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1、工程流体力学课程教学大纲双语工程流体力学课程教学大纲(双语)一、课程基本信息课程代码:050246课程名称:工程流体力学英文名称:Engineering Fluid Mechanics课程类别:专业基础课specialized basic course学 时:54Class hours: 54学分:3.0Credits: 3.0适用对象: 热能与动力工程专业的学生考核方式:考试 (平时成绩占总成绩的30%)先修课程:高等数学,大学物理,工程力学Pre-sessional course: Advanced Mathematics, University Physics, Engineering

2、Mechanics二、课程简介工程流体力学是研究流体(包括气体和流体)的平衡和运动规律的科学。它是一门横跨各领域,各不同专业的重要技术基础课。能源、动力、环境、设备、化工,航空、国防等领域均需要流体力学知识。热能与动力工程专业学生尤其需要流体力学知识作为工程设计或从事其他专业技术工作的理论基础。通过本课程的学习,使学生掌握流体力学的基本概念,基本原理和实验技能,为将来的学习和工作打下基础。本课程的前四章为双语教学。Course Description:Engineering Fluid Mechanics is the science of the law of equilibrium and

3、 motion of fluids, which include gases and liquids. It is an important basic technical course stretching across various field and various specialty. A knowledge of fluid mechanics is required in various fields such as energy, power, environment, industry, chemistry, building, aviation and national d

4、efense, etc. Students of Thermal Energy and Power Engineering Specialty need the knowledge of fluid mechanics in Engineering design or other technical work. This course provides students with basic concepts,basic theories and experimental techniques of fluid mechanics needed in future study or work.

5、 Chapter 1 to chapter 4 will be taught in both Chinese and English (bilingual education).三、课程性质与教学目的本课程是热能与动力工程专业的专业基础课。本课程的教学目的是:通过本课程的教学,使学生掌握流体力学的基本概念、基本原理和基本计算,具备一定的实验技能,培养学生分析问题和解决问题的能力以和创新能力,为后继专业课的学习以和将来从事专业技术工作打下基础。此外,通过本课程的的学习,还可以培养学生学会学习。Engineering Fluid Mechanics is the specialized basic

6、 course of Thermal Energy and Power Engineering. One objective of this course is to teach the basic concepts,basic theories, basic computational methods and experimental skills in Fluid Mechanics to TEPE-related major students. After this semester, students should be able to develop a sound understa

7、nding of and a good appreciation for the Fluid Mechanics field. Another objective of this course is to foster students problem solving, analysis and creative abilities, lay good foundation for the study of specialized course, and specialized technological job in the future. Whats more, learning to l

8、earn is still another objective of this course.四、教学内容和要求 Chapter 1 Introduction and Properties of Fluids(双语教学)(一)目的与要求know about: application of fluid mechanics, historical development of fluid mechanics, surface tensionbe acquainted with: properties of fluids, the continuum medium model of fluid, N

9、ewtonian fluid and non-Newtonian fluidunderstand: fluid viscosity, the concepts of ideal fluid and real fluid, compressible fluid and incompressible fluid, Newtons law of viscosity, the dynamic viscosity, the kinetic viscosity(二)教学内容1、主要内容:This chapter mainly represents the concept and developing hi

10、story of fluid mechanics, the application of fluid mechanics, the character and objective of this course, the research method of fluid mechanics. In this chapter we discuss a number of fundamental properties of fluids and the continuum medium model of fluid. Continuum medium model of fluid is the fo

11、undation of fluid mechanics. Based on this assumption, the concepts of ideal fluid and real fluid, compressible fluid and incompressible fluid, Newtonian fluid and non-Newtonian fluid are introduced.Chapter 1 Introduction and Properties of Fluids1.1 Application of Fluid Mechanics1.2 Historical Devel

12、opment of Fluid Mechanics(self-study)1.3 Objective of the Course1.4 Definition of Fluid(1) Definition of Fluid(2) Continuum Medium Model of Fluids 1.5 Density and Compressibility(1)Density Compressibility1) compressible fluid and incompressible fluid2) coefficient of volume compressibilityvolume mod

13、ulus of elasticity1.6 Viscosity(1) definition of viscosity(2) Newtons equation of viscosityNewton plate experiment and Newtons equation of viscositythe coefficient of viscosityKinetic Viscosity affecting factors of viscosity1.7 Surface Tension (self-study)2、基本概念和知识点:definition of fluid, density, com

14、pressibility, viscosity, Newtons law of viscosity, the dynamic viscosity, the kinetic viscosity, ideal fluid and real fluid, compressible fluid and incompressible fluid, Newtonian fluid and non-Newtonian fluid3、问题与应用:Is there energy loss for ideal fluid? Why?What are the factors to influence viscosi

15、ty of fluid? What is the change in viscosity due to temperature?Why is pressure-measuring tubes diameter not less than 1cm?(三)课后练习1.6,1.7,1.9,1.10,1.11,1.12(四)教学方法与手段分组讨论、课堂讨论、问题教学法Chapter 2 Fluid Statics (双语教学)(一)目的与要求know about: Fluid Equilibrium Differential Equation and its integration, various

16、kind of piezometer, ,pressure distribution in a relative equilibrium fluid, fluid static force on curved surface, Archimedes Principle, be acquainted with: types of forces acting on fluid, fluid static force on plane surface, absolute pressure and relative pressureunderstand: the characteristic of s

