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1、高考英语复习冲刺之代词介词复习试题含答案代词.单句语法填空1(2020浙江高考)_ play has a theme or central idea which the playwright (剧作家) hopes to get across through dialogue and action.答案:Each句意:每部戏剧都有一个主题或中心思想,剧作家希望通过对话和行动来传达出来。结合句意,以及谓语动词has可知,此处强调“每一部戏剧”,用each作play的定语,故填Each。2(2020天津高考)Even though pop music is not your style, _ do

2、esnt mean it is bad.答案:that句意:即使流行音乐不是你的风格,也不意味着它不好。that指代前面的提到的整件事情,故填that。3(2019全国卷)Boasting about _ (you), and your best qualities is very difficult for a child who came into the classroom not feeling confident.答案:yourself句意:让孩子学会夸耀自己,并且夸耀自己最好的品质,对于那些进入教室没有信心的学生来说很困难。此处表示“自夸”,因此使用反身代词。故填yourself。

3、4(2019天津高考)If a predator can eat several species, it can survive the extinction (灭绝) of one of _.答案:them句意:如果一个捕食者可以吃几个种类的食物,它可以在其中一个种类灭绝后,幸存下来。them指代前面的several species,故填them。5(2020陕西省铜川市高三年级高考模拟试题)_ is generally believed that the giant pandas unique black and white coloring allows it to blend in w

4、ith the snow during winter or to hide in the shade during summer.答案:It根据is generally believed可知,此处要用it作形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的主语从句。故填It。6(2020江苏省苏州市实验中学5月第二学期测试)In public places, improved childcare facilities will benefit _ genders, not just women.答案:both句意:在公共场所,改善托儿设施将受益于两性,而不仅仅是妇女。结合句意可知,是男性和女性,故填both

5、。7(2020长春市普通高中高三质量监测(三)Emotional intelligence can help us make better decisions, _ that are in harmony with our true beliefs and values.答案:ones此处ones代替前面提到的better decisions,属于可数名词复数,故填ones。8(2020福建省泉州市高三毕业班5月质量检查)When you dont have a greenhouse or enough room on the balcony for a few pots you can st

6、ill grow _ (you) a few tasty homegrown tomatoes in hanging baskets and window boxes if you stick to short varieties.答案:yourself句意:如果你没有温室或者阳台上没有足够的空间放几个花盆,但如果你要种个头较小的品种,你仍然可以在吊篮和窗台花箱里给自己种植一些美味的自家产的西红柿。根据句意可知,此处表示“你自己”,故填反身代词yourself。9There is a chemical in your brain known as dopamine (多巴胺), which i

7、s sometimes called the “reward molecule (分子)” and _ (it) release gives you a feeling of pleasure.答案:its名词release前面需要有形容词性物主代词进行限定,故填its。10(2020苏锡常镇四市高三教学情况调查)The Amazon rainforest is considered the lungs of Earth, much of _ located in Brazil.答案:it句意:亚马逊雨林被认为是地球的肺,大部分位于巴西。此处The Amazon rainforest是句子主语

8、,located是过去分词,其逻辑主语是much of it,这里是过去分词的独立主格结构,用it代替The Amazon rainforest。故填it。11(2020苏锡常镇四市高三教学情况调查)_ of these arguments are valid in that they are unconvincing and impossible to justify.答案:None句意:这些论点都无效因为它们无法让人信服,也不能被证实。根据句意,此处表示全部否定,故填None。12(2020南开区高三年级第二学期模拟考试)How do you like the idea of Web TV

9、?Its a world of interactive TV programming, _ where anything wonderful can happen.答案:one句意:你觉得网络电视这个主意怎么样? 这是一个互动电视节目的世界,一个任何精彩的事情都可能发生的世界。设空处指代前面的“a world of interactive TV programming”,故填one。13(2020天津市河北区高三年级总复习质量检测)No one in the world is perfect, and even famous people may have _ (they) feet of c

10、lay.答案:their句意:世界上没有完美的人,就连名人都可能有自己的缺点。名词短语feet of clay前应用形容词性物主代词进行限定,故填their。14(2020湖南省长沙市长裙中学普通高等学校招生全国统一考试考前演练)Its reasonable for volunteers to expect some benefits for _ (they), but the potential health benefits of volunteering are significantly reduced if selfbenefit becomes a persons main mot

