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1、山东省临清市中考模拟考试一英语试题绝密启用前山东省临清市2017年中考模拟考试(一)英语试题试卷副标题考试范围:xxx;考试时间:27分钟;命题人:xxx学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_题号一二三四五六七总分得分注意事项1答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第I卷(选择题)评卷人得分一、完形填空(题型注释)Philip is the bravest boy I know. His friends and family are all very_him.Ten-year-old Philip was born with an_which means that he

2、 is always breaking his bones(骨头). Although he has such a serious illness, Philip_playing sports. In January last year he_wheelchair racing. He came second in his first_, and since then Philip has won every other race!In order to look for a new challenge(挑战), Philip_to take part in the London Wheelc

3、hair Marathon(马拉松)._, five days before the race Philip got sick. He didnt want to_He finally made up his mind to take part. Philip was given medicine by his doctor and guess what? He not only_it, but he also finished in first place!Philip is very_and never gives up. Thats why he has been chosen to b

4、e the Bravest Child of the Month.1、Aproud ofBafraid ofCangry withDstrict with2、AabilityBeffortCillnessDinterest3、AstopsBavoidsCmindsDloves4、AwatchedBstartedCcancelledDheld5、AjourneyBraceCclassDinterview6、AregrettedBhatedCfailedDdecided7、AInsteadBAlsoCHoweverDFirst8、Agive upBsit downCset offDgo out9、

5、ArefusedBleftCcompletedDinvented10、AbraveBhonestCpoliteDfair评卷人得分二、阅读理解(题型注释)Bad breath, or halitosis(口臭), can be a serious problem.Bad breath is caused by some germs(细菌) that grow in the month. When you dont brush in a right way, germs will leave between your teeth and make your breath smell bad. C

6、ertain foods, especially ones like garlic and onions can cause bad breath. Smoking can also make bad breath.Some people say that mouthwash(漱口水) will make bad breath go away, but it isnt true. It only stops bad breath for a short time.Some people also say that if you brush your teeth, you will not ha

7、ve bad breath. But the truth is that most people only brush their teeth for 30 to 45 seconds. It just doesnt work. To clean all your teeth, you should brush for at least 2 minutes and at least twice a day. Remember to b rush your tongue, toogerms love to stay there.If you do brush properly, but your

8、 bad breath still exists, visit your dentist for cleanings. You may have a medical problem like germ disease.If you dont want to have bad breath, make sure youre taking care of your teeth and month well.11、What can cause bad breath according to the passage?AGerms , certain food and smokingBGerms, ve

9、getables and drinkingCDrinking, smoking and germsDTeeth, germs and smoking12、The underline word “ garlic” means in Chinese.A蔬菜B大蒜C橄榄D茄子13、How long do most people brush their teeth according to the passage?AFor 30 seconds.BFor 45 seconds.CFor 30 to 45 seconds.DFor 2 minutes.14、Which is the right way

10、to brush your teeth?ATo brush your teeth only in the morning.BTo brush your teeth for at least 2 minutes and at least twice a day.CTo brush your tongue twice a day.DTo brush your teeth before and after meals.15、Which of the following is true?AMouthwash is the best thing to take away bad breath.BBad

11、breath may be a medical problem.CThere arent any germs on your tongue.DYou dont need to go to the dentist if you have a bad breath.“The brat(捣蛋鬼)!” Said Alice. She ran into her house with her kids.Every time Gina walked down the street, her neighbors ran away. Gina was the only child of her parents.

12、 Her parents never refused her anything. And Gina, in turn, always made sure that she would gets whatever she wanted.One day Ginas mother noticed that her daughter didnt have any friends. Every child knows that Gina is clever but they just dont want to play with her.Things changed when Rita joined G

13、inas class. Rita was new to the city and too shy to make any friends. Gina bossed her around as she always does. But Rita doesnt mind.“Rita cried today in front of the class. Rita went to do her math exercises on the blackboard. She wasnt able to do them although the teacher had explained carefully. Everyone laughed at her.” Gina told her mother

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