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本文(江苏版届高考英语一轮复习第一部分基础考点聚焦Unit1Talesoftheunexplained知能演练.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、江苏版届高考英语一轮复习第一部分基础考点聚焦Unit1Talesoftheunexplained知能演练Unit 1 Tales of the unexplainedA卷 单项填空1(2018泰州中学学情诊断)Why do you choose to work in an international travel agency? Well, you know, English is my_So it is my best choice.Astrength BtalentCability DskillA解析:句意:你为什么选择去一家国际旅行社工作? 你知道的, 英语是我的强项。因此, 这是我的最

2、佳选择。strength “优势, 强项”; talent “才能”; ability “能力”; skill “技能”。2(2018扬州中学质检)_that climate change poses a growing danger to our planet, all the nations have committed themselves to pursuing a clean energy economy.ABeing convinced BConvincingCHaving convinced DConvincedD解析:convince与all the nations为动宾关系,

3、 所以用convince的过去分词形式, convinced that.引导状语从句表原因, 故选D项。3Air quality in Beijing was rated as poor _ more than 5 million cars in the capital.Aexcept for Bregardless ofCdue to Din spite ofC解析:考查介词短语。句意:北京的空气质量之所以列入差的行列是因为首都有五百多万辆汽车。except for “除了”; regardless of “不管, 不顾”; due to “因为, 由于”; in spite of “虽然,

4、 尽管”。根据句意选C项。4The past ten years _ a boom in economy in my hometown, as a result of which people here are enjoying a far better life than before.Awas witnessing BwitnessedChas witnessed Dis witnessingC解析:句意:过去的十年见证了我家乡经济的繁荣, 所以这里的人们正享受着比以前更好的生活。The past ten years常用于现在完成时。5(2018常熟高三调研)It_ me the othe

5、r day that I might not have paused to think of life meaning for years.Aappealed to Breferred toCoccurred to Dhappened toC解析:It occurred to sb.that.某人突然想起6You never know where happiness will _ next, so grasp every chance around you.Ashow off Bturn downCturn up Dcome inC解析:句意:你永远无法知道下一次幸福会在哪里出现, 所以要抓住

6、你身边的每一个机会。show off “炫耀”; turn down “调低; 拒绝”; turn up “调高; 偶然出现”; come in “进来”。根据句意可知应选C项。7(2018泰州模拟)Johnson is said to be the first young teacher _ to professor in your university this year. Exactly._ of his own competence is an important factor in his success.Apromoted; ConvincingBto have been prom

7、oted; ConvincingCpromoted; ConvincedDto have been promoted; Being convincedD解析:第一空前的名词teacher被the first修饰, 一般只能用不定式作定语, 排除A和C。第二空是动名词短语, be convinced of sth. “对有信心”。句意:约翰逊据说是今年你们大学晋级教授的第一位年轻教师。的确是。 他对自己能力的自信是他成功的一个重要因素。所以选D。8The book tells stories of the earthquake through the eyes of those _ lives

8、were affected.Awhose BthatCwho DwhichA解析:考查定语从句。其中those作先行词,定语从句中缺少lives的定语,故用whose。9Mr.Smith is said _ a new computer programme three months ago, but I dont know when he will finish it.Ato design Bhad beenCto be designing Dto have been designingD解析:sth./sb. be said to do.“据说”, 从句中的信息可知这个程序从三个月前就开始了

9、, 到现在还不清楚什么时候完成。 故选D。10From the _ expression on his face, I knew he didnt understand the question.Apuzzling BpuzzleCpuzzled DconfusingC解析:puzzled expression “困惑的表情”。11After days of searching, our patience was eventually _ and we found the lost mountain climbers.Arewarded BawardedCrequired DbalancedA

10、解析:句意:经过几天的搜寻, 我们的耐心终于得到了回报, 我们找到了失踪的登山者。be rewarded (with sth.)表示 “得到回报”, 符合句意。award “给予, 授予”; require “要求”; balance “(使)保持平衡”。12Is the task easy to finish?_. Ill just do my bit.AI think so BAnything butCNot a little DCertainlyB解析: 这任务容易完成吗? 非常难。 我只能尽力而为。I think so意为“我这样认为”; Anything but为习语, 意为“根本不

11、, 一点儿也不”; Not a little意为“非常, 十分”; Certainly 意为“当然”。 从“Ill just do my bit.”可知, 此处应表示“很难”, 因此用Anything but。13They are trying to _ the project to meet the deadline.Astep up Bset upClook up Dpick upA解析:句意:他们正在尽力加快进程, 以赶上截止时间。step up “加快; 促进”。set up “建立; 搭起”; look up “查询; 抬头看”; pick up “捡起; 接收”。根据句意, 答案为

12、A 项。14When_for his views about his teaching job, Philip said he found it very interesting and rewarding.Aasking BaskedChaving asked Dto be askedB解析:句意:当被问及对教学工作的看法时, 菲利普说他发现教学非常有趣而且很值得做。主语Philip与ask之间为被动关系, 所以用过去分词。 When asked 相当于状语从句When Philip was asked。15Could I swim here? _Look at the sign NO SW

13、IMMING.ANo, you couldnt BCertainly, you couldCSorry, please dont DOf course, you canC解析:根据“Look at the sign NO SWIMMING.”可知, 应该是表示不能游泳, 故排除B、 D; A选项的回答不如C选项有礼貌。所以选C。阅读理解“Hungary?”I looked at my school headmaster in confusion.“I never mentioned wanting to go to Hungary.”And with that,my adventure sta

