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1、湖北版英语阶段滚动卷九温馨提示: 此套题为Word版,请按住Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观看比例,答案解析附后。关闭Word文档返回原板块。阶段滚动卷(九)(建议用时: 40分钟). 多项选择1. (2013黄冈模拟)When you keep your promise, no matter how much effort(努力)it takes, you will be. A. spotted B. surroundedC. admired D. rewarded2. (2013华师一附中模拟)Things that contribute most to a sense of happ

2、iness cannot be bought, such as good family life, friendship and work. A. fulfillment B. transferC. acceleration D. admiration3. (2013咸宁模拟)Now that you have beento our club, you will enjoy all the benefits and privileges of club membership, which include free access to the digital version of all the

3、 articles. A. submitted B. confirmedC. admitted D. attended4. The best way to make students interested in learning is toeducation with recreation. A. conduct B. concludeC. combine D. connect5. The latest model of camera canbring the object into focus, with which even a child can shoot very well. A.

4、instantly B. automaticallyC. steadily D. randomly6. With more forests being cut down, the environment of this town has become worse and worse, which has greatlythe local economic development. A. held back B. held onC. held up D. held out7. I hope my son will be a veryperson. When he promises to do s

5、omething, he will do it. A. flexible B. reliable C. sincere D. stubborn8. (2013咸宁模拟)As we all know, medical examination will help us find out health problems as early as possbile. A. urgent B. general C. regular D. normal9. Failure is nota bad thing. If taken properly, it may contribute to greater s

6、uccess in your life. A. necessarily B. apparentlyC. generally D. eventually10. (2013华师一附中模拟)Less sun exposuredecreased outdoor activity is considered to be the cause of vitamin D inadequacy. A. in consequence of B. in exchange ofC. in spite of D. in terms of. 完成句子1. (2013湖北七市模拟)This is the most inst

7、ructive filmsince I could remember. (see)这是我记事以来看过的最有教育意义的电影了。2. The musician was making every effort to clarifythe audience. (confuse)这位音乐家正全力诠释让听众困惑的地方。3. (2013黄石模拟)for years, the bridge designed by a famous architect finally collapsed. (ignore)因为多年的忽视, 这座由著名建筑师设计的桥梁最终坍塌了。4. (2013咸宁模拟)After the ne

8、w technique was introduced, the factoryas the year before. (produce)引进新技术后, 这家工厂生产的汽车是去年的两倍。5. (2013仙桃模拟)He speaks English so fluently English in England. (study)他的英语讲得如此流利, 就好像他在英国学过英语一样。6. I showed the excellent student his test paper, , he made so many mistakes. (surprise)我让那位优秀的学生看了他的试卷, 令他吃惊的是,

9、 他犯了那么多错误。7. that he could change his mind for me. (occur)我从来没想过他会为我改变他的想法。8. (2013华师一附中模拟)The ground is covered with thick snow. Itlast night. (snow)地面覆盖着厚厚的积雪, 昨晚一定一直在下雪。9. (2013仙桃模拟)What the coach really doubts is the serious disease soon. (recover)教练真正怀疑的是这位运动员是否会很快从严重的疾病中康复。10. (2013荆州模拟)These

10、foreign English teachers, to whom Ithe other day, have come here from Canada. (introduce)前几天我被介绍给这些外国的英语老师, 他们已经从加拿大来到这儿了。. 阅读理解(2013保定模拟)Michelle Obama made a daring decision to return to the same designer who created her Inaugural(就职的)Ball dress four years agoand the risk paid off. The First Lady

11、looked extremely attractive in a thin, sweeping, and ruby-colored dress by designer Jason Wu. She teamed the dramatic gown with heels by Jimmy Choo and a diamond ring by Kimberly McDonald. She surprised the fashion establishment by returning to a Wu design which had been custom-made for her. Four ye

12、ars ago at her first Inauguration Ball, Michelle shimmered in an off-white, one-shouldered floor-length couture gown by the designer. Wu, who was 26 at the time and had only been working in fashion for three years, saw his career take off after the First Ladys surprise decision to wear one of his dr

