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1、模拟听力四级答案听力原文及答案 Model Test OnePart I Writing (30 minutes) Aid Education in ChinaEach year, college students, encouraged to aid students in the poverty-stricken areas, volunteer themselves in poor villages for a year and try to improve education in poor areas.Aid-education has been beneficial in two

2、aspects. On one hand, college volunteers are really devoted to the cause. They have opened the eyes of students in underdeveloped regions to the outside world by bringing them new knowledge and thoughts. As a result, they are extremely well-received by the children there. On the other hand, college

3、students have received a rigorous training by adapting to the harsh living conditions. They are enjoying the appreciation and no-distance friendship from the children. Whats more, they are greatly inspired by the moving and tireless spirit of the children.In my opinion, Chinas educational developmen

4、t cant be isolated from each individual and we college students should take the lead in response to the appeal for offering aid to children in poor areas. Part III Listening Comprehension (35 minutes) Test One听力Section A 11.A 12.D 13.C 14.D 15.B 16.A 17.A 18.B 19.A 20.D 21.B 22.A 23.C 24.C 25.DSecti

5、on B 26.C 27.D 28.C 29.C 30.A 31.D 32.C 33.B 34.A 35.DSection C 36. hardly 37. without 38. blank 39. by laws 40. columns 41. witty 42. difference 43. advertising44. The fact that we pay so little for our daily paper, or can enjoy so many broadcast programs is due entirely to the money spent by adver

6、tisers. 45. What a tremendously useful service they perform for the community!46. For instance, you can find a job, or sell a house, announce a birth, marriage or death in newspapers.Typescripts: Section A 11. M: Are you going to replace the light switch by yourself? W: Why should I call an electric

7、ian? Q: What does the woman imply? 12. W: The map shows that this street goes downtown. M: Yes, but what we want to know is how to get to the park.Q: What does the man mean? 13. W:Shouldnt we invite more people to the dance? M:The more the merrier. Q: What does the men mean? 14. M: Well, I thought y

8、ou were working for a large business machine company. W: I did for a few months, but I decided that accounting wasnt what I liked best. Q: Why did she want to change her job? 15. M: I wish to buy a new car, but I spent too much on my house last year. W: New cars are expensive. You cant borrow so muc

9、h money. Q: What happens to the man? 16. M: Well, if I had begun studying English earlier, I wouldnt be having so much troublewith my pronunciation. W: Oh, I can understand why you feel that way. Q: What problem does the man have?17. M: Have you filled out your tax forms yet? W: Dont remind me of th

10、em! Theyre so confusing that Im discouraged before I start! Q: What emotion is the woman feeling? 18. W: Will you come to my novel reading next week?M: Ill be out of town then.Q: What does the man mean? Now youll hear two long conversations.Conversation One W: Any Good news? M: Well, I can hardly sa

11、y that. However, Im still hopeful. W: Have you got a reply from your head office? M: Yes, Ive received a long fax. Actually, theres nothing new in the offer. W: Do you mean the price remains the same as the mentioned yesterday?M: Yes, it is the same. I believe that you have followed up the supply po

12、sition, and that youre as well informed as I am. W: Could you tell us about the supply position at your end? M: As you know, situations are apt to change in the commodity market. There are most pressing demands from clients in other parts of the world. The upward trend is quite strong. I hope you wi

13、ll appreciate out position. W: I gather from what you say that the outlook is not very promising. Its rather disappointing that you should come all the way from Australia to tell us of such a bleak prospect. M: Things are not all that bad. You may recall that we once drew your attention to vegetable

14、 oil. As regards this item, the situation is slightly better. W: We are not interested in oil for the simple reason that its price is higher. M: I appreciate that. Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.19. What are the two speakers talking about? 20. What did the man r

15、eceive from the head office? 21. Why is the man not interested in oil? 22. Where did the man come all the way from to tell the bleak market situation?Conversation Two M: Hi, Sally. Welcome back. How was the West Coast? W: Terrific. I had a wonderful time. It was really nice to get away from the city

16、 for a while. M: What did you think of LA? W: It was all right. I liked it better than I thought I would. Its very clean and spacious, and its got lots of trees. The problem is transportation. The bus service is terrible, and, of course, they dont have a subway, so its a little difficult to get arou

