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1、绍兴市初中英语优质课评比教学设计12010绍兴市初中英语优质课评比教学设计(1)作者:陈兵来源:本站原创阅读:2039次 发布时间:2010-10-25 16:23:02选择视力保护色: 【】Harry Potter教学设计新昌县七星中学 陈兵教学目标一、知识目标:1.Key words:femaletranslatepublishaffordearnsuccessful2.Use some reading strategies.二、能力目标:1.通过阅读技巧的指导让学生能够完成阅读题目,养成良好的阅读习惯。2.学生能够掌握一定的阅读技巧。三、情感目标:通过本篇的阅读,让学生了解J.K. Ro

2、wling的有关生平事迹,培养积极向上的生活态度,进一步激发学习英语的兴趣。四、重点难点:1.培养学生运用阅读策略来提高阅读能力。2.掌握与课文有关的词汇,以便运用这些词汇来复述课文。教学过程:Step 1. Warming upEnjoy a song and chat with the students about their dreams.Step 2. Lead-inMemory challenge: show some photos of famous people and present thewriter.Step 3. Pre-readingIntroduce the brie

3、f life of the writer and help the students to learn more about J.K. Rowling.Step 4. While-reading1) Skim and answer one question: What is the reading mainly about?2) Listen, read and match.3) Careful reading: Answer three questions.Which sentence is true about the first Harry Potter book?What does t

4、he underlined phrase “took off” mean in Paragraph 3?Which of the following statements is true about Rowling?Step 5: After-reading1)Complete the passage with the given words and expression.2)Group work: share our feelings.Homework:Level 1: Read the article again, copy and recite some beautiful senten

5、ces from the article.Level 2:Write a short passageabout your dream.2010绍兴市初中英语优质课评比教学设计(2)作者:何小燕来源:本站原创阅读:2328次 发布时间:2010-10-25 16:29:21选择视力保护色: 【】The Teaching Plan forReading-Harry Potter绍兴县华甫中学 何小燕I.Teaching objectsAfter this lesson, students will be able to1) master the following words and phrase

6、s: take off, publisher, publish, earn, female;2) retell the story about the writer;3) learn to get over the difficulties they meet in their life and .II. Importance and difficulties1) Promote reading strategies.2) Help students to understand the text.3) Help students to build up the right attitude t

7、owards life.III. Teaching aidsMulti-media equipment, text.IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1: Warming upShow pictures of some famous books. Have students talk about their favorite books and tell the reasons.设计意图:以“书”引入,吸引学生的注意力,使学生尽早融入课堂,通过谈论学生最喜欢的书营造浓厚的英语学习氛围,同时为进入文本做好铺垫。Present the bookHarry Potterand

8、the writer. Teach some new words: publisher, publish, female.Step 2: While reading1.Read the whole passage and find out what it is about.设计意图:通过阅读全文,让学生了解文章概况,培养学生略读的策略。2.Read paragraphs 1 and 2 carefully and work in groups of four to ask as many as questions as they can.设计意图:通过学生自己问答,培养学生自主能力。3.Rea

9、d paragraphs 3 and 4, and fill in the chart._ inEngland._ in theUnited States.Harry Potter_ into popular movies.has now sold _ books around the world.has been translated into _ languages.设计意图:通过表格的填空,让学生对三四两段的脉络结构更加清晰,从而培养学生寻读的能力。通过上下文语境,运用阅读策略,猜测“took off”的词义。Step 3 After reading1.Put the following

10、 sentences into the correct order.A. She sent the book to four publishers before one of them bought it.B. Rowling began to have the idea for the book Harry Potter, then she spent 7 years finishing it.C. She went on writing her second and third books. They were even made into popular movies and trans

11、lated into many languages.D. Harry Potter became successful inEngland.E. Rowling is famous as one of the successful female writers.2.Complete the passage with items from the box. One item is extra(有一项多余).J. K. Rowling wrote the _ Harry Potter books. People _ like these books. Her books have been _ i

12、nto many languages.Before Harry Potter became famous, Rowling did not have money to pay for heat in her _. But her books became big hits, and now she has _ millions of dollars.3.Retell the story设计意图:通过排序,填空和复述,对整个文本进行再一次梳理,使学生更加深入地了解课文,为之后的输出活动奠定更扎实的语言基础。Step 4 Group workTalk about students favorite

