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1、外研版高中英语必修三模块教学设计教学设计说明1.教材分析外研版高中英语教材分为必修(1-5册)和顺序选修(6-11册)。本课选自外研版高中英语必修三(供高中一年级下学期使用)模块1,单元的核心主题是Europe,介绍了欧洲的一些城市。各个板块内容分别是topic & task, grammar/function, skills, vocabulary/everyday English, culture/learning to learn, work-book六部分组成。通过本单元的学习,学生可以具体了解欧洲的一些国家或城市的历史发展,著名建筑物以及历史上的著名人物。本单元第一部分是Induct

2、ion,除了对单词的学习,还介绍了一些国家或城市的名字,并对其的地理方位进行了描述,通过一张map,对这些城市进行学习。第二部分是Reading and Vocabulary,是本节课的重点,重点分析课文: Great European Cities. Function部分,主要进行Describing Location的学习。接下来是对Grammar 1 Passive voice: present and past forms和Grammar 2 Subject and verb agreement的学习。还有一部分技巧训练,对听、说、读、写四个方面进行练习。下一部分是Pronunciat

3、ion and everyday English的练习,最后一部分是Culture corner部分的学习,增加对欧洲文化知识的了解。 本课选取本单元的Reading and Vocabulary 部分的文章Great European Cities作为教学重点内容,作为本单元的第二课时,但是阅读课的第一课时,该文章是分别对欧洲四个国家的著名城市(巴黎,巴塞罗那,佛罗伦萨,雅典)进行介绍。本文语言难度不大,适合学生进行深层阅读,学生可以在阅读中领略四市风采。本节课的重点是引导学生了解四市,并用所学有用词汇表达介绍某一座城市,例如自己的家乡。2.教学设想本课选自外研版必修三模块1的第二课时内容为

4、:Reading and Vocabulary,是在继本单元第一课时之后,进一步对本单元Europe的深入学习,并对文章Great European Cities进行细致的学习。由于有了第一课时对欧洲国家几个城市的介绍,所以学生对欧洲国家有了初步了解,我以此为切入点,首先,视频导入(关于文章中四个城市的视频)。通过视频,引起学生的兴趣,然后开始进入今天的主题,对文章Great European Cities中四个城市:Paris, Barcelona, Florence, Athens的讲解。教师: we have watched the video about some cities, an

5、d do you like them and do you want to go for a travel to Europe with me. 学生:Yes.教师:Now, lets travel in the cities.然后开始讲课文。本节课主要采用三段式的教学模式,即读前、读中和读后。导入部分,利用视频,涉及本节课所学知识,引起学生兴趣,为之后的内容做铺垫。三段式之一的读前,设计了几个问题,以唤起学生的已有知识,并通过PPT展示课内要讲的图片,一步一步引导学生进入正式的课文。在三段式之二的读中环节,设计了三个活动,此环节是最关键的环节,所以设计时候需要谨慎,仔细考虑。第一个部分是sc

6、anning, 通过寻读,首先让学生掌握本篇文章的主旨大意,对文章有整体的认知。并且在此阶段,设计了一个活动,来帮助学生理解。第二部分是skimming,通过寻读,让学生在不用读懂每个单词的情况下,准别定位到所要寻找的特定信息,在这个部分,还设计了一些问题,希望学生带着问题进行阅读,来帮助学生理解所看到的东西。第三部分是研读环节,此环节,考察学生对课文细节的阅读,希望学生在阅读过程中注意之前忽略的细节,阅后完成后还设计了判断对错题型来考察学生的理解。三段式之三的读后环节,总体上是对前两个环节所读东西的巩固练习,在此环节设计了一个连线题,通过连线,加深对课文理解。三段式之后,在设计两个活动进行练




