬take no notice ofoverlookregardless ofjoin 参加join intake part intake an active part inbe active incompete inattendimmediately 立刻,马上instantly at once right away in no timeinsist on 坚持stick tohold onincrease to 上升到grow torise togo up toincreasingly 越来越more and moreinteres

20、ting 有趣的amusingentertainingfunnyinterrupt 插话cut inbreak inget in a wordget a word inthrow ininvestigate 调查survey look intosee into高中英语同义词大全(7)job 职业,工作workprofessionoccupationemploymentcareerjust now 刚才justa moment agoa short time agoonly justkeep 保持stay remainknow 知道be aware ofhave a knowledge ofbe

21、 conscious ofdont know 不知道have no ideabe at a lossbe unaware ofwonderleave for 离开去,出发去set out forset off forbe off tolike 喜欢loveenjoybe fond ofgo in forcare forrelishlook for 寻找ask forsearch for 搜查着找hunt for feel about for 摸索着找look through 浏览glance throughskim skim overscanno longer 不再not . any long

22、erno morenot . any morelose ones way 迷路lose oneselfbe lost get lostmany 许多many aa good manya great manya lot oflots ofa number ofmarry get married tobe married tomatch 比赛gamecompetitioncontestlikely 可能 possibleprobablemaybe 也许,大概perhaps probably possibly it is likely that it is possible thatmeantime

23、 同时meanwhileat the same timeat one timemainly 主要mostlylargelybasicallymeeting 会议conference 会议reception 招待会banquet / feast 宴会congress 国会,代表大会committee 委员会exhibition 展览会summit 峰会association 协会party / get-together 聚会forum 论坛,讨论会meantime 同时meanwhileat the same timeat one timemention 提到,提及refer torelatei

24、ndicate to高中英语同义词大全(8)whats more 另外,此外furthermorein additionalsomoreoverbesidesadditionallynearly 几乎almost pretty muchneed 需要in need of require demand call fornervous 紧张的tensestressfulobvious 明显的clearapparentevidentobviously 很明显clearly apparently evidentlygo on 继续carry onkeep oncontinuego aheadonly

25、仅仅just simply merely barelyor so 左右something likeaboutaroundotherwise 否则,要不然oror elseelsewiseordinary 普通的commonget outstep outgo outhead outpay attention to 注意,关注focus onconcentrate onnotekeep an eye ontake notice ofplayer 球员athlete 田径运动员sportsman 运动员competitor 竞赛者pleasant 令人愉快的entertainingenjoyable

26、please sb 使某人高兴enjoy sbdelight sbmake sb happy高中英语同义词大全(9)praise 表扬think highly ofspeak highly ofpressure 压力stresspurpose 目的intentiongoalaimquestion 问题problem issuematterquickly 迅速地fastrapidlyswiftlyphone sb 给某人打电话call sbring sb upmake a phone / call to sbpleasant 令人愉快的pleasingfragrantdelightfulprai

27、se 赞扬speak highly ofthink highly ofpresent 上交turn inhand inprevent 阻止stopkeep away frommake progress 取得进步make advancesprogressprotect 保护preserve in defence of (为辩护)protection 保护conservationoffer sb sth 提供给某人某物give sb sthprovide sb with sthsupply sb with sthpresent sb with sthreduce 减少,降低decrease bring down cut downdrop offprecious 珍贵的valuablerarepropose 提出suggestpresent come up with put forwardon purpose 故意by intention

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