17、tatic pressure in fluid, pressure distribution in a static fluid, piezometric tube, U-tube piezometer, Differential Manometer, pressure prism(二)教学内容 1、主要内容:This chapter mainly represents forces acting on fluid and the mechanics law of fluid at rest. It focuses on the character of fluids static press

18、ure, the distribution law of static pressure, Euler differential equation of a fluid in equilibrium, the concept of equipressure surface, piezometer, the calculation method of the static resultant force exerted on plane or curved surface, and introduces the concepts submerged and floating bodies, Ar

19、chimedes Principle. Chapter 2 Fluid Statics2.1 Forces on Fluids(1) Mass force (2) Surface Force 2.2 Characters of Pressure of a Static Fluid at Rest 2.3 Fluid Equilibrium Differential Equations 2.3.1 Differential Equations of a Fluid in Equilibrium (Euler Equilibrium Equatio2.3.2 General Differentia

20、l Equations of a Fluid in Equilibrium 2.3.3 Equipressure Surface 2.4 Pressure Distribution in a Static Fluid 2.4.1 Pressure Distribution in a Static Fluid under Gravity 2.4.2 Pressure and its units 2.5 Pressure Distribution in a Relative Equilibrium Fluid 2.6 Piezometer 2.6.1 Piezometric Tube 2.6.2

21、Mercury Piezometer and U-tube Piezometer 2.6.3 Differential Manometer 2.6.4 Metal Piezometer (Pressure Gage) 2.6.5 Vacuum Gauge 2.7 Fluid Static Force on Plane Surface 2.8 Fluid Static Force on Curved Surface2.9 Archimedes Principle (1) Archimedes Principle (2) Buoyancy (3) Three States of Immersed

22、Bodies2、基本概念和知识点:forces acting on fluid, characters of pressure of a static fluid at rest, Euler differential equation of a fluid in equilibrium, equipressure surface, the distribution law of static pressure, piezometer, absolute pressure and relative pressure, fluid static force on plane surface, f

23、luid static force on curved surface3、问题与应用:What forces are there in static fluids at rest? What is a equipressure surface? What are the conditions for the equipressure surface?Is the equipressure surface in a relative equilibrium liquidhorizontal? Why?What are the conditions when equipressure surfac

24、e is horizontal?Is the pressure measured by a pressure gage or piezometer absolute pressure or relative pressure?(三)课后练习2.4,2.6,2.7,2.8,2.9,2.10,2.12,2.16,2.19,参考书:莫乃榕. 工程流体力学. 武汉:华中科技大学出版社, 2019中的选择题练习(四)教学方法与手段团队合作、分组讨论、课堂讨论、问题教学法Chapter 3 Basics of Fluid Dynamics(双语教学)(一)目的与要求know about: classifi

25、cation of fluid flow, Euler differential equation of motion and N-S equation based on Eulerian Method, the differential analysis method on fluid motion, the deduction of continuity equation , energy equation and momentum equationbe acquainted with: two describing methods of fluid motion, fluid syste

26、m and control volume, application of Bernoulli equation and continuity equationunderstand: basic concepts of fluid dynamics, continuity equation, Bernoulli equation of perfect fluid one-dimensional steady flow, Bernoulli Equation in viscous fluid steady total flow, the physics meaning of Bernoulli e

27、quation of the total steady flow(二)教学内容1、主要内容:This chapter is the foundation of fluid dynamics and of fluid mechanics application in engineering. It introduces two describing methods of fluid motion, basic types and basic concepts of fluid motion, continuity differential equation of motion, Euler di

28、fferential equation of motion and N-S equation based on Eulerian Method. It mainly uses the basic concept of Eulerian Method and the total flow analysis method to deduce three fundamental equations of total flow: continuity equation, energy equation and momentum equation. Meanwhile, it interprets th

29、e analytical calculations of the three fundamental equations in engineering application.Chapter 3 Basics of Fluid Dynamics3.1 Two description of Fluid Motion(1) Lagrangian Description of Motion (2) Euler Description of Motion 3.2 Basic Concepts of Fluid Flow (1) Streamline (2). Pathline(3).Streamtub

30、e(4) Total Flow(5)Cross Section(6) flow rate(7) Mean Velocity v3.3 Classification of Fluid Flow(1) Steady and Unsteady Flow (2) Uniform Flow and Non-uniform Flow (3) Gradually Varied Flow and Rapidly Varied Flow (4) One-dimensional Flow, Two-dimensional Flow and Three-dimensional Flow3.4 Fluid Syste

31、m and Control Volume (1) Control Volume: A fixed space region in the flow field.(2)Control Cross Section3.5 Continuity Equation 3.6 Bernoulli Equation of Perfect Fluid One-Dimensional Steady Flow(1) Integral of Euler Differential Equation of Motion(2)Physical meaning and Geometric meaning (3)Total F

32、low Analysis MethodBernoulli Equation in Viscous Fluid Steady Total Flow(1)Real Fluid Tube Flow Energy Equation (2) Head Line(3) Gas Flows Bernoulli Equation (4) steps for solving problems 3.8 Application of Bernoulli Equation (1)The Pitot Tube for Measuring Velocity (2)Venturi Meter 3.9 Momentum Equation 2、基本概念和知识点:Lagrangian Description of fluid motion, Euler Description of fluid mot

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