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完整word版高一英语必修2 单词拼写与完成句子专题练习.docx

1、完整word版高一英语必修2 单词拼写与完成句子专题练习高一英语必修2 单词拼写与完成句子专题练习 Unit 11、 稀罕的;稀有的;珍贵的_2、 贵重的;有价值的_3、 幸免;幸存;生还_4、 朝代;王朝_5、 寻找(短语)_6、 令人吃惊的_7、 挑选;选择_8、 设计;构思_9、 奇特的;异样的;想象_10. 装修;装饰_11.艺术家_10、 属于(短语)_11、 作为报答;回报(短语)_12、 接待;接收;招待会_13、 处于交战状态(短语)_14、 移动,移开_15、 少于(短语)_16、 木制的_17、 怀疑,疑惑_18、 值得的_19、 拆开(短语)_20、 审判;审讯;试验_2

2、1、 根据;证据_22、 爆炸_23、 看重,器重(短语)_1. The Great Wall is one of the w_ of the world.2. When the police arrived, he had destroyed the _ of his guilt. (证据)3. In 1368, Zhu Yuanzhang officially proclaimed himself emperor in Nanjing and and founded the Ming _ (朝代)4. Her parents died in the accident, but she _.

3、 (幸免)5. Henry was warmly welcomed by the _ (本地的) people in Brazil.6. My grandmothers most _ (贵重的)belongings are locked in a safe in her bedroom.7. My mother gave me this pen as a birthday g_ last week.8. I bought some _ (奇特的) soaps in seashell shapes in the store.9. The Art Museum was broken into an

4、d a lot of _ were stolen. (珍宝)10. It is said that the tumar (肿瘤) has been _ (摘除) by the doctor.11. Far sooner than anyone thought possible, the man _ (引爆) a bomb.12. He went into his office and l_ up a cigarette.13. They _ (装饰) the wedding car with ribbons and flowers.14. The _ Revolution happened i

5、n China in the 1960s. (文化的)15. He _ a shirt to match his suit. (挑选)16. One or two changes have been made to the computers basic _ (设计)17. I have no _ that he will pass the final exam. (怀疑)18. The book is w_ reading a second time.19. They are pretty _. Only about a hundred were made. (稀少的)20. The Pot

6、ala Palace in Lhasa, Tibet remains a _ to many foreigners.()21. I gave him some apples _ _ _(作为的报答) his help.22. The two countries were then _ _(交战). People lived a hard life.23. A team of 350 experts(专家) were sent to the desert(沙漠), _ _ _ the buried ancient city(寻找埋在地下的古城).24. _ _ forty students at

7、tended the sports meeting. (少于)25. The headmaster _ _ _(器重) me because of my good performance.26. Recently Ive found a rare Qing Dynasty vase. But I dont know whether it should _ _(属于) me.27. The old man saw some Germans _ _(拆开) the Amber Room and moving it away.28. 露西穿了一条裙子,上面装饰了许多蕾丝和绸带。Lucy wears

8、a dress _ many ribbons and lace. 29. 在不到两年的时间,他已经赚了一百多万美元了。_, he has made 1 million dollars.30. 这个地区的许多小镇都值得参观。 A lot of small towns in the area _. Unit 21、 古代的;古老的_2、 比赛;竞争_3、 竞争者_4、 参加;参与(短语)_5、 奖章;勋章;纪念章_6、 代表;象征;表示_7、 巫术的;魔术的;有魔力的_8、 志愿者_9、 祖国;本国_10、 运动员;运动选手_11、 容许;承认;接纳_12、 奴隶_13、 现今;现在_14、 也;

9、又;还(短语)_15、 做东;主办;招待_16、 责任;职责_17、 取代;替换;代替_18、 座右铭;格言;警句_19、 快的;迅速的_20、 主管,看管(短语)_21、 物理的,身体的_22、 罚款 _23、 海报;招贴_24、 做广告;登广告_25、 光荣;荣誉_26、 讨价还价;讲条件_27、 没有希望的;绝望的_28、 愚蠢的;傻的_29.疼痛;痛苦_30.陆续地;一个接一个地_31.应受(报答或惩罚);值得_1. The Chinese delegation has won 32 gold m_ in the 2004 Athens Olympic Games.2. _ from

10、all over the world will come to attend the Games every four years.(运动员)3. Mr. King has _ Mike as captain of the team.(代替)4. Susan is very interested in the _ (古老的) civilizations of Asia. 5. Mary was not at home, so her son acted as _. (主人)6. Many _ will compete in a race to be held next month.(参赛者)7

11、. Most of the relief work was done by _ from around the country. (自愿者)8. They often do some _ exercise after school. (物理的)9. Her _ is “work hard, play hard”. (座右铭)10. They no longer _ alcohol(酒精)at sporting events.(做广告)11. The two athletes are _ for the last Olympics. (竞争)12. The football match will

12、 be held in the Peking Workers S_. (体育场)13. The people without tickets are not a_ to enter the stadium. (允许)14. _ were not allowed to take apart in the ancient Olympics.(奴隶)15. I tried to ask a question, but just made myself look _. (fool)16. Progress in the investigation so far has been _ (快速的) 17.

