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1、高中英语必背短语1.有能力做某事be able to do sth/be capable of doing sth2.尽某人最大努力做某事try/do ones best to do sth3.习惯于做某事be used to doing sth/be accustomed to doing sth4.取得重大成就make a great achievement/make great achievements5.采取行动做某事take action to do sth/take measures to do sth 6.积极参与take an active part in7.另外,还有in a

2、ddition to /besides/whats more/moreover8.被大学录取/考入大学get into a key university/be admitted to a key university9.预先/提前in advance/ahead of time10.充分利用take advantage of / make use of11.建议某人做某事advise sb to do sth12.与.相处融洽/进展顺利get along with sb/sth13.对.很惊讶be surprised / amazed / astonished at.14.为.而担心worry

3、 about/be worried about15.向某人道歉apologize to sb for sth/make an apology to sb for sth16.向某人道谢be grateful to sb/express(extend) ones gratitude to sb17.申请工作/职位apply for the job/position18.申请表application form19.与某人有约make an appointment with sb20.实际上in fact/as a matter of fact21.因此therefore, 22.尝试做某事atte

4、mpt to do sth/make an attempt to do sth23.决定做某事 decide to do sth/make a decision to do sth/make up ones mind to do sth24.使某人受益benefit sb25.从.中受益benefit from26.对.有益be beneficial to sb/sth27.做一个简单介绍make a brief introduction28.忙于做某事be busy doing/be busy with sth29.面对挑战face the challenge30.错失良机miss the

5、golden chance/opportunity31.考试作弊cheat in the exam32.有一个更好的选择have a better choice33.选择做某事choose to do sth34.关于,谈到when it comes to .,35.对英语掌握地很好have a good command of English 36.与某人交流communicate with sb37.改善人民的生活条件improve peoples living conditions38.充满信心be confident of./have confidence in.39.祝贺某人某事con

6、gratulate sb on sth40.相反地on the contrary41.有助于contribute to 42.文化差异cultural difference43.社会习俗social customs44.从早到晚from dawn to dark45.在白天in the daytime46.如何处理how to deal with/what to do with47.令某人高兴的是to ones delight48.依赖,取决于depend on49.渴望做某事desire to do sth50.详细地in detail51.渴望取得进步be eager to do sth5

7、2.随着社会的发展with the development of the society53.全身心奉献于devote oneself to doing sth54.起很大作用make a great difference55.做.有困难have difficulty in doing56.某职位的候选人the candidate for the position/job57.集中注意力与concentrate on58.毫无疑问there is no doubt that.59.全力以赴做某事make all efforts to do sth/make every effort to do

8、 sth60.鼓励某人做某事encourage sb to do sth61.最后,最终in the end/at last/finally/last but not least62.很明显its evident/clear/obvious that63.个人经历personal experience64.因.而出名be famous for65.作为.而出名be famous as66.就我所知as far as I know67.就我而言as far as Im concerned68.想要做某事feel like doing sth/would like to do sth69.欢度传统

9、节日observe the traditonal festivals70.搞清楚,弄明白find out71.首先first of all72.集中于上focus on73.听从别人的建议follow ones advice74.喜欢be fond of 75.盼望做某事look forward to doing sth76.对某人友好be friendly to sb77.从头到尾from beginning to end78.时不时地from time to time79.取笑make fun of 80.做进一步的努力make further progress81.在不久的未来in th

10、e near future82.一般地in general/generally speaking83.在某方面有天赋have a great gift in doing sth84.实现某人做某事的目标achieve ones goal to do sth85.对.有好处be good for/do good to 86.对孩子的成长有好处have a great effect on childrens growth87.养成.习惯get into the habit of doing sth88.对.有害do harm to /he harmful to 89.坚持你的梦想hold on t

11、o your dream90.老实说to be honest91.拓宽别人的视野broaden ones horizon92.幽默感the sense of humor93.忽略做某事的重要性ignore the importance of sth94.对某人产生极大的影响have a great influence/effect on sb95.非常重要be of great importance96.对印象深刻be impressed by97.工业的极大发展the great development of industry98.通过因特网交友make friends through th

12、e internet99.掌握某方面have a good command of sth100.渴望做某事long to do sth /long for sth101.灰心lose heart102.维持良好的关系maintain the good relationship103.设法成功做某事manage to do sth104.打算去做某事mean to do sth105.与此同时at the same time/in the meantime106.学习方法learning methods107.现代社会modern society108.目前,此刻at the moment109

13、.参观博物馆pay a visit to the museum110.当选为学生会主席be elected chairman of the Student Union111.帮助有苦难的学生help the students in trouble112.梦想成真make ones dreams come true/realize ones dreams113.说实话to tell the truth114.非常有价值be of great value115.一次难以置信的经历an unbelievable experience116.对学生要求很严格be strict with sb117.成

14、功地做了某事succeed in doing sth/be successful in doing 118.根据最近一项调查的结果according to the result of the recent survey119.在交通事故中受重伤be seriously injured in the traffic accident120.缺钱be short of money121.克服某人自身的缺点overcome ones own shortcomings122.在业余时间训练说英语practice speaking English in ones spare time123.作一个很棒的

15、演讲give/make a wonderful speech124.消除坏习惯get rid of bad habits125.随着科技的发展with the development of the science and technology126.计划做某事plan to do sth127.在年轻粉丝中很受欢迎be popular with the young fans128.对持有积极态度show a positive attitude to sth/sb129.某人的潜能ones potential ability130.因表扬某人praise sb for sth131.珍惜时光va

16、lue the precious time 132.现在at present133.以.为骄傲,自豪take pride in/be proud of 134.取得巨大进步make great/rapid progress135.意识到遵守交通规则的重要性realize the importance of observing the traffic regulations136.一对,两三个a couple of 137.做某事最好的方式the best way to do sth/the best way of doing 138.有能力做某事have the ability to do sth139.多种多样的a variety of 140.一系列a series of 141.上网surf the Internet

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