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本文(K12教育学习资料学习湖北省重点高中协作体学年高一英语上学期期中联考试题.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、K12教育学习资料学习湖北省重点高中协作体学年高一英语上学期期中联考试题湖北省重点高中协作体2018-2019学年高一英语上学期期中联考试题(扫描版)高一期中考试听力录音稿及答案:录音稿:第一节(Text 1) M: My sister wanted me to lend her some money. But Im short of money myself. I dont know what I should do.W: Just tell her the truth.M: Im afraid I cant. Maybe Ill ask Linda to give me some mone

2、y.(Text 2) W: Im afraid I cant come to the party tomorrow night. I have to work on a report for school. M: Well, why dont you at least try to stop by for a little while?W: OK, then.(Text 3) W: I saw a good band at last Saturdays rock festival. The singer was great!M: The band with the piano player?

3、W: I didnt see anything with a piano. The singer was called Queen Cat. She could really dance, too.M: Oh, I know what you mean the band had three guitars.(Text 4) W: Which do you prefer, magazines or books?M: Um, I prefer reading magazines. Because I like a quick read.W: Yeah, you can pick them up a

4、nd put them down just after a short reading. And theyre cheaper than books. And sometimes they have interesting ads.(Text 5) M: Can we have a double room, please?W: Certainly. With a bath or a shower?M: We prefer the room which has a shower.第二节(Text 6) M: How was your chemistry exam?W: I thought I w

5、as going to get a C in chemistry, but I got a B. My parents will be OK with that.M: You are lucky. I got a D in chemistry.W: Oh my gosh! Are your parents going to kill you?M: They know I hate chemistry. I told them not to expect good grades in chemistry, and they understand.W: You are so lucky you h

6、ave understanding parents like them.(Text 7) M: Hello. I wonder if you could help me. Would you mind if I left my instrument for just one minute? I have to make a phone call.W: No. Im sorry, sir. Its not allowed.M: Its only for a short time.W: Its against the rules. No instruments can be left in rec

7、eption for security reasons.M: Is there anywhere I can leave them?W: You can leave it at the bag office on the left.M: Wheres that?W: Its next to the dining room.M: OK. Thanks.(Text 8) W: And just to finish our news Chris Peterson is going to tell us about the new Crossways sports and fitness center

8、.M: Thanks. Its almost finished and the sports center will be open to the public on June 16th thats for sports and swimming. The fitness center isnt quite finished, and wont be open until 21st August, instead of 10th July as planned. W: And will you give us some information now about what we can do

9、in the sports center?M: Sure. The center provides volleyball, basketball and table tennis indoors. And there are also outdoor sports like football and tennis. Theres also a new swimming pool.W: OK, thank you for your report, Chris.(Text 9) M: Hey, Judy, what are you reading?W: Well, a passage about

10、wildlife protection organizations.M: Really? Ive read something about the World Wildlife Fund, you know, whose official sign is a picture of a panda.W: Yeah. It has been working to protect the worlds endangered species since it was founded in 1961. You know there are organizations who focus on certa

11、in animals.M: Really? Thats interesting.W: Here it says the Audubon Society focuses on the protection of birds and the Oceanic Society has been working to protect sea wildlife, such as whales, dolphins and other kinds of fish since its foundation in 1969.M: Oh, I know the Audubon Society is named af

12、ter an American wildlife painter.W: Yes, thats right. Theres also this one, the Wilderness Society, who works to make sure that the forests, rivers and mountains of the United States remain untouched so that everyone can enjoy their clean air and water. The Wilderness Society tries to educate the pu

13、blic about that from its head office in Washington, D.C. to its eight branch offices across the United States.(Text 10) W: Hello, everyone. My name is Caroline Benson. I never expected to spend some of my first year at university filming The Finnegans. Id only ever acted at school, but Id loved the

14、book since I was eleven. My grandmother used to say I was just like Polly Finnegan and I always imagined myself playing her. And I believe I could play the part well. Id taken a year off to go traveling before university. While I was in Chile, my mother e-mailed me to say there were plans to turn th

15、e book into a film. I knew I had to go for the part. She was surprised at first, but sent my photo to the director and persuaded him to meet me. I flew back and got the part. The outdoor filming took a long time, so I got permission from the university to be away for three weeks. Once I was back at

16、university, I got up at 6:00 a.m. to write the essays Id missed. I didnt tell my university friends, but they found out and thought it was great. It was a wonderful experience Im so lucky. 试题答案:1 5 CACCB 6 - 10 BCACB 11-15 CABAA 16-20 CABAB21-23 BDA 24-27 AADD 28-31 CBCB 32-35 BCBD 36-40 CGAED41-45

17、BCABD 46-50 ACDBA 51-55 DACBD 56-60 CABDC61. while/but 62. suggested 63. which 64. falling 65. is called 66. a 67. Actually 68. to make 69. inventor 70. lay 71. . . big and small. and or72. . . we live happy life. happy前加a73. . are good both to . are is74. . . people lived in a dirty . lived living7

18、5. . . can live happy. happy happily76. . for more and more . forwith77. Beside, some factories . Beside Besides78. .sill poured out. poured pour79. . . making it is hard . 去掉 is 80. . the better place to . the a书面表达:Dear Jack, Im glad to receive your letter and Id like to share with you my plan for

19、 high school. To begin with, I am supposed to have good learning ways and habits to make certain that I will learn well. Furthermore, I should get along well with others. I want to make some good friends with my classmates. I think only if I am sincere and kind to others, can I have good relationships with them. Finally, I will learn to develop good qualities like being determined, being optimistic and so on to challenge difficulties in life. Best wishes!YoursLi Hua

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