10、发言的学生,可以利用提问等方式来吸引学生注意力。在完成课上任务时,要做出清晰明了的指令并进行正确的引导,既要做一个好的指导者和控制着,也要作品一个优秀的信息提供者和调控者。6.媒体设计本课堂采用多媒体PPT和黑板相结合的形式。在PPT上呈现比较直观性的东西,以便清晰、快捷地呈现所学知识点,而且可以更加直观地进行教学。另外,在幻灯片放映过程中 还插入了视频,形象生动。同时,还使用了黑板来呈现本节课的重点。但值得注意的是,不能满堂课只依赖PPT, 用PPT所呈现的内容,必须详略得当,图片、视频、动漫等等之类的教学内容,很有必要借助多媒体教学,这样既直观又形象,但是本节课所讲重点知识点,不能完全依赖

11、多媒体,而且不可以什么都展示在PPT上,只能将PPT作为教师授课的一个得力助手,但切记喧宾夺主。7.教学分析教学内容: 外研版高中英语必修三 Module1, Reading and Vocabulary部分教学对象:某县一中高中一年级学生 70人教学项目: Vocabulary: Paris, Barcelona, Florence, Athens, Seine, sculpture, Madrid Structures: situated on, more than, be famous for, off the coast, the center of, between and is,

12、教学策略:任务教学法, 多媒体辅助教学法, 头脑风暴法,师生互动法教学目标: To make students master the vocabulary and structures;To use the strategy of scanning, skimming, detailed-reading;To travel to the four European cities and get some information about them;To learn how to introduction a city by using useful expression in the tex

13、t.教学重点: Help students learn to use the three main reading skills: scanning, skimming, detailed-reading教学难点: This section provides students some opportunity to learn some vocabulary about countries and learn some structures to describe a city.任务应用: 了解欧洲国家的基本信息,特别是英国、法国、西班牙、希腊、意大利。包括这个国家的名称,首都以及其他著名城市

14、,地理位置,标志性建筑物,所在城市史上著名人物。除此之外,感兴趣的同学还可以查阅资料,了解更多的其他信息:风土人文、文化习俗等。课堂教学过程Step 1. Leading-in时间 第1-3钟教师活动 Good morning, boys and girls. Nice to meet you. Lets get started. Last class, we have already known about some countries and some cities in Europe. Today, we will learn some of them, but before we le

15、arn, first lets look at the video, and please pay attention to the information the video will present. If necessary, take some notes. Then I will play the video about the four cities.学生活动 Students watch the video, and take notes.教学目的 在上课一开始,教师首先通过简单的回顾上一节课所学知识,来导入本节课所要学的内容,使学生顺其自然的过渡到本节课。通过视频播放,以此作为

16、切入点,营造轻松而富有情趣的课堂氛围,从而吸引学生的注意力,引起学生学习兴趣,调动学生学习的积极性。视频内容既涉及上节课所学的单词,又简单设计本节课所要讲解的内容,既是一种回顾,又为引出本节课后面所讲内容作铺垫。Step 2. Pre-reading 时间 第4-5分钟教师活动 The teacher asks questions: how many countries and cities in the video, and what are their names How about the characteristics about every city presented in the

17、 video Please check your notebook and discuss with your partner. After discussing, the teacher asks whether you have find out what they are famous for. (Ss: no.) Okay, lets first look four cities pictures on PPT, and then find the answers from the passage together. (The teacher writes the title on t

18、he blackboard)学生活动 Students discuss with their partner actively. Students look the pictures. 教学目的 读前活动,教师用一系列问题来呈现知识,通过问题,让学生头脑风暴,唤起已有的有关知识,为阅读课做准备。并通过图片的展示,清晰的呈现了本节课将要学到的四个城市,让学生做到心中有数,消除学生对阅读内容的陌生感。同时帮助学生搭建了一个支架。Step 3. While-reading Scanning:时间 第6-10分钟教师活动 After watching the video, lets turn to o

19、ur passage. Now, students, please scan the passage, read it quickly and find out the answers. First, the teacher asks students to read the passage quickly and finish activity 1, and then try to find the main idea of the passage using your own way.Activity 1:( ) 1. a landmark in Paris ( ) 2. an art g

