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1、优+密卷六年级下Module 1 达标检测卷 笔试部分 五、摇身一变。写出以下单词的相对形式1. cold反义词 _ 2. know 同音词_3. you宾格 _ 4. dollar复数_5. many 比较级_ 6. for同音词 _7. vegetable 复数_ 8. it复数 _9. cola复数 _ 10. real (副词)_六、我来分分类 单词归类,将序号填入相应的圆圈内A. hamburger B. noodles C. apples D. juice E. bananaF. milk G. bread H. coffee I. rice主食类 饮料类 水果类 七 词汇考察一小

2、小翻译家 英汉词组互译1. 一个热狗_ 2. how much_3. 看上去很好_ 4. enjoy the meal _5. 给你_ 6. some chicken and rice _7. 三杯可乐_ 8. thirteen dollars _二根据图片或汉语提示,写出以下句子中所缺的单词1、I want a _ (汉堡包) ,please.2. Its thirteen _(美元) and twenty-five _ (美分)3. What do you _ (想要)to eat?4. I want some _ (鸡肉) and rice, please.5.Three colas,

3、_(请)八千挑万选 单项选择1、 _ much is the skirt? Sixty dollars. A. How many B. How much C. How old2. This new coat is fifty _ and twenty cents. A. dollar B. yuan C. dollars 3. The hot dog _ good. A. look B. are C. looks 4. Amy wants _ a hamburger. A. to B. to eat C. eating5. A hamburger _ me, please. A. to B.

4、for C. in6. What do you want to drink, tea or coffee? A. Yes, I do. B. No, I dont . C. Tea, please.九 图文并茂 看图完成对话,每空一词1. What does Ben want to eat? He _ a _. (汉堡)2. _ _ are the oranges? Two dollars.3. I want a _ , please.(果汁) How much is it? Its _ yuan. (¥5)4. What do you want _ _? A cup of coffee, p

5、lease.5. _ _ bananas do you want? I want two kilos of bananas.十、 阅读理解 根据表格内容,判断句子对错并圈出正确答案,True 表示正确, False 表示错误。DamingLinglingSamAmyFood汉堡面条鸡肉饼干Drink可乐汤可乐牛奶1. Daming wants a hamburger and a cola. True False2. Lingling wants noodles and milk. True False3. Sam wants a hamburger and a cola. True False

6、4. Amy wants a biscuits and milk. True False5. Both Daming and Sam like colas. True False 十一、作文芳草地请以“Healthy Food and Drinks”为题,谈谈你对健康饮食的看法吧!Module 2 达标检测卷 笔试部分四根据提示写出单词。(写出以下各种表示天气的单词)例,多云 _cloudy_1. 晴朗的_ 2. 下雨的_ 3. 下雪的_4. 有风的_ 5. 热的 _五、我是小翻译。英汉词组互译1、go under the tree _ 2. play chess_3. walk around

7、 the lake _ 4. at half past twelve _5. 在公园里举行野餐_ 6. 去公园_7. 与我的朋友一起踢足球 _六小士兵,听命令。用所给单词的适当形式填空1. But its _ (go) to rain soon.2. These _ (duck) are very noisy. 3. Im going to_ (play) chess.4. Its going to _ (snow) in Weifang.5._ (go) to bed and say goodnight.6. They are _ (swim) in the water. 七百里挑一。将正确

8、答案的序号填入题前括号中 1. _ are going to go there?At nine. A. What B. When C. Where( ) 2.What are you going to _? A. do B. does C. go( ) 3. Peter is going to _ a basketball game next Sunday. A. read B. see C. watch( ) 4. Its going to be hot _ Monday. A. at B. in C. on( )5. Its going to _ tomorrow. A. wind B.

9、windy C. be windy八看图答复以下问题。1. What are they going to do? (野餐)_2. When are we going to visit the Great Wall.(七点)_ 3. What are you going to do, Ann?(去购物)_ 4. What is Lynn going to do? (去游泳) _ 九句子大变身。按要求做题 1. We are going to play football this afternoon.(对画线部分提问)_going to play football? 2. Im going to

10、watch TV. (对画线部分提问) _ _ _ going to do? 3. Its two oclock. (对画线部分提问) _ _ is it? 4. Im going to eat noodles. (改为否认句) I _ _ _going to eat noodles. 5. The ducks ate our picnic. (改为现在进行时) The ducks _ _ our picnic. 十小小英语角。 Heres the weather tomorrow. Its going to _ in Shanghai. It will _ very hot. You can

11、 wear T-shirts and _. Its going to _ in Beijing. When you go to play outside(在户外), youd better(你最好) take _ umbrella. Its going to be windy in Weifang . You can fly kites with your friends.Thank you for listening!( ) 1. A. sun B. sunny C. be sunny( ) 2. A. is B. be C. are( ) 3. A. swim B. swimming C.

12、 swims ( ) 4. A. rainy B. rain C. raining ( ) 5. A. a B. an C. /十一、作文小练笔。 假设明天是周末,写一下你明天的计划吧,不少于6句话。 Module 3 达标测试卷 笔试部分 五、我是翻译小能手。英汉互译 1. 在火车上_ 2. 向.外看_ 3. 上山 _ 4. 谈论 _ 5. on the sea _ 6. look for _ 7. send some photos _ 8. a funny day _ 六、小士兵,听命令。用所给单词的适当形式填空1. I can _ (see) you !2. Sam is _ (send

13、) an e-mail.3. The _ (duck) are swimming in the lake.4. In this photo, the sun is _(shine).5. They _ (look) hungry.七、 查漏补缺我最棒。根据汉语意思完成英语句子 1. 我想念每一个人。 I _ _. 2. 我正在发送一些照片。 I _ _ some photos. 3. 现在我们要下山了。 Now we are _ _ the hill. 4. 他们在往窗外看。 They are _ _ _ the window. 5. 它们看起来饿了。 They _ _ .八沙场秋点兵。将正确

