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1、教资面试初中英语教案教资面试初中英语教案【篇一:2015教师资格面试指导初中英语听说课】 教师资格面试指导初中英语听说课 随着教师资格证考试的全国统考化,考试难度也随之增加,尤其是教师资格证考试中的面试环节(以下简称教资面试)。这无形中也给考生带来了诸多压力,想要考取初中英语教师资格证,就必须要过试讲这一关。在教资面试的初中英语试讲中,考生可能会抽到多种类型的试讲题目。如果考生抽到的题目中有以下类似要求,则可以将其设计为一堂听说课: 1. 重点练习学生听说的能力; 2. 要求学生展示对话; 3. 设计听后的口语活动。 今天我们先来谈一谈如何设计初中英语的听说课。 听说是学习英语所需要培养的技能


3、课。可以将听说课的流程设计为以下几步:导入,听前,听中,听后,小结作业。 首先我们从课堂导入开始说起。初中英语教学最常用的导入方式有两种,一个是温故知新导入法(以复习、提问、表演上节课学过的对话等开始,向学生提供新、旧知识联系的要点),一个是设置情景导入法(指综合利用图片、音乐、视频等设备,结合教师语言、学生活动等因素,制造出一种符合教学需要的情景的导入方法)。一般来讲,在面试中为了吸引考官的眼球,建议考生采用设置情景导入方式。设置情景导入方式又可以分为以下几种:实物导入法、游戏导入法、创疑导入法、音视频导入法、生活实例导入法、人物故事导入法、名言名句、活动表演导入法等。 案例:在设计有关价格

4、的课程时,可以采用自由讨论的方式让学生明白主要话题。通过自由讨论可以激发学生的思维,让学生在讨论中明白将要学习的内容。首先让学生看衣服,然后问学生想不想买一件,这就自然而然的涉及到了本课的主题:询问价格。 t: look, whats this in english? s: its a jacket. t: this is my jacket. its nice, isnt it? what color is it? s: its red.t: do you want to buy one? s: yes, i do. t: good, and today we will talk about

5、 clothes. 接着就是听前预热环节。考生可以采用预测、头脑风暴、提出问题、发现活动等方法,帮助学习者确立听力目标,目的就是让学习者更好地理解听力材料。如果有一些词汇比较难,考生也可以在此环节解决词汇问题。 案例:采用做游戏的方式。通过大屏幕展示图片,让学生一边看图片,一遍练习单词和句型,加深学生们的印象。学生们通过游戏参与学习,可以增加学习的乐趣,由于游戏设计比较简单,学生的参与度会很高,而且学习内容贴近生活,学生会很容易掌握重点词汇。 play a game: challenge our memory the teacher shows students some groups of

6、pictures. and ask students to have a challenge if he knows all the subjects and can remember them, they can stand up and repeat them. after this, let students talk about their favorite subjects, and match the words with the pictures in 1a. t: look at those pictures; they are covers of our books. thi

7、s is the math. this is chinese. this is history. this is geography. this is chemistry. now, i will show these pictures one by one casually, and you should speak their english. who want to have a challenge? s: let me have a try. math, chinese, history, geography, physics, chemistry. t: ok, very good.

8、 seat down please. 接着是听中环节。这是英语听说课中,听力教学的关键阶段。通过丰富多彩的教学活动,如边听边记录、根据听力信息对相关内容排序、根据听力信息表演相关动作或绘出图片、填空等活动,到达理解信息和训练技能的目的。在此环节中,考场一般不会有多媒体等设备,所以考生可以自己模仿,自己扮演多媒体的角色,可以将设计的对话自己读出来,并给学生设置一定的任务。 案例:跟读录音,模仿语音语调,并完成相应任务。 play the recording for the first time. students should complete the conversations in 1a.

9、check the answers. listen again and describe what you can see in the map after this time and share your answers, and then read after it. t: now listen to the tape and complete the conversations in 1a. t: ok, stop here. who can tell me what we should fill in the first sentence?s1: where i can by some

10、 stamps. t: what about the second sentence? s2: there is a post office on center street. t: ok, very good. the next one. s3: where i can get a dictionary. t: yes, very good. who can tell us the last one? s4: there is a bookstore on main street. t: you all did a good job. now, please listen to the ta

