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外研社高中英语选修六Module 5 备课参考.docx

1、外研社高中英语选修六Module 5 备课参考Module 5单元目标 1. 正确理解虚拟语气并进行准确运用。 2. 根据字面意思来正确地判断其深层含义 3. 初步了解一些关于生命科学方面的知识,并能就自己所了解的相关知识发表自己的看法。Unit 1 要点精讲1. terrify及物动词 vt. 恐怖;吓唬 make someone very afraid The thunder terrified the small children. 雷声把小孩吓坏了。 She was terrified of being killed in an air raid. 她害怕空袭时会被炸死。 That s

2、ort of thing terrifies people. 那样的事(或东西)会使人们感到恐怖的。 You terrify me! 你吓坏了我! 2. chase及物动词 vt. 追逐;追赶;追击 run after someone The police chased the thief. 警察追赶小偷。 This girl chased the butterfly, but lost it. 这女孩追赶蝴蝶,但没有追上。 The fox was chased off into the woods. 那狐狸被赶进了树林。 及物动词 vt. 驱逐;被除 drive away The dog c

3、hased the cat into a hole. 狗将猫逐进洞里。 They chased him out of the house. 他们把他逐出屋外! 名词 n. 追逐 an act of chasing gain on the chase 加紧追赶 a chase after butterflies 拍蝶 spoils of the chase 获猎物 the chase for honors 追求荣誉 chase of pleasure(profit)追求享乐(利润) Honour is the noblest chase. 荣誉是最高尚的追求。 a long chase 长途追击

4、 a wild goose chase 无益的追求 be in chase of sb.(sth.)在追逐某人(某物) 名词 n. 猎物 a hunted animal The chase escaped. 猎物逃脱了。 give chase 追;追逐;追击 The hunt began and the dogs gave chase. 狩猎开始了,猎狗追逐了。 3. disgust不可数名词 n.U 厌恶;憎恶 strong feeling of dislike To his disgust,he saw a dead dog in his garden. 使他作呕的是,他在花园里见到一只死

5、狗。 I turned away in disgust. 我厌恶地把脸转开。 strong disgust 强烈的厌恶 feel disgust at 对感到厌恶 及物动词 vt. 使作呕;使厌恶 give someone a strong feeling of dislike The dirty plates in the restaurant disgusted us. 那家饭店的脏盘子使我们感到厌恶。 We are all disgusted with her affected behaviour. 我们都很讨厌她那种装模作样的举止。 4. breathe及物动词 vt. 说出;表示;泄

6、露 give out; express Dont breathe a word of what I have told you. 我告诉你的事一个字也不能泄露出去。 5. contrast名词 n. 比较;对比 the act of contrasting; the state of being contrasted Black is a contrast to white. 黑白形成对比。 She seems prettier by contrast with her sister. 她与她妹妹相比似乎更美些。 He looks healthier in contrast to his fo

7、rmer self. 他与以前相比,显得更健康些。 Compare and contrast English with Chinese. 把英语和汉语进行比较和对比。 名词 n. 有明显差别的东西 a thing which shows differences when placed with another Anybody can see the contrast between black and white. 任何人都能看出黑色和白色的差别。 There is a big contrast between summer and winter weather. 夏季和冬季的天气有很大的差别

8、。 This picture is a great contrast to that. 这画和那幅有很大的差别。 an impressive contrast 给人印象深刻的对照 a marked contrast 明显的对照 a sharp contrast 尖锐的对照 afford a contrast 提供对照 bring out the contrast 引出对比 form(=offer)a contrast 形成对照 lend a contrast 显出对照 make a contrast with 与做对比 notice a contrast 注意到差异 point out a c

9、ontrast 指出差异 in contrast with(to)对比 This appears small in contrast with that. 这个东西和那个东西比就显得小了。 及物动词 vt. 对比;差别 compare(two things)so as to show their differences When I contrasted the two bicycles, I saw that one was older. 当我对比两辆自行车的时候,我看出其中一辆旧了一些。 Contrast our climate with that of the tropics. 将我们和

10、热带气候比较一下。 不及物动词 vi. 形成对照,映衬 show striking differences when they are put together or compared The black and the gold contrast prettily in that design. 这图案中黑与金黄两种颜色对比效果很好。 contrast . with 把与对比 This colour contrasts strikingly with green. 这个颜色显然不同于绿色。 This colour contrasts well with green. 这颜色和绿色衬起来很好。

