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1、高考英语浙江专用精准提分冲刺卷七精校解析Word版考前冲刺卷(七)选择题部分第一部分听力(略)第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分35分)第一节(共10小题;每小题2.5分,满分25分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AA seaside Long Island village on Saturday honored the memory of a girl whose message in a bottle was found after Superstorm Sandy,discovered by cleanup workers a dozen years af

2、ter she threw it into the ocean.A plate was placed on a rock near the bridge,where the bottle was discovered in December.It reads:“Be excellent to yourself dude(朋友),” the same message inside the bottle.The note,a line from the 1989 Keanu Reevess movie Bill & Teds Excellent Adventure,was written by S

3、idonie Fery and threw into the ocean inside a bottle.She died in 2010 at the age of 18 in a fall from a cliff(悬崖) in Switzerland.The bottle only traveled a mile or two westward from where it was likely deposited to the location where cleanup workers found it.It was intermingled with broken clothes,b

4、oating equipment and a range of sea trash.But because the note included the girls New York City phone number,what otherwise would have been a worthless piece of trash became a priceless souvenir.Workers in Patchogue,about 60 miles (100 kilometers) east of Manhattan,called the number and returned the

5、 bottle to her mother,Mimi Fery.Fery said she sobbed when she heard workers had found the bottle and was grateful to them.“Its unbelievable,” she said Saturday of the ceremony.“The town is amazing,my daughter was a lovely and lively person and very fun,she would do fun things.She always brought joy

6、to everybody no matter how she felt.”The plate also reads:“I learned that even though someone is very small they may have a big heart” and bears a photo of a smiling,young Sidonie along with the date the bottle was found:Dec.6,2012.语篇解读这是一篇记叙文。一个海边小村在周六的时候举行活动纪念一个女孩。这个女孩数年前将一个装有个人信息的瓶子扔到大海里,数年后,这个瓶子

7、被清理工人发现。但是,女孩已经去世,清理工人将瓶子归还给她的母亲。1The passage is mainly written to .Atell us how to write a noteBinform us of some useful tipsCshare with us a moving storyDintroduce the bottle message答案C解析写作意图题。一个海边小村在周六的时候举行活动纪念一个女孩。这个女孩数年前将一个装有个人信息的瓶子扔到大海里,数年后,这个瓶子被清理工人发现。但是,女孩已经去世,清理工人将瓶子归还给她的母亲。文章详细介绍了事情的来龙去脉。故

8、这篇文章的写作目的就是告诉读者这个感人的故事。故C选项正确。2Which is the correct order of the events mentioned in the passage?aSidonie fell from a cliff and died.bSidonie wrote a line and threw it into the ocean in a bottle.cKeanus movie Bill & Teds Excellent Adventure came out.dA plate was placed to honor the memory of Sidonie

9、.eCleanup workers found the bottle and called Fery.Acbaed BcbeadCcabde Dcabed答案A解析细节理解题。由第一至第四段的描述可知,事情的发展顺序应该是:1989年电影Bill & Teds Excellent Adventure问世。Sidonie将这部电影里的一句台词写在纸上,放到瓶子里,然后把瓶子扔到了海洋里。2010年,Sidonie坠崖而死。清理工人发现了这个瓶子,给Sidonie的母亲Ferry打电话,将瓶子归还给她。一个牌子被树立起来以纪念Sidonie。故A项正确。3Which of the followin

10、g can best describe Sidonie?AHelpful and optimistic.BSmall but promising.CLovely but pitiful.DSmart and beautiful.答案A解析推理判断题。由倒数第二段中的“.my daughter was a lovely and lively person and very fun,she would do fun things.She always brought joy to everybody no matter how she felt.”可知,Sidonie非常可爱,非常活泼,经常做一些

11、有趣的事。她总是给别人带去快乐。由此可知,她应该是一个比较乐观、愿意帮助别人、给别人带去快乐的人。故A项正确。BIn our research,we surveyed nearly 1,400 consumers about what they had eaten over the last 24 hours and how often they bought foods at supermarkets.We also took note of individual characteristics.When it came to making unhealthy food choices,a

12、consumers individual characteristics mattered more than where they shopped.Young consumers were less likely to eat fruits and vegetables.People without college degrees consumed significantly more sugar and butter.With age and education came better eating habits.Older people and college graduates ate

13、 more fruits and vegetables.The clear role played by these connections argues for approaches to helping people improve the diet choices they make.Particularly when it comes to eating less junk food,targeted interventions(干预) are needed in addition to building supermarkets and stocking them with “goo

14、d for you” foods.Policymakers should consider putting in place proven strategies(策略) that push consumers to change their shopping behaviors,such as taxing foods high in added sugars.In 2014,Berkeley became the first city in the US. to put a tax on sugarsweetened drinks,and consumption of such drinks

15、 dropped by more than 20 percent.In Mexico,an 8 percent tax on highcalorie foods put in place the same year reduced junk food purchases by about 5 percent.Evidence that people with lower levels of education may be more likely to reduce their consumption of sugarsweetened drinks in the face of such a

16、 tax also comes from Mexico.With more US. cities following suit,muchneeded additional research should follow on whether these taxes effectively reduce consumption.Some strategies that are not obvious and are aimed at changing individual behaviors also could make a difference in eating and shopping h