17、nd. We had to rent a car. M: And what did you see? W: Oh, the usual things. We took a drive around Hollywood and looked at the stars homes, and then we went to Universal Studios and Disneyland. M: How did you like Disneyland? W: It was great! We really enjoyed it . We took all the rides, some of the

18、m twice, and had lots of fun. I felt just like a kid again. M: Was the weather good? W: Oh, year. It was nice and warm in LA and cool but comfortable in San Francisco. M: Cool in San Francisco? Thats surprising.W: Yeah, it surprised us a bit, too. We didnt take any sweaters or anything. But they say

19、 its always like that in August. Anyway, I just loved it.Question 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.23. What are the two speakers are doing? 24. What is the problem of LA?25. Which of following did the woman not visit?Passage One Cambridge is about 90 kilometres northeast of

20、 London. It is one of the most beautiful places in Britain. Everything about the city of Cambridge reminds you of its famous university: students on bicycles, an atmosphere of learning, traditions and the magnificent buildings of the 30 colleges that are the University of Cambridge.Most of the colle

21、ges stand on the bank of the Cam River, a gentle river that flows through the heart of the city. Tourists and students like boating in a kind of flat-bottom boat to see the colleges or to relax themselves. If the water traffic reminds the visitor of Venice, the road traffic is more likely to recall

22、Beijing or Amsterdam. The streets are full of bicycles, hundreds and hundreds of them. They provide a cheap form of transport for the students and a very convenient way of getting around Cambridges narrow streets. Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.26. What do tourists e

23、njoy doing in Cambridge for relaxation? 27. Why does the road traffic in Cambridge remind one of Beijing?28. What is the speakers impression of Cambridge?Passage Two Mr. Foster started his publishing business with only one magazine. It was called “World News”. Mostly it had summaries of important we

24、eks events from around the world. But it always included one or two stories about interesting people. Mr. Foster put these in because he believed all people like to read about other people. Several years ago, Mr. Foster started two other magazines. One was called “Enterprise”.It is for business peop

25、le. And the other was called “Action”, for sportsmen. Like “World News”, they always have two or three stories about interesting people. Five years ago, Mr. Foster got another idea for a magazine. He wanted this one to have even more stories about people than the others and to have more photographs.

26、 This one was named “Faces and Places”. From the very beginning, it was a big success. Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.29. Why did Mr. Foster add stories about interesting people to the magazine “World News”?30. Which magazine is a sports fan most likely to buy? 31. W

27、hat is Mr. Fosters profession? Passage Three My parents ran a small restaurant. The restaurant was open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. And my first job when I was six years old was shining shoes for customers. My duties increased as I grew older. By age ten I was clearing tables and washing plat

28、es. My father made it clear that I had to meet certain standards. I had to be on time, hard-working and polite to the customers. I was never paid for any work I did. One day I made a mistake of telling Dad I thought he should give me 10 pounds a week. He said: “Ok, then how about you paying me for t

29、he three meals a day when you eat here and for the times you bring in your friends for free drinks?” He figured I owed him about 40 pounds a week. This taught me quite a lot. Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.32. What was the speakers job before he was 10 years old?33.

30、What was one of the requirements laid down by the boys father?34. What did the boy ask his father to do one day?25. Why did the boys father refuse to pay him?Section C Its (36)_hardly_ possible not to read advertisements these days. And what fun they often are, too! Just think what a railway station

31、 or a newspaper would be like (37) without advertisements. Would you enjoy gazing at a (38) blank wall or reading railway (39) by laws while waiting for a train? Would you like to read only closely-printed (40) columns of news in your daily paper? A cheerful, (41) witty advertisement makes such a (4

32、2) difference to a dull wall or a newspaper full of the daily ration of disasters. We must not forget, either, that (43)advertising makes a positive contribution to our pockets. Newspapers, commercial radio and television companies couldnt survive without this source or revenue. (44) The fact that we pay so little for our daily paper, or can enjoy so many broadcast programs is due entirely to the money spent by advertisers. . Just think what a newspaper would cost if we had to pay its full price! Another thing we mustnt forget is the small “ads”

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