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1、必修五重点词汇短语句子练习题docx人教版高中英语必修五复习资料Unit 1 Great scientistsI.重要词汇拓展1._ n. 特征;特性9. _n.指 ;指示;指令2._ n.10._n. 献;奉献3._ n. 出席 ;侍从 ;看 11._n. 造; 作4._ n. 暴露;揭穿;揭 12._ n. 心; 情5._a.可治愈的13._ a.小心的; 慎的6._a. 被吸收的 ;全神 注的14._ 拒 ; 弃;抛弃7._ a. 重的 ; 的 ; 烈的15._n. 建造 ;建筑 ; 构8._n. 宣布;宣告;通知16._n. 分析II. Great scientists重要短语1. p

2、ut _提出8. _ of view 度; 点2. in _ 另外9. be _ to暴露于3._ to an end 束10. be _ in全神 注于4._ .to . 将和 接11. _ into5._ from除之外12. be _ 反 6. be _ with 格的13. be _ about 心7. make _ 有道理 ; 得通14. be under _ 于控制之下III.重点句式梳理1.人 既不知道它的病源,也不了解它的治 方法。_ its cause _ its cure was understood.2.每次暴 (霍乱) ,都有大批惊恐的老百姓死去。So many tho

3、usands of terrified people died _ _ there was an outbreak.3. 翰斯 建 所有的水源都要 。John Snow suggested that the source of all the water supplies _ _.4.只有当你把太阳放在中心位置上,天空中其他行星的运 才能 得清楚。_ _ you put the sun there _ the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense.5.But he became _(inspire) when he thoug

4、ht about helping ordinary people _(expose) to cholera.6.He knew it would _ be controlled _ its cause was found.7.The second suggested that people _(absorb) this disease into their bodies with their meals.8.To prevent this from happening again, John Snow suggested that the source of all the water sup

5、plies_ (examine).9. Yet Copernicus theory is now the basis _ all our ideas of the universe are built.10. he found_(support) evidence from two other deaths that _ (link) to the Broad Street outbreak.11.He placed a _(fix) sun at the centre of the solar system with the planets _(go) round it and only t

6、he moon still going round the earth.12. , so he only published it as he _(lie, die) in 1543.13. The Christian Church _(reject) his theory, _(say) it was against God sidea and people who supported it would _(attack).IV . 重点句型 填空或完成句子1.( beat/defeat/conquer/win )By not working hard enough you _ your o

7、wn purpose.Some countries may be _ but can never be _.Who is _ the drum? He _ the first prize in the writing contest.1.(expose sth./sb./oneself (to . ; be exposed to) In summer, _ the sun can be very harmful to your skin. The soil was washed away by the flood, _bare rock.2.(cure, treat, heal 与 recov

8、er)盘尼西林治好了他的肺炎。 Penicillin _ _ _ his pneumonia.事故后卡车司机的擦伤得到了治疗。After the accident, the lorry driver _ _ for cuts and bruises. 他手指上的伤口很快愈合了。 The cut on his finger _ quickly.3.那个人看报纸太入神撞到了墙上。(absorb)Deeply _ in the newspaper, the man walked into a wall.他们聚精会神地看着电视里的表演,舍不得离开。They _ so deeply_ ( absorb)

9、 in watching the show on television that theyfound it hard to pull away.5.(affect, effect 与 influence)We are interested in the weather because it has direct _ _ us what we wear,what we do, and even how we feel. ( 对我们有直接影响 )6.We all feel it is Jack as well as his wife that_ (blame) for their son sbad

10、 performance at school.V.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1.John Snow told the story about the_ (astonish) people in Broad Street.2.Don t drink _ (pollute) water, because it carries the disease.3. Some of the people _ _ (invite) to the party couldn t come.4.There is a car _ (park) outside the house.5.We were _ (inspi

11、re) by the _ (inspire) news.6.Why are you looking so _ (disappoint)?7.Thousands of _ (terrify) people died.VI. 翻译句子1. 不要在太阳下暴露太久,你会被晒伤的。 (sunburn)_2.有组织的旅行就是由某人或某机构组织的旅行。_3.到了那时他才意识到造成的损失有多大。_4. 每当他遇到困难,他就会想起他的妈妈。 ( every time )_5.正在建造的那幢摩天大楼将比去年建的那幢还要高。_Unit 2 The United KingdomI重要词汇拓展1._n. 分离;分开6.

