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1、新版九年级上册英语Unit5课文+翻译2014年新版九年级上册英语Unit-5课文+翻译Unit 5Section A 1b Liste n and match the products with what they are made of and where they were made.Susan: Hi, Anita. I bought three shirts for 29 dollars yesterday!Anita: Oh, really? What are they made of though? Sometimes the cheap ones are made of mat

2、erials that don t feel very good.Susan: A hundred percent cotton. They reiice and soft, and they were made in America.An ita: Oh, OK. By the way, where did you buythose chopsticks? TheySusa n:aren re really cool!An ita:wood. IO h, I got th em in Korea. They re nice, t they?Yeah. Chopsticks are usual

3、ly made ofve never seen steel ones before.Oh, steel chopsticks are popular inSusa n:Korea. Hey, do you thi nk this ring looks OK?Anita: Hmm yes, I think it s quite psetty.made of silver?Susan: Yes, and it was made in Thailand. I II give it to my best friend for her birthday.Anita: Oh, I m sure she I

4、I love it.1b听录音,把产品是由什么制成的和在哪里被 制成的搭配起来。苏珊:你好,安尼塔。我昨天用 29美元买了三 件衬衫!安尼塔:哦,真的吗?不过它们是由什么制成 的?有时候便宜的衣服是由感觉不是很舒服的 材料制成的。苏珊:纯棉的。它们很好,很柔软,是在美国制 造的。安尼塔:哦,好的。顺便问一下,你在哪里买的 那些筷子?它们很酷!苏珊:哦,我在韩国买的。它们很不错,是不是? 安尼塔:是的。筷子通常是用木头做的。我以前 从未见过钢制的筷子。苏珊:哦,钢制的筷子在韩国很受欢迎。嘿,你 认为这枚戒指看上去好看吗?安尼塔:嗯是的,我认为它很漂亮。它是银 制的吗?苏珊:是的,它是在泰国制造的

5、。我将把它作为生日礼物给我最好的朋友。安尼塔:哦,我肯定她会喜欢它的2a Liste n and check ( V) the rtopiic of Nickand Marcus Conversation.Nick: Hey Marcus, have you heard about the art and scie nee fair?Marcus: You mean the one just outside the scie nee museum?Nick: Yeah, that the one. The school notice board says that all stude nts

6、are in vited to atte nd for free! Our school is pay ing for it!Marcus: Wow, that s great!Nick: I went there yesterday.Marcus: Did you see any thi ng cool?Nick: Of course! All the works there were madeby uni versity stude nts.Marcus: What did you see?Nick: I saw a huge model plane. It made of used wo

7、od and glass. I also saw a really beautiful painting. It nsade from grass, leaves and flowers.Marcus: Oh, yeah, the fair is abouten vir onmen tal protecti on and recycli ng, right? Nick: Y es, and the stude nts came up with some really in teresti ng and creative ideas.2a听录音,标出(话尼克和马库斯的谈话主题。 尼克:你好,马库

8、斯。你听说过这次艺术和科学 展览会吗?马库斯:你说的就是在科学博物馆外面的展览会 吗?尼克:是的,就是那个展览会。学校布告板上说 所有学生都被邀请免费参加!我们学校出钱! 马库斯:哇,太好了!尼克:昨天我去了那儿。马库斯:你看到很酷的东西了吗? 尼克:当然!那儿所有的作品都是大学生制作的。 马库斯:你看到了什么?尼克:我看到了一个巨大的飞机模型。它是由用 过的木头和玻璃做成的。我还看到了一幅非常美 丽的画。它是用草、树叶和花做成的。马库斯:哦,是的,展览会是关于环境保护和回 收利用的,对吗?尼克:是的,学生们想出了一些既很有趣又有创 意的主意2b Listen again. Write sho

9、rt answers to the questi ons.Nick: Hey Marcus, have you heard about the art and scie nee fair?Marcus: You mean the one just outside the scie nee museum?Nick: Yeah, that the one. The school notice board says that all stude nts are in vited to atte nd for free! Our school is pay ing for it!Marcus: Wow

10、, that s great!Nick: I went there yesterday.Marcus: Did you see any thi ng cool?Nick: Of course! All the works there were made by uni versity stude nts.Marcus: What did you see?Nick: I saw a huge model plane. It made of used wood and glass. I also saw a really beautiful painting. It nsade from grass

11、, leaves and flowers.Marcus: Oh, yeah, the fair is abouten vir onmen tal protecti on and recycli ng, right? Nick: Y es, and the stude nts came up with some really in teresti ng and creative ideas.2b再听一遍录音,写出问题的简短回答。尼克:你好,马库斯。你听说过这次艺术和科学 展览会吗?马库斯:你说的就是在科学博物馆外面的展览会 吗?尼克:是的,就是那个展览会。学校布告板上说 所有学生都被邀请免费参加

12、!我们学校出钱! 马库斯:哇,太好了!尼克:昨天我去了那儿。马库斯:你看到酷的东西了吗? 尼克:当然!那儿所有的作品都是大学生制作的。 马库斯:你看到了什么?尼克:我看到了一个巨大的飞机模型。它是由用 过的木头和玻璃做成的。我还看到了一幅非常美 丽的画。它是由草、树叶和花做成的。马库斯:哦,是的,展览会是关于环境保护和回收利用的,对吗?尼克:是的,学生们想出了一些既很有趣又有创 意的主意。Secti on B1b Listen to a conversation between Laura and Zheng Yun and CIRCLE the correct an swers.Laura:

