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1、初三英语重点短语总结初三英语重点短语总结 在初三时期,课堂课后,慢慢总结记忆住大量的英语短语。下面是我给大家整理的,供大家参阅! 初三英语核心短语 1. 出发,启程 set out 2. 分离,隔开 separate from 3. 帮助解决问题的朋友 a friend helping me with a problem 4. 符合严厉老师的标准 meet the standards of a strict teacher 5. 射入两个球 score two goals 6. 弹奏电子琴 play the keyboard 7. 休息一下 take a break 8. 教学方法 teach

2、ing methodsw 9. 给了明确的指导 give really clear instructions 10. 对. 耐心 be patient with 11. 解出答案 work out the answers 12. 下更大的功夫 put in more effort 13. 去购物 go shopping 14. 准时上早读 on time for morning reading 15. 为.做准备 prepare for 16. 英语成绩差 get poor grades in English 17. 在.方面有问题 have problems with 18. 在. 的帮助下

3、 with one,s help 19. 在年末 at the end of the year 20. 期盼 look forward to doing 21. 取得商业学位get a business degree 22. 接受邀请 accept the invitation 23. 参加毕业典礼 attend the graduation ceremony 24. 精力充沛,渴求知识full of energy and thirsty for knowledge 25. 对未来充满希望 full of hope for the future 26. 放弃 give up 27. 分道扬镳

4、go your separate way 28. 分离,与.分开 separate from 29. 对.有害 be harmful to 30. 食物链 the food chain 31. 关掉 turn off 32. 采取行动 take action 33. 好好利用某物 put sth to good use 34. 恢复,使想起,归还 bring back 35. 垃圾成堆 full of rubbish 36. 从错误中吸取教训 learn from your mistakes 37. 使他惊讶和松口气的是 to his surprise and relief 38. 在一个成功

5、的团队 on a winning team 39. 轻柔的钢琴音乐 soft piano music 40. 捎某人一程 give sb a lift 41. 赶到,露面 show up 42. 化妆晚会 costume party 43. 充满意外 full of the unexpected 44. 发出响声 go off 45. 穿上 put on 46. 上课迟到五分钟 be five minutes late for class 47. 即将做某事 be about to do sth 48. 发生什么事,进展怎么样 what,s going on 49. 变成. Turn into

6、 50. 忘记喂狗 forget to feed her dog 初三英语重点短语 1. 醒来 wake up 2. 查明/弄清情况 find out 3. 决定做 decide to do sth 4. 改变的生活 change ones life 5. 承诺做 promises to do sth 6. 真需要 in need 7. 对待 treat sb with +adj 8. 的开端 the beginning of 9. 产生新生命 give birth to life 10. 的象征 a symbol of 11. 不但而且 not only but also 12. 结果 as

7、 a result 13. 圣诞节前夕 Christmas Eve 14. 和合作/ 和一起工作 work with 15. 制作单词卡 make word cards 16. 读教科书 read the textbook 17. 听磁带 listen to the tape 18. 向寻求/要 ask sb for 19. 为考试做准备/备考 study for a test 20. 看录像 watch the videos 21. 和谈话 have conversations with sb 22. 大声朗读 read aloud 23. 练习发音 practice pronunciati

8、on 24. 学到很多 learn a lot 25. 口语表达能力 speaking skills 26. 英语口语 spoken English 27. 有点儿紧张 a little nervous 28. 作报告 give a report 29. 听报告 have a report 30. 知道大意 get the main ideas 31. 首先 at first 32. 使用字典 use a dictionary 33. 读句子 read the sentences 34. 要耐心 be patient 35. 越多越快 The more the faster 36. 发现学英语

9、难 find it difficult to learn 37. 在英语课上 in English class 38. 学习语言的秘密 the secret to language learning 39. 如此以至于 so . that 40. 大部分时间 most of time 41. 害怕 be afraid of sth 42. 害怕做be afraid to do sth=be afraid doing sth 43. 由于/因为 because of 44. 我糟糕的发音 my poor pronunciation 45. 埋头在教科 hide behind the textbo

