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General Entrusted Loan Contract一般委托贷款借款合同.docx

1、General Entrusted Loan Contract一般委托贷款借款合同合同编号: 20 年 委借字 第 号 Contract No.: Y20 Entrusted Loan No.: 一般委托贷款借款合同General Entrusted Loan Contract特别提示:本合同系各方在平等、自愿的基础上依法协商订立,所有合同条款均是各方意思的真实表示。为维护委托人、借款人的合法权益,受托人特提请委托人、借款人对有关各方权利义务的全部条款、特别是黑体部分内容予以充分注意。Important notice: The contract is legally made and ente

2、red into by each party on the principle of equality and free will. All articles of the contract reflect true intentions of the parties. In order to protect the legal rights of the entruster and borrower, the entrustee reminds the entruster and borrower to be adequately cognizant of all articles conc

3、erning the parties rights and obligations, especially those in black (bold).本合同由以下三方于 2012 年 2 月 1 日签署:The contract is signed by three parties below at February 1st, 2012.委托人:Entruster:名称 法定代表人 Name: Legal Representative: 地址 邮编: Address: Post Code: 联系人: 联系电话: Contact Person: Tel: 受托人:Entrustee:名称 负责

4、人 Name: Responsible Person: 地址: 邮编: Address: Post Code: 联系人: 联系电话: Contact Person: Tel: 借款人:Borrower:名称 法定代表人 Name: Legal Representative: 地址: 邮编: Address: Post Code: 联系人: 联系电话: Contact Person: Tel: 根据委托人和受托人于 2012 年 2 月 1 日签署的一般委托贷款委托代理协议(编号 ),并应借款人请求,受托人同意接受委托人的委托向借款人发放该项委托贷款。委托人、受托人与借款人经友好协商,达成以下协

5、议,并共同遵守。According to The Agency Agreement of General Entrusted Loan (No.: ) on February 1st, 2012 by the entruster and the entrustee, the entrustee agrees to accept the entrustment by the entruster and release such loan to the borrower at the borrowers request. The entruster, the entrustee and the b

6、orrower have reached the following agreement to be abided by the parties after friendly negotiation.第一章一般委托贷款的金额、利率、期限及其它Article1 Amount, Interest Rate, Maturity Date and Other Terms of the General Entrusted Loan第一条 贷款币种和金额。此项委托贷款币种为 人民币 ,金额为(大写) 陆百万元(小写)¥6,000,000.00 (大小写不一致时,以大写为准,下同)。此项贷款为委托贷款。It

7、em1 Currency and amount of loan. The entrustment loan is denominated in Renminbi, with an amount of six million i.e.¥6,000,000.00, (where the words and the figures indicate different amount, the words shall prevail, this rule shall apply hereinafter). The loan is an entrustment loan.第二条 贷款利率。本项委托贷款的

8、利率按下列方式(1)确定:Item2 Interest rate of loan. The interest rate will be determined by the following ways of (1):(1)年利率为 0 %的固定利率,在贷款期限内保持不变。Annual interest rate is a fixed rate of 0% and remains the same within life of loan.(2) 按借款人提款日中国人民银行公布的对应期限档次贷款基准利率 / (上浮/下浮/零) / %确定。中国人民银行调整贷款基准利率的,本合同项下贷款利率同步调整

9、。借款利率以 / (1/3/6/12)个月为一期,一期一调整,分段计息。 The interest rate will be determined by referring to the benchmark interest rate for loans with corresponding term at the date of withdrawal issued by PBOC plus (+/-/0) / %. If PBOC adjusts the benchmark interest rate for loans, the interest rate of this contract

10、 shall change accordingly. The interest rate of loan shall be settled each / (1/3/6/12)months, as one phase, and any adjustment to the interest rate shall also be applicable to the corresponding phase.第三条 贷款计结息。本项委托贷款按日计息,按 /(月/季/年)结息,按月结息的,结息日为每月的20日,按季/年结息的,结息日为每季/年末月的20日。到期未付的贷款利息,受托人向借款人 / (计收/不

