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9A unit 4知识点和同步习题.docx

1、9A unit 4知识点和同步习题Unit 4 TV programmes一、重点词汇 单词: far, broadcast, distance, weekly, cover, live, Asian, attend, announce, text, message, concert, murder, direct, director, mystery, documentary, face, disappear, scene, latest, prize, comedy, end, race, farther, friendship, regularly, rather, background

2、, disagree, sporty, website, surprising, ending 短语: 1have nothing to do 无事可做 2send out programmes on radio 通过电波播出节目 3a weekly round-up 一周摘要 4up-to-date information 最新信息 5a number of interviews 大量采访 6be covered live 被现场报道 7this coming Saturday 这个即将到来的星期六 8vote online for 网上投票 9send text messages to 友

3、送文本信息到 10. win two free concert tickets 获得两张免费音乐会门票 11. find out 查出 12. enjoy solving mysteries 喜欢揭秘 13. take a close look at 近距离看 14. mind feeling scared 介意感到害怕 15. learn a lot about history 了解许多历史 16. win a great prize 获大奖 17. such interesting stories 如此令人感兴趣的故事 18. 借给 19. come first 得第一 2

4、0.a member of the Art Club 艺术俱乐部的一员 21. the Chen family 陈氏一家 22. be at work 在上班 23. disagree all the time 总是意见不和 24. argue about. Sth 关于某事争吵 25.a twin daughter 一个双胞胎女儿 26. get angry with each other 彼此生气 27. surprising endings 令人惊讶的结局二、重要句型 1. Im far too busy to go shopping. 我实在太忙了,没时间去买东西。 far用作副词,意

5、为”很”“非常”,常修饰形容词、副词、比较级或最高级,强调程度,表示“很多”。如: Their room is far larger than yours. 他们的房间比你们的大很多。 far用作副词,也表示为“远遥远”“久远”,指表示空间与时间上的距离。 He always works far into the night. 他总是工作到深夜。 2.Then Ill have lunch and a little sleep between2 and 7然后,在两点至七点之间我吃午饭并睡会儿。 between用作介词,意为“在和之间”,常与and连用。 You can sit between

6、 him and me. 你可以坐在我和他中间。 between强调在两者之间,而among 一般指三者或三者以上。 There is a picture hanging between the two windows. 两扇窗户中间挂着一幅画。 当表示三者以上的事物每两个之间时,仍用between。 Agreements have been made between different countries. 不同的国家之间已达成了协议。 3.Every one of them has their own favourite TV programme,他们每个人都有自己最喜欢的电视节目。 ev

7、eryone通常情况下写成一个单词,但在后面接一个表示范围的of短语时,应写成两个单词。如:原句中every one of them。 Every one of them has their oWn idea. 他们每个人都有自己的主意。 4.A weekly round-up Of what is happening in sports, with lots of up-to-date information. 休育方面所发生的事件的一周综述,为你提供大量的最新体坛信息。 weekly用作形容词,意为“每周一次的”“每周的”。 Have you read the weekly newspap

8、er?你看过周报了吗? 5. Its all about football,including a number of inter views with local football players. 它全是有关足球方面的,包括许多对国内足球运动员的采访。 including在句中作介词,意为“包括”,表示谈及整体中的一部分。 Twenty students of our class,including two American students, went on a trip. 我班二十个学生,包括两位美国学生,去旅行了。 6. This years Beijing Nbsic Awards

9、 will be covered live. 本年度的北京音乐大奖赛将被现场直播。 句中的live用作形容词读作laiv,意为“现场播出的”“实况转播的”。 7.The presentation will be held iII Beijing this coming Saturday. 颂奖仪式本周六将在北京举行。hold在本句中作动词,意为“举行”“进行”。 We hold our class meeting every week 我们班每星期举行一次班会。 8.Murder inn Country House is a horror film directed by Cindy Clar

10、k,a new director. 乡村小屋谋杀案是一部由导演新秀辛迪克拉克导演的恐怖电影。 directed by.是过去分词作定语,修饰film。 I have a friend called To. 我有一个叫Tom的朋友。 9.There are always famous people on these shows talking about their lives(访谈)节目里总是有名人谈他们的生活。 这是一个there be结构的句子,注意句中的talking,不能用talk原形。 There is a bird flying in the sky. 天空中有一只鸟在飞。 10.

