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1、雅思常用语料句子科技类1. 互计算机的发明和普及深刻地改变了人们的购物选择。The invention and popularity of the computer has profoundly revolutionized modern peoples option of consumption 2. On-line shopping has been boosting like the mushrooms after spring rains. 网络购物就像是雨后春笋般不断地增长。3. People have been debating the pros of cons of cyber

2、business transaction without reaching any definite agreement. 人们在思考网络交易的利弊,没有达成共识。4. In this essay,I will endeavor to examine the impacts brought about by this on-line business traction both on individual consumers and the society. 本文中,我将努力探究下网络交易带来的个人和社会影响。5. The merits of on-line shopping and on-l

3、ine business prevail over its possible demerits. 网络购物和网络交易的利大于弊。6. In comparison with the traditional shopping, the cyber shopping enjoys its unique advantages , which quite fit the young consumers taste. It is no necessary for consumers to take trouble to go outside, just click their mouse, the goo

4、ds will be delivered to them. 和传统的购物相比,网络购物有其独特的优势,这更符合年轻消费者的口味。消费者不需要外出,只需点击一下鼠标,商品就会送到他们手中。7. Many youngsters like to spend their hardly earned money on their favorite goods 许多年轻人喜欢把辛苦赚到的钱花在他们喜欢的商品上。8. Problems, however, inevitably ensue 然而,问题随之而来。9. Excessive on-line consumption will impose much

5、pressure upon some unwise consumers economically. 过度的网络消费对于非理性消费者施加了经济压力。10. Some young ladies are addicted to cyber consumption out of the reason of seizing the opportunities of discount 出于抓住打折的机会的目的,很多年前女孩网络购物上瘾。11. Even worse,on-line consumption fraud has been agonizing many on-line shoppers 更加糟糕

6、的是,在线的消费欺诈行为正在困扰很多在线买家。解析:agonize v使痛苦12. It is highly possible that consumers might be fooled into buying fake or illegal products. 消费者很有可能被欺骗购买虚假的非法的商品。13. Many on-line advertisements are full of flowery phrases and empty promises 很多的在线广告充满了花哨的宣传语以及空洞的承诺。14. Some law-breakers draw on the Internet

7、to deliver the bait or disseminate virus in order to steal the password and reap fabulous profits illegally.一些不法分子利用互联网发送诱饵,传播病毒,窃取密码,非法牟利。15. On-line business transaction is a two-edged weapon which can be used equally for good or evil. 网络交易是一把双刃刀,有利有弊。16. What is of the utmost importance is to mak

8、e use of its merits and be careful about its demerits. 重要的是,我们要利用其利好及当心其弊端。17. It is the duty of every consumer to raise the awareness of wise buying. 消费者应该提高理性消费意识。18. The government should be urged to strengthen the censorship of on-line advertisement and severely penalize those illegal sellers. 政

9、府应该被督促去加强对于网络广告的审查,处罚非法卖家。就业1. So fierce is the competition that a lot of young adults have no choice but to fully apply themselves to career development. 竞争激励,很多年轻人没有选择只能专注发展事业。2. It is conceivable that if a new employee slackens his or her efforts at self-improvement, he or she is doomed to be eli

10、minated by the hot competition. 可以想象,如果新职员放松在工作上的努力,他们注定会被激励的竞争淘汰。3. Modern young workers are more enterprising and ambitious in comparison with the counterparts of the past. 比之过去,现在的很多年轻人更加富有进取心和雄心。counterparts n 对应的人或者是物4. Many youngsters desire to outshine others in their career. 很多年轻人想在事业发展中出类拔萃

11、5.To excel professionally, one has to focus on work. Hence, the more time one spends on careers, the less time one might allocate to other activities such as family life, health management or personal hobbies. 如果想在专业上训练有素,一个要专注于工作,因此,一个人在工作中花费的时间多,一个可以分配给家庭生活,健康管理和个人爱好的时间就少。6. No matter how occupied

12、 one might be, one should always bear in mind that family life tops all and he or she should never brings outstanding working tasks to home. 无论多么繁忙,一个人应该记住家庭生活是最重要的,他不该把没有完成的工作带回家。解析: tops all 是最重要的7. As for the relevant enterprises, measures to reduce the excessive workload and create healthy work

13、style should be given to their employees. 对于相关的企业来说,他们应该采取措施,帮助员工减轻工作的负荷以及创造健康的工作方式8. Virtually, to advocate and popularize a kind of healthy way of work not only brings merry mood to the working staff but also enhances the efficiency of work. 实际上,提倡和普及一种健康的工作方式不仅仅是可以给员