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1、上外杯初赛学校_ 姓名_ 准考证号_2014年“上外杯”上海市高三英语竞赛初赛试卷考生注意:一、本卷共13页,70小题,满分100分。答卷时间90分钟。二、本卷所有题目为选择题,请将所选答案用2B铅笔点涂在答题卡上。I. Grammar and Vocabulary(1*20)Directions:Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence. 1. Although h

2、is father is _ and his mother is_, Josh, like many other second-generation immigrants, sees himself as _. A. English a French an AmericanB. an English French AmericanC. an English a French AmericanD. English French an American2. The king of hearts is the only one of the kings in a set of playing car

3、ds who _ mustache. A. doesnt have B. dont have C. doesnt have a D. dont have a3. It was _ first discovered and published T.S. Eliots famous poem The Waste Land. A. them who B. they who C. them that D. theywhose4. His voice _ as he reaches puberty, the teen pop sensation is struggling to hit high not

4、es. A. breaks B. breaking C. has broken D. broken5. Only when the age-old distrust between the two nations is overcome _ to the area. A. lasting peace will be restored B. will lasting peace be restoredC.will be lasting peace restored D. will be restored lasting peace6.It is such a delicate face that

5、 the girl has _ she looks like someone straight out of a painting. A. as B. that C. which D. who7. Today, none of the artists other works is _ this one. A. fondly remembered as B. fondly remembered such asC. as fondly remembered as D. such fondly remembered as8. In the not-too-distant future, across

6、 the wasteland of _, a lone warrior must fight tosave the future of humanity.A. what once was America B. which once was America C. what America once was D. where once was America9. In order to be eligible to play in playoffs, players_ presentfor atleast 50 percent of games for the team they are regi

7、stered on.A. may have been B. must have been C. could have been D. should have been10. She saidshe would have sent a car for me _ that I was arriving today. A. if it didnt slip her mindB. if it werent to slip her mindC. had it not slipped her mindD. shouldnt it slipped her mind11. Unable to take his

8、 mind off things, Jacob lay _ half the night last night. A. woken B. awaken C. awake D. awoke12. It _ everyone that the couple, who always appeared very happy together, announced they were getting a divorce. A. entertained B. astonished C. frightened D. moved13. The only witness to the crime battled

9、 with his _ over whether he should testify in court. A. consciousness B. subconscious C. conscience D. intellect14. The store _ to refund your money if you are not satisfied with your purchase. A. guarantees B. proposes C. ceases D. threatens15. The companys share price _ overnight after it reported

10、a quarterly loss of $132 million.A. vibrated B. plunged C. resumed D. splurged16. The recipe book may tell you to add butter, but for those on a diet, there are a number of low-fat _ that can be used in this soup. A. alternatives B. selections C. productions D. utensils17. The final is also extremel

11、y important for the home team as they seek to _ the humiliating defeat a month ago at the hands of their long-timerivals. A. revenge B. repay C. avenge D. reverse18. The investigationconcluded that Dr. Dalton had been _ in not giving the patient a full examination, and for that the doctor has been s

12、uspended. A. sensitive B. cautious C. proficient D. negligent19. Ryan is the kind of person who always makes plans in advance, while his wife is much more _. A. generous B. simultaneous C. spontaneous D. glamorous20. In surveys, a majority of doctors express weakened enthusiasm for medicine and say

13、they would _ a friend or family member to enter the profession.A. prohibit B. discourage C. distinguish D. distractII. Cloze(1*30)Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the co

14、ntext. (A)Dogs are often said to look like their owners, but the breed someone chooses could also reveal key aspects of their personality, psychologists claim. They found that people _21_ different types of dogdepending on their lifestyle and character, though they typically dont realize it.Corgi ow

15、ners, such as the Queen, tend to be extroverted,_22_Sir Isaac Newtons Pomeraniancould have signaled that he was creative and intelligent, the study suggested.The Duke and Duchess of Cambridges choice of a cocker spaniel puppy, Lupo, may_23_that they are agreeable and conscientious, while owners of g

16、reyhounds and beagles are more likely to be emotionally stable.This could be because, like in a romantic relationship, we tend to _24_ ourselves with pets that we feel we share something in common with, researchers from Bath Spa University found.It could also _25_ our lifestyle, with active dogs lik

