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1、雅思真题回忆附答案2016年3月雅思真题回忆及解析所有的成功都来自于行动,只有付诸行动,才能一步步走向成功。无忧考网搜集整理了2016年3月雅思真题回忆及解析,希望对大家有所帮助。2016年3月举行了4场考试,时间分别为3月5日、3月12日、3月19日、3月31日。以下内容仅供参考。3月5日雅思口语真题回忆:Part 1考题总结考题总结: StudyAre you a student or do you work?Why did you choose your subject?Do you think it is important to choose a subject you like?W

2、hat kind of job are you looking forward to do in the future?How do you think your subject will help you in the future?WorkWhat job do you do?Do you like your job? Is it very interesting?Why did you choose to do this job?What characters do you think you need for this job?Which do you enjoy more, work

3、ing or studying?HometownWhere are you from?Do you like your hometown?Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?What do you think needs to be done to make your hometown a better place to live in?AccommodationWhat kind of housing/accommodation do you live in?Which room does your fami

4、ly spend most of he time in?Can you describe the place where you live?Are the transport facilities to your home very good?HandcraftDid you ever take handcraft lessons at school?Do you think it is important for children to learn those skills?Do you think children should learn more about handcrafts?Ar

5、e handcraft lessons at school?HistoryDo you like to history?Do you like films adapted from real history?Have you ever been to history museums?Do you think museums are useful for visitors to your hometown?BicyclesHow often do you often ride bicycles?Is it difficult to learn how to ride a bicycle?Is i

6、t popular to ride bicycles in your country?Do you think bicycle is very convenient for people to use in modern life?ColourDo you like light colour or dark colour?What colour do you prefer for your room?What colour do you wear when you were a child?Do colour affect your mood?ParkAre there many parks

7、or public gardens where you live?What do you usually do in the park?Do you think the government should provide more public parks for citizens to visit?Which do you think is more important, public gardens or private gardens?CountrysideDo you like countryside or city?What are the advantages of living

8、in the countryside?Would you like to live in the countryside in the future?Whats the different between living in the city and living the countryside?Social networkIs social networking website popular in your country?What kinds of social networking websites do you like to use?Are you a social person?

9、What kinds of people do you like to be friends with on those websites?Is it easy to find real friends on a social networking website?DanceDo you like dancing?Do you enjoy watching others dancing?What kinds of dancing is the most popular one in your country?Where do Chinese people like to go dancing?

10、What are the benefits of learning dancing for kids?When do you Chinese people usually dance?In a HurryWhat was the last time you did something in a hurry?Do you like to finish things quickly?What kind of things will you never do in a hurry?Why people make mistakes more easily when they are in a hurr

11、y?Hanging out with friendsHow often do you like to hang out with friends?Where do you hang out with your friends?Do you invite your friends to your home?Do you like to go out with a big group or just few friends?HandwritingDo you usually write by hand or write using a computer?Do you think computer

12、might replace handwriting one day?Do you think handwriting is very important nowadays?How can children today improve/practice their handwriting?What impression does a persons handwriting have on other people?Part 2&3考题总结考题总结: 1.Describe a recent happy event that you had.2.Describe a person you know

13、had made a contribution to the society3.Describe an art or craft activity you did at school4.Describe a goal youd like to achieve in the future5.Describe a movie that you have watched in a cinema or at home6.Describe a product you bought and felt happy7.Describe a long walk you ever had.8.Describe a

14、 situation waited for something9.Describe an experience of having diner with friends in a restaurant10.Describe a difficult choice in your life.1.How would you define happiness?2.What should universities do to help graduates adapt their job fast in your opinion?3.What kinds of traditional handcrafts

15、 are there in your country?4.When do you think is the best time to consider to set personal life goal?5.Is it important to have famous actors in a movie if the movie wants to be famous?6.What would you do if you bought something disappointing from the Internet?7.Would you say hometown is a suitable

16、place for walking?8.How to teach children patience?9.What are the advantages and disadvantages to eat with old people?10.How can people improve their decision-making skills?雅思口语趋势分析和备考指导 3月份的口语考试题目类型基本与1、2月份无太大差异,考生备考时注意对自己语料库的使用,引用自己的例子和观点才能更好的打动考官,减少背诵痕迹。另外希望考生时刻记住对于任何一个part 1或者3的题目,都需要对考官的问题做一个直接

17、回答,这个就类似于你在国外问图书馆怎么走,而对方却反问你要看什么书类似,没有切实回答在问题的点上,容易失分。除此之外,考生需要加强对于衔接词和逻辑连接词的使用,使答题更加清晰有条理。3月5日雅思听力真题回忆:Section 1 版本号 场景 题型New 电话问询 Completion一句话简介 加入国际俱乐部会员的问询详细回忆 相关答案:main,top,partner,carnival,swimming,charity有待补充重点词汇及扩展 电话问询是S1常见场景,具体词汇依据内容有所不同,比如本题涉及了如carnival嘉年华等词汇。学员可以进行相关积累。Section 2 版本号 场景

18、题型V121108S2 travelling Multiple Choices / Map matching一句话简介 澳大利亚野生动物园详细回忆 1115选择题:11.New activities in June in Australian zoo答案:A.visitors can see animals at night12.The most popular presentation答案:B.Koala13.How is kangaroo feeding?答案:C.stand up straight14.Why the wild dog is closed?答案:A.Enclosures

19、have been repaired.15.Discount答案:A。Gift photo shop16-20地图题16.Arena17.Educational place(原文:the left corner above)18.Picnic spot(原文:back is the river,on the left)19.Photo shop(原文:the right side)20.Gift shop(原文:in center beside the arena)重点词汇及扩展 本题涉及了有关动物的名词,比如kangaroo袋鼠,koala考拉熊等,还有enclosure篱笆。16到20题是