11、pe again and read after it. after listening, please use the key sentence structure on the blackboard to make sentences with your partner. 之后是听后环节,这个环节主要目的就是让学生练习“说”。 主要通过模拟或表演情景对话、小组讨论等口头表达,来稳固听力活动中的重点句型或知识点。 案例:通过听后的对话练习,可以让学生进一步加强对重点句型和口语表达的练习。在练习中,通过换用不同的主体进行询问,学生就能明白如何将该课的重点内容应用到实际生活中。另外,通过对话之后的

12、分享,学生的学习成果能够得到认可和评价,更加有利于促进学生的积极性,提高对英语对话练习的兴趣。 t: practice the conversations above with your partner. then make your own conversations. you can use the following structures. then some groups will be invited to share your dialogue. lets begin! s1: when is your birthday? s2: my birthday is on april 5

13、, may. s1: when is your fathers birthday? s2: my fathers birthday is on april 6, may. 最后就是小结作业环节。 在教师资格考试的面试中,由于考试时间的局限性,建议考生采用收束式小结的方法来进行结课。收束式小结的主线是教师针对本堂课所上的教学内容做归纳式总结,总结的主要目的是让学生们回忆本节课所授知识点,并且重新梳理知识点。因此可以让考生一起来朗读或者分角色朗读等方式来结课,到达练习听说的目的。 面试考试时,作业的设计应以实践性作业设计为主。实践型的作业设计有对话 (conversation),表演(perfor

14、mance),搜集资料(search information),调查(survey),讨论(discussion),辩论(debate)。在听说课中,这些实践性的作业都可以应用得到。案例:让学生观看天气预报,来记录本省其他地方的天气情况,并在下节课上做一个汇报。 watch the tv and record the weather condition in your province and fill the following table, then be a weather reporter again. use the new knowledge to tell the informa

15、tion you got to all of the students in the next english class. 在教资面试中,考生虽然抽到的题目内容十分简略,但是考生还是可以根据自己的知识储备将简略的内容充实起来,那么这就要求考生要有大量的积累,因此想要顺利通过教资面试,也是需要考生认真准备的。所以想要拿到教师资格证,就应该未雨绸缪,否则,等到快考试的时候才临渴掘井,那么只能再一次与教师资格证擦肩而过了。【篇二:中学英语教师资格证试讲面试模版】 本资料为云南教师资格面试试讲科目考试复习资料,仅供大家复习下载,切莫错过说课试讲考试公告和考试时间以及网上报名。 this is my

16、sister 说课试讲考试复习资料 各位评委上午好! 今天我说课的内容是人教版七年级上unit 3 this is my sister. 本单元学习的是与学生生活息息相关的家庭成员。我要谈的是本单元第一课时的教学。下面我将从以下几个方面阐述我的说课内容。 一、对教材的分析和理解 从教材编排上说本单元是就第二单元认知物体之后学习用英语认知人,而与学生最为熟悉的人就是家庭成员。is this your eraser? 很自然过度is this your sister? 以前学的whats this?转变who is this?但本单元生词较多。出现在第一课时的就有十五、六个同时还要认识语法现象复数

17、。本课时任务比较艰巨。 二、教学目标 依据初中英语新课标的要求,并根据素质教育中面向全体培养学生素质的要求,我为这一课确立三项目标:即知识目标、能力目标和德育目标。 1.知识目标 帮助学生四会掌握以下单词:grandfather, grandmother, grandparents, father, mother, parents, son, daughter, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, cousin, friend, these, those。并对复数形式有初步了解。 2.能力目标 通过本节课学习,学生就家庭成员相互之间应该能用英语介绍、询问、交流。并能用英

18、语在脑子里对个家庭成员的关系进行思考。例如,见到fathers mother,他们能反应出是指grandmother。同时基本上能区分什么时候用单数什么时候用复数。 3.情感目标 通过对家庭成员的学习,学生对自己的家庭成员会有更清晰的印象,从而激发起他们对家人的热爱。 三、教学重点及难点 本课重点:熟练掌握各家庭成员的名称,会读会说会用这些词汇交流。这个单元最主要的就是学习家庭成员英语的表达,而几乎所有的单词都集中在第一课时。所以这课时掌握这些单词应该是重中之中。难点:复数的认识和正确运用。汉语表达中完全没有复数概念,这是一本书,这是三本书;除了多了个数字其他没有任何变化。而英语必须这样说th

