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1、化学专业英语常用词汇专业英语Elements of 1-36Hydrogen haidrdn n.氢Helium hi:ljm n.化氦Lithiumliim n.锂 Beryllium briljm n.铍(Be) Boronb:rn n. 硼 Carbon k:bn n. 碳 Diamonds are pure carbon. 钻石是纯净的碳。 Nitrogen 氮Oxygen 氧Fluorine fluri:n 氟Neon ni:n n. 化氖Sodiumsudim n.钠Magnesiummni:zjm n.镁Aluminum ,lju:-minjmn. 铝Silicon silikn

2、 n. 硅Phosphorus fsfrs n. 磷Sulfur slf n.硫磺,硫黄; vt.用硫磺处理Chlorinekl:ri:nn.化氯, 氯气Argon :n n. 氩Potassiumptsim钾 Calciumklsim钙 Scandium kndim钪(Sc) Titanium taiteinim钛 Vanadiumvneidim钒, Chromium krumjm铬 Manganese mni:z锰Iron ain铁Cobalt kb:lt, kub:lt 钴(Co) Nickel nikl 镍 Nickel can be used for making coins. 镍可

3、做成钱币。Copper kp 铜 Copper conducts electricity well. 铜是电的良导体。Zinczik锌 Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. 黄铜是铜和锌的合金。Gallium lim 镓 Germanium d:meinim 锗Arsenic:snik砷;三氧化二砷;砒霜 Selenium sili:nim 硒 Bromine brumi:n溴 krypton kriptn 氪常用: ppm: parts per million ppb: parts per billion pH: potential of hydroge

4、n1. 化合物的命名:规则:金属(或某些非金属)元素+阴离子名称 (1)MgCl2 magnesium mni:zjm chloride(2)NaNO2 sodium nitrite naitrait(3)KNO3 potassiumptsim nitrate naitreit(4)硝酸 nitric acid(5)NaHCO3 sodium hydrogen carbonate练习:FeBr2 (NH4)2SO4 NH4H2PO4 KMnO4亚硫酸sulfurous acidH2SNO2 有机物命名Hydrocarbon Aliphatic hydrocarbon; Aromatic Hyd

5、rocarbonAliphatic hydrocarbon (脂肪烃)Alkane (烷); Alkene(烯); Alkyne(炔)Alcohol 醇Aldehyde 醛Ketone ki:tun 酮Carboxylic acid 羧酸Aromatic hydrocarbon(芳香烃)benzene (苯) hydroxybenzene(酚) quinone(醌)无机物中关于数字的写法mono-, di-, tri-, tetra-, penta- hexa-, hepta-, octa-, nona-, deca-一, 二, 三, 四, 五, 六, 七, 八, 九, 十有机物中关于数字的写

6、法meth-, eth-, prop-, but-, pent-, hex-, 甲 乙 丙 丁 戊 已 hept-, oct-, non-, dec-, cyclo-, poly- 庚 辛 壬 葵 环 聚练习甲烷 乙炔丙酮 丁醇戊烷 己烯庚醛 辛烷2-甲基壬酸 3,5-二乙基癸醇Lesson 1 Lithium liim n.锂 Beryllium briljm n.铍(Be) Sodium sudim n.钠Potassium ptsim 钾 Rubidium ru:bidim 铷Caesium si:zim 铯Nucleusnju:klis 原子核,是nuclear的复数Halogenhl

7、dn 卤素general chemistry 普通化学positivepztiv ion 阳离子orbital electron 轨道电子effective nuclear charge 有效核电荷atomic radius 原子半径,raddi的复数ionic radius 离子半径negative ion 阴离子electron cloud 电子云Van der Waals non-bounded radius单质分子晶体中相邻分子间两个非键合原子核间距离的一半称为范德华半径 Lesson 2metallic mitlik characterkrikt 金属特性electropositiv

8、e Ilektrupztiv a.带正电的Ionization ainaizein energy 电离能carbon 碳 germaniumd:meinim 锗tin tin 锡 lead led 铅sodiumsudim 钠 magnesiummni:zjm 镁silicon silikn 硅 chlorine kl:ri:n 氯nonmetallic nnmitlikadj.n.非金属的,非金属Electronegativity 电负性Metallic oxide 金属氧化物Metallic hydroxide haidrksaid 金属氢氧化物Hydroxyl haidrksil ion