11、ive.答案:themselves句意:志愿者期望自己能得到一些好处是合理的,但是如果自我利益成为一个人的主要动机,志愿工作的潜在健康利益就会大大减少。根据前面的volunteers 可知,此处指他们自己受益,介词后面跟宾格,故填反身代词themselves。15(2020苏锡常镇四市高三教学情况调查)_ should be deprived of the right to gain access to reading and education, including those who are even struggling with survival.答案:Nobody句意:任何人都不应被

12、剥夺获得阅读和教育的权利,包括那些为生存而挣扎的人。根据句意可知,此处表示“没有人”,故填Nobody。16(2020湖南省长沙市长裙中学普通高等学校招生全国统一考试考前演练)Good communication requires not only speaking _ (you) opinion, but the exchange of ideas is an essential component.答案:your句意:良好的交流不但需要说出你的看法,而且思想交流是必不可少的组成部分。设空后有名词opinion,故填形容词性物主代词your。17(2020湖南省长望浏宁四县(区、市)高三4月

13、联考)Unemployment had improved people in some ways: they were more aware of the struggles of _.答案:others句意:失业在某种程度上改变了人们:他们更清楚地了解到了他人的困难。此处指代“其他人的”,故填others。18(2020黑龙江省哈尔滨市(东北三省四市)高三下学期检测)Studies show that people feel happier when they do something kind for _ person, and both recipients and good deedd

14、oers can get the benefits.答案:another句意:研究表明,当人们为他人做一些善事时,他们会感到更快乐,而受惠者和行善者都能从中获益。此处表示不定数量中的“另外”,用不定代词another,修饰名词person,意为“他人”,故填another。19(2020炎德英才大联考长郡中学高三月考试卷)Reading books and looking at pictures is great, but _ facilitates learning like travel, especially for teenagers.答案:nothing句意:读书和看图画书很好,但没

15、有什么比旅行更能促进学习,尤其是对青少年来说。根据句意,此处填不定代词nothing,表示“没有什么”。20(2020山东省济南二中高三阶段性考试)She used to take the bus, but she was now too frightened to get around the city by _ (she)答案:herself句意:她以前经常坐公交,但她不敢独自在市里走动。by oneself “独自地”,符合句意,故填herself。.选词填空 most, its, himself, all, nothing, mine, it, another, one, that,

16、others, them1(2020全国卷)_ sounds crazy to talk about guiltfree furunless you understand that the nutria are destroying vast wetlands every year.答案:It此处是it系动词形容词不定式作真正主语的结构,it是形式主语,故填It。2(2019全国卷)You will surely need to overcome some difficulties, some planned, but _ unplanned.答案:most与设空前的some对比,指生活中的困

17、难,有些是计划到的,而大多数是无法预料的,but表示转折,故填most。3(2020湖南省师大附中高三4月适应性训练)Its one thing to hear the news that sea levels could rise as high as 7 feet in Maryland, but its _ to imagine what that will look like in your own backyard.答案:another与设空前的its one thing呼应,构成词组,its one thing to do . its another to do . 表示“一回事另

18、一回事”。4(2020四川省泸县第四中学高三三诊模拟考试) Sometimes it can be hard to recognize a true friend, _ who is loyal (忠诚的) and one who is worth keeping by your side.答案:one替代词替代前面提到的a true friend,泛指“一个真正的朋友”,故填one。5(2020天津市河西区第二学期高三英语模拟试卷)The quality of education in this small school is better than _ in some larger sch

19、ools.答案:that句意:这所小规模学校的教育质量要好于一些大规模学校。句中代词代指不可数名词the quality of education,故用代词that。6(2020长春市普通高中高三质量监测)Expressing and receiving appreciation increased happiness for people, but peoples selfconsciousness often made it less possible for _ to express their appreciation.答案:them介词for后接宾语,指代people,故用them。