14、答案的序号填入题前括号中 1. The sun _ . The boys and girls are playing in the park. A. shinning B. shine C. is shining 2. _ Saturday we are going to the park. A. In B. At C. On 3. Nick is _ music in his bedroom. A. listen to B. listening C. listening to 4. Tom often plays _ Daming in the park. A. about B. with

15、C. in 5. _ were the sheep doing?They were drinking water. A. What B. Where C. Who 九根据图片内容,填入所缺单词,完成对话。1.A:In this photo, its _.B: The ducks are _ in the water.2.A: In this photo, the sun is _.B: The birds are _ in the tree.十小狗找骨头。将左栏的问句与右栏相应的答语连线 1. Whats the weather like today? A. Fine, thank you.

16、2. How are you? B. Im going to go swimming.3. What are you doing? C. Its sunny. 4. What are you going to do? D. Im playing basketball.十一、阅读妙妙屋。 Dear Mary,Thank you for your letter and the great photos. I like them very much. Here are some of my photos. In the first photo, I am swimming in the lake.

17、In the second one, I am playing football on the playground in our school. In the third one, you can see my family at home. Were having dinner. In the last one, my little sister Beth is watching TV and I am doing my homework. Best wishes to you and your family. Please write to me soon.From,Jim( )1. T

18、his letter is from _to _ A. Marry; Jim B. Jim; Mary C. Ann; Bech D. Marry; Bech( )2. Jim likes _ very much.A. the letter B. the beautifulC. A and B D. swimming( )3. In the first photo, Jim is _.A. playing football B. swimmingC. doing homework D. swiming( )4. Jim has one _. A. sister B. brother C. fr

19、iend D. photo( )5. In the last photo , Jim is _ and Beth is _.A.watching TV; doing homeworkB. doing homework; watching TVC.having dinner; writing a letterD.swimming; having dinner十二、 作文芳草地。 将你最喜欢的一张照片介绍给你的朋友吧!注意语句通顺,不要出现语法错误哦! Module 4 达标检测卷 笔试部分五根据句意和汉语提示,写出以下句中所缺的单词。m making Damings birthday _ (卡片

20、)2. I cant _ (搬) everything.3. The planes are _ (飞) away!4. Who _能help me?5. I bought you some _ (气球).六、看图完成句子1. Who _ _ me? I cant _ them. (我搬不动了!)2. The apple is _ _ .(掉下来了)3. Come and help me _ _ _ .(洗衣服)4. The balloons are _ _ .(飞走了)七择优录取。 将正确答案的序号填入题前括号中 1. An old man is falling _ the chair. A.

21、 in B. on C. down D. up 2. He wants _ the bus. A. to B. drive C. to driving D. to drive 3. Can you help me with my English?_.A. Yes, I cant. B. Yes, I can.C. No, I cant. D. No, you cant. 4. Look _ the old man. A. in B. at C. over D. with 5. She is trying _ the bus.A. get off B. gets off C. to get D.

22、 to get off八手拉手, 好朋友。 请为短语找到其所对应的图片并连线1. get on the bus A. 飞机起飞2. stand up B.捡起垃圾3. fall down C. 上公车4. fly away D. 站起来5. pick up E. 跌倒九 连词成句。 1. me can who help ?_ 2. blackboard he the on is writing ._3.they their homework are doing ._4. are doing you what now ?_5. balloons the flying are away ._十、

23、开心阅读。Waitress: Good morning, sir! Can I help you?Dad: Yes, please. What do you want, Lucy?Lucy: A hamburger and some potato chips.Dad: What do you want to drink?Lucy: Im not hungry. Just a cola, please.Dad: No food?Lucy: No. What do you want, Dad?Dad: I want some rice and fish, and a cup of tea.根据对话

24、内容,判断正误。正确的写T,错误的写F。 1. They are at home. 2. Lucy isnt hungry. 3. Lily wants a cola. 4. Dad wants some rice and fish to eat. 5. They are having supper(吃晚饭).十一、快乐练笔根据图片提示写一篇作文,不少于6句话。 _ Module 5 达标检测卷 笔试部分五、慧眼识珠。 选出与其他选项不同类的一项 1.A.trumpet B. football C. violin D. piano 3.A. laugh B. ring C. sing D. f

25、riend 4.A. having B. come C. go D. walk 5.A. singing B. ringing C. sit D. talking六 小小翻译家。1. 吹小号_ 2.进来 _3. 生日聚会 _ 4. have dinner _5. walk to school_ 6. wake up _七 根据句意和汉语提示,写出以下各句中所缺的单词。1. Theyre having dinner, but the doorbell is _ (响)2. Theyre _ (挥手) to say goodbye.3. Daming is playing the _ (小号).4

26、.He is listening to music, but his sister is _ (唱歌).5.You are _ (叫) out my name.八沙场秋点兵。 1.He is playing _ trumpet at home. A. / B. a C. an D. the 2.Sally is _ out my name. A. called B. call C. calling D. calls 3.What are you _?Im thinking.A. does B. do C. doing D. to do 4.Look! She _ on the grass. A

27、. jumps B. is jumping C. jumped D. jump 5.She is trying _ the bus. A. to get down B. to get off C. get off D. get down九完成句子。1 What are they doing? They _ _ _. (正在看电视)2. I am having an ice cream. Then I _ _ from my dream.(醒来)3. What are you doing? I am _ _. (正在吹小号)4 What are they doing? They are _ _ _. (放风筝)十、阅读

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