13、 He had his moment of _ when he won the London Marathon. (光荣)18. Jack told me that he had a _ in the chest. (痛苦)19. Tom, you have the _ for cleaning up the room our discussion. (责任)20. As if by _ the waiter suddenly appears with some delicious food. (magical) 21. I am going to Beijing and my sisters

14、 going there _ _ (也)22. The letters ERM _ _Exchange Mechanism. (代表)23. The nurse _ _explained to the patience what the treatment would be like. (主管)24. We achieved victories _ _ _(一个接一个地).25. I went to see my grandfather _ _ _(每两周).26. They will be _ _ _ the discussions, along with many other organi

15、zations. (参与)( take)27. I think we are too small to _ _ a company like that. (与竞争)( compete)28. I _ _ enjoy gardening, but I dont have time for it. (过去常常)( use)29. Athletes who have reached the agreed standard for their event will be _ _ competitors. (允许成为) (admit)30. My father is away _ _ _. (在旅行)

16、(journey)Unit 31、 普遍的;通用的;宇宙的_2、 简化_3、 总数;算术题;金额_4、 操作员;接线员_5、 合逻辑的;合情理的_,副词_6、 科技的_,名词_7、 革命_8、 人造的;假的_9、 智力;聪明;智能_,形容词_10、 解决;解答_11、 从时起(短语) _12、 真实;事实,现实_13、 就个人而言;亲自_, 形容词_14、 结果(短语)_15.总的;整个的_,副词_16.如此以致于;网状物_18.网_19.应用;用途;申请 _20.金融;财经_21.可移动的;机动的_22.探索;探测;探究_23.无论如何;即使如此_24.目标;目的;球门_25.

17、幸福;快乐_26.人类(短语)_27.下载_28.发信号;信号_29.类型;打字_30.在某种程度上(短语)_31.教练_32.出现;发生_33.在的帮助下_34.电子的_35.外观;外貌;出现_36.性格;特点_37.处理;安排;对付 _38.看守;监视_一写出单词的正确形式。1. Jack was an adventurous man and he wants to _(探索) every corner of the world.2. The problem nay not _(出现) if we work hard.3. Our _ (目标) is to provide a good s

18、tandard of medical care.4. We can help you _(解决) your financial problems.5. We have already spent large _(数目)of money on advertising.6. English is referred to an a(n) _(普遍的) language.7. The old man _(示意) the little girl to leave quickly.8. Marys husband is a man of good _(性格。)9. They were _ _(监视)by

19、three policemen.10. _ _ _(在某种程度上), I like this book very much.二完成句子。1. 他不知道该怎么对付他那顽皮的儿子。He dont know how to _ _ his naughty son.2.你将怎样处理这个地方的环境污染问题? How are you going to _ _(处理) the water pollution of the area?3在我电脑的帮助下我可以及时完成的我工作。_ _ _ my computer, I could finish my job in time.4.由于大雪,机场已经关闭。 _ _ _

20、 of the heavy snow, the airport has been closed.5.从那时开始,我意识到知识的重要性。I realized the importance of knowledge _ _ _. 6. 他如此粗心,以至于没有通过考试。He is _ careless _ he didnt pass the exam. 7.作为一个好的学习者,你应该充分利用图书馆的书。To be a good learner, you must _ _ _ _ _ the library books.Unit 41、 野生动植物_2、 保护_3、 野生的;荒凉的;未开发的_4、 恐

21、吓;威胁_5、 减少;或变少_6、 危害;使受到危险_7、 灭亡;逐渐消失_8、 损失;遗失;丧失_9、 保护区_10、 打猎;猎取;搜寻_11、 地域;地带;地区_12、 和平地;和睦地;安详地_13、 在危险中;垂危_14、 回答;响应;做出反应_15、 远的;远处的_16、 毛皮;毛;软毛_17、 如释重负;松了口气_18、 笑;笑声_19、 突然笑起来20、 仁慈;宽恕;怜悯_21、 确定的;某一,一定_22、 擦;摩擦_23、 保护不受(危害) _24、 包含;容纳;容忍_25、 强大的;有力的_26、 影响;感动;侵袭_27、 注意(短语)_28、 鉴赏;感激;意识到_29、 成功;接替;继任_30、 安全的;可靠的_31、 收入_32、 雇佣;利用_33、 损害;危害_34、 咬;叮;刺痛_35、 形成;产生_36、 检查;视察_37、 事件;事变_38、 灰尘;尘土;尘埃_39、 按照_

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