11、计收)复利,计收复利的,按本合同约定的逾期贷款罚息利率计收。Item3 Interest calculation and settlement. The interest of loan in the contract will be accrued on daily basis and settled by / (month/quarter/year), where the interest is settled by month, the date of settlement shall be the 20th day of each month; where the interest i

12、s settled by quarter/year, the date of settlement shall be the 20th day of the last month of the applicable quarter/year. Where the borrower fails to pay the loan interest on time, the entrustee will / (charge/not charge) compound interest; and where the entrustee charges compound interest, the comp

13、ound interest shall be based upon the default interest rate agreed in the contract.第四条 贷款期限。本项委托贷款的期限为 个月,自 起至 止。如借款人在经委托人同意之后提前归还此项贷款时,则按实际用款天数和用款金额计收利息。Item4 Maturity Date. The term of the loan shall be months from to . Where the borrower prepays the loan upon approval by the entruster, it shall p

14、ay interest based on the actual days of usage and amount of loan used.第五条 贷款用途。本合同项下委托贷款用途为 专项用于企业短期流动资金,做到转账管理,单账核算,专款专用,不用于企业项目建设。 Item5 Purpose of loan. The entrustment loan shall be used solely as short-term working capital for the enterprise, the management of which shall only through wire tran

15、sfer and recorded separately. It is not allowed to use the loan in company construction projects.第六条 用款计划。 / Item6 Loan use schedule. / 第七条 贷款偿还。借款人的还款计划和还款方式约定如下: 到期一次性还款 本贷款的本息按期由借款人汇入委托人指定的账户。Item7 Repayment of loan. Repayment schedule and method by borrower is agreed as follows: repay ALL the lo

16、an upon expiration of the loan term, the principal and interest of this loan shall be remitted on time to the designated account of entruster by the borrower.第八条 贷款担保。委托人确定的本项委托贷款的担保人为 / ,担保方式为 / 。担保合同另附。Item8 Loan guarantee. The guarantor for this loan agreed by the entruster is / , the guarantee t

17、ype is / . The Guarantee Contract is attached separately.第九条 贷款展期。经委托人、借款人协商一致,同意对委托贷款展期的,委托人、受托人、借款人应在贷款到期日前10天签订委托贷款展期协议。Item9 Extension of the loan. Upon mutual consultation and agreement with respect to the extension of the loan between the entruster and the borrower, the entruster, entrustee, t

18、he borrower shall sign the Entrustment Loan Extension Agreement 10 days prior to expiration of the loan.第十条 委托人、借款人应根据受托人要求,提供营业执照、税务登记证、年检证明等证明材料。Item10 The entruster and the borrower shall, upon the entrustees request, provide supporting documents such as business license, tax registration certifi

19、cate and evidence of annual inspection, etc.第二章委托人的权利与义务Article2 Rights and Obligations of the Entruster 第十一条 根据一般委托贷款委托代理协议中的有关约定,委托人有权确定委托贷款的借款人、借款用途、借款金额、借款期限、借款利率、贷款展期等事项,并决定是否实行担保。Item11 According to The Agency Agreement of General Entrusted Loan, the entruster has the right to determine the bo

20、rrower, purpose, amount, term, interest rate and extension of the entrusted loan and further determine whether to implement the guarantee or not.第十二条 委托人在受托人处开立委托资金专户并存入足额资金,要求受托人将委托贷款于 日内汇划至借款人账户。Item12 The entruster shall open a special account for the entrusted fund at the entrustees and deposit

21、sufficient funds into such account, and then request the entrustee to transfer the entrusted loan to the account of the borrower within _ days.第十三条 委托人自行监督/委托受托人监督(请划掉不选部分)借款人对委托贷款资金的使用。委托人委托受托人代为监督的事项包括(以下选用的划,不选用的划):Item13 The entruster shall supervise the borrowers use of the loan by itself/autho

