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1、查新报告范例科技查新报告项目名称:古代残留物性质特征及其埋藏学研究 委托单位:委托日期: 年 月曰查新机构:科技查新咨询中心完成日期:二OO年四月二日中华人民共和国科学技术部二O O O年制查新项目 名称中文:古代残留物性质特征及其埋藏学研究英文:Study on characteristics and taphonomy of ancient residue查新机构名称通信地址邮政编码负责人电话联系人电话:电子信箱:传真一、查新目的科技立项二、查新项目的科学技术要点该项目属考古学与其他自然科学包括植物学, 生物化学,分子生物学,地球化学以及有机化学等多学科的交叉研究,其主要研究目的在于从基础

2、实验理论入手探 讨目前已开始在考古学领域所运用的古代残留物分析方法的潜在问题。 研究过程中将借助生物相差偏光显微数据采集系统,紫外 -可见光光谱分析系统,高效液相质 谱联用检测分析系统,气相色谱质谱联用检测分析系统等大型仪器分析手段, 对植物淀粉粒的显微形态特征,蛋白质来源的分子生物学种属鉴定、脂类及相关有机小 分子的组分来源以及各种残留物的埋藏学机理进行系统的研究。二、查新点与查新要求查新点:1.与古代残留物研究相关的现代样本中所包含的残留物分子的理化性质研究 及相关数据库建立2.实验室条件下古代残留物分子的残留机制及其埋藏学条件的研究查新要求:1.在所查范围内确定有无相同或类似研究 ;2.

3、对查新项目分别或者综合进行对比分析;3.对查新项目的新颖性进行判断。四、文献检索范围及检索策略 查新使用的数据库:中国学术期刊网(1994-2010)CNKI中国博士学位论文全文数据库(1999-2010) 万方学位论文数据库(1977-2010)万方数据数字化期刊数据库(1998-2010) 万方中国科技成果库(1985-2010) 万方中国学术会议论文库(1997-2010) 万方中国专利文摘数据库(1985-2010) 维普中文科技期刊数据库(1989-2010)中外专利信息服务平台 of Scie nee (1990-2010) Web of Proceed ings (1996-20

4、10)Elsevier(1995-2010)Ei Compe ndex Web (1969-2010)INSPEC( 1969-2010)查新使用的检索工具书:关键词:中文 英文古代残留物 ancien t residue淀粉粒 starch grain蛋白质 protein脂类 lipid埋藏学 taph onomy检索式:1.(古代残留物or淀粉粒or蛋白质or脂类)and考古2.(ancient residue or starch grain or protein or lipid) and taphonomy五、检索结果按上述关键词,在以上数据库和文献时限内,检索到一些与本课题有关的文

5、 献,现选出16篇文献,摘述如下:1.题名:古代残留物分析在考古中的应用作者:杨益民文摘:动植物是人类社会发展的重要基石, 它的利用是人类适应、改造和征服自然的物质基础,古代社会的方方面面都与之相关. 因而动植物及其制品的残留物分析能提供古代社会丰富的信息。残留物分析重点在于从残留物中 提取有机物.利用科学检测手段进行定性定量分析来判断残留物来源, 从而了解古代动植物的加工、利用和相关载体的功能等。本文从 D NA、淀粉粒、蛋白质、脂类、炭化物和酒等六个方面简要介绍了残留物分析的方法和进展, 希望能促进残留物分析在中国的开展。南方文物,2008 (02)2.题名:植物淀粉粒分析在考古学中的应用

6、作者:杨晓燕,吕厚远,夏正楷文摘:自上世纪60年代以来,自然科学的很多研究方法逐渐被应用到考古 学,为考古学家提供了更多古人类文化的信息,并衍生出新的研究方向如分 子生物考古、环境考古、冶金考古和植物考古等等。植物考古以考古出土的 植物遗存为研究对象,借助一些植物学的方法认识和了解古代人与植物的相 互关系,比如古代人类经济生活、农作物的起源和传播、生态环境对人类生 活的影响等方面。大植物遗存、抱粉和植硅体成为植物考古的主要研究对象。 大植物遗存在中国考古学研究中广泛应用,浮选法更是在赵志军先生的努力 下逐渐在各个考古求掘工地推广,但将考古遗址中的抱粉、植硅体、淀粉粒 等微体化石应用到考古学中还

7、留有很大的发展空间。抱粉分析虽然在国内考 古学中应用非常广泛,但大多只限于环境背景的恢复,李宜垠对伴人植物花 粉做过一些探讨,使抱粉分析在考古学中的应用更进一步;植硅体在中国稻作 农业研究中取得了比较满意的成果;至于近二十年来在澳大利亚和中美洲地 区植物考古中应用比较广泛的淀粉粒分析 (Starchgrai ns an alysis) ,在国内几乎还没有出现,文献所见只有香港中文大学吕烈丹博士的一篇短文。她 在介绍考古器物的残余物分析时,对淀粉粒分析在考古中的应用进行了简单 介绍,并提及到她对南方洞穴遗址中淀粉粒保存与埋藏环境的研究。本文详 细总结了淀粉粒分析在国外考古学中的应用现状和实验方法