20、一道上下左右型的地图题,要注重对指示方位句型的积累。比如turn left at the entrance等Section 3 版本号 场景 题型V100520 S3 Discussion Matching/completio-n/Multiple Choices一句话简介 一男一女对话讨论presentation进程详细回忆 2124匹配题21.Assignment introduction答案:C.fully prepared22.Body structure答案:D.use existing overview version23.Methods technology答案:B.too lo

21、ng24.Conclusion答案:A.need more examples2527 填空25.Woman wants to set a listening task for presentation。26.Man speakers can be divided to discuss as a group27.Practice making notes2830 多选题What should be put emphasis on presentations conclusion? roomE.improve computer access重点词汇及扩展

22、Course discussion 是S3的常考场景,注意积累场景词汇,尤其是跟presentation和dissertation有关的词汇例如body structure主体结构、conclusion结论等。Section 4 版本号 场景 题型New Lecture Completion一句话简介 有关一个online project详细回忆 答案:reputation,language,slaves,respect,tax,security,Legend有待补充重点词汇及扩展 题型依然是填空题,注意词汇的积累,参考练习C8T1S43月5日雅思阅读真题回忆:Reading Passage

23、1Title: 消费者广告Question types: 判断7+简答6文章大意回顾 过度的广告会造成消费者对广告无感,有时还会有副作用。题型难度分析 本文组合了判断题和简答题,都是细节题,顺序作答,应注意相应信息的定位,难度较低。题型技巧分析 判断题作为雅思阅读的主流题型,一直是让考生较为困惑的一种题型,这种困惑往往来自于中西方文化在思维模式上的差异。西方文化较为侧重证据性,追求思维上的细节对应,因此考生在做题中应逐渐适应这种逻辑方式。可参考以下判断原则:True: 1. 同义改写 2. 归纳总结False: 1. 直接相反 2. 原文是多个项目并列但题目是“必须”或者“只有”3. 缺少条件

24、成分Not given: 1. 内容在原文中无提及 2. 题目范围小于原文范围 3. 比较关系不成立*判断题应特别注意书写答案的规范性:注意看是YES/NO/NOT GIVEN 还是TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN, 书写时要大写全拼。简答题(Short answer)题型要求根据文章回答相应问题,通常以what、which、when、where、who、why、how等提问,往往顺序出题,与填空题做题思路相近。解题步骤:1. 仔细看题目要求,如no more than two/three words 2. 确定问句种类并仔细理解问题:一般疑问句yes/no回答,选择疑问句或者wh/h

25、ow问句具体回答 3. 关注问句中关键词key words,尤其是表示时间、地点、数量的词。4.对应关键词和文章内容,判断是否与原文含义一致,按要求找词回答问题。剑桥雅思推荐原文练习 判断+简答: C9T1P1Reading Passage 2Title: 儿童机器人文章大意回顾 本文主要讲到把机器人放到学校可以辅助老师教学并且可以陪学生玩。让机器人拥有表情促进交流,但是过度使用可能引起伦理问题。Question types: List of headings 5+人名理论匹配5+填空题3参考答案 14-18 LOH: DFBAC19-23 人名理论配对:BCADA24-26 填空题:24.

26、human 25. a peer 26. affection题型难度分析 本篇文章题型难度相对较大,其中段落小标题题型需要考生注意把握段落主旨,而人名理论匹配需要在全文划出人名做出标记,再对应观点做题。题型技巧分析 List of headings(小标题配对题)是雅思阅读中难度较高的一种题型,要求给段落找小标题, 也就是总结段落的主旨内容,对理解文章的结构要求高。这种题型具有独特的结构特征,即它一般出现文章之前,由两部分组成:一部分是选项,另一部分是段落编号,要求给各个段落找到与它对应的选项。解题步骤:1. 确定文章主题,划掉举例的选项以及段落2. 分析选项,划词关键词3. 回到原文,确定段

27、落主题:抓住各段主题句以及核心词,关注段落首句次句末句以及段落中间特殊词之后的内容(如转折词、举例词等)4. 对比选项解题剑桥雅思推荐原文练习 科技题材:C5T3P3/C10T3P3 Reading Passage 3Title: Mystery in Easter IslandQuestion types: List of headings 4+ 判断5+Summary5参考题目 List of Headings:i The famous moaiii The status represented symbols of combined purposesiii The ancient spo

28、ts which indicates scientificiv The story of the namev Early immigrants, rise and prosperityvi The geology of Easter Islandvii The begin of Thor Heyerdahls discoverviii The countering explanation the misconceptions politically manipulatedix Symbols of authority and powerx the Navel of the Worldxi Th

29、e Norwegian Invaders legacy 27-30: 27. Paragraph B 28. Paragraph C29. Paragraph D 30. Paragraph E判断:31. The first inhabitants of Easter Island are Polynesian, from the Marquesas or Society islands.32. Construction of some moai statues on the island was not finished.33.The Moai can be found not only

30、on Easter Island but also elsewhere in Polynesia.34.Most archeologists recognized the religious and astronomical functions for an ancient society35. The structures on Easter Island work as an astronomical outpost for extraterrestrial visitors.36. The theory that depleted natural resources leading to

31、 the fail of Easter Island actual has a distorted perspective. 37-40 Summary:Many theories speculated that Easter Islands fall around the era of the initial European contact. Some say the resources are depleted by a 37_ .The erroneous theories began with a root of the38_ advanced by some scholars. Early writers did not have adequate 39_ understandings to comprehend the true nature of events on the island. The social devastation was in fact a direct result of 40_ of the first European settler题型技巧分

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