9、s 氢氧根离子insolubleinsljubl 不溶解的Ionic ainik adj. 离子的Transition element 过渡元素Basicity bsisiti n. 碱性,碱度Oxyacid ,ksisid 含氧酸Carbonate k:bneit 碳酸盐Nitrate naitreit 硝酸盐Sulphate slfeit 硫酸盐 = sulfateAmphoteric ,mfterik adj.两性的Acid sid n. adj.alkali lklai n.adj.Hydration haidrein 水合作用Hydrolyze haidrlaiz vi. 水解Oxy

10、salt ksis:lt 含氧酸盐Complex 络合物,复合物 句子理解1)Metals are electropositive and have a tendency to loss electrons, if supplied with energy: M M+ + e. 金属是电正性的,如果供给能量,有失去电子的趋势。2)The stronger this tendency, the more electropositive and more metallic an element is. (元素失电子)趋势越强,其电正性和金属性越强。3)Thus sodium and magnesi

11、um are more metallic than silicon, which in turn, is more metallic than chlorine. 因此,钠和镁的金属性比硅强,以此类推,硅的金属性比氯强。Which 引导非限定定语从句,修饰Silicon4)Oxides, which are insoluble in water, are regarded as basic if they react with acids to form salts. 不溶于水的氧化物,如果和酸能够反应生成盐,则认为是碱性的。5)Weakly electropositive elements

12、are unaffected by water and are much less readily attacked by acids. 弱电正性的金属不及水反应,且不易及酸反应6)Salts of strongly electropositive metals have little tendency to hydrolyze and form oxysalts. 强电正性的金属盐水解形成含氧酸盐的趋势很小。It is + adj.+ to: It is advantageous to work at lower temperatureIt is possible to do sth.It

13、seems advantageous to do sth.It appears useful to do sth.It proves correct to do sth.It becomes obvious to do sth. It is important to do sth.It is clear to do sth. (明显的)It is apparent to do sth.(显而易见的)It is necessary (for us) to know how to convert energy from one form into another.It is + adj. + th

14、atIt is apparent that the difference between elements is in the structure of their atoms.It is important that the polymerization proceeds under nitrogen atmosphereIt is + 过去分词+ thatIt is + believed + that(accepted、mentioned、proposed、found、supposed、recommended、known)e.g. It is found that oxygen plays

15、 an important role in the reactionIt is + 名词(动名词)+ that(1) It is worth noting (mentioning) that 值得一提的是e.g. It is worth noting that the polymer is highly soluble inorganic solvents.(2) It is no use that(3) It is a fact that 事实上It +不及物动词+ tha1)It turns out that (seems、appears)2)It follows that由此可见.3)I

16、t goes without saying that. 毫无疑问e.g. It goes without saying that the material does not have good stability in air.It +系动词+ that (被动句型,See P29)It is considered that .(understood、supposed、suggested 、noticed、preferred )It is generally recognized that It can be foreseen that It must be stressed thatIt h

17、as been shown that Lesson 3 VocabularyGalvanize lvnaizvt.通电流于;电镀;镀锌于ironain 铁 Zinc zik 锌rusting rsti n 生锈anodic ndik adj. 阳极的Scratch skrt vt. & vi.擦伤,刮伤Sacrifice skrifais n. vt. & vi.牺牲, 舍身Magnesium mni:zjm n.镁Pipeline paiplain n.管道, 管线hull hl n.船体, 船身Consolidate knslideit vt. & vi.(使)巩固; (使)加强;合并,统

18、一hydrogenhaidrdn 氢Copper kp 铜Disproportionate disprp:nit adj. 不相称的, 不成比例的, 不均匀的;歧化需掌握的词汇Oxidation-reduction reaction 氧化还原反应ironain 铁 Zinc zik 锌Forward reaction 正向反应spontaneous spnteinis reaction自发反应anodic protection 阳极保护Magnesium mni:zjm n.镁Reduction potential 还原电势Strong oxidizing、reducing agent 强氧化