10、ok 46. 令人兴奋和有趣的电exciting and funny movies 47. 爱上 fall in love with 48. 肢体语言 body language 49. 脸上的表情 expressions on their faces 50. 得到/知道意思 get the meaning 51. 有用的句子 the useful sentences 52. 小菜一碟 a piece of cake 53. 你活该 It serves you right 54. 查阅字典 look up 55. 以便于 so that 56. 更好地理解英语电影 have a better

11、understanding of English movies 57. 改善我的发音improve my pronunciation 58. 词组 word groups 59. 练习讲英语 practice speaking English 60. 提高写作 improve ones writing 61. 练习听力 practice listening 62. 学习语法 learn grammar 63. 看英语节目 watch English programs 64. 大声重复 repeat out loud 65. 记/做笔记 take notes 66. 做练习 do exercis

12、es 67. 大量阅读 read a lot 68. 给笔友写点子邮件 write e-mails to sb 69. 和讲英语 speak English with sb 70. 记忆句型 memory sentences patterns 71. 用英语记笔记 take notes in English 72. 用英语记日记 keep a diary English 73. 使用英语字典 use an English dictionary 74. ask sb. for help 请求某人的帮助. 75. read the textbook 读课文 76. mprove one s spe

13、aking skills 提髙某人说的能力 77. poken English 英语口语 78. get the main ideas 抓住主题 79. ad word by word 逐字逐句地读 80. the secret to language learning 语言学习的诀转 81. fall in love with. . 爱上 82. body language 肢体语言 83. look them up in a dictionary 在词典里查阅它们 84. 17 make mistakes in grammar 犯语法错误 85. learning habits 学习习惯

14、86. have sth. in common 有.共同,点 87. pay attention to 注意 88. connect. with. .把.与.联系起来 89. get bored 变得无聊 90. write down key words 摘抄重点词 91. after class 课后 92. be interested in 对.感兴趣 93. in class 在课堂上 94. do sth. on ones own 独立做某事 95. do sth. bit by bit 慢慢地做某事 96. do sth. over and over again 一遍又一遍地做某事

15、97. worry about. , 为.而担忧 98. depend on 依赖;取决于 99. Practce makes perfect. 熟能生巧 100. the ability to learn 学习能力 初三英语高频短语 1. 不应该允许做 should allow sb not to do 2. 十六岁的孩子们 sixteen-years old 3. 兼职工作 part-time job/work 4. 扎耳眼 get ones ears pieced 5. 足够认真 be serious enough 6. 和朋友度过时 spend tome with friends 7.

16、 需要时间去做 need tome to do sth 8. 停止做 stop doing sth 9. 对感到兴奋 be excited about sth 10. 拍照 takes photos 11. 使用闪光板灯 use a flash 12. 小婴儿 a tiny baby 13. 整夜 all night 14. 带在我身边 stay by my side 15. 温暖怀抱里入眠 warm arms to sleep in 16. 确定/确认 make sure/ be sure 17. 举起 lift up 18. 咳嗽得厉害 cough badly/cough a lot 19

17、. 大声地顶嘴 talk back loudly 20. 给东西 give sth to sb 21. 噩梦 awful dream 22. 生气的喊道 shout back angrily 23. 和朋友出去 go out with friends 24. 回想起 think back to sth 25. 上学迟到 be late for school 26. 呆在外面 stay out 27. 后悔做了 regret doing sth 28. 后悔做没做 regret to sth 29. 给机会做 give sb a chance to do sth 30. 搬出去 move out

18、 31. 照顾自己 take care of/ look after 32. 驾驭自己的生活 manage ones life 33. 上课迟到 be late class 34. 和朋友一起学习 study with friends 35. 早早的完成考试 finish a test early 36. 担心 worry about sb/ sth 37. 考试失败 fail the test 38. 参加考试 take the test 39. 通过考试 pass the test 40. 数学考试失败 fail a math test 41. 缓考 take the test late

