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1、剑桥国际少儿英语Kids5全部文本WelcomePage 2 : (1) Listen and tick the school words you hear.DAN: Hi, Shari。 Did you have a good holiday?SHARI: Yeah。 Lovely, thanks, Dan。 Do you know Alvin? He lives near me and hes new at school.DAN: Hi, Alvin. Nice to meet you。ALVIN: Hi, Dan。ALVIN: Whats that on the board?SHARI:

2、 Its a poster about a new school ezine。DAN: Whats an ezine?SHARI: Its an internet magazine。DAN: Oh!DAN: Look. Its a competition for the best ezine in the school.SHARI: Oh, thats interesting. And theres a prize! Shall we try and write one?ALVIN: Good idea, but what shall we write about?ALL: Hmm。ALVIN

3、: Oh! Can we write about sport and computers?DAN: We can write about anything we like.SHARI: Lets write our first ezine on our school so Alvin can learn about it。DAN: OK。ALVIN: Great!DAN: See you outside school at four oclock.ALVIN AND SHARI: See you!Page 3:(5).Listen and say the name。1. Who lives n

4、ear the school?2。 Who lives outside the town?3. Who has breakfast at school?4. Who walks to school?5. Who loves playing football and basketball?6. Who likes singing?7. Who wants to write about the natural world?8。 Who wants to write about computers? Page 5 (10) Listen and say the subject.1. A lot of

5、 people think the capital of Australia is Sydney, but it isnt. Its Canberra。2。 Sound of recorders3. One nine is nine。 Two nines are eighteen. Three nines are twentyseven. .。4。 Plants have green leaves. They use their leaves to get food from the sun. Plants give us oxygen。5. Magellan was the first ma

6、n to sail round the world. He sailed round the world in 1642。6. OK, Mary, now hold the mouse in your hand and click on the left button。7。 Sound of bouncing balls and referees whistle peeping8。 Bonjour. Je mappelle Peter. Bonjour. Je mappelle Ann。Page 6: (16)Listen, repeat and clap。1. classroom 2. bo

7、ard 3. dictionary 4. exam 5. test 6. important 7. pencil 8. bike 9.timetable 10。 ruler 11. eraser 12. computer 13。 learn 14. GeographyUnit 1 Time for televisionPage 8 1. Listen and tick the TV words you hear。NARRATOR: Its ten to four。 Dan, Shari and Alvin are in the library。ALVIN: Look at this, Dan。

8、 Fun time is on TV1 at ten past four. Shall we watch it?DAN: Wait a minute. Animals is on TV2 at twenty past four.SHARI: Lets watch that because we all like it.DAN: Yeah, thats a good idea, but what time is it now?SHARI: Its five to four。 If we want to watch it, we have to leave now。ALVIN: Come on,

9、then。 Lets go!DAN: Phew。 Just in time. Its quarter past four.SHARI: Hi, Dad. Can we put TV2 on, please? We want to watch Animals.MR NELSON: Oh, Im sorry, Shari。 Not today. The golfs on TV3 and you know I love golf.ALVIN: What time does it finish, Mr Nelson?MR NELSON: Oh, dont worry. It finishes at t

10、wenty-five past seven!THREE CHILDREN: Oh。SHARI: Well, boys, I think we can watch TV another day。ALVIN: Youre right. Lets go and write something about TV for our ezine。DAN: Yeah. We cant watch TV, but we can write about it.MR NELSON: Ssshhhh!THREE CHILDREN: Ooh!Page 9 7.Listen and say the letter.1。 I

11、NTERVIEWER: Where do you have lunch?BOY: I have it at school。INTERVIEWER: What time do you have it?BOY: I have lunch at quarter to one every day。2. INTERVIEWER: What time do you get up during the week?BOY: On school days, I have to get up early。I get up at twenty past seven。INTERVIEWER: Ooh, thats e

12、arlier than me!3。 INTERVIEWER: Do you walk home from school?BOY: No, I catch the bus.INTERVIEWER: Do you have to wait for it?BOY: Sometimes, but the bus usually comes at twenty-five past four。4. INTERVIEWER: Do you study Geography at school?BOY: Yes, its my favourite subject。INTERVIEWER: When do you

13、 have it?BOY: At ten to ten on Tuesdays and Fridays。Page 11 12。 Listen and say the programme.1。 COMMENTATOR: Goal! CROWD: Yeah!2。 QUIZ MASTER: Question one. Whats the capital of Venezuela?BOY: Caracas。QUIZ MASTER: Yes. Two points。3. This is a forest。 There are lots of birds hiding in its trees。 Lets

14、 go and find them。4。 Meow! Meeeooow!5. WEATHER PRESENTER: Good morning。 It was sunny yesterday, but today its raining。6。 School is cool, its where we go,From Monday to Friday, Im sure you know,We study and we play, thats what we do,We do it in the morning and the afternoon!7。 COMEDIAN 1: Why didnt t

15、he skeleton go to the park?COMEDIAN 2: It had no body to go with!8。 NEWS READER: The Education Minister is visiting a new library in Liverpool today. The library has got one million books。Page 12 17。 Listen and repeat. Can you hear /? Say yes or no.1。 wing 2。 young 3. studying 4。 train 5. phoning 6。