14、rted.My name is Jonathan Diamond and I just finished an amazing school exchange year in Hungary.Going on an exchange had always been my dream.When my high school offered an allyear program,I jumped at the opportunity.It would pay for almost everything and all I had to do was buy a plane ticket.I kne

15、w where I wanted to go:Spain,the country of dancers wearing flowing red dresses.So when I heard that I was going to Hungary,I was pretty shocked.But I decided to make the best of it,since it was,after all,a onceinalifetime opportunity.Before I knew it,I was on the airplane,leaving for Budapest Feren

16、c Liszt International Airport,Hungary.I had difficult times when I almost gave up.Hungarian is the hardest language on the planet.Cultural differences occasionally embarrassed both my peers and me.I had to give up eating carrots,my beautiful favorite,for Hungarians think carrots are rubbish in their

17、 country.The change in the landscape was amazing,looking nothing like skyscrapers,bullet trains,cars,and people in tiny houses that I had been accustomed to.Gradually,I fell in love with the relaxing lifestyle,the warmhearted people,and getting home at 2:30 the latest from school.And I was sad

18、 to leave on my very last day.Having the host family who took me as one of their own members was the best thing Ive ever experienced.From my little sisters,I learned how to embrace life to its fullest.From my brothers I learned that its OK for a boy to run around the house.From my host parents I lea

19、rned to stay positive,to smile and that when you pick the right people and take their hands,suddenly,you become friends.【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述作者作为一个交换生在国外学习的经历和感受。1How did Jonathan feel when he was told to go to Hungary?AExcited and satisfied.BConfused and shocked.CAmazed and embarrassed.DDelighted and i

20、nterested.B解析:细节理解题。根据首段中的“I looked at my school headmaster in confusion.”可知,作者听到这个消息很迷惑,再结合第三段中的“So when I heard that I was going to Hungary,I was pretty shocked.”可知,选项B正确。2Why did Jonathan still decide to go to Hungary instead of Spain?AHe didnt like Spain.BHe wanted to learn Hungarian.CIt was a r

21、are chance.DGoing to Hungary was much cheaper.C解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的“But I decided to make the best of it,since it was,after all,a onceinalifetime opportunity.”可知,作者决定充分利用这次机会,因为毕竟这是一次千载难逢的机会,所以选项C正确。a rare chance“一次罕见的机会”。3What can we learn about Jonathan during his stay in Hungary?AHe fell in love with

22、 eating carrots.BHe couldnt wait to leave.CHe was surprised by the landscape.DHe quickly got used to the life there.C解析:推理判断题。根据第四段中的“The change in the landscape was amazing”可知选项C正确。4According to Jonathan,the host family_Achanged him completelyBtaught him how to dance wellCtreated him as equally as

23、a studentDshowed him the good things of lifeD解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段内容可知,作者从寄宿家庭那里学到了很多人生哲学,他们向作者展现了生活中美好的事情,故选项D正确。任务型阅读(2018南京调研)When it comes to being socially successful, the quantity of your relationships is irrelevant.The important thing is the quality of them.I would rather have a small team that wor

24、ks in concert than a big team so scattered(分散的) that nothing ever gets done.Its better to have a few close friends who love you for who you are than a lot of acquaintances who youre not so comfortable with.Here are five ways you can make people enjoy being around you.Be confident, but not cocky.Ther

25、e is a big difference between healthy confidence and arrogant(傲慢的) cockiness.A confident person, when complimented about a wonderful thing they did, would reply with a simple “thank you”. A cocky person would take the opportunity to perform an unscheduled Academy Award acceptance speech.A confident

26、person would offer praise to everybody who contributed to their success.A cocky person would claim all the credit for themselves without a second thought.Cocky people might experience temporary perks, but longlasting success is a prize reserved for the confident.Be approachable, but not a pushover.Y

27、ou should welcome your friends and coworkers with open arms.Its hard to find a person who will offer a listening ear in time of need, so fulfilling that need will help you become a person people trust.But there can be too much of a good thing.If you find yourself with invitations youre not that inte

28、rested in, dont be afraid to politely reject them.If your schedule becomes occupied by people desiring your attention, set some ground rules and prioritize(优先考虑)To take care of others, you must first take care of yourself.Be direct in expression, but not nasty in delivery.Receiving honesty with no f

29、ilter(过滤) is like finding a massive glass of ice water during a desert adventure.Speak words of truth, and people will be refreshed to hear them.Most people sugarcoat their opinions, so a willingness to tell it how you see it will win the appreciation of your friends and coworkers.But heres the catc

30、h: delivery is everything.There is a big difference between “Your article sucks” and “I like the general concept, but I think it might play better if you try it from a different angle.” Truth is something you should aim for, but it isnt a ticket to be nasty to people.To deliver honesty and helpful f

31、eedback, use this sentence structure: “I liked (insert positive quality), but I think it would be better if (constructive criticism/suggestion for improvement)” Be mindful of your actions, but not absorbed in yourself.Have you ever found yourself nervous while fielding questions in a job interview or talking to a cute person you have a crush on? So eager to make a positive first impression that you cant escape the constant stream of thoughts causing you to

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