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1、外研版高中英语必修二高一第6模块标准化试题2016年海南省屯昌思源高中高一外研必修4第6模块标准化试题II. 单项选择:21.- Mike , what new course are you going to have in _ second grade?- Im going to learn _second foreign language.A. a; the B. the; a C. the; / D./; a22.I dont think _ my father will agree to my plan.A. that likely B. likely that C. it likel

2、y whether D. it likely that23. Everyone says our team will win, but Im_ it.A. skeptical of B. confident of C. sure about D. concerned about24. It is thought that between the years 1550 and 1950 an average of one kind of living thing _each year. A. died from B. died out C. died away D. died of25. The

3、ir findings _ the burial customs of the ancient Indian tribe of that area. A. throw light on B. have a word with B. hide the light under D. light up26. I think the report is badly done, and that_ the other work done in this office. A. goes for B. goes down to C. goes by D. go at27. - Have you got th

4、e news that Jacks company has gone broken? - - Yes, I think their failure_ a mixture of bad luck and poor management.A. results in B. is due to C. leads to D. brings to28. The meeting was to _ at nine oclock, but chairman had not turned up by ten. A. start B. be starting C. have started D. be starte

5、d29. He claimed _in the restaurant last Sunday.A. being badly treated B. to be treated badlyC. to have been treated badly D. being treated badly30. In my opinion, he _ to get more information about the company before applying for the job, but he failed.A. must have tried B. might try C. should have

6、tried D. would try31. After a long police investigation, the_ of the murdered man has been confirmed. A. evidence B. reputation C. fortune D. identity32. - He looks so_ and the kids are really scared.- He often uses that _ look to frighten them.A. frightened; frightened B. frightened; frighteningC.

7、frightening; frightened D. frightening; frightening33. Kangaroos have good hearing, keen sight and a _sense of smell. They are aware when an enemy appears at a distance.A. positive B. skeptical C. sharp D. fierce34. Although the town _ by the storm several times, little damage was done.A. attacked B

8、. had been attacked C. was attacked D. has attacked35. - Do you think the movie is wonderful ?- Yes. Its quite_.A. nothing B. something C. anything D. everything21B。序数词前加定冠词the表示“第几”;序数词前加不定冠词意为“又一、再一”。 ,22D。此处是句型:主语十think十it 十adj.+ 从句。其中“it 是形式主语,that从句是真正的主语,likely是形容词作宾补。23A。be skeptical ofabout

9、对不肯相信、怀疑;be confident of自信;be sure about对有把握;be concerned about对;关心。24B。die out灭绝、绝迹; die from 因外部原因而死;die of因身体内部原因而死;die away(指声音、风等)渐息。25A。throw light onupon使某事情清楚些;have a word with与 某人交谈;hide the light under不露锋芒;light up照亮。26A。句意为:我认为这份报告写得差,办公室的其他工作也一样。go for适用于,应用于;go down to开始做某事;go by遵照或依照某事

10、;go at努力做某事。27B。句意是:他们的失败是由于运气不佳和管理不善。due to 由于、囚造成。在此用在系动词之后作表语。28C。句意:这个会议原计划在九点开始,但主席到十点还没有露面。由此可知,此处应用不定式的完成式。29C。claim 声称,断言,宣称。其句法结构为:clams sth. / claim to do sth. / claim that 。由句意可知不定式的动作发生在claim 前面,所以用不定式的完成式。30C。由下文意义“他没有”这一过去的事实,推测前面是“本应得到更多关于此公司的信息”。所以用should have done。Must have done“过去一

11、定做过”和语境不相符。31D。evidence意为“证据”;reputation意为“名誉;名声”;fortune意为“命运;运气”; identity意为“身份”。根据句意“经长时间警方调查,那名被害人的身份已被确定”,可知答案为D。32D。frightening意为“令人害怕的”;frightened意为“(人感到)害怕的”。句意为“他凶神恶煞的样子, 都把孩子吓坏了。”“他总是用那种吓人的表情来吓唬孩子”。33C。positive意为“正面的”;skeptical意为“怀疑的;不相信的”;sharp意为“锋利的;尖的;敏锐的”;fierce意为“凶猛的;残暴的”。a sharp sens

12、e of smell意为“敏锐的嗅觉”。句意为“袋鼠有敏锐的听觉、视觉和嗅觉,能意识到远处的敌人”。34B。attack意为“袭击”,与主语the town之间是被动关系,且发生在谓语动词之前,因此用过去完成时的被动语态。句意为“尽管这个镇被暴风雨袭击了好几次,但是几乎没受多大损害”。35 B。quite/really something意为“非同寻常;令人惊奇”。句意为“你认为这部影片很好吗?”“是的,确实不错”。II. 完形填空:I will never forget , three years ago, that I had a job that almost destroyed me.

13、 My 36 was that I loved my job too much and couldnt get 37 of it. Working for the President was better than any other 38 that Id ever had. In the morning, I couldnt 39 to get to the office. At night, I didnt want to leave. Part of my mind 40 at work even when I was at 41 with my kids at night. Not 4

14、2 , all the other parts of my life shriveled (枯萎) into a dried raisin(葡萄干). I lost touch with my 43 , as I saw little of my wife or my two sons. I lost contact with my old friends. I even 44 to Jose contact with myself. Then one evening, I 45 home to tell the boys I wouldnt make it back in time to s

15、ay good night. Id already missed five 46 that week. Sam, the younger of the two , said that 47 , but asked me to wake him up 48 I got home. I explained that Id be back so late that he would have gone to sleep 49; it was probably better if I saw him the next morning. But he 50 . I asked him why. He s

16、aid he just wanted to know I was there at home. To this day, I cant 51 exactly what happened to me at that moment .Yet I suddenly knew I had to 52 my job.After I said in public that I had quit my job, I received a number of 53 .Most people were understanding, but a few were 54. They wrote to tell me

17、 angrily that I shouldnt think myself virtuous. 55 work was virtuous; leaving an important job to spend more time with my family was not.36. A. advantage B. disease C. problem D. fight37. A. much B. all C. enough D. part38. A. gift B. fact C. job D. trouble39. A. hope B. stand C. stop D. wait 40 A.