16、 wanted 7. song 8。 playing 9。 run 10. wrong 11。 plane 12. moving 13. thing 14. thinkUnit 2 People at workPage 16 1.Listen and tick the jobs you hear。DAN: What are we going to write about for our ezine this week?SHARI: I dont know。 Have you got any ideas, Alvin?ALVIN: Er, no, but lets have a look at

17、the exhibition on jobs and think about it.DAN: Look at this nurse。 Thats an interesting job。 I think Im going to be a nurse when Im older.SHARI: Hmm。 A nurse is OK, but I think Im going to be a dentist。 What are you going to do, Alvin?ALVIN: Im not sure, but Im going to have an exciting job。TEACHER:

18、 Everybody has to leave the school building now, please. Walk quickly, but dont run。SHARI: Oh, no! I hope the school isnt going to burn down。TEACHER: Its OK, everybody。 Its only a practice.ALVIN: Thats a really exciting job. Im going to be a firefighter.SHARI: Well, now we know what were going to wr

19、ite about in this weeks ezine! Jobs。DAN: Lets write about famous peoples jobs。SHARI AND ALVIN: Yeah!DAN: Yee ha! Were going to win that prize!Page 19 11. Listen and match。 Say the job.1. PILOT: Good evening。 This is Captain Bird speaking。 Welcome aboard flight 241 from Dublin to London。2. DENTIST: H

20、ello, Bill。 Please sit down. OK, open your mouth, please. Thats good。 Lovely. You clean your teeth very well. I can see you always clean your teeth three times a day after meals because theyre nice and white. Thats fine. No problems there.3。 COOK: Now, let me see. Three eggs, 500 grams of flour, hal

21、f a litre of milk, 250 grams of sugar and some chocolate。 Im going to mix it all together in a bowl and put it in a big cake tin。 Then Im going to cook it for half an hour. Its going to be a lovely chocolate cake. Mmm。4。 MECHANIC: Good morning, Mr Hamilton. This is Jacks Garage here. I looked at you

22、r car and I can see why it isnt working. Im going to repair it now, so you can come and pick it up at half past ten.5. FILM DIRECTOR: Action!ACTOR: Im gonna look for a place to stay in this town. Im tired, Im hungry and Im thirsty。 I must find a hotel soon. Come on, GG.FILM DIRECTOR: Cut! Fantastic!

23、 Thank you, everybody。 Were going to stop now。6. JOURNALIST: That was a great game! Im going to speak to the man of the match, John Brown. He put the ball through the basket 12 times. Here he comes and hes bouncing a ball.Page 20 17. Listen, repeat and clap.1。exciting 2.job 3。potato 4。painter 5。comp

24、uter 7。 clown 8。 journalist 9. Geography 10. apartment 11. work 12. kitchen 13. History 14。 dictionaryUnit 3 City lifePage 26 1.Listen and tick the city words you hear.MR GREY: OK, kids。 Were going to meet back here at half past five. Dont get lost!DAN: No problem, Dad! Its ten past two now

25、, so weve got more than three hours。SHARI: We want to get some interesting information for our ezine, so where shall we go first?ALVIN: Tower Bridge is the most famous bridge in London。 Lets go there。SHARI: How do we get there?ALVIN: Lets look at the map .。. Now, were outside the station. Thats here

26、.DAN: We have to go straight along this road。 We dont go across the river. We turn left here. 。DAN: OK, now were at a corner. Do we want to go left or right, Alvin?ALVIN: Er, I dont know. I think we take the third street on the right, then walk past this park.SHARI: Er, boys .。 turn the map round! W

27、ere going in the wrong direction!SHARI: Excuse me。 Can you tell us how to get to Tower Bridge, please?WOMAN: Look, dear。 Its just across the street. Its behind you。Page 27 5。 Listen to the directions and answer。1. Go straight on。 Take the second street on the left。 Whats at the end of the street?2。

28、Go up The High Street。 Take the first street on the left and go across the river。 Whats on the right?3。 Go up The High Street。 Take the second street on the right and go straight on。 Cross Low Road. Whats on the left?4. Go straight on。 Take the third street on the right. Walk past the shoe shop and

29、stop。 Whats on the right?5. Go up The High Street. Take the first street on the right. Next, take the first street on the left and go across Green Street。 Then take the first street on the right. Whats on the left?Page 30 16. Listen and repeat. Can you hear /? Say yes or no。1。 under 2. won 3。 caf 4。

30、 Maths 5. jump 6。 study 7。 fur8。 country 9。 nurse 10。 actor 11. down 12. cloudy 13。 hungry 14. must Unit 4 DisasterPage 34 1.Listen and tick the weather words you hear。SHARI: That was amazing! ALVIN: It was really scary as well。ALVIN: Now weve got a great project for our ezine 。.。 Disasters!SHARI an

31、d DAN: Yeah!REPORTER: Well, hello, children。 Are you getting warm?SHARI, DAN AND ALVIN: Yes!REPORTER: Can you tell me what happened?SHARI: It was hot and sunny this morning, so we decided to sail to the small island for a picnic with my dad.ALVIN: When we were sailing to the island, the sky went dark。REPORTER: Were you listening to the weather on the radio?DAN: The radio was on, but we werent listening to the weather。 We were listening to music。REPORTER: Why didnt you go back to the beach?DAN: Because we were very near the island。 We

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