19、is is a book. these are books.所有的单词都相应的发生了变化。因此中国学生在学习复数的时候特别难。我们的语言没有这个习惯! 突破:通过真实的情景激发起学生的兴趣,兴趣是最好的老师。 通过反复操练,加深印象。 再循环记忆到达最终目标。 教学手段:多媒体辅助教学,有助于把学生引入到身临其境当中,激发学生兴趣,活跃课堂气氛。同时要求学生提前把自己的家庭照片带来,真实的人物缩小英语与他们生活的距离,从而优化英语教学过程。 学法指导:为学生创设真实的学习情景,让学生以小组形式交流学习,并在课堂上循环训练。 四、教学设计过程 课堂的整体设计遵循循环记忆反复操练思路,运用情景法和

20、交际法,分五个主要步骤进行,即:导入呈现, 稳固操练, 拓展,5分钟检测包括小组比赛和布置作业。 第一,引入呈现。(10)i want to be your friend. do you want to know more about me? do you to know about my family?课件展示 1.家人。认知son, father, mother, parents, wife, husband这几个单词,并马上回忆重新呈现我的家人学生说出他们和我的关系。 2.父母。认知grandfather,grandmother,grandparents,并认识复数。 3.我姐姐及其家人

21、的照片,认知sister,aunt,daughter,cousin。 4.我哥哥的照片,认知brother,uncle,并再次认识复数。 5.回忆我的家人,并帮助学生罗列出family tree。 第二,稳固操练(20) 1.小组学习,拿出自己的照片相互询问认识别人的家人(8)老师在这过程中及时帮助学生学会他们不会的单词。 2.读书上的单词,听录音圈出听到的单词。小组学习认识david的家人。(7) 3.表演对话,在讲台上指着屏幕认识david的家人。(5 )第三,拓展(8)小组表演。假设你的朋友来到你家,你来为他介绍认识全家,有爷爷奶奶叔叔姑姑父母及兄弟姐妹堂兄妹等。 第四,5分钟检测:(5

22、)主要是be动词单复数用法及各家庭成员单词的掌握。小组之间进行比赛,看哪个小组反应最快。 第五,最后作业布置(2 ) introduce myself 说课试讲考试复习资料 good afternoon, everyone. im zhou yan. im an english teacher from experimental school of suqian. now ill say sample a of lesson six in book one. ill prepare to say the lesson from four parts. part one analysis of

23、the teaching material (一) status and function 1.this is an important lesson in book one. from this lesson, it starts asking the ss to grasp contents of each sample. to attain “four skills” request of listening, speaking, reading and writing. to start listing “word bank” and tell the ss to remember t

24、he new words. to start asking the ss to write the english sentences well. therefore this lesson is in the important position of the teaching material. 2.this lesson is the first one of unit if the ss can learn it well, it will be helpful to make the ss learn the rest of this unit. 3.such a topi

25、c is related to daily life, so it is helpful to raise learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve their spoken english. (二)analysis of the students the ss has learned english for about one month so far. they can understand some words and some simple sentences. the ss have t

26、aken a great interest in english now. (三)teaching aims and demandsthe teaching aims basis is established according to junior school english syllabus provision. 1.knowledge objects (1) to make the ss know how to use the affirmative sentence “this is. . . .” and the negative sentence “this is not?.”ev

27、eryday expressions for “apologies”“im sorry”“thats all right”. (2) to study the new words “six, hey, sorry, its, thats”, etc. by learning the dialogue of this lesson. (3) to finish some exercises. 2.ability objects (1) to develop the ss abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing. (2) to t

28、rain the ss ability of working in pairs. (3) to develop the ss abilities of communication by learning the useful structures. 3.moral objects (1) to enable the ss to be polite and love life. (2) to enable the ss to look after their things well. (四)teaching key and difficult points the teaching key an

29、d difficult points basis is established according to sample a of lesson six in the teaching materials position and function. 1.key points: (1).to help the ss to communicate with each other. (2).to enable the ss to study in groups and co-operate skillfully. (3).to develop the ss interest in english.

30、2.difficult points: (1) how to make dialogues and act them out. (2) how to write the right whole sentences. (五) teaching aidsmulti-media computer, tape recorder, software: powerpoint or authorware, school things and so on. they will be needed in this lesson. part two the teaching methods 1. communic

31、ative teaching method 2. audio-visual teaching method 3. task-based” teaching method as we all know: the main instructional aims of learning english in the middle school is to cultivate students abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of the english language. so in th

32、is lesson ill mainly use “communicative” teaching method, “audio-visual” teaching method and “task-based” teaching method. that is to say, ill let the ss to get a better understanding of the key structure of the dialogue. ill give the ss some tasks and arrange five kinds of activities: talking, guessing games, watching cai, acting out sample a and having a competition. teaching special features

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