11、 6. cure不可数名词 n.U 治好;痊愈 becoming well from an illness; making someone well His cure took six weeks. 治好他的病花了六个星期。 Sports provide a cure for the disease. 运动能治好这种病。 可数名词 n.C 对策;疗法 something that will end a problem or an illness Aspirin is a certain cure for a headache. 阿斯匹林是治头痛的妙药。 They came to the hot

12、 springs for a cure. 他们到温泉来治病。 a certain cure(=remedy)特效药 the faith cure 信仰疗法 a fasting cure 节食疗法 the hard work cure 劳动疗法 a headache cure 头痛药 a hot(cold)water cure 热(冷)水疗法 hot spring cure 温泉疗法 a hydropathic cure 水疗法 a lasting cure 彻底的疗法 a quack cure 江湖疗法 a radical cure 根治法 a spontaneous cure 自然治愈疗法

13、a sure cure for 治的灵丹妙药 water cure 水疗法 the best cure for a cough 止咳妙药 a good cure for lying 治说谎的良方 bring about a cure 治愈 effect a cure 治愈 find a cure 找到治疗方法 have a rest cure 采取静养疗法 obtain a perfect cure 痊愈 produce an effective cure 产生疗效 seek a cure 求医 take the cure in a hospital 在医院里治疗 try a cure 试用某

14、种疗法 work a cure for tuberculosis 治愈肺结核 动词 v. 治愈 make a sick person well The doctor cured the pain in my back. 医生治好了我的腰疼。 Only a monkeys heart can cure me. 只有猴子的心才能治愈我的病。 I can give you some medicine to cure your headache. 我可以给你点药治你的头痛。 My cold cures itself automatically. 我的感冒不治而愈。 cure a person of a

15、sthma 治好某人的哮喘病 be cured with a certain medicine 以特效药治愈典型例题 【例1】My sister,who has no clear sense of direction,was at _ loss when finding that _ road she used to go along was in repair.Aa;a Ba;theC不填;a Dthe;the【答案】B 【解析】第一空后名词与前后文构成固定短语at a loss“在迷茫中,困惑”;第二空后名词road后有定语从句来修饰,表特指,加定冠词the,选B。【例2】_ he doe

16、s his work well,I dont mind what time he arrives at the office.ASo long as BAs far asCIn case DEven though【答案】A【解析】so long as只要,引导条件状语从句;as far as和一样远,据所知;in case万一,以免,引导条件状语从句;even though即使,甚至,引导让步状语从句。句意:只要他工作认真,我不介意他什么时候到办公室。针对训练1The firefighters soon got the fire in the building _.Aunder attack

17、Bunder controlCunder construction Dunder way2How did you do in the test?Not so well,I _ much better but I misread the directions for writing.Awill have done Bcould have doneCmust have done Dmay have done3When I got home,I found the door open.A terrible thought _ me that someone broke into my house.A

18、beat BknockedCstruck Dhit4He was _ to join the army because he was under age.Arefused BlackedCrequired Dcalled5The fellow has been suspected _ email fraud.Nowadays cybercrime is developing _ an amazing rate.Afrom;at Babout;inCof;with Dof;atUnit 2 要点精讲1While studying at university,he discovers the se

19、cret of how to give life to lifeless matter还在上大学时。他就发现了赋予无生命的东两以生命的秘密。 (1)该句子是省略句,完整的句子应是While he is studying at universityhe discovers the secret of how to give life to lifeless matter (2)give life to sthdoing sth赋予某物生命将生命献给某事 Eg They give life to the whole painting2When Frankenstein refuses to cre

20、ate a wife for him,the monster murdells Franken steinS brotherhis best friend Clerval,and finally,FrankensteinS wife Elizabeth当弗兰肯斯坦拒绝为他造一个妻子后,怪物杀害了弗兰肯斯坦的兄弟和他最好的朋友克莱瓦尔,最后,还杀死了弗兰肯斯坦的妻子伊丽莎白。 (1)refuse to do sth拒绝干某事 Eg She refuses to watch such a terrifying TV play (2)murder n谋杀;凶杀 Eg He was found gui

