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1、四选一多路选择器四选一多路选择器四选一多路选择器 (1) CASE语句 LIBRARY IEEE; USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; ENTITY mux41a IS PORT (a,b,c,d: IN STD_LOGIC; S0,S1: IN STD_LOGIC; y : OUT STD_LOGIC); END ENTITY mux41a ; ARCHITECTURE case_mux41a OF mux41a IS SIGNAL s0s1: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 DOWNTO 0); BEGIN s0s1 y y y y null ; end ca

2、se; end process; end architecture case_mux41a; 仿真波形 (2) draw a purge system, confirmed by the supervising principal; (3) the purging of temporary pipe installation, required support and reinforcement, purge outlet setting a fixed bracket, easy to check; (4) at the purging outlet cordon, by the perso

3、n responsible for supervision; (5) set up a special panel of steam pipe blowing will be attended by a unified command, assigning their tasks; (6) steam blowing the steps are as follows: a. open the trap, vent and drain valve; B. should warm-up before purging; C. check the expansion joints, thermal d

4、isplacement of the spring hanger and pipe; D. used to purge the vapor temperature should not exceed the tubing operating temperature; E. purge steam should be heated ? cool ? reheating in the order; F. purge lines should be a blow out after blowing the next; G. purge purging of the target of export

5、place polishing the quality of checks, no rust, debris on the targets for qualifying. (7) the washing, sweeping, the qualified (confirmed by the Commissioner and owners) after the pipeline, should recover, recovery procedures with the dismantling steps instead, and blanks are removed, should be put

6、on the official gasket, once the recovery is complete, confirmed by the supervision of site, fill out the purge, rinse records. 2. static equipment installation programme 2.1 installation program setup for static equipment for static equipment, see below. 2.2 the construction preparation 2.2.1 all p

7、ersonnel should be familiar with equipment installation and technical information, including equipment manufacture and Assembly diagrams and component diagrams, equipment installation documentation, special tools, manuals, packing list and process installations, equipment certification, the construc

8、tionaaBy-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and (2)IF_THEN语句 LIBRARY IEEE; USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; ENTITY if_mux41a IS PORT( a,b,c,d,s0,s1: IN STD_LOGIC ; y : OUT STD_LOGIC); END ENTITY if_mux41a ;

9、 ARCHITECTURE one OF if_mux41a IS SIGNAL s0s1: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 DOWNTO 0); BEGIN s0s1 = S1 & S0 ; PROCESS (S0S1,a,b,c,d) BEGIN IF S0S1=00 THEN y=a; ELSIF S0S1=01 THEN y=b; ELSIF S0S1=10 THEN y=c; ELSE y=d; END IF; END PROCESS; END ARCHITECTURE one; 仿真波形 (2) draw a purge system, confirmed by the s

10、upervising principal; (3) the purging of temporary pipe installation, required support and reinforcement, purge outlet setting a fixed bracket, easy to check; (4) at the purging outlet cordon, by the person responsible for supervision; (5) set up a special panel of steam pipe blowing will be attende

11、d by a unified command, assigning their tasks; (6) steam blowing the steps are as follows: a. open the trap, vent and drain valve; B. should warm-up before purging; C. check the expansion joints, thermal displacement of the spring hanger and pipe; D. used to purge the vapor temperature should not ex

12、ceed the tubing operating temperature; E. purge steam should be heated ? cool ? reheating in the order; F. purge lines should be a blow out after blowing the next; G. purge purging of the target of export place polishing the quality of checks, no rust, debris on the targets for qualifying. (7) the w

13、ashing, sweeping, the qualified (confirmed by the Commissioner and owners) after the pipeline, should recover, recovery procedures with the dismantling steps instead, and blanks are removed, should be put on the official gasket, once the recovery is complete, confirmed by the supervision of site, fi

14、ll out the purge, rinse records. 2. static equipment installation programme 2.1 installation program setup for static equipment for static equipment, see below. 2.2 the construction preparation 2.2.1 all personnel should be familiar with equipment installation and technical information, including eq

15、uipment manufacture and Assembly diagrams and component diagrams, equipment installation documentation, special tools, manuals, packing list and process installations, equipment certification, the constructionaaBy-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with g

16、lasses of water, check whether the water color and (3)WHEN_ELSE 语句 LIBRARY IEEE; USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; ENTITY mux41a IS PORT( a,b,c,d: IN STD_LOGIC; S0,S1: IN STD_LOGIC; y: OUT STD_LOGIC ); END ENTITY mux41a; ARCHITECTURE one OF mux41a IS BEGIN y = a when (s0=0)and (s1=0) else b when (s0=1)an

17、d (s1=0) else c when (s0=0)and (s1=1) else d; end architecture one; 仿真波形 r andwash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water colopass, -ocumentation, special tools, manuals, packing list and process installations, equipment ce

18、rtification, the constructionaaBytechnical information, including equipment manufacture and Assembly diagrams and component diagrams, equipment installation d on andtatic equipment, see below. 2.2 the construction preparation 2.2.1 all personnel should be familiar with equipment installatids. 2. sta

19、tic equipment installation programme 2.1 installation program setup for static equipment for srecor be put on the official gasket, once the recovery is complete, confirmed by the supervision of site, fill out the purge, rinse) after the pipeline, should recover, recovery procedures with the dismantl

20、ing steps instead, and blanks are removed, should wnersno rust, debris on the targets for qualifying. (7) the washing, sweeping, the qualified (confirmed by the Commissioner and oshould be a blow out after blowing the next; G. purge purging of the target of export place polishing the quality of chec

21、ks, lines should not exceed the tubing operating temperature; E. purge steam should be heated ? cool ? reheating in the order; F. purgeg; C. check the expansion joints, thermal displacement of the spring hanger and pipe; D. used to purge the vapor temperature up before purgin-g their tasks; (6) stea

22、m blowing the steps are as follows: a. open the trap, vent and drain valve; B. should warmresponsible for supervision; (5) set up a special panel of steam pipe blowing will be attended by a unified command, assignin port and reinforcement, purge outlet setting a fixed bracket, easy to check; (4) at

23、the purging outlet cordon, by the person(2) draw a purge system, confirmed by the supervising principal; (3) the purging of temporary pipe installation, required sup3 (1)半减器 LIBRARY IEEE; USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; ENTITY h_suber IS PORT(X,Y:IN STD_LOGIC; diff,s_out :OUT STD_LOGIC); END ENTITY h_s

24、uber; ARCHITECTURE fh1 OF h_suber is BEGIN diff = x XOR y;s_out xin,y=yin,diff=a,s_out=b); u2: h_suber port map (x=a,y=sub_in,diff=diff_out,s_out=c); sub_out= c or b; end architecture fs1; 仿真波形 r andwash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water colopass, -be put on the official gasket, once the recovery is complete, confirmed by the supervision of site, fill out th

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