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美人鱼串词word版本 15页.docx

1、美人鱼串词word版本 15页本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!= 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! = 美人鱼串词篇一:柏诺格推荐爱上美人鱼主题婚礼婚礼 主持词 柏诺格首席婚礼策划师、主持人段文超,推荐真实、自然、真情流露的浪漫婚礼台词!柏诺格?独立婚礼顾问主持机构是面向中高端婚礼市场的专业婚礼策划与主持执行团队。公司以80后年轻员工为主导力量,以高学历高执行力为优势,以专业策划为特色,开创了婚礼市场的新模式。柏诺格率先提出私人婚礼定制概念,品牌创始人在洞悉国际婚礼流行趋势的基础上,不断结合本土文化创造中国的婚礼时尚,公司以

2、独特的创造性思维,超强的策划能力,周密的全方位安排,完整的运营体 系,为新人提供专业、周到的婚礼管家式服务。 婚礼不应该只是一个仪式,那是人生旅途中温馨的一个小站,请让我们来帮助您承担一切本不应该属 于您的繁琐,给您一份安适舒服的心境,只观风景、只谈爱情,优雅的享受婚礼吧!ITS DUAN 主持天团,由著名的婚礼策划师、电台主持人段文超先生创办。段先生从业10年,为抚顺近201X人主持并策划婚礼,好评如潮!如今重拳出击与中国知名婚礼品牌“柏诺格”强强联手,打造抚顺第一家主持、策划与督导专业团队!是抚顺市高端婚礼品牌践行者! 柏诺格推荐爱上美人鱼主题婚礼婚礼主持词主持人的旁白:常常会想起小时候最

3、爱的童话故事,美丽的人鱼公主及英俊的白马王子总是小朋友梦想成为的角色,随着时间的流逝,儿时的梦想变成了秘密,长大后,秘密越藏越多,渐渐的,需要一个肩膀的依偎!微风掠过身旁,梳捋着脑海中纷繁的思绪,愉悦、梦想、温馨串成幸福!浪漫、祈祷、分享焕化成祝福!今天,我们即将看到爱情!今天,我们即将体味幸福!当一双眼眸深情的对视,我们的心中荡起幸福的钟声。(庄严的钟声响彻整个会场) (美人鱼短片)大海深处的城堡里,住着一位美丽而善良的人鱼公主。她非常思念她曾经救过的一位王子,于是,她千里迢迢的找到海底世界里的女巫,女巫非常狰狞的说:“我可以把你变成人形,但你要付出非常大的代价,你会失去你美丽的声音,你会每

4、天趴在那块黑色的礁石上沉睡,让海水冲刷你的尾巴一万年,在你的面前有一块非常有魔力的水晶帘,如果旁人碰到,立刻灰飞烟灭,直到你思念的王子出现,你才会恢复声音,他要为你穿上水晶鞋,你的尾巴才能变成人类的脚,如果他做不到,你将化为泡沫,消失的无影无踪。 时间过的真快,1万年的冲刷,让人鱼公主受尽了苦难,一万年的相思让王子受尽的折磨,一万年后的今天,在那片苍茫的大海上,这一对彼此相爱的恋人会相遇吗?接下来又将上演怎样的童话故事,让我们把所有的目光都集中在那幸福之门,这扇幸福之门一旦开启,让我们用掌声去鼓励王子,用手中的水晶鞋去征服人鱼公主的心。 关于人鱼公主的传说,传遍了整个世界,谁都惧怕水晶帘的魔力