11、 It is you who made our story so perfect. 是你使我们的故事如此完美。 “It iswho.。”是常用的句型,强调人;强调物常用that。 It is the news that made him so excited.是这个消息使他这么兴奋。三、核心语法 1. 表示时间的介词短语“fromto”和“between.and.”表示“从到”。 The Han Dynasty was from 206 BC t0 220 AD. 汉朝是从公元前206年到公元220年。 在“fromto.,”结构中的两个名词,前面通常不带冠词或人称代词,但可

12、以用“from one+名词+to another”的形式,(不包括专有名词)。如:from one place to an-other. between.and.意思是“在之间,在中间”。 Dont eat between two meals. 正餐之间不要吃零食。 2. 表示时间的连词“before”,“after”和“until 它们引导时间状语从句,可以放在句中,也可以放在句前,如果从句放在主句之前,一般要用逗号把它与主句隔开。 before作连词,表示“在前”。 Think well before you decide. 深思熟虑以后你再作决定。 after作连词,表示“在之后”。

13、After the work was done,we sat down to sum up experience.做完工作,我们坐下来总结经骏。 until (tilD作连词,表示“到时;直到为止”。The teacher kept on asking the students questions until (till) the bell rang.老师反复向学生提问, 直到下课铃响。 3whileas的用法 while用作连词,意为“在期间”“当时候”。它表示某个动作正在进行时另一个动作发生了;还可以表示某个动作还在进行的同时,另一个动作也在进行之中。它只表示时间段,所以从句的谓语动词必须

14、用持续性动词或状态动词。其时态一般限于进行时或状态动词的一般时。 My father fell asleep while he was reading the newspaper. 我父亲在看报时睡着了。 While Mum was cooking, Dad was repairing the bookcase. 当妈妈在烧饭时,爸爸在修书箱。 as作连词用,引导时间状语从句,意为“当时候”,强调at the same time,不指先后,而指同时发生,尤指短动作或事件同时发生。 As you leave,please take a raincoat with you. 当你离开时,请随身带件

15、雨衣。 She dances as she.sings. 她一边跳一边唱。 4副词的比较级和最高级 副词的比较级和最高级的常用结构: as+副词原级+as意为“与一样”,表示同级比较。 She sings as sweetly as an angel. 她歌喝得像天使一样甜。 比较级副词+ than意为“比更”,表示两者之间比较。 Ben gets up earlier than his lazy father. 本比他那个懒爸爸起床起得早。 副词比较级十副词比较级,意为“越来越”。 It snowed more and more heavily雪下得越来越大。 the+副词的比较级,the+

16、副词的比较级,意为“越就越”。 The more I see her,the less I like her. 我看到她越多,我就越不喜欢她。 the+副词的最高级十比较范围(三者或三者以上),意为“最”。 He works (the) hardest in his class. 他在班上学习最用功。 在as,so,too,very,quite等词后,只用原级。 Thank you for teaching us so well. 谢谢你教我们这么好。 Tom did very well in the long jump. 汤姆在跳远比赛中表现出色。 I got up too late thi

17、s morning.我今早起床太晚了。Comic strip & Welcome to the unitI. 根据首字母及句意填空 1. Children like watching c_ very much and they make them happy.2. My father often watches p_ in the evening.3. There are plenty of d_ students in our school. They learn how to perform4. The BBC b_ every day.5. Do you know the way to

