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NT8101PPSversion Aupdated 1011.docx

1、NT8101PPSversion Aupdated 10111. 總則1.1 所有權 本檔及所包括的資訊之所有權為唐鋒電器公司所有它具有權屬性和機密性僅因有限的目的提供給相關的部門和公司且必須依要求追回或根據相關規定予以銷毀。未征得唐鋒電器公司認同不得洩露復制或應用該檔所囊括之全部或部分內容亦不可編輯和應用該檔所包含之任何圖片。1. GENERAL1.1 PROPRIETARY RIGHTS This document and all information contained within it is the property of Airlux Electrical Co., Ltd. (

2、AECL). It is confidential and proprietary and has been provided to you for a limited purpose. It must be returned upon request or destroyed as set forth in the Specification Notice. Disclosure, reproduction or use of this document and any information contained within it, in full or in part, for any

3、purpose is forbidden without the prior written consent of AECL. No photographs may be taken of any article fabricated or assembled from this document without the prior written consent of AECL.1.2 目的 1.2.1建立完善的工程資料確保產品的質量培訓員工。1.2 PURPOSE 1.2.1 Establishing completed engineering documents, assurance t

4、he quality of the products and train workers.1.3 範圍 1.3.1本檔適用於對NT8101全自動馬桶座清潔器產品的技術解釋和工程檢驗規範 1.3.2本檔適用於對NT8101全自動馬桶座清潔器的生產來料檢驗和生產程序控制及成品品質保証。1.3 SCOPE 1.3.1 This document applies to the CLEAN SEAT NT8101 for the technical construction and engineering test standard. 1.3.2 This document applies to the

5、 CLEAN SEAT NT8101 for IQC, PQC&QA.1.4 責任 1.4.1研發部負責該標准的編制與更新; 1.4.2品質部贯彻执行該標准; 1.4.3生產部嚴格執行該標准; 1.4.4采購部要求供應商執行該標准。1.4 OBLIGATION 1.4.1 The R&D Department should be in charge of this standards compiling and version updating. 1.4.2 The QC Department should follow out this standard. 1.4.3 The Product

6、ion Department should carry out the standard strictly. 1.4.4 The Purchase Department should require the suppliers to conform with this standard.1.5 參考文獻 1.5.1 EN60335-1: 20021.5 REFERENCE 1.5.1 EN60335-1: 20021.6 備注1.6.1本標准包含客戶相關要求;1.6.2本標準包含以下附件:附件I產品零件清單1.6.2.3附件產品工程圖紙1.6.2.4附件產品售後服務手冊1.6.2

7、.4附件產品使用說明書附件產品包裝清單1.6 REMARK 1.6.1 This standard contains the customers demand; 1.6.2 This standard contained the Annexes as follows: Annex I Bill of Material 1.6.2 2 AnnexEngineering drawings Annex Service manual Annex Instruction Manual Annex Packing Parts L

8、ist2外觀 顏色 材料2.1外觀:2.1.1定義所有外殼及主機正常工作時有可能外露之零件和部件都稱為外觀件,外觀件的表面要求稱為外觀。2. APPEARANCE, COLOR, MATERIAL2.1 APPEARANCE 2.1.1 Define: All enclosures and the exposed parts when works normally are defined as appearance parts, and the surface of the perceivable part is defined as appearance.2.1.2 塑膠件2.1.2.1塑膠

9、件不得有超出質量要求範圍之變形頂白缩水水纹夹水线披锋等等注塑缺陷,後處理和光潔度要求按附件產品工程圖紙所述;塑膠噴油件噴油應顏色均衡,不得有斑點氣泡和刮傷,表面狀態及顏色要求按附件產品工程圖紙所述塗層質量應能通過 TBD所述之塑膠噴油附著力測試;塑膠移絲印件絲印應清晰,套色準確,內容位置及顏色要求按附件產品工程圖紙所述印刷質量應能通過 11.1所述之移絲印附著力測試 2.1.2 PLASTIC PARTS The plastic parts should be free of deformation, pin white mark, shrinkag

10、e, injection stripe, mould lines and burrs etc injection pitfalls. The surface smoothness, and the final type of finish requirement should be complied with annex Engineering Drawings. Oil coated parts: The color must be homogenize without macula ,blister, scar, the surface condition and the c