5、,谁都害怕灰飞湮灭的魔咒,只有他冲破千难万险来到了这里,他轻轻的触碰了一下水晶帘,啊,没有任何反应,他更加坚定的自己的信念,抚开纱帘,他看到了,看到了一位身姿曼妙的人鱼公主躺在那里,微闭着眼睛,这个时候的公主似乎有的感应,她动了动眼睛,动了动尾巴,她起身抻了个懒腰,她也看到了,看到了一个英俊潇洒的男子,手拿水晶鞋向她缓缓走来,王子单膝跪地,握住了人鱼公主的手,他们就这样忘情的凝视着对方的眼睛。 新郎:你愿意嫁给我吗?我的公主。新娘:可我不知道你的水晶鞋合不合脚呢?王子俯下身子为人鱼公主穿上了水晶鞋,人鱼的尾巴瞬间变成了脚,这鞋子不大也不小,刚刚合脚,王子抱起了公主,在海边旋转着(这个地方新郎可

6、要卖点力气哦)似乎在向这世界的每一个角落大声的说:我爱你。 就这样王子带领着变成了人形的人鱼公主来到了他的国度,开始了全新的生活。(大屏幕VCR)(新人换衣服)准备就绪跟进婚礼进行曲小天使引路新郎新娘入场佛说,亲生五百次的回眸才能换来今生的擦肩而过,而究竟要有多少次回眸才能换来两个陌生的人在茫茫人海之中牵手一生一世呢,究竟是怎样的缘分孕育着爱情的种子开花结果,在此刻我将为大家揭开这神秘的面纱,我也希望我在为大家介绍到新郎新娘其中任何一位的时候,大家别忘了报以他们热烈的掌声。(介绍新人)就在刚才,我们亲眼见证了一场惊天动地却更为真挚动人的爱情故事,故事中,两个为爱奔波的男女在茫茫人海中,苦苦寻觅

7、,经历了一些风雨后,终于相遇并走到了一起,而指引着一对新人走向婚礼殿堂的小天使们还有一个重要的使命,那就是,他们要陪伴着一对新人互换爱的信物。(新郎新娘相对而站)飞回到天堂,在临走之前他们会送给新郎新娘每人一个天使之吻,用这一吻去祝福他们纯真的爱情,用这一吻去见证他们的千年之恋。 切婚礼蛋糕 圆圆的蛋糕,象征着爱情圆满、甜蜜、和幸福。我们的新人现在就要亲手切开它。 首先他们切开了蛋糕的底层,这是他们对爱情的宣言,也是对新生活的剪彩。现在他们切下了第二层,我们共同祝愿这对新人永远年轻,永远浪漫,然后他们切到了最高层,预示着他们的事业蒸蒸日上,拥有黄金般的岁月和璀璨的未来。 请新娘喂新郎一口蛋糕

8、新郎你告诉大家 这蛋糕甜不甜啊?好就祝愿你们今后的生活比蜜甜,比这蛋糕还甜。请新郎喂新娘一口蛋糕新娘你告诉大家这蛋糕香不香啊?好,就祝愿你们今后的生活,甜甜香香,香满四方。在父母的注视和见证下 齐倒杯塔爱情是灯,越拨越亮,爱情是河,越流越长,爱情是花,越开越美,爱情是酒,越陈越香,我们的新人将在父母的陪伴和注视下去开启这批昂象征爱情美满的香槟,让他们的幸福源泉一泻而下。每人手中拿一酒杯 共同喝酒生活的道路壮阔,爱情的道路漫长,新郎新娘就要走上新生活的道路了,他们未来的路上云蒸霞蔚,风光无限,花团锦簇,气象万千,在新生活即将开始的时候,让我们共饮一杯爱情的美酒吧,有人说爱情的酒是甜的,我说不,我

9、觉得生活的酒最起码它应该是酸甜苦辣的,是需要一对新人在今后的生活中去慢慢品味,细细品尝的,而且我觉得,我们在座的每一位好朋友,大家都可以用桌上的美酒把手中的酒杯斟满,让我们用杯中美酒为一对新人庆贺,祝福。在新生活即将开始的时候,新郎有话要讲,让我们把话语权交给新郎,听听他要说些什么。 退场朋友们,虽然今天的典礼仪式已经结束,但属于一对新人的新生活才刚刚开始,未来的生活是爱的海洋,一页小舟开始远航,希望你们荡起爱的双桨,同心协力驶向爱的殿堂。篇二:小美人鱼电影台词(An ocean. Birds are flying and porpoises are swimming happily. Fro