18、remained B. held C. blocked D. left41. A. lunch B. home C school. D. breakfast42. A. really B. interestingly C. surprisingly D. usually43. A. parents B. teachers C. family D. friends44. A. began B. wanted C. chose D. proved45. A. wrote B. phoned C. ran D. drove46. A. bedtimes B. kisses C. nights D.

19、calls47. A. bad B. OK C. great D. easy48. A. however B .whenever C. whatever D. wherever49. A. as well B. on purpose C in time D. long before50. A .agreed B. insisted C. managed D. accepted D. explain51. A. notice B. feel C. require D. explain52.A. value B. leave C. keep D. take53. A. newspapers B.

20、interviews C. letters D. invitations54.A. angry B. sad C. pleased D. excited55. A. Timeless B. Hard C. Valuable D. Necessary36. C。作者曾经做过的一份工作几乎毁了他,根据后文的语境可知主要问题是他太爱那份工作了。37. C。根据作者太爱那份工作的语境可知他只想不停地工作,永远也不能满足。38. C。根据语境可知作者是在把以前的工作与那份工作相比较。39. D。根据语境可知作者每天早上都迫不及待地想去工作。40. A。根据语境可知即使在家的时候,作者仍然想着工作上的事情

21、。41. B。根据后文的 with my kids at night 可知是晚上在家和孩子们在一起的时候。42. C。作者一门心思扑在工作上,所以毫不让人惊讶,作者生活的其它方面开始枯萎。43. C。根据后文的 as I saw little of my wife or my two sons 可知作者与家人几乎不联系了。44. A。根据语境可知作者甚至开始把自己都冷淡了。45. B。根据后文内容可知作者给家里的两个孩子打了个电话。46. A。作者晚上要很晚才能回家,又要错过孩子们的就寝时间了。bedtime在这里指“就寝时间”。47. B。根据语境可知小儿子说没关系。48. B。根据语境可知

22、小儿子说不管作者什么时候回来,都要把他叫醒。49. D。根据语境可知作者担心自己回去的时候,两个孩子已经睡着很久了。50. B。根据语境可知小儿子坚持让作者回家后就叫醒他。51. D。根据语境可知作者到现在也无法完全说清楚他当时的真切感受。52. B。作者虽然不知道当时自己到底是怎么想的,但他却知道自己必须辞职。53. C。根据 They wrote to tell me . 可知作者辞职的消息公开后,他收到了很多的来信。54. A。根据 They wrote to tell me angrily . 的语境可知有些人对作者辞职一事非常生气。55. B。根据前文有些人非常生气的语境可知,在他们

23、眼里辛苦工作才是美德,而多花些时间和家人呆在一起则不是美德。III. 阅读理解:APutting a dinosaur skeleton(骨架)together is not easy. The skeletons are usually very incomplete. Many dinosaur fossils(化石) are discovered badly damaged. Bones are often found crashed (压碎) or bent by the great weight of the dirt and rock above. Sometimes parts

24、from different creatures are mixed together. This just adds to the confusion. Unfortunately, some scientists have not been careful enough in their descriptions of dinosaurs. They have told grand stories of how dinosaurs looked and behaved. All of these descriptions are based on guesswork the imagina

25、tions of people who have never seen a living dinosaur. Some scientists have made complete pictures of dinosaurs based on just a single bone or tooth or leg. Such pictures are based on many guesses and very little facts. The scientists ideas often turn out to be wrong when more facts are discovered.

26、Dinosaur fossils are not found with labels attached showing what the animals looked like. That is why no pictures of dinosaurs are exactly right. Every dinosaur painting is sure to contain at least some wrong information. No artist in the twentieth century ever saw the living, breathing animals - co

27、mplete with skin, flesh, and color. For instance, imagine never having seen or heard of a peacock. One day you find the jumbled bones of it buffed in the ground. You try to put the bones together to form a skeleton. And then you try to draw a picture of what the animal looked like when it Was alive.

28、 But bones cannot tell the whole story. Even if you are a very good artist, it would be a miracle if you drew a tree picture of a peacock just from the bones and your imagination.56. Which of the following is NOT a reason why putting a dinosaur skeleton together is difficult? A. No one has seen a li

29、ving dinosaur. B. Dinosaur bones are too complicated when found. C. Dinosaur bones are crushed or bent when found. D. Dinosaur bones are mixed with other animals bones when found.57. According to Paragraph 2, we can infer that _ . A. some scientists are very careful in their descriptions of dinosaur

30、s B. the descriptions of dinosaurs contain some wrong information C. some scientists have made complete pictures of dinosaurs based on facts D. the ideas of scientists are often proved wrong when more facts are discovered58. Taking a peacock as an example, the author shows that_ A. it is easy to put the peacock bones together to form a skeleton B. it is not easy to put the peacoc

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