13、esses. He said at the time that he was unaware she had chosen the gown and had been watching at home on his couch and eating pizza when she appeared. After her 2013 decision, Wu told Womens Wear Daily: “Mrs Obama likes to keep her secrets. She fooled me again. ”Wu released a womens clothing and acce

14、ssories(装饰品)collection at Target last year and continues to be popular with the First Lady for official engagements. The sleeveless, cross-halterneck dress with low-cut back flattered 49-year-old Michelles toned arms and neat waist. It had been created especially for her by Wu and was a departure fr

15、om the dark and plain colour tone she stuck to at earlier inauguration events. Mrs Obamas new hairstyleshe had bangs cut in on her birthday last weekhad been loosely tousled for the special night. Vice-President Joe Bidens wife Jill also looked glamorous in a blue silk dress by Vera Wang at the Inau

16、guration Ball. 1. Michelle Obamas brave decision proved to be a. A. risk B. danger C. success D. surprise2. According to the passage, which of the following is correct? A. Joe Bidens wife Jill also had her dress created by Wu. B. Mrs Obamas inaugural dresses were made by the same designer. C. The co

17、lor tone at Michelles earlier inaugural events was not satisfactory. D. Mrs Obama had straight forehead hair as her new hairstyle for the special night. 3. From the 6th and 7th paragraphs we know that. A. Wu didnt know Mrs Obama had chosen his creation againB. Wu was aware that Mrs Obama had chosen

18、his work againC. Mrs Obama told Wu to give away her secretsD. Mrs Obama should have told Wu the truth4. Which of the following best describes Jason Wu? A. Daring and gifted. B. Talented and lucky. C. Careful and brave. D. Unusual and cautious. . 短文写作(2013黄冈模拟)2012年CCTV播出的纪录片舌尖上的中国(A Bite of China)红遍

19、大江南北。掠过的镜头向我们展现了如此诱人又如此熟悉的家乡味道。请根据以下提示, 并结合事例, 用英语写一篇短文。“No matter how far you go, no matter who you become, you will still have a taste for the food you grew up with. ”注意: 1. 可照抄英语提示语, 但不计入总词数; 2. 除诗歌外, 文体不限; 3. 词数为120个左右。_【拓展训练】根据阅读理解回答下列问题。1. What does “the risk” refer to in Para 1? 2. Did the wa

20、y The First Lady dressed succeed? How do you know? 答案解析. 1. 【解析】选D。考查动词词义辨析。句意: 当你信守自己的诺言, 不管付出多少努力, 你终会得到回报的。reward回报, 符合句意; spot发现; surround包围; admire羡慕。2. 【解析】选A。考查名词词义辨析。句意: 那些最有助于幸福感的东西是买不来的, 如一个好的家庭生活、友谊和工作成就感。fulfillment完成, 成就, 满足(感); transfer转移, 调动, 换乘; acceleration加速; admiration钦佩, 赞美。根据语境应

21、选A。3. 【解析】选C。考查动词词义辨析。句意: 既然你已经加入了我们的俱乐部, 你将享受俱乐部成员的一切福利和特权, 包括免费使用所有物品的数字版。submit提交; confirm证实; admit许可; be admitted to加入, 被录取; attend出席, 参加。根据语境应选C。4. 【解析】选C。考查动词词义辨析。句意: 使学生对学习感兴趣的最好方法就是寓教于乐。conduct指挥; conclude做出结论; combine结合; connect连接。根据语境应选C。5. 【解析】选B。考查副词词义辨析。句意: 最新款式的照相机能自动地使物体聚焦, 甚至孩子也能用它拍得

22、很好。automatically自动地; instantly立即, 马上; steadily稳定地; randomly随意地。6. 【解析】选A。考查动词短语辨析。句意: 随着更多森林被砍倒, 这个城镇的环境已经变得越来越糟, 这一点大大地阻碍了当地经济的发展。这里的hold back意为“阻碍, 阻止”, 除此意思外, 还有“抑制, 控制, 隐瞒”的意思; hold on坚持下去, 电话不挂断; hold up举起, 支撑; hold out坚持(抵抗), 顶住(压力), 维持, 继续运行, 伸出, 拿出。7. 【解析】选B。考查形容词词义辨析。句意: 我希望我儿子成为一个非常可靠的人。当他