19、42. 对某人要求严格 be strict with sb 43. 想成为 be strict in sth 44. 职业赛跑运动员 a professional runner 45. 长大 grow up 46. 过多的训练 train so much 47. 不反对做 have nothing against doing 48. 最终 end up 49. 对认真 be serious about sth 50. 在上花费时间 spend time on sth 51. 做选择 make this choice 52. 有机会做 have a chance to do sth 53. 实现

20、梦想 achieve ones dream 54. 鼓励某人做 encourage sb to sth 55. 被发明 be invented by sb 56. 具有特殊跟的鞋 shoes with special heels 57. 我很荣幸 My pleasure! 58. 似乎 seem to do sth/ seem that 59. 偶然的/意外的 by accident 60. 据说 Its said that 61. 在户外的火上 over an open fire 62. 茶圣 the saint of tea 63. 发生 take place 64. 以很低的价格 at

21、a low price 65. 建议不要做 advise sb not to do sth 66. 和相似 be similar to 67. 足够的咸 salty enough 68. 最后 in the end 69. 人们相信 Its believed that 70. 在室内坚硬的地板上 inside on a hard floor 71. 与此同时 at the same time 72. 的梦想 the dream of 73. 一双/一对 a pair of 74. 避免做 avoid doing sth 75. 擅长做 be good at doing sth 76. 在将来

22、in the future 77. 看望某人 visit sb 78. 购物经历 shopping experiences 79. 怎样做风筝 how to make a kite 80. 放风筝 fly a kite 81. 特殊传统方式 the special forms of traditional 82. 例如 such as/ for example 83. 首次被使用 be first used by sb 84. 升入到里 fall into 85. 贴上 put sth on 86. 中国童话 Chinese fairy tale 87. 在很高的温度下 at a very h

23、igh heat 88. 被用于做 be used for doing sth 89. 被覆盖 be covered with 90. 的样式 the style of 91. 考虑/想 think of/ think about 92. 日常生活 daily life 93. 传播到 spread sth to sp 94. 最受欢迎的饮料 the most popular drink 95. 作为饮料 as a drink 96. 掉入里/落入/陷入 fall into 97. 被带到 be brought to sp 98. 毫无疑问/确信 without doubt 99. 建议做 a

24、dvise sb to do sth 100. 突然/猛地 all of a sudden 初三英语必备短语 1. 欢迎晚会 the welcome party 2. 交朋友 make friends 3. 被期待着 be expected to do 4. 伸手 hold hand 5. 使惊讶的是 to ones surprise 6. 晚到点 arrive a bit late 7. 做计划做 make plans to do sth 8. 按时/准时 on time 9. 邀请某人做 invite sb to do sth 10. 避开交通高峰期 avoid heavy traffic

25、 11. 用手拿饭吃 eat with ones hand 12. 插入里 stick sth into 13. 在盘子里 on the plate 14. 撞击一个空碗 hit an empty bowl 15. 用指点 point at sb with sth 16. 最大的挑战 the biggest challenge 17. 玩得高兴/过得愉快 have a good time have fun / enjoy oneself 18. 学会怎样做 learn how to do sth 19. 用法语和我谈话 talk to sb in French 20. 由于/因为 becaus

26、e of 21. 与不同 be different from 22. 相当奇怪 pretty strange 23. 切开 cut up sth 24. 使得某人 make sb adj 25. 显而易见/ 到场 show up 26. 既然那样/那样的话 in that case 27. 坚持/固守 stick to 28. 大量/充足 plenty of 29. 关上 shut off 30. 偶尔/间或 once in a while 31. 总共/合计 in total 32. 随着跳舞 dance to 33. 随着唱歌 sing along with 34. 空闲时间 spare time/ free time 35. 取决于/依靠 depend on 36. 使振作 cheer sb up 37. 尽某人最大努力去做try ones best to do 38. 有一个快乐的结局 have a happy ending 39. 使感到 make sb feel adj 40. 及时 in time 41. 害怕 be afraid to do sth /be afraid of doing 42. 中国民间音乐演奏会 a concert of Chinese folk music 43. 用二胡演

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