13、 writers.WriterBookLife experience设计意图:此活动中,谈论了作者的生活经历,与开头的对书籍的谈论首尾呼应,是对文章的延伸和拓展,使输出活动更加有效。Step 5 Homework1. Search more information about your favorite writers and write them down.2. Level A: Finish the exercise.Level B: Retell the story and write a passage.V. Blackboard Designing2010绍兴市初中英语优质课评比教学

14、设计(3)作者:黄玲燕来源:本站原创阅读:2513次 发布时间:2010-10-25 16:31:37选择视力保护色: 【】 Teaching Plan forHarry Potter 上虞实验中学黄玲燕课型ReadingReading for strategies阅读策略To learn to scan for details in an articleTo learn the ways to guess the meanings of new words in the context知识能力情感目标1.To learn words and phrases like: female, bes

15、t-seller, publish, publisher, earn, completely, translate ,take off and so on2. To learn to scan for details in an article3. To learn to guess the meanings of new words in the context4. To learn the ways to be successful难点To learn the way to scan for information in reading;To understand the new word

16、s by guessing the meanings with the help of clues in the context教具Multi-media facilities, Blackboard, Chalk, CAILearning& teaching arrangements:stepsActivitiesMethodologyWarming up&Leading-inGreet students and enjoy the movie Harry Potter在与学生的问候交谈中自然引出电影Harry Potter.直接导入文章主题Pre-readingTalk about wha

17、t students know about J.K Rowling and her books为下面文章的学习做好铺垫While-reading1.Skimming: Whats the story about?2.Scanning: what changes did she have? How was her life before and her life later?And look for more information about her books and othersLearn to guess the meanings of new words in the context.

18、3.Exploring:What is the most important for her success?通过skimming和scanning了解文章大意和细节。在scanning过程中,培养学生读中圈划重点信息的阅读习惯,并在核对过程中进一步确认。另外,此环节中还介绍猜词的阅读技巧,进一步化解阅读中的语言障碍。Exploring活动中寻找作者成功的主要原因,对文章进行深层次的理解。After-reading1.Discussion: What else made her successful besides ”having a dream”?2.Give the main ideas

19、of three parts of the reading.3.Give the reading a title.4.Make a summary of the reading.5.Groupwork: Talk about students dreams and how to make their dreams come true.通过讨论作者成功的多方面的原因,深化主题,锻炼学生的口头表达能力和思维能力。通过给文章的大意,标题和summary培养学生的分析,归纳能力。Groupwork中通过讨论自己的梦想以及如何实现的方式,从教材回归到生活。Homework1.Finish writing

20、 the report .2.Search more information about Harry Potter and share it with friends.把口头的report落实到书面作业,以读促写。让学生搜索更多与本课有关的的信息资料,把课堂知识延伸到课外。Harry Potter的教学设计诸暨市草塔镇中王丽一、教学内容分析本文是一篇叙事性的阅读短文,介绍和描述著名作家J.K.Rowling撰写的系列书籍“Harry Potter”的成功发行以及由此给她的生活带来的巨大变化。二、学情分析Harry Potter为众多学生所了解的儿童系列丛书,学生对此书的作者J.K.Rowlin

21、g也有所了解,因此学生对文本内容的文化背景和信息也略知一二,有利于学生对文本的理解。九年级学生已经学习了多种阅读策略,所以学生对于运用恰当的阅读策略进行阅读已经有了一定的基础。本文词数为295,符合九年级学生的阅读要求。三、教学目标1、语言知识目标学生能认读下列词汇:publish, translate, earn, apartment, successful, take off, female, fill2、语言技能目标(1)通过老师的引导,学生能理解文本的主旨大意。(2)通过教师的引导,学生能熟练掌握和运用一些阅读策略来提高自己的阅读速度和阅读质量。本节课所涉及的阅读策略有:预测策略、细节

22、阅读策略、在上下文中猜测词义的策略等。(3)通过教师的引导,学生能构建词汇知识。本节课的词汇知识构建主要体现在:阅读中通过构词法理解词汇(publish-publisher-published)、通过联想法拓展词义(take off)。3、情感目标通过阅读,学生能了解有关J.K.Rowling的生活和其著作“Harry Potter”的发展,了解成功人士背后的艰辛,并能从中学习J.K.Rowling坚持梦想,决不放弃的精神和吃苦耐劳的品质,鼓励学生阅读名著以增长见识,励志奋进。四、教学重、难点1、在阅读教学中如何巧妙地、自觉地运用恰当的阅读策略提高阅读质量。2、如何在阅读教学中有效帮助学生构建