11、olor should be complied with annex Engineering Drawings; The quality of coated layer should pass the Oil coated adhesion test described as TBD. Silkscreen parts: the silkscreen icon should be clear and accurate, the content, location and icon color must be complied with the annex Engineering

12、Drawings ; The quality of silkscreen should pass the Silkscreen adhesion test described as 11.1 .2.1.3五金件2.1.3.1五金衝壓件:五金件衝壓件不得有拉裂扭曲變形油污斑點劃傷手紋等其材料及硬度表面要求與後處理按附件產品工程圖紙所述; 2.1.3 Metal Parts: Stamping parts: stamping parts should be free of crack, distortion, grease, spots, scratch, and finger s

13、pots, the material and hardness, surface requirement and finish should be complied with annex Engineering Drawings.五金壓鑄件:壓鑄件不得有气孔夾渣裂紋多料等壓鑄缺陷,表面要求與後處理按附件產品工程圖紙所述; Die casting parts: Die casting parts should be free of pore, dross, crack and burrs, surface requirements and finish should

14、be complied with annex Engineering Drawings.機械加工件:表面不得有刀紋損傷,其材料和硬度表面要求與後處理按附件產品工程圖紙所述; Mechanical parts: Mechanical parts should be free of streak line and scratch on surface, the material and material hardness, surface requirements and finish should be complied with annex Engineering

15、 Drawings.电镀件:電鍍表面不得有斑點針孔及氣泡其表面電度材料和顏色及後處理加工紋路按附件產品工程圖紙所述 ,電鍍質量應能通過 TBD所述之五金電鍍件附著力鹽霧測試; Electrolytic plating parts: Electrolytic plating parts should be free of macula, needle bore and pores, the plated type and color, surface requirements and finish should be complied with annex Engin

16、eering Drawingsthe plating quality should pass Plated parts adhesive test and salt spray test as described TBD.噴油件:表面油層厚度應均衡色澤均勻無斑點劃痕, 其表面噴涂材料和顏色及後處理加工紋路按附件產品工程圖紙所述噴油質量應能通過TBD所述之五金噴油件附著力鹽霧溫度測試; Oil Coated parts: the oil coated parts should be equipoise and be free of macula, needle bor

17、e and scratch, the coated type and color, surface requirements and finish should be complied with annex Engineering Drawingsthe coating quality should pass coated parts adhesive test and salt spray test and temperature test as described TBD.噴粉件:表面粉層質感均衡色澤均勻無斑點劃痕其表面噴涂材料和顏色及後處理加工紋路按附件產品工程圖紙所述噴粉

18、質量應能通過 TBD所述之五金噴粉件附著力鹽霧溫度測試; Powder coated parts: the powder coated layer should be equipoise and be free of macula, neddle bore and scratch, the coated type and color, surface requirements and finish should be complied with annex Engineering Drawingsthe coating quality should pass coated par

19、ts adhesive test and salt spray test and temperature test as described TBD.2.1.4橡膠件2.1.4.1橡膠件應質地均衡,無斑點披鋒;其材料硬度表面狀態顏色要求按附件產品工程圖紙所述。 2.1.4 RUBBER PARTS The texture should be equilibrium and free of spots and burr, the material and material hardness, surface requirements and color should be com

20、plied with annex Engineering Drawings.2.2顏色: 2.2.1顏色判定條件置零部件于80W日光燈(百光)正下方300 - 500mm 處所顯示之顏色;2.2.2所有零部件之顏色要求按附件產品零件清單所述。2.2 COLOR: 2.2.1 The judgment condition of part color: The color to place parts under 80W white light (the fluorescent light) about 300mm to 500mm. 2.2.2 All parts color should be

21、 complied with annex Bill of Materials. 2.3材料2.3.1所有零件之材質要求按附件I產品零件清單和附件產品工程圖紙所述。2.3 MATERIAL 2.3.1 All of the requirements of materials should be complied with annex I Bill of Materialand the annex Engineering Drawings.3.銘牌 標識 說明書 尺寸3.1銘牌 標識3.1.1銘牌和標識應清晰明瞭易讀,並須位於易視位置3.1.2型號銘牌必須標識:額定電壓或範圍、電源種類、頻率額定輸