20、allery in Florence ( ) 3. a church in Barcelona ( ) 4. a building in Athens. A. the Eiffel Tower B. the Parthenon C. the Uffizi Palace D. the Sagrada Familia.At the same time the teacher show the four pictures.The key:1. A 2. C 3. D 4. BOkay, time is up. Have you found the answers Teacher checks the

21、 answers with the whole class. After finishing the activity 1, teacher asks students speak the main idea of the passage and how they find the main idea. If the way students use is right, the teacher just emphasize it, but if the way is wrong, the teacher should correct it and tell students the right

22、 way.学生活动 Students read the passage and finish the activity 1 together. One student stands up and answers the way she/he find the main idea.教学目的 此环节的目的是培养学生的略读策略。学生通过略读文本,对信息做出简单筛选和判断,带着问题有重点的进行阅读。把握文章脉络,从整体上把握文章结构,从而形成对文章的整体认知,并构建清晰和完整的阅读文本图式。学生通过活动1 的提示,帮助学生找出文章主旨大意,并学会如何能准确、快速、有效找到大意的方法。Skimming:

23、时间 第11-18分钟教师活动 All of you do it well. After the scanning, now, lets read the passage again paragraph by paragraph, but before you read, look at these five questions and remember it in your mind, and then try to find the answers in the passage. You can discuss with your partner. Later we will check

24、the answers. Questions:1.Which of the cities are capital cities2.Which one is situated on the coast3.Which is famous for its place to eat4.Which ones are or were important cities for writers and artists5.Which was the worlds greatest city a long time ago学生活动 Students skim the passage with the five q

25、uestions, and find the answers. They will also discuss the answers with partner.教学目的 此环节主要旨在培养学生的寻读策略。寻读阶段要求学生能快速从阅读文章中找到特定的信息,使学生在了解大意、对文章整体感知的基础上,在不必了解每个单词、句子的情况下,准确定位到特定信息部位,有重点的从文章中找到所要回答问题的答案。为下一步所要进行的研读做铺垫。Detailed- reading:时间 第18-30分钟教师活动 After scanning and skimming, you must have a completed

26、 and correct cognition for the passage. Now, lets reread the passage, but we should pay attention the details of the passage. The teacher analyzes the passage sentences by sentences to understand passage deeply and get the detailed information combined with students interaction. We can extract, proc

27、ess and reorganize the information from passage. During the analysis, teacher can let students answer what the sentence means. After the detailed analysis, let students finish the activity T or F through group work. And then teacher checks the answers. If teacher finds any doubtful place, teacher sh

28、ould discuss with students and find the correct answers to form right concept. The teacher can write the key structures in the blackboard which can be used to describe cities and also help students understand the passage.Activity T or F:1.The Eiffel Tower is a tall building in France. 2.There are a

29、lot of restaurants and cafes in Paris. 3.Barcelona is the capital of Spain. 4.The church of Sagrada Familia was built in 1926.5.The artistic movement called the Renaissance began in Florence.6.The Uffizi Palace is a famous hotel in Florence.7.A long time ago, Athens was the worlds most powerful city

30、.8.There were a lot of good writers in ancient Athens.The key: 学生活动 Students follow the teacher to understand the detailed information, and if they have any questions about during the analysis, they can ask. They also interact teachers question, and respond teacher. After learning the passage deeply

31、, they finish the activity T or F with group, and they discuss the doubtful parts with teacher and group members. 教学目的 此环节旨在培养学生的研读策略。通过教师的引导,学生明白如何进行细致的阅读一篇课文并在以后的阅读中学会运用此策略。在研读过程中,学生注意文章的细枝末节,并对内容进行判断、推理和归纳,最后形成争正确的观念,从而深层次的理解课文。通过小组活动,完成读后的T or F的活动,加深对课文的理解和认识,并让学生意识到小组活动的重要性。Step 4. Post- readi

32、ng时间 第30-33分钟教师活动 Please look at the exercises: match the description of the each city, and finish them. And discuss your answers with your group. We will check the answers later.Paris the Uffizi Palace Famous because of the Renaissance The Parthenon Greeces best writers and philosophersBarcelona Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo The second largest city of Spain The Eiffel Tower Florence the river Sein

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