22、rizing the entrustee. (Please delete as applicable). Supervision matters authorized by the entruster to the entrustee includes (use before the selected ones, use before the unselected ones): 监督借款人对贷款的使用是否符合本合同规定用途; Supervise whether the borrowers usage of loan complies with the purpose hereunder or

23、not. 监督项目执行情况; Supervise the execution of project; 协助监督借款人生产经营管理情况; Assist in supervising the borrowers manufacturing and operational circumstance; 协助监督保证人的生产经营管理情况; Assist in supervising the guarantors operational condition; 协助督促抵押人妥善保管抵押物(抵押合同号 ); Assist in supervising and urging the mortgagor to

24、properly safeguard the collaterals (Mortgage Contract No. ); 协助保管质押物和权利凭证(质押合同号 ); Assist in taking custody of the collaterals and title certificates (Pledge Contract No. ); 其他特别监督事项(或有) ; Other special supervision matters (if any) ;第十四条 委托人同意借款人提前还款的,应以书面形式通知受托人为借款人办理提前还款手续。Item14 Where the entrust

25、er agrees that the borrower may repay the loan in advance, it shall inform the entrustee in writing to go process the prepayment formalities for the borrower.第十五条 委托人要求将收回的贷款本息划入以下委托资金专户:Item15 The entruster requires that the repaid principal and interest shall be transferred to following special ac

26、count for the entrusted account.企业名称: Company Name: 开户行: Opening Bank: 账号: Account No.: 第十六条 借款人不按期还本付息的,委托人有权要求受托人从借款人账户直接扣收,借款人承诺不对受托人的扣收行为提出任何异议。Item16 The entruster has the right to request the entrustee to transfer the money from the borrowers account directly if the borrower fails to repay the

27、 principal or interest on time. The borrower undertakes that it will not raise any objection on the aforementioned transfer by entrustee. 第十七条 本项委托贷款实行担保的,委托人应自行对保证人的保证能力,抵(质)押物的权属和价值以及实现抵(质)押权的可行性进行审查。受托人不承担任何审查的义务。Item17 Where the entrusted loan hereunder has guarantee, the entruster shall, at its

28、 discretion, inspect the guarantee ability of the guarantor, the ownership/value of mortgaged/pledged collaterals, and the feasibility of the realizing such mortgage/pledge. The entrustee has no obligation to undertake any inspection or examination.对实行担保的展期贷款,委托人应事先征得担保人的同意,并提前10天书面通知受托人与担保人续签展期贷款担保

29、合同。Where the guaranteed entrusted loan is extended, the entruster shall obtain the approval from the guarantor in advance, and inform the entrustee in writing 10 days in advance to enter into renewed guaranty contract with the guarantor.办理有关担保事项所发生的费用由 / 委托人承担。Any expenses incurred with respect to g

30、uarantee shall be undertaken by the entruster / . 第十八条 当借款人经营状况恶化,以及出现其他危及委托贷款资金安全的情况时,委托人有权通知受托人提前协助收回委托贷款资金。借款人同意受托人有权根据委托人的指示宣布委托贷款提前到期。Item18 Where the borrowers business deteriorates or other circumstance endangering the safety of the funds of the entrusted loan occurs, the entruster has the ri

31、ght to inform the entrustee to assist in collecting the entrusted loan in advance. The borrower agrees that the entrustee has the right to declare the termination of the entrusted loan in advance upon the entrusters instruction.第十九条 委托人有权直接向借款人催收委托贷款本息或通过法律手段提起诉讼。Item19 The entruster has the right t

32、o directly collect the principal amount and interest of the entrusted loan from the borrower or taking legal actions to file a lawsuit.第三章受托人的权利与义务Article2 Rights and Obligations of the Entrustee 第二十条 根据一般委托贷款委托代理协议中的有关约定,受托人有权要求委托人提供本笔委托贷款的确切用途,对于贷款用途的合法性存有疑虑的,可不予办理;Item20 According to the agreement of

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