22、入功率、產品型號名稱、製造商名或代理商名、安規標志;其字體大小參照EN60335-1之要求,位置與大小按附件產品工程圖紙所述;3.1.3銘牌和標識應能通過 11.2所述之銘牌和標識附著力和安全性測試;3.1.4銘板和標識圖案與大小顏色位置按附件產品工程圖紙所述3.1.5充電器標籤應清晰明瞭,內容及尺寸按3.1.2所述。3. LABELS, MARKS, INSTRUCTION MANUAL, SIZE3.1LABELS, MARKS 3.1.1 The labels and marks should be clear, readability, and located at the visib

23、le place.3.1.2 The rating label should including with rated voltage or range, the kind of power supply, frequency, rated input power, product model, product name, manufacturer, agency, safety mark, the font size should be complied with EN60335-1, the size and position should be complied with annex E

24、ngineering Drawings. 3.1.3 The labels and marks should pass the related adhesive test and safety test as described The size, color and position of labels and marks should be complied with annex Engineering Drawings.3.1.5 The rating label for charger should be clear, the content and size s

25、hould be complied with說明書 售后服務手冊3.2.1說明書中須包含EN60335-1所述之 “Important safety guide”內容3.2.2 說明書應包含產品零配件說明產品操作說明故障排除產品使用注意事項產品安裝方法售后服務信息等等3.2.3售后服務手冊應包含產品零部件使用周期及使用事項產品安裝注意事項產品維修事項, 維修零部件清單等等3.2.4說明書應與客戶提供資料一致按附件產品使用說明書之內容及格式。3.2.5售后服務手冊應與客戶提供資料一致按附件產品售後服務手冊之內容及格式。3.2 INSTRUCTION MANUAL, SERVI

26、CE MANUAL 3.2.1 The instruction manual must contain related “Important safety guide” mention in the EN60335-1; 3.2.2 The instruction manual must contains parts instruction, operating instruction, trouble shooting, attention items, installation, after service information and so on. 3.2.3 The service

27、manual must contain usage periods and usage issue, attentions of installation, spare parts list and so on; 3.2.4 The content and format for instruction manual should be complied with annex Instruction Manualas customer s requirements; 3.2.5 The content and format for service manual should be complie

28、d with annex Service Manualas customer s requirements.3.3尺寸3.3.1所有零部件包裝材料之零件尺寸位置尺寸按附件產品工程圖紙所述要求3.3.2對于配合尺寸及不重要之輪廓尺寸可以實際裝配效果為准。3.3 DIMENSION 3.3.1 All of the dimensions of parts, components, packing parts and the assembly should be complied with annex Engineering Drawings. 3.3.2 For the fitting dimen

29、sions and the unimportant overall size dimensions, can subject to the actual assemble effect.4 包裝與包裝材料4.1 包裝4.1.1產品應附有產品使用說明書以及必要的包裝配件配件及數量應按附件產品包裝清單之內容,這些資料要乾淨整齊地放入彩盒或卡通箱,不得弄髒、破損;4.1.2彩盒卡通箱不得有破損、污漬折皺邊角損壞彩盒卡通箱之相應標籤條形碼印刷內容顏色要求與位置要求按客戶提供的菲林資料和附件產品工程圖紙所述;4.1.3彩盒和卡通箱須通過 11.4所述之ISTA2(一點 三邊 六面 )破壞性跌落測試;4.

30、1.4彩盒和卡通箱須通過 TBD所述之震動測試。4. PACKING AND PACKING MATERIAL4.1 PACKING 4.1.1 There should be attached withInstruction Manual and all of the accessories of packing with the product, the accessories type and the quantity should be complied with annexPacking Parts List. These parts should be put into gift

31、box shipping carton tidily. 4.1.2 The gift box, shipping should be free of fracture, blot, pucker and damaging rim and edge; The related labels, bar code, printing content, color and position for gift box or shipping carton should be complied with the material of film which customer supplied and annexEngineering Drawings. 4.1.3 Color box and carton must pass ISTA2 drop test described as TBD.4.1.4 Color box and carton must pass vibration test as described TBD.

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