21、lty of murder 固定词组get away with murder逍遥法外;(做)错事而安然无恙 Vt谋杀,杀害;糟踏,毁坏 Eg(a)The woman who was murdered is wellknown in the area (b)He murdered the whole work 扩展murderer n杀人犯,杀人凶手3The scientist chases the creature to the Arctic in order to destroy him,but he dies there为了除掉怪物,弗兰肯斯坦追赶到北极,但他本人却死在了那里。 (1)ch

22、ase vt追赶,追逐;追击 EgThe kids chased each other around the kitchen tableShe chased the cat out into the garden (2)destroy vt破坏,毁坏,消灭 Eg The building was completely destroyed by fire4At the end of the story,the monster disappears into the ice and snow to end his own life在故事的结尾部分, 怪物消失在冰天雪地中,结束了自己的生命。 end

23、 (1)n末端,尽头,结束 at the end of的结尾 in the end=at last最后 by the end of到为止(主句用完成时态) come to an end结束 (2)vi&Vt结束,终点,终止end up within以结束5My candle was almost burnt out when,by its tiny light,I saw the yellow eye of the creature open就在我的蜡烛即将燃尽的时候,借着微弱的烛光,我看见怪物睁开了黄色的眼睛。 burn out燃尽;烧掉,烧坏;(指人)耗尽体力,积劳成疾,累垮 Eg(1)T

24、he fire had burnt out before the firefighter arrived (2)If he doesnt stop working SO hard,he11 burn himself out6His hair was black and his teeth were whiteBut these things contrasted horribly with his yellow eyes,his wrinkled yellow skin and black lips他的头发是黑色的,牙齿是白色的,但却与他的黄眼睛、黑嘴唇以及皱巴巴的黄色皮肤形成了骇人的对比。

25、contrast (1),n对比,对照 Eg When you look at their new system,ours seems very oldfashioned by contrast (2)vt和形成对照,使对比 Eg It is interesting to contrast British English with American English 7But now I had finished,the beauty of the dream vanished,and horror and disgust filled my heart现在我已经完成了创作,但梦想中的美丽已荡然

26、无存,而恐怖和厌恶却充斥着我的心灵。 disgust (1)n厌恶,嫌恶 Eg The food tasted SO unpleasant that I threw it away in disgust (2)vt令人厌恶,令人反感;使作呕 Eg His behavior disgusted everybody 8When he turned to look at me,I felt unable to stay in the same room as him当他转过身来看着我时,我感到自己不能和他同处一个房间。 turn to转过身;求助于 Eg(1)The road turns to th

27、e left after the church (2)She has nobody she can turn to9She looked well and happy but as I kissed her lips,they became pale,as if she were dead她看上去健康而快乐。但是,当我亲吻她时,她双唇失色,犹如死人。as ifthough引起的从句可以用陈述语气,也可以用虚拟语气。重点词语辨析:day by day; day after day day by day意为“一天一天地”,“逐日”,表示事情的逐渐变化过程。该短语只能作状语。如: Its getti

28、ng colder day by day . 天气一天天冷了起来。The boy is getting better day by day .那孩子一天天好了起来。 day after day意为“日复一日”、“一天又一天”,表示一个重复(周而复始或循环重复)的动作或事件。该短语可作主语和状语。如:Day after day went by, and still no message arrived .日子一天天过去,仍然杳无音讯。 I have to do the work day after day .我得天天做这项工作。典型例题 【例1】It was that biologist who

29、 discovered the secret of how to _ lifeless matter.Aput life to Bmake life toCcause life to Dgive life to 【答案】D 【解析】句意:正是那位生物学家发现了怎样赋予无生命事物以生命这个秘密。give life to“赋予生命”。 【例2】Its _ breakouts of bird flu that many monitoring stations have been set up.Acontrolled Bto controlCcontrolling Dhaving controlled

30、 【答案】B 【解析】分析句子结构可知,此处使用了强调句型,被强调的部分用不定式作目的状语。针对训练1Jenny said she was _ by the programme in the TV,so she turned it off.Adisgusted BattractedCdisgusting Dattracting2I couldnt _ telling him the secret.You shouldnt have done that.Aconsist BinsistCresist Dexist3How do you plan your weekend?I _ you for good advic

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