20、7(2020湖南省怀化市中小学课程改革教育质量监测试卷)In some places a tip is expected; but in _, good service should be expected and ought to be included in the price.答案:others与设空前的in some places对比,“有些地方另外一些地方”,故填others。8(2020北京东城高三一模)The goshawk, a rare bird, once close to extinction, has doubled _ number in a national par

21、k in the south of England.答案:its句意:苍鹰,一种曾经濒临灭绝的稀有鸟类,现在在英格兰南部的一个国家公园里它的数量翻了一番。number为名词,应用形容词性物主代词its修饰。故填its。9(2020山东省济南市高三5月模拟)Zagar devoted _ to beautifying the South Street neighborhood in the late 1960s, when he moved to the area with his wife Julia.答案:himselfdevote oneself to doing sth “献身于”,为固

22、定搭配,根据设空前的Zegar和设空后的he可知,填himself。10(2020湖南省师大附中高三4月适应性训练)To identify the gene which produces the specific protein, researchers used a geneediting technique to test _ genes in the human genome (基因组)答案:all句意:为了确定产生特定蛋白质的基因,研究人员使用基因编辑技术来测试人类基因组中的所有基因。根据句意可知,此处填all,表示“所有的”。11(2020苏北四市高三第一学期期末调研考试)Givin

23、g has _ to do with how well its received; its about how much its needed.答案:nothinghave nothing to do with “与无关”,为固定用法,故填nothing。12(2020山西省实验中学高三年级下学期摸底测试)“Can I use your phone for a while? I forgot to take _ by chance.” Mr Li said.答案:mine此处意为“我忘记带我的手机了”,故填mine。.单句写作1(2020山东高考)As well as looking at e

24、xhibits, visitors can play with computer simulations (模拟) and _ (想象自己生活在不同的历史时期) or walking through a rainforest.答案:imagine themselves living at a different time in history2(2020天津高考)We cant put off buying a new printer for our company. _ (我们现在的那个不运转了)答案:The one we have doesnt work3(2019全国卷)Being li

25、ked creates opportunities for learning and for new kinds of life experiences that _ (帮助某人获得某种优势)答案:help somebody gain an advantage4(2020天津市部分区高三质量调查试卷)Though reasons for learning Chinese vary, _ (但一个共同的原因是对中国灿烂文化的热情)答案:a common one is enthusiasm for the countrys rich culture5(2020长春市普通高中高三质量监测)Youd

26、better try to keep your word in things big and smalland _ (这有助于树立你的声誉) as both reliable and trustworthy.答案:that helps build your reputation6(2020天津市南开区高三年级第二学期模拟考试)Human life is regarded as part of nature and _ (我们生存的唯一方式) is to live in harmony with nature.答案:the only way for us to survive7(2020陕西省咸

27、阳市高三年级第9次质量检测)Tea ceremonies, _ (起源于中国的茶文化), differ among eastern countries.答案:with its roots in the Chinese tea culture8(2020天津一中高三年级第四次月考)Mr Li is a good man who always thinks more of others than himself, _ (我们应该以他为榜样)答案:one we should follow the example of9(2020山西省太原五中第二学期3月摸底考试)Happiness is a flo

28、wer living in the sunshine, and _ (并不难得到)答案:it is not difficult to reach for it10(2020天津市滨海新区高三检测试题)It was hard for him to learn English in a family, in which _ (在一个父母都不会说英语的)答案:neither of the parents spoke the language11(2020天津市南开区高三年级第二学期模拟考试)_ (虽然小提琴是他的主要兴趣), David is also excellent at guitar.答案:

29、While violin is his main focus12The fish we ate at the restaurant yesterday was very delicious. _ (我还想再吃一次) even if it costs twice as much.答案:Id like to have it again13(2020湖南省邵阳市部分学校高三综合模拟考试)When it come to pigs, we somehow reach an agreement which pigs are lazy, ugly, stupid and shameless. _ (这些词没有一个) are exact positive to describe pigs.答案:None of these words14(2020江苏省南通市高三5月阶段性练习)Our village is making efforts to _ (转变发展方式) to promote green growth.答案:transform its development pattern15(2020湖南省湘潭县一中高三5月模拟考试)Manmade meat has _ (所有

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