17、e retrievers and greyhounds appealing more to people who enjoy spending time _26_, they added.Dr. Lance Workman and Jo Fearon surveyed 1,000 dog owners via an online questionnaire on behalf of the Kennel Club.The questions were designed to test the so-called “Big Five” traits that _27_ our personali

18、ty: extroversion, agreeableness, emotional stability, conscientiousness and intelligence.Dr. Workman said there was a definite link between a dogs _28_and their owners personality.“I think when you look for a dog at some level, largely _29_, you look for something that is a bit like you,” he said. “

19、Its a bit like a romantic partner. If they _30_ they will probably last, and contrary to popular opinion, with romantic partners opposites dont attractyou need to have a lot _31_ if its going to last.”But it also has to suit your lifestyle, he added.If youre going to get a(n)_32_breed, you need to b

20、e an outdoortype person.Someones choice of dog could also reveal _33_ personality traits that do not immediately come across from watching them or listening to them speak.The Queens _34_ for corgis, for example, may signal that she is more extroverted than she appears to be, Dr. Workman explained.He

21、 said, “It takes a lot to get up and stand up in front of the number of people she does as often as she does, and give a good talk, and at the same time she has to be controlled as the head of state._35_ the minor royals can party, shes never been able to do that, so I think the personality that we

22、see appears less extroverted than she actually is.”21. A. are aware of B. are drawn towardsC. are compared to D. are disrespectful to 22. A. if B. while C. as if D. because23. A. confess B. propose C. reflect D. announce24. A. match B. contrast C. confuse D. provide25. A. change B. result in C. be d

23、own to D. interact with26. A. working B. planning C. indoors D. outdoors27. A. combine B. govern C. outweigh D. examine28. A. size B. breed C. temperament D. origin29. A. subconsciously B. knowingly C. indifferently D. distinctively30. A. figure out B. team upC. break down D. fit in31. A. in common

24、B. to offer C. at hand D. on hold32. A. fashionable B. luxurious C. energetic D. glamorous33. A. hidden B. positive C. negative D. evident34. A. tolerance B. capacity C. talent D. fondness35. A. Since B. Whereas C. For D. As long as(B) Many high achievers credit music with opening up the pathways to

25、 creative thinking. And their _36_ suggest that music training sharpens other qualities, such ascollaboration,the ability to listen,and a way of thinking that weaves together_37_. Will your school music program turn your kid into a Paul Allen, the billionaire co-founder of Microsoft (guitar)? Or a W

26、oody Allen (clarinet)? _38_. These are singular achievers. But the way these and other visionariesprocess music is _39_. As is the way many of them _40_ musics lessons of focus and discipline to new ways of thinking and communicatingeven problem solving.Look carefully and youll find musicians at the

27、 top of almost any _41_. Woody Allen performs weekly with a jazz band. The television broadcaster Paula Zahn (cello) and the NBC chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd (French horn) attended college on music scholarships.Microsofts Mr. Allen has a rock band. Larry Page, a co-founder of Google, p

28、layed saxophone in high school. Steven Spielberg is a clarinetist and son of a pianist. The former World Bank president James D. Wolfensohn has played cello at Carnegie Hall.“Its not a(n)_42_,” says Alan Greenspan, former chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve.Mr. Greenspanwas a professional clarinet

29、and saxophone player. “I can tell you as a statistician, the probability that that is mere chance is _43_.” The cautious former Fed chief adds, “Thats all that you can judge about the facts. The crucial question is: why does that _44_ exist?”Paul Allen offers an answer. He says music “reinforces you

30、rconfidencein the ability to _45_.” Mr. Allen began playing the violin at age seven and switched to the guitar as a teenager. Even in the early days of Microsoft, he would pick up his guitar at the end of marathon days of programming. The music was the emotional analog to his _46_, with each channel

31、ing a different type of creative impulse. _47_, there is “somethingpushing you to _48_ what currently exists and express yourself in a new way,” he says. The veteran advertising executive Steve Hayden_49_ his background as a cellist for his most famous work, the Apple “1984” commercial depicting rebellion against a dictator. He adds

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