13、 Hey, Zheng Yun!Zhe ng Yun: Hi, Laura.Laura: How was your vacati on?Zheng Yun: It was great! I went to Weifang in Sha ndong.Laura: That s the city famous for kites, right? Zhe ng Yun: Yes. There an in ter nati onal kite festival there every April. That why I went there.Laura: How interesting! What h

14、appens at the festival?Zheng Yun: People from all over the world compete in kite flyi ng. There are also competiti ons for the best kites.Laura: Were the kites n ice?Zheng Yun: They were beautiful. They were made of differe nt thi ngs like silk or paper. Some were pain ted with colorful draw in gs.L

15、aura: Sounds like you really enjo yed it. I n ever thought that something as simple as kite flying could be so excit ing.Zheng Yun: Yes, it was really fun to see which kite could fly the highest.Laura: I thi nk I want to lear n to fly a kite, too!1b听劳拉和郑云之间的对话,圈出正确的答案。 劳拉:你好,郑云! 郑云:你好,劳拉。劳拉:你的假期过得怎样

16、?郑云:好极了!我去了山东潍坊。劳拉:那是一个以风筝著称的城市,对吗? 郑云:是的。每年四月份在那儿都会举办一次国 际风筝节。那就是我去那儿的原因。劳拉:真有趣!在风筝节期间发生什么事情? 郑云:来自世界各地的人们参加放风筝比赛。 也有(角逐)最好的风筝的比赛。劳拉:风筝很美吗?郑云:它们很漂亮。它们是用各种不同的材料制 成的,像丝绸和纸。一些风筝还绘上了绚丽的图 画。劳拉:听起来你好像很喜欢它。我从未想过像放 风筝这么简单的事情会如此令人兴奋。郑云:是的,看哪只风筝能飞得最高真的很有趣。 劳拉:我认为我也想学放风筝!1c Listen and write L for Laura or Z f

17、or Zhe ng Yun.Laura: Hey, Zheng Yun!Zhe ng Yun: Hi, Laura.Laura: How was your vacati on?Zheng Yun: It was great! I went to Weifang in Sha ndong.Laura: That s the city famous for kites, right? Zhe ng Yun: Yes. There an in ter nati onal kite festival there every April. That why I went there.Laura: How

18、 interesting! What happens at the festival?Zheng Yun : People from all over the world compete in kite flyi ng. There are also competiti ons for the best kites.Laura: Were the kites n ice?Zheng Yun: They were beautiful. They were made of differe nt thi ngs like silk or paper. Some were pain ted with

19、colorful draw in gs.Laura: Sounds like you really enjo yed it. I n ever thought that something as simple as kite flying could be so excit ing.Zheng Yun: Yes, it was really fun to see which kite could fly the highest.Laura: I thi nk I want to lear n to fly a kite, too!1c听录音,是劳拉的写“L”是郑云的写“ Z” 劳拉:你好,郑云

20、! 郑云:你好,劳拉。劳拉:你的假期过得怎样?郑云:好极了!我去了山东潍坊。劳拉:那是一个以风筝著称的城市,对吗? 郑云:是的。每年四月份在那儿都会举办一次国 际风筝节。那就是我去那儿的原因。劳拉:真有趣!在风筝节期间发生什么事情?郑云:来自世界各地的人们参加放风筝比赛。 也有(角逐)最好的风筝的比赛。劳拉:风筝很美吗?郑云:它们很漂亮。它们是用各种不同的材料制 成的,像丝绸和纸。一些风筝还绘上了绚丽的图 画。劳拉:听起来你好像很喜欢它。我从未想过像放 风筝这么简单的事情会如此令人兴奋。郑云:是的,看哪只风筝能飞得最高真的很有趣。 劳拉:我认为我也想学放风筝!1d Listen again.

21、Fill in the blanks with what you hear.Laura: Hey, Zheng Yun!Zhe ng Yun: Hi, Laura.Laura: How was your vacati on?Zheng Yun: It was great! I went to Weifang in Sha ndong.Laura: That s the city famous for kites, right? Zhe ng Yun: Yes. There an in ter nati onal kite festival there every April. That why

22、 I went there.Laura: How interesting! What happens at the festival?Zheng Yun: People from all over the world compete in kite flyi ng. There are also competiti ons for the best kites.Laura: Were the kites n ice?Zheng Yun: They were beautiful. They were made of differe nt thi ngs like silk or paper. S

23、ome were pain ted with colorful draw in gs.Laura: Sounds like you really enjo yed it. I n ever thought that something as simple as kite flying could be so excit ing.Zheng Yun: Yes, it was really fun to see which kite could fly the highest.Laura: I thi nk I want to lear n to fly a kite, too!1d再听一遍录音,

24、用你听到的(内容)填空。劳拉:你好,郑云!郑云:你好,劳拉。劳拉:你的假期过得怎样?郑云:好极了!我去了山东潍坊。劳拉:那是一个以风筝著称的城市,对吗?郑云:是的。每年四月份在那儿都会举办一次国 际风筝节。那就是我去那儿的原因。劳拉:真有趣!在风筝节期间发生什么事情? 郑云:来自世界各地的人们参加放风筝比赛。 也 有(角逐)最好的风筝的比赛。劳拉:风筝很美吗?郑云:它们很漂亮。它们是用各种不同的材料制成的, 画。劳拉:像丝绸和纸。一些风筝还绘上了绚丽的图 听起来你好像很喜欢匕。我从未想过像放风筝这么简单的事情会如此令人兴奋郑云:是的,看哪只风筝能飞得最高真的很有趣 劳拉:我认为我也想学放风筝!

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