23、许诺做某事, 他会做的。flexible灵活的; reliable可靠的; sincere真诚的, 诚挚的; stubborn顽固的。根据语境应选B。8. 【解析】选C。考查形容词词义辨析。句意: 众所周知, 定期体检会帮助我们尽早地发现健康问题。urgent紧急的; general一般的; regular定期的, 有规律的; normal正常的。根据语境应选C。9. 【解析】选A。考查副词词义辨析。句意: 失败未必就是坏事。如果正确对待它, 它可能有助于你生活中更大的成功。not necessarily未必, 选A。apparently显然地, 表面上; generally一般地, 通常;

24、eventually终于, 最后, 都不符合语境。10. 【解析】选A。考查介词短语辨析。句意: 户外活动减少引起的晒太阳时间减少被认为是缺乏维生素D的原因。in consequence of由于; in exchange of交换; in spite of尽管; in terms of就而言, 在方面。根据句意应选A。. 1.【解析】that I have ever seen。考查定语从句。先行词前有最高级, 关系代词用that, since暗示时态用现在完成时, 因此得出答案。2. 【解析】what confused。考查名词性从句中的宾语从句。根据语境clarify缺宾语, 且宾语从句不

25、完整, 缺主语, 因此用what, confuse可作及物动词+sb. , 从而得出答案。3. 【解析】Having been ignored。考查-ing形式的完成时的被动形式作状语。根据语境ignore动作先于collapse且还有for years, 都暗示用完成时, ignore与the bridge是动宾关系, 因此用被动, 从而得出答案。4. 【解析】produced twice as many cars。考查倍数表达法。根据英语句子as暗示考查倍数表达法句型A+v. +倍数+as+many+n. (复数)+as B. 因此得出答案。5. 【解析】as if he had stud

26、ied。考查方式状语从句及as if的虚拟语气。根据语境就好像他在英国学过英语一样得知是对过去的虚拟, 因此用过去完成时。6. 【解析】to whose surprise。考查非限制性定语从句。令某人吃惊的是, 固定短语to ones surprise, 根据语境, ones指的是前面的the excellent student, 逗号暗示是非限制性定语从句, 因此得出答案。7. 【解析】It never occurred to me。考查固定句式It occurs to sb. that. . . 某人突然想起, 此句型中It是形式主语, that从句是真正的主语。8. 【解析】must h

27、ave been snowing。考查情态动词表猜测用法。根据语境得知是对过去动作一直在进行的肯定猜测, 用must have been doing, 因此得出答案。9. 【解析】whether the athlete will recover from。考查名词性从句中的表语从句。根据语境分析句法得知主语是What the coach really doubts谓语是is, is后是表语, 依据汉语暗示表语是个从句, 又有“是否”, 因此表语从句的连接词定位用whether, 根据汉语提示可知答案。10. 【解析】was introduced。introduce与I之间为被动关系, the

28、other day表示“前几天”, 因此用一般过去时。. 1. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。依据第一段“. . . and the risk paid off”和第二段“The First Lady looked extremely attractive. . . ”可知。2. 【解析】选B。推理判断题。由第一段Michelle Obama made a daring decision to return to the same designer. . . 和第三段She surprised the fashion. . . 得出答案。3. 【解析】选A。推理判断题。由第六段He said at

29、 the time that he was unaware. . . 和第七段Mrs Obama likes to keep her secrets. She fooled me again. 可知。4. 【解析】选B。推理判断题。可根据文中多处信息归纳: Four years ago. . . Michelle shimmered in an off-white, one-shouldered. . . saw his career take off. . . The sleeveless . . . 。. 【参考范文】In 2012, the TV program A Bite of Ch

30、ina has attracted much attention. Its celebration of the diversity of delicious local food around China reminds me of the food in my hometown. Many people complain that life changes too fast . But I believe that there is one thing that never escapes us, the taste for the food we grew up with. I grew up in a family of three generations under one roof. Living together with dozens of your relative

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