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1、广州小学五年级英语上总复习Module 4词组:leave for on foot a day trip shopping centre句型:-How can we get to ?/ How are you going to get there?-By plane/ train/ bus/ car/ bike/ underground/ ship.(On foot)时间表达方式:7:00 seven oclock 12:05 five past twelve6:15 a quarter past six 8:40 twenty to nine2:30 half past two一般将来时一.

2、意义:表示将来某个时间要发生的动作,常与表示将来的时间状语连用。如tomorrow , soon ,next Monday , next year , next weekend , this afternoon , this evening 二. 构成及变化【一般将来时常用的两种结构】1. be going to+动词原形(打算做的事/即将发生/肯定要发生的事).肯定句:主语+ be(am /,is,/ are) going to +动词原形+其它My sister is going to learn English next year.姐姐准备明年学英语。.否定句:主语+be(am / is

3、 / are)not going to +动词原形+其它I am not going to the cinema tonight. 我今天晚上不去看电影。.一般疑问句:Be (am / is / are)+主语+going to+动词原型+其它?Is your father going to play basketball with you ? No , he isnt.特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词(Wh-)+一般疑问句 ?Where are you going to spend Spring Fesital?春节你打算在哪过?2. will+动词原形(将要发生的动作或情况,较少计划性, 还用来表示

4、意愿)。.肯定句:主语+will+动词原形+其它成份I (shall) write to him next week. 下周我将给他写信。.否定句:主语 + will + not + 动词原形 +其它成份 They wont watch TV this evening.今天晚上他们不看电视。.一般疑问句:will +主语 +动词原形+其它成份Will you stay at home with us tomorrow?明天呆在家里好吗?.特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词(Wh-) +一般疑问句When will your father be back? 你爸爸什么时侯回来?Module 5单词动物:pa

5、nda, bear, lion, elephant, giraffe, deer, snake, kangaroo, frog, turtle, monkey各大洲:Africa, Europe, Asia, North America, South America, the Antarctic词组:Why not? (Why not go to the zoo this weekend?)Who knows? 谁知道呢?句型:-Where is from? (Where is the panda from?)-Its from . (It is from China.)祈使句 (表示请求、命

6、令、建议、禁止等,用动词原型)Come here.Dont forget.Dont be late.Module 6 Directions(单词)场所:hotel, train station, police station, bookshop, restaurant, post office, bank, market, cinema, hospital, gym, lab句型:Im lost.我迷路了。 by the way顺便说一下问路:-Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the zoo?-Can you tell me how to get

7、 to ?回答:go straight ahead take the first left turn right/ left Its on your right. You can walk there/ go there on foot/ take a No. 1 bus to get there.-Thank you,-Youre welcome.一、特殊疑问词what(什么) who(谁) which(哪个) where(哪里)why (为什么) whose(谁的) when (何时) how (如何)How many(多少个) How much (多少钱)What 引导的疑问句1.Wha

8、ts your name? 2.What are you doing? 3. What do you do on the weekends?4. What would you like? 5. What color is it? 6. What is the weather like today?who引导的问句1. Who can clean the room? 2. Who is she? 3. Who is that?Which引导的问句1. Which bike do you like? 2. Which season do you like best? Where引导的问句1. Wh

9、ere is my key? 2. Where are they?why引导的问句1. Why do you like summer?whose引导的问句1. Whose T-shirt is this?2. Whose birthday is in June?when引导的问句1.When is your birthday?2. When is Teachers day? 3. When do you get up?How 引导的问句1. How old are you? 2. How about you?How many引导的问句1. How many books do you have?

10、2. How many students are there in your school?How much引导的问句1. How much is it?2. How much are they?How, what 引导的感叹句:1.How beautiful! 2. What a big fish!词汇部分一 找出每组中发音与其他不同的单词( ) 1 A date B take C travel D snake( ) 2 A German B brother C sister D mother( ) 3 A short B sport C work D forget( ) 4 A pleas

11、e Bready C leave D speak( ) 5 A hear B bear C near D dear ( ) 6 A father B think C three D throw( ) 7 A zoo B school C too D good( ) 8 A book B kangaroo C cook D look( ) 9 A cow B now C grow D flower ( ) 10 A hill B tiger C tiger D line 二 选出每组中与其他单词不同类的词( ) 1 A never B often C always D tomorrow( ) 2

12、 A pear B photo C tomato D potato ( ) 3 A pick B leave C sleep D tiger ( ) 4 A mother B robot C cousin D grandma( ) 5 A rose B sunflower C tulip D banyan( ) 6 A July B May C April D Mary( ) 7 A forty B third C second D twelfth( ) 8 A winter B summer C holiday D Saturday( ) 9 A Monday B weekend C Fri