23、词汇知识,落实词汇教学。五、教学步骤教学环节教师活动学生活动设计理念一.导入1.教师播放电影Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone的片段;2.教师引出Harry Potter的系列丛书;3.教师介绍Harry Potter的作者J. K. Rowling及词汇:female, publish, best-seller, best-selling等;1.观看Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone的电影片段;2.回忆Harry Potter的有关内容;3.在教师的介绍中输入有关Harry Potter的作者等信息;4.

24、感知和理解词汇:female, publish, best-seller, best-selling;激活学生已有的知识和生活体验,为后续的读说做铺垫。对Harry Potter文化背景的介绍有利于对文本的理解。二.阅读读前引导学生对文本进行预测指导学生通过看标题、图片、读首句对文本内容进行预测;预测1.看标题预测对Harry Potter的理解;2.看图片进一步预测;3.阅读每段的首句证实自己的预测。指导学生对文本进行预测有利于学生养成一种良好的阅读习惯,同时更好地理解文本。读中1.指导学生进行快速阅读,了解文本的主旨大意;2.引导学生按照两条主线-J. K. Rowlings life和H

25、arry Potter books运用恰当的阅读策略进行细读。通过提问的形式让学生搜寻有关J. K. Rowling的生活变化;通过表格的形式让学生搜寻Harry potter books的发展。3.引导学生根据上下文猜测词汇(take off),理顺句子之间的逻辑关系,并运用联想法归纳take off的其他含义及其应用。根据语境指导学生选择正确的含义。4.通过对词汇的整合,让学生加深印象,并根据要求选出正确的词义解释,同时指导学生了解词汇的词性;5.对文本进行概括,指导学生运用正确的词汇完成文本的概要。1.快读。了解文本的大概内容,对文本的主旨作出自己的选择;2.细读。带着问题找出有关J.

26、K. Rowling生活的信息,按照时间顺序了解J. K. Rowling生活上的前后变化;3.再细读。找出有关Harry Potter books的信息,用关键词填表。4.联系上下文猜测词汇(take off)的含义,理顺句子之间的逻辑关系,并运用联想法拓展take off的其他含义及其应用。根据语境选择正确的含义。5.对文本词汇的整合,加深印象,并根据要求选出正确的词义解释,同时了解词汇的词性;6.对词汇做进一步的巩固,根据教师对文本的概括填入合适的词汇;运用不同的阅读策略,使学生整体感知文本,理清文章脉络,并能在细节处根据上下文理解词汇和句子间的逻辑关系;通过对文本的表层理解到深层理解,

27、培养学生分析问题、解决问题的能力,形成一定的学习策略。读后指导学生在了解文本的基础上,提出问题What do you think of J. K. Rowling? What can we learn from J.K Rowling? What can we do to make our dreams come true?引导学生进行深层次的思考和分析。指导学生联系自己的生活实际和体验,带着问题展开小组讨论,并进行汇报。在了解文本的基础上,通过联系自己的生活实际和体验,在老师的指导下带着问题What do you think of J. K. Rowling?What can we lear

28、n from J. K. Rowling? What can we do to make our dreams come true?进行深层次的思考和分析,展开小组讨论,并进行汇报。立足文本,并联系学生生活实际进行小组讨论,使学生通过J. K. Rowling的故事树立一种坚持梦想的精神和吃苦耐劳的优秀品质。三.作业布置作业要求学生完成Level A的作业;鼓励学有余力的学生完成Level B的作业,合适的时间进行作业检查并进行反馈。Level A:阅读一本自己没有读过的Harry Potter的书;(必做题)Level B:寻找自己喜欢的作家的信息,并写一篇有关此作家和其优秀作品的介绍。(选做题)作业的分层设计有利于不同层次的学生有不同的收获,因人而异。鼓励所有学生读名著,激励学有余力的学生完成综合性能力较强的作业。六、板书Harry Potterfemale K. Rowlings life-B.Harry Potter books-

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