19、/还原剂Standard electrode potential 标准电极电势hydrogenhaidrdn 氢Thermodynamic functions 热力学函数Free energy吉布斯自由能Copper kp 铜Disproportionate disprp:nit adj. 不相称的, 不成比例的, 不均匀的;歧化Self-oxidizing/reducing agent 自氧化(还原)剂Ferrous 亚铁 Ferric 三价铁 句子理解1)Oxidation is the removal of electrons from, and reduction is the add

20、ition of electrons to an atom.氧化反应是原子失去电子,而还原反应是原子得到电子。2)Consider the galvanizing of iron, that is coating from with zinc to prevent rusting.(关于)铁的电镀,是用锌作镀层来防止铁锈生成。3)If the galvanized steel (镀锌钢材)is scratched, allowing the air to oxidize some iron, the Fe2+ produced is immediately reduced to iron by

21、 the zinc, and rusting does not occur.如果镀锌钢材被刮伤,部分铁被空气氧化,生成的Fe2+(可以)立即被锌还原成铁,这样避免了锈蚀。4)This information is consolidated into a single diagram, in which the highest oxidation state is written at the left, and the lowest state at the right.这一知识(可以)统一为专门的图示,即高氧化态写在左边,低氧化态写在右边。5)Materials which are gene

22、rally accepted as oxidizing agents have E0 values above +0.8 Volts, those such as Fe3+Fe2+ of about 0.8volts are stable (equally oxidizing and reducing), and those below 0.8 volts becoming increasingly reducing.通常作为氧化剂的材料其(还原电势)E0大于0.8V,以及那些如Fe3+Fe2+等于0.8V的材料是稳定的(氧化和还原反应趋势相等),而那些还原电势低于0.8V的材料还原性增加。6

23、)Since the zinc reaction in the forward reaction produces a larger negative potential, that is liberates more energy, the spontaneous reaction is 由于锌的正向反应产生较大的负电势,也即释放较多能量,则自发反应是 Lesson 4 VocabularyPetroleum pitrulim 石油Geologicdildik adj.地质(学)的Prohibitiveprhibitiv adj.禁止的,抑制的Homologous hmlsadj.相应的,类

24、似的,同源的Ingenuityndinjuiti n.机灵, 独创性, 精巧, 灵活性Terminologyt:minldi n.术语学Acquisition kwizinn.获得,获得物Nomenclature numeklt n.命名法,术语Systematizesistimtaiz v. 系统化Procurement prkjumentn.获得,取得Lubricant lju:brikntn.润滑剂Aliphatic liftik adj. 脂肪族的Aromatic rumtik adj. 芳香物族的benzenebenzi:n n.苯biological baildikl adj.生物

25、学的isolationaislein n.隔绝, 孤立, 离析Elaborate Ilbreit adj. 精心制作的, 详细阐述的, 精细 vt.精心制作, 详细阐述v.详细描述Painstaking peinzteiki n.苦干, 辛苦 adj.辛苦的, 辛勤的, 艰苦的criteria n.标准empirical empirikl adj.完全根据经验的, 经验主义的, 化实验式molecular mulekjul adj.分子的, 由分子组成的coincide kuinsaid with vi. 一致, 符合assignment sainmnt n. 分配, 委派, 任务, 作业un

26、ambiguous ,nmbijus adj.不含糊的, 明确的Standpoint stndpint n.立场,观点需要掌握的词和短语organic chemistry 有机化学organic compound 有机化合物homologous series of compounds同系物aliphatic compounds 脂族化合物aromatic compounds芳香族化合物benzene derivative 苯衍生物empirical formula 实验式,经验式molecular formula 分子式structural formula 结构式molecular weigh

27、t 分子量qualitative analysis 定性分析quantitative analysis定量分析常用短语be formed throughbe derived frombe described asbe defined asbe entitledbe divided intoIn summary句子理解1)Once the structural relationships of certain typical members of a particular group or family of compounds are understood, these structural

28、features are understood for any one of the many members of the family, even though some may not be known compounds. 一旦了解了某一特定类或族中典型化合物的结构关系,则可以推断这一 族中任一化合物的结构特点,(包括)那些(即使)未知化合物的结构特点。2)Another important phase of the study of organic chemistry is communication, or exchange of information, among organic chemists. Study 此处为 研究 Phase 方面3)This science of nomenclature numeklt has received considerable attention during the development of organic chemistry, and it will constitute a second important topic for consideration in connection with each homologous series of compounds to

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