13、day D Saturday( ) 10 A hill B flower C thing D grass ( ) 11 A train B foot C bus D underground( ) 12 A New Year B Mothers Day C date D Childrens Day( ) 13 A yours B you C she D they( ) 14 A June B November C spring D August( ) 15 A high B low C fast D gift ( ) 16 A postman B woman C fireman D police

14、man ( ) 17 A road B bookshop C hotel D bank( ) 18 A jump B sing C run D swimming ( ) 19 A kangaroo B turtle C animal D monkey( ) 20 A can B read C write D listen 三 根据提示词给下列单词分类,把单词的字母编号写在表格内A winter B museum C February D autumn E March F January G running H banyan I spring J hospital K swimming L gi

15、raffe M flower N turtle O kangaroo P grass R skiing Animal Months Sports Plants Seasons Places 四 写出下列序数词 one eight forty two nine sixty-one three twelve thirty-four five twenty fifty-five1 The _(one, first) from the right is my brother Mike2 There are _(seven, seventh) people in my family. Im the _(

16、two, second) son of my father.3 there are _( twenty, twentieth) classrooms in our school. My classroom is on the ( three, third) floor.4 Mr Li is the oldest teacher in our school. He is _(fifthy-five, fifty fifth) years old.5 The _(fourth, four) month of the year is April.6 There are _(five, fifth)

17、girls in the classroom.7 My cousin has _(six, sixth) green birds8 The _(twelve, twelfth) book from the left is an English book.9 Can you count from one to _(one hundred, one hundredth)?10 How old are you? I am _(ten, tenth)五 写出下列节日的日期New Years Day Womens Day May Day Childrens Day Teachers Day 六 按照句子

18、意思写出所缺的单词1 We have _ school terms in China, the spring term and the _ term.2 There are _ months in a year and the twelfth month is _.3 Mothers Day is on the _Sunday of _.4 Summer holiday starts in _ and ends in _.5 Kapok is the _ _ of Guangzhou.6 _ _looks like a bear. But it is white and lives in Ar

19、ctic.七把下面的词组或者短语翻译成英文去上班 读点书 做面条 多经常 下课后 去散步 锻炼身体 秋季学期 度假 跳得非常远 飞得非常高 和.交谈 用腿走路 用英语讲故事 拍照 休息一会 当然 种树 浇花 打算 排队 摘花 看上去像 睡在长凳上 出发前往 到达 五点半 七点四十五分 乘坐火车 步行 和在一起 呆在家 喂动物 别迟到 别走得太近 来自 明天见 为什么不 拐右 在第一个路口拐左 在酒店外面 坐561号汽车 劳驾 顺便问问 不用谢 见个朋友 八 根据中文提示补全句子,可不止写一个单词1 I drink coffee _(相当经常)2 Its the _(动物园规则)3 The bo

20、ys often play football _(下课后)4 Kapok is _(市花) of Guangzhou5 We can _(种向日葵) beside the door6 The man goes to work _(步行) every day7 What time is it? Its _(八点半)8 We are going to visit _(世界之窗)9 You can go to Beijing _(乘火车)10 You cant sleep _(在长凳上)11 Frog can _(跳得高)12 The first term begins _(在九月)13 _(顺便问

21、问) , is there a toile t near here?14 The _(科学实验室) is just next to the library.15 Dont _(丢垃圾) in the hotel.16 _(拐右) out of the hotel 17 Can you _(明白你的老师)18 Can you tell me the way to the _(警察局)19 They _(看起来象) cups.20 You can go to the _(市中心) by train21 _(你想要) go shopping with me?22 Can you _(讲故事)23 I

22、 want to go to the _(花展) with my mother24 Can you _(说日语)25 The boy cant _(爬树)九 选择正确的介词填空 for to in with at on 1 Would you like _ come to my house tomorrow2 My father usually goes to work _8:003 Tulips grow _ spring4 Where are you going _holiday5 Today is the fifth _ June6 Army Day in China is _ July

23、 1st 7 The hotel is _ your left8 Can the robot work _his hands9 He can sing _ Japanese10 Lets take some photos _the flowers11 Dont sit _the grass12 Well go to the park _ our lesson today13 The spring term starts _February14 Turn right out _ the school and go straight15 Ill leave _ Hong Kong next Monday16 He is going to stay _ home _his mother.17 Tomorrow is the start _summer holiday18 Can we meet _the gate of the hospital ?(二)综合部分一 按照梨子,写出动词的第三人称单数形式及现在分词形式Model : tell-tells tellingstart _ _ go _ _ fly_ _ write _ _ use_

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