8、,以期促进植物 考古学在我国考古学中更深入和广泛的研究。考古与文物,2006 (3)3.题名:粟、黍和狗尾草的淀粉粒形态比较及其在植物考古研究中的潜在意义 作者:杨晓燕,吕厚远,刘东生,韩家懋文摘:为了区分农作物与野生草类的淀粉粒形态,对现代粟(Setaria italica )、黍(Panicum m iliaceum )和狗尾草(Setaria viridis )的淀粉 粒形态进行了比较。观察结果表明,粟的淀粉粒以圆球形单粒为主,脐点位于 中央,大部分由脐点向外有13条放射线,表面光滑,淀粉粒平均长度约19 m。黍的淀粉粒以多角形单粒为主,脐点位于中央,但很多淀粉粒的脐点不是很 明显。在一

9、些脐点形成13条射线,表面光滑,淀粉粒平均长度约为19 m。 狗尾草淀粉粒以卵形为主,脐点位于中央,表面可见层纹,边缘凹凸不平且常 有裂隙形成,淀粉粒平均长度约为18 m研究证明,利用粟、黍和狗尾草的淀 粉粒形态特征,可以有效地对考古遗存中的这几种禾本科植物遗迹进行区分。第四纪研究25, 224-2274.题名:北京平谷上宅遗址磨盘磨棒功能分析:来自植物淀粉粒的证据作者:杨晓燕,郁金城,吕厚远,崔天兴,郭京宁,刁现民,孔昭宸,刘长 江,葛全胜文摘:传统考古学认为,史前考古遗址出土的大量磨盘和磨棒是一种农具 ,用于加工谷物,是农业出现的象征,近年来虽有异议,但缺乏直接证据本 文利用淀粉粒分析对北

10、京平谷上宅遗址(7500-7000 cal a BP )出土的一件 磨盘和一件磨棒进行了研究.从石器表面残留物上提取出的淀粉粒,可分为 9类12种.其中,最多的是来自栎属(Quercus)果实(橡子)的淀粉粒;其 次是来自粟(Setaria italica )的淀粉粒.栎属中包括蒙古栎(Q. mongolicus )、麻栎(Q. acuttssima )和槲树(Q. dentata )的淀粉粒,另 有一定数量的黍(P. miliaceum )和小豆属(Vigna)淀粉粒,其余杂草类及 可能为块茎类的淀粉粒无法鉴定归属.磨盘磨棒上植物种类的多样性代表了 磨盘磨棒使用功能的多样性,即这些器物不是只

11、用来加工谷物,更不能作为 农业出现的标志.这些石器被用于加工各种需要碾磨和脱粒的植物果实或者 块茎.同时磨盘磨棒上的植物组合也反映了 7000年前,北京平原上人类社会的经济方式以采集与农业并重,日常饮食包括了粟、黍、橡子以及一些块 茎类和杂草类植物的种子和果实,当时的气候条件较今温暖湿润。中国科学 地球科学39, 1266-12735.Title : Starch granules, dental calculus and newperspectives on ancient dietAuthor : Hardy, K., Blakeney, T., Copeland, L., Kirkham

12、, J., Wrangham, R., Colli ns, MAbstract : Recent work in various parts of the world has suggested the possibility of ancient starch granules surviving and adhering to archaeological artefacts. Ofte n this in formatio n is used to infer aspects of diet. Oneadditional source for recovery of archaeolog

13、icalstarch granules is dental calculus. The presenee of plant food debris in dental calculus is well known but has not been not widelyinv estigated using archaeological material. The extract ion of starchgranules from dental calculus represents a direct link to theconsumption of starchy food by huma

14、nsor animals. Using dental calculus also sidesteps many other questi ons still in here nt in using starch granu les to rec on struct aspects of ancient diet, such as the effects of diage nesis on their morphology; as the starches are trapped in side a con creted matrix they are less likely to alter

15、over time. We used amylase digestion by a starch-specific enzymeto confirm the materialas starchJournal of Archaeological Science 36,248-255.6.Title : Starch grain characterization of Prosopis chilensis (Mol.) Stun tz a nd P. flexuosa DC, and the an alysis of their archaeological remai ns in An dea

16、n South AmericaAuthor : Giovannetti, MA; Lema, VS; Bartoli, CG, et al.Abstract : The fruit (pods) of Prosopis (Fabaceae) are frequently recovered from pre-Hispa nic Arge nti nian archaeological sites,suggesting that this genus was of importance in ancient economies in this region. Yet it is only rec