10、m the fog a ship appears crashing through the waves)Sailors: Ill tell you a tale of the bottomless blue. And its hey to the starboard, heave ho Look out, lad, a mermaid be waiting for you In mysterious fathoms below.Eric: Isnt this great? The salty sea air, the wind blowing in your face . . .a perfe

11、ct day to be at sea!Grimsby: (Leaning over side.) Oh yes . . . delightful . . . .Sailor 1: A fine strong wind and a following sea. King Triton must be in a friendly-type mood.Eric: King Triton?Sailor 2: Why, ruler of the merpeople, lad. Thought every good sailor knew about him.Grimsby: Merpeople! Er

12、ic, pay no attention to this nautical nonsense.Sailor 2: But it isnt nonsense, its the truth! Im telling you, down in the depths o the ocean they live. (He gestures wildly, Fish in his hand flops away and lands back in the ocean, relieved.)Sailors: Heave. ho. Heave, ho. In mysterious fathoms below.

13、(Fish sighs and swims away.)(Titles. Various fish swimming. Merpeople converge on a great undersea palace, filling concert hall inside. Fanfare ensues.)Seahorse: Ahem . . . His royal highness, King Triton! (Triton enters dramatically to wild cheering.) And presenting the distinguished court composer

14、, Horatio Thelonious Ignatius Crustaceous Sebastian! (Sebastian enters to mild applause.)Triton: Im really looking forward to this performance, Sebastian.Sebastian: Oh, Your Majesty, this will be the finest concert I have ever conducted. Your daughters - they will be spectacular!Triton: Yes, and esp

15、ecially my little Ariel.Sebastian: Yes, yes, she has the most beautiful voice. . . . sotto If only shed show up for rehearsals once in a while. . . .(He proceeds to podium and begins to direct orchestra.)Tritons daughters: Ah, we are the daughters of Triton.Great father who loves us and named us wel

16、l:Aquata, Andrina, Arista, Atina, Adella, Allana. And then there is the youngest in her musical debut, Our seventh little sister, were presenting her to you, To sing a song Sebastian wrote, her voice is like a bell, Shes our sister, Ar-i . . .(Shell opens to reveal that Ariel is absent.)Triton: (Ver

17、y angry.) Ariel!(Cut to Ariel looking at sunken ship.)Flounder: (From distance.) Ariel, wait for me . . .Ariel: Flounder, hurry up!Flounder: (Catching up.) You know I cant swim that fast.Ariel: There it is. Isnt it fantastic?Flounder: Yeah . . . sure . . . it - its great. Now lets get outta here.Ari

18、el: Youre not getting cold fins now, are you?Flounder: Who, me? No way. Its just, it, err . . . it looks - damp in there.Yeah. And I think I may be coming down with something. Yeah, I got this cough. (Flounder coughs unconvincingly)Ariel: All right. Im going inside. You can just stay here and - watc

19、h for sharks. (She goes inside.)Flounder: O.K. Yeah - you go. Ill stay and - what? Sharks! Ariel!(He tries to fit through porthole.) Ariel . . . I cant . . . I mean Ariel help!Ariel: (Laughs.) Oh, Flounder.Flounder: (Wispering.)Ariel, do you really think there might be sharks around here? (Shark pas

20、ses outside.)Ariel: Flounder, dont be such a guppy.Flounder: Im not a guppy. (Gets pulled through porthole.)This is great I mean, I really love this. Excitement, adventure, danger lurking around every corn- YAAAAHHHHHHHH! Ariel! (He sees a skull, crashes into pillar causing cave in, and swims franti