18、the TV s_? I want to interview the famous host.6. Im f_ too busy to go shopping.7. My sister works in a TV s_.II. 用所给词的适当形式填空1. This TV prograrmne was _ (make) in the studio.2. Eddie is always busy _(watch) TV in /he daytime. 3. I didnt know you _(be) a fashion model.4. More and more _(cartoon) are

19、welcomed by adults now.5. My mother likes watching programmes on _ ( cook).6. The boy was trapped in the hole and had nothing_(eat) for two days. 7. She is too busy_ (go) shopping.8. Eddie says a dogs work is never _ (do).9. I havent _(watch) TV for a long time because I have to prepare for the Engl

20、ish test.10. He likes watching TV programmes about nature the_ ( much).III. 单项选择 1. Dont worry. We still have_ money left. A. a few B. a little C. little D. few2. This film is_ than that one. A. very interesting B. much interesting C. far too interesting D. far more interesting3. Yao Ming is a popul

21、ar basketball player _ the Chinese people. A. among B. for C. between D. with4. Put up your hand _ you answer the teachers questions. A. when B. before C. after D. while5. Some shops open_10 am and 3:30 pm during the Spring Festival holidays. A. at B. between C. from D. about6. A lot of food _ to th

22、at country after the war was over. A. was sent B. are sent C. is sending D. sentIV. 同义句转换1. Its dinner time. Its time _ _ . Its time_ _ _ .2. John will go to- bed after he finishes his homework. John _ _ to bed_ he finishes his homework.3. Lets go shopping this weekend, _ _? (反义疑问句)4. I like English

23、 best. _ _ subject is English. _ is my _ subject5. This problem is far too difficult for him to work out. This problem is _ difficult _ he cant work it out.6. He stopped teaching two years ago because of his bad illness. He _ _ teaching two years ago _ he was _ill. V. 完形填空 Joe wanted a computer. He

24、asked his l for the money and they said he must get it himself. But how did he get it? He _2 about this when he walked home. Not many people wanted to ask children to work for them. Maybe he could take away snow for the neighbors. But this was not 3 . He had to wait a long time for that. He couldnt

25、cut grass for their gardens 4 _ he had no tools to do the work with. Then he saw one of his classmates, Dick, delivering 5 . I could do that,he thought Maybe I could even get the computer 6 _ away. I could pay 7 it a little each week. He ran to 8 up with Dick Joe asked him a lot of questions. He lea

26、rned that it was 9 to get twenty-five dollars each week. He learned that the job took _10 three hours each night. Dick 11 him the phone number of the newspaper manager. Joe almost flew home. After he told his mother 12 . he thought, she 13 . I think it is a 14 idea. She said, Ill call the newspaper.

27、 . . Wait, Mum, Joe said, lll call. After that. Im going to be a businessman now. Joes mother smiled 15 .1. A. teachers B. parents C. classmates D. friends 2. A. said B. told C. thought D. spoke3. A spring B. summer C. autumn D.winter4. A. because B. When C. while D. after5. A. newspapers B. bikes C

28、. computers D. tools6. A now B. right C. just D. only7. A. on B. to C. of D. for8. A. take B. catch C. carry D. get9. A friendly B. kind C. possible D. wrong10. A at B. about C. before D. after11. A taught B. gave C. made D. asked12. A that B. when C. what D. where13. A smiled B. shouted C. cried D.

29、 worried14. A big B. large C. great D. bad15. A. sadly B. happily C. politely D. angrilyVI. 任务型阅读Have you ever heard of a girl of 15,who set up a company of her own? Wendy Wong is the girl. She started the bus- mess two years ago. She has already written several successful computer games. They are s

30、o popular that over half a million games are sold every year. Now all of her family work in her business,and she is still at school.She gets up early in the morning, and then she talks with her family about the business over breakfast. Every day she goes to school in her own car with a driver, for she is not old enoughShe enjoys her school,but some of the work is too easy. for her to feel

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