17、ently that archaeobotanists have begunto carry out systematic research in to this genus. Therefore manyquesti ons rema in to be addressed concerning the food value of Prosopis fruit, and its potential contribution. This paper examines starch fromthe pods of two species, Prosopis flexuosa and Prosopi

18、s chilensis, forthe purposes of describing and classifying their morphologicalfeatures and biometrical Parameters. Pods of both species weregathered from two extremes (n orther n and souther n) of the Hualfi nValley, Catamarca, Argentina. Starch abundance is estimated andcompared with that of Zea ma

19、ys, an econo mically importa nt pla nt with high concen trati ons of starch. This paper reveals that Prosopis pods contain very low amounts of starch compared to starch-rich edible species. Despite this, the recovery of Prosopis starch grains can be successfully used to assess archaeological tool us

20、es. Prosopis starch grains were found to be highly variable in shape. Grain size ran ged between 10 and 20 mum. Granule irregularity and the high birefringence under polarized light are two of the most important diagnosticfeatures. No sig nifica nt statistical differe nces were found in the structur

21、e (morphology, size and hilum) of the starch of the same species from both localities. Fin ally, the implicatio ns for the role of this pla nt in past societies are discussed.JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE, : 2973-29857.Title : Millet noodles in Late Neolithic China - A remarkable find allows the

22、 rec on struct ion of the earliest recorded preparati on of no odlesAuthor : Lu HY, Ya ng XY, Ye ML, et alAbstract : Noodles have been a popular staple food in manyparts of the world for at least 2,000 years1, although it is debatable whether the Chin ese, the Italia ns or the Arabs inven ted them f

23、irst. Here we an alyse a prehistoric sample of noodles contained in a well preserved, sealed earthenware bowl discovered in the Late Neolithic2 - 4 archaeological site of Lajia in northwestern China. Weidentify millet as the source of the abundant seed-husk phytoliths and starch grains present in th

24、e vessel. This shows that the conv ersi on of gro und millet flour intodough that could be repeatedly stretched into long, thi n stra nds for the preparati on of boiled no odles was already established in this regi on 4,000 years agoNATURE ,OCT 13 2005 437 (7061): 967-9688.Title : Starch grain evide

25、nee for the preceramic dispersals of maize and root crops into tropical dry and humid forests of Panama Author : Dickau, R; Ran ere, AJ; Cooke, RGAbstract : The Central American isthmus was a major dispersal route for pla nt taxa orig in ally brought un der cultivati on in the domesticati on centers

26、 of southern Mexico and northern South America. Recentlydeveloped methodologies in the archaeological and biological sciences are provid ing in creas ing amounts of data regard ing the tim ing and n ature of these dispersals and the associated tran siti on to foodproduct ion in various regi ons. One

27、 of these methodologies, starch grain analysis, recovers identifiable microfossils of economic plants directly off the stone tools used to process them. We report on new starch grain evide nee from Pan ama dem on strat ing the early spread of three important NewWorld cultigens: maize (Zea mays, mani

28、oc (Manihot esculenta ), and arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea ). Maize starchrecovered from stone tools at a site located in the Pacific lowla nds of cen tral Pan amac on firms previous archaeobota ni cal evide nee for the use of maize there by 7800 - 7000 cal BP. Starch evidenee from preceramic sites

29、 in the less seas on al, humid prem ontane forests ofChiriqu province, western Panama,shows that maize and root crops werepresent by 7400- 5600 cal BP, several millennia earlier thanpreviously docume nted. Several local starchy resources, in clud ing Zamia and Dioscorea spp., were also used. The dat

30、a from both regions suggest that crop dispersals took place via diffusi on or excha nge of pla nt germplasm rather tha n moveme nt of huma n populatio ns practici ng agriculture.PROCEEDINGS)FTHENATIONAACADEMOFSCIENCEOFTHEUNITEDSTATE OF AMERICA FEB 27 2007,3651-36569.Title : Starch grains reveal earl

31、y root crop horticulture in the Pan ama nian tropical forestAuthor : Piper no, ., Ran ere, ., Holst, I., Han sell, PAbstract : Native American populations are known to have cultivated a large nu mber of pla nts and domesticated them for their starch-rich underground organs. Suggestions that the like

32、ly source of manyof these crops, the tropical forest, was an early and in flue ntial centre of pla nt husba ndry have long bee n con troversial because the orga nicremai ns of roots and tubers are poorly preserved in archaeological sedime nts from the humid tropics. Here we report the occurre nee ofstarch grains identifiable as manioc (Manihot esculenta Crantz), yams(Dioscorea sp.) and arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea

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