21、cally away, knocking over Ariel.) Ariel: Oh, are you okay? Flounder: Yeah sure, no problem, Im okay . . .Ariel: Shhh . . . (Seeing a fork.) Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Have you ever seen anything so wonderful in your entire life?Flounder: Wow, cool! But, err, what is it?Ariel: I dont know. But I bet Scu

22、ttle will.(Puts fork in bag. Skark swims by outside.)Flounder: What was that? Did you hear something?Ariel: (Distracted by pipe.) Hmm, I wonder what this one is?Flounder: Ariel . .Ariel: Flounder, will you relax. Nothing is going to happen.Flounder: (Seeing Shark looming behind him.) AAHHHH! Run! Ru

23、n! Were gonna die! (Shark chases them all around. Ariels bag is hung up. She goes back for it. Shark almost gets them. They head for porthole.) Oh No!(They crash through and go round and round. Flounder gets knocked silly but Ariel saves him and traps Shark) You big bully. THBBBTTTT . . (Shark snaps

24、 at him and he swims away.) Ariel: (Laughing.) Flounder, you really are a guppy.Flounder: I am not.(On surface. Scuttle on his island humming and looking through his telescope.)Ariel: Scuttle!Scuttle: (Looking through the telescope the wrong way, shouting.) Whoa!Mermaid off the port bow! Ariel, how

25、you doin kid? (Lowers telescope to reveal Ariel at wings length.) Whoa, what a swim!Ariel: Scuttle - look what we found.Flounder: Yeah - we were in this sunken ship - it was really creepy.Scuttle: Human stuff, huh? Hey, lemme see. (Picks up fork.) Look at this.Wow - this is special - this is very, v

26、ery unusual.Ariel: What? What is it?Scuttle: Its a dinglehopper! Humans use these little babies . . . to straighten their hair out. See - just a little twirl here an a yank there and - voiolay! You got an aesthetically pleasing configuration of hair that humans go nuts over!Ariel: A dinglehopper!Flo

27、under: What about that one?Scuttle: (Holding pipe) Ah - this I havent seen in years. This is wonderful! A banded, bulbous - snarfblat.Ariel and Flounder: Oohhh.Scuttle: Now, the snarfblat dates back to prehistorical times, when humans used to sit around, and stare at each other all day. Got very bor

28、ing. So, they invented the snarfblat to make fine music. Allow me.(Scuttle blows into the pipe; seaweed pops out the other end.)Ariel: Music? Oh, the concert! Oh my gosh, my fathers gonna kill me!Flounder: The concert was today?Scuttle: (Still contemplating pipe.) Maybe you could make a little plant

29、er out of it or somethin.Ariel: Uh, Im sorry, Ive gotta go. Thank you Scuttle. (Waves.)Scuttle: Anytime sweetie, anytime.(Cut to Flotsam and Jetsam, then Ursula in background watching magic projection of Ariel swimming.)Ursula: Yes, hurry home, princess. We wouldnt want to miss old daddys celebratio

30、n, now, would we? Huh! Celebration indeed. Bah! In MY day, we had fantastical feasts when I lived in the palace. And now, look at me wasted away to practically nothing - banished and exiled and practically starving, while he and his flimsy fish-folk celebrate. Well, Ill give them something to celebr

31、ate soon enough. Flotsam! Jetsam! I want you to keep an extra close watch on this pretty little daughter of his. She may be the key to Tritons undoing. . . . (Fade to the palace throne room where Ariel is being admonished.)Triton: I just dont know what were going to do with you, young lady.Ariel: Da

32、ddy, Im sorry, I just forgot, I -Triton: As a result of your careless behaviour -Sebastian: Careless and reckless behaviour!Triton: - the entire celebration was, er -Sebastian: Well, it was ruined! Thats all. Completely destroyed! This concert was to be the pinnacle of my distinguished career. Now thanks to you I am the laughing stock of the entire kingdom!Flounder: But it wasnt her fault! Ah - well - first,

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