17、abits.Instore marketingwhere and how foods are puthas shown promise of increasing the sales of healthy foods in supermarkets of lowincome neighborhoods.Technology may also play a role.Research has shown that just being exposed to electronically delivered dietary feedback,including advice on how to e

18、at more fruits and vegetables,led to increased consumption of such foods among lowerincome individuals with lower levels of education.语篇解读本文为议论文。研究发现,个人特点,如年龄和受教育程度,与个人饮食习惯存在关联。对此,作者提到从税收政策、市场营销和科技三个方面来改善个人饮食习惯。4Which of the following would the author agree from the first paragraph?APersonal tastes

19、vary greatly.BYou are what you eat.CYou eat what you are.DMore supermarkets should be built.答案C解析推理判断题。根据第一段中的“a consumers individual characteristics mattered more than where they shopped”可知,在选择食品时,消费者的个人特点要比购物地点更有决定性,因为年龄和受教育程度决定购买食品的种类,进而形成饮食习惯,即你的个人特点决定你的饮食习惯。第二段对此阐释得更加清楚,故C项最佳。5What does the und

20、erlined word “connections” in Paragraph 3 refer to?AEducation backgrounds decide economic income.BAge and education affect the choices of foods.COlder consumers tend to buy cheap foods.DIndividual characteristics influence where to shop.答案B解析词义猜测题。根据第二段中的“With age and education came better eating ha

21、bits.”可知,饮食习惯受年龄和受教育程度的影响,故此处connections指上文提及的年龄和受教育程度与个人饮食习惯之间的关联。故选B。6How does the author feel about the taxes?ADoubtful. BOpposed.CIndifferent. DCautious.答案D解析观点态度题。从第四段的数字可知,作者认为征税政策在特定城市的确有效,再结合第五段中的“With more US. cities following suit,muchneeded additional research should follow on whether the

22、se taxes effectively reduce consumption.”可知,作者认为征税政策的效果还需进一步论证,故作者对征税政策是持谨慎态度的。故选D。7What does the author mainly talk about in the text?AAdvice on improving eating habits.BThe importance of healthy foods.CPeoples different food preferences.DA latest research discovery.答案A解析主旨大意题。作者开篇提到一项研究发现,由此引出改善个人

23、饮食习惯的几种方法。故作者主要在文中谈了改善个人饮食习惯的方法。故选A。CA Ushaped object,resembling a silvery dome(穹顶),is now under inspection by Russian experts,after being secretly removed under cover of night from the possession of villagers who found it.After discovering it on Sunday,locals from the village of Otradnesnky had man

24、aged to drag the “UFO fragment” from the thick forest where it had fallen.They loaded it onto a truck and took it through the snow to their village,where local inspectors then examined it before reporting Moscow authorities.In an official statement,Sergey Bobrov,who found the object,agreed to keep i

25、t safe.But following their secret removal of the 200kilogram metal fragment(碎片),police have it under close guard on orders from unnamed authorities.The object has not had its origin confirmed yet.However,it does not come from a rocket or missile or is in any way associated with earth space technolog

26、y,it has been announced.“The object found is not related to space technology.A final conclusion can be made after a detailed study of the object by experts,” said Roscosmos,the Russian Space Agency.Experts have also examined the object to determine whether it is dangerous.“We measured the radiation

27、level near and inside the object.We found no radiation here,” said Yuri Bornyakov,who heads the rescue service department of the Kuybyshevsky district in the Novosibirsk region.Part of the fragment is made of ultrastrong titanium(钛),said Valery Vasiliev,the head of the Kuybyshevsky Department for Ci

28、vil Defence and Emergency Situations.A guess that it had come from a failed Kazakhstan rocket or satellite launch was also denied.“You can see inside it.All is open.Its empty.No danger here.We were asked to take and store it.We brought it here.And now we are going to wait until they come to take it

29、if they need it,” said local police spokesman Sergei Sulein.语篇解读本文是一篇新闻报道。俄罗斯某村庄的一个村民在森林里发现了一块重达200公斤的金属碎片。现在,这个碎片被秘密地运送给了研究人员进行研究。8The “UFO fragment” was found .Ain the skyBin the fieldCin the forestDin the sea答案C解析细节理解题。根据第二段第一句中的“from the thick forest where it had fallen”可知,它是在森林里被发现的。故C项正确。9We c

30、an infer from the passage that .Athe “UFO fragment” comes from outer spaceBthe fragment could be used to make a rocketCthe person who found it will get a reward from MoscowDthe local police will keep the “UFO fragment” for a while答案D解析推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句可以判断,当地的警察将暂时保存这块“UFO”碎片,直到研究人员将它取走。故D项正确。10What

31、does the passage mainly talk about?AA fallen “UFO fragment” in Russia.BA UFO found by Russian villagers.CAn inspection of a “UFO fragment”DA report on a failed rocket.答案A解析主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文是一篇新闻报道,文章第一段即为文章的主题句,据此可知,本文主要讲述的是在俄罗斯“UFO”碎片坠落在森林中被当地村民发现并引起专家关注的事情。故A项最能概括文意。第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的

32、选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。How to Feel More ComfortableAsking for What You WantThe saying goes:if you dont ask,you dont get! 11 .Find a good timePick a time that you know your request will be heard.People tend not to listen if they are angry,stressed,or at the end of a long day.Part of asking involves timing. 12 .Practice askingGet

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