12、_adj. 便利的;方便的2._ n. 描写;描述7._ adj. 令人 /胆 的3._ n. 一致性 ; 性8._ adj. 高 的4._ n. 清楚 ; 明晰 ;清澈9._ a.有吸引力的 ; 人的5._ adj. 集体的10. _ n. 筹 ;安排;整理II.重要短语填空1._ of 由 成8. break _ from 脱;脱离2._ .into 把分成9. on special_特殊 合3. leave _ 漏 ; 掉 ;不考 10. have an _ on 有影响4._ down;出故障 ; 分解11. at your_ 在你方便 5. for _ 方便起 12. in/with

13、 _ to与有关6._ close to 接近;几乎13. under _在建 中7. take the _ of 代替;取代14. to ones _ 得称道的是III重点句型1.再也没有什么必要争 什么要用不同的 去描述 四个国家了。There is _ _ to debate any more why different words are used to describe the fourcountries.2. 三个国家 自己并没有通 争就和平 一起来了。The three countries _ _ _ peacefully instead of by war.3. 似乎很奇怪:

14、位 展了共 主 的人竟然在 敦生活 ,并且在 敦去世。It seemed strange that the man who had developed communism _ _ _and died in London.4.It s a pity that the industrial cities_(build) in the nineteenth century do not attract visitors.5.You find most of the population _(settle) in the south.6.You must keep your eyes open if

15、you are going to make your trip to the United Kingdom _(enjoy) and worthwhile.7._(worry) about the time available, Zhang Pingyu _(make) a list of the sites she wanted to see in London .8.It looked splendid when first _(build).9._ interested her most was the longitude line.IV . 填空练习1.The United Natio

16、ns Organization consists _ over 160 nations.2.Our greatest happiness consists _ serving the people.3.Health doesntconsist _ smoking.4.如今,只要有人提起英格 ,你就会 威 士 是包括在内的。Now when people refer to England you find Wales _(include) as well.5.Thieves broke _ the house when the couple were watching TV .6.A quarr

17、el broke _ between them.7.The soldiers broke_ the enemy s defense works.8.The school has broken _ for the holidays.9.Dad would occasionally break _ with a suggestion.10.Tom broke _ the door of our classroom last week.11.Come and see me _it is convenient to you.V.同义句转换1.How many countries does the UK

18、 consist of?How many countries is the UK _ _ _?2.For those you have to go to older but smaller towns first built by the Romans. to older but smaller towns _ _first _by the Romans.3.Worried about the time available, Zhang Pingyu had listed the sites she wanted to see in London. Because she _ _ about

19、the time available, Zhang Pingyu had made a _ the sites she wanted to see in London.4.On my way to the station something was wrong with his car. On my way to the station his car _ _.5.When she saw many visitors enjoying looking at the beautiful old Chinese pots and other objects on show, she felt ve

20、ry proud of her country._ many visitors enjoying looking at the beautiful old Chinese pots and other objectson show, she took _ _ her country.VI 翻译句子1. 在 个 中,有一个字母漏掉了。 _2.未来,地 将会逐步取代公共汽 ,成 人 的主要交通工具。_3.如果你 那 工作的 ,你的身体很快会 下来的。_4.噪音那么多,以至于演 者无法使自己被听众听清楚。_Unit 3 Life in the futureI.重要词汇拓展1._ n. 定居;解决5.

21、_ n. 力2._ a. 人深刻印象的6._ n. 主 者3._ n. 定性;持久性7._ v. 代表;表 4._a. 的;周 的8._v. 刺激;使有 机II.重点短语填空1._ up 拿起 ;从事 ;接受 ;12. be e_ for 很重要2. lose _ of . 忽略 /看不 12._ no time 立刻; 上3. in all_从四面八方 ;全面地13. be _ with装 着4._ up打 ;横 14._ off 散 (气味)5._ up加速15._ from遭受;蒙受6._ in 帮助;援助; 助16. in _ _立即; 上7. space _ 宇航局;航天局17. b

22、e _ to do ;非不可 . 把 18._ with/to作比 ;比作9. be _ about 19. be d_ of 被 理 ;被解决10. be _ to 与很相似20. make an _ on. 留下印象III.完成句子1.空气似乎很稀薄,好像在混合的气体中剩下的氧气很少。The air seemed thin, _ _ its combination of gases had little oxygen _.2.因 担心 次旅行, 几天我感到心 不宁。_ _ the journey , I was unsettled for the first few days.3.当到了一个看上去像大市 的地方 ,因有太多气 从四面八方 来,我看不到王平了。I lost sight of Wang Ping when we reached _ looks like a large market _ _too many carriages flying by in all directions.4.我 是不能相信我是在接受去年 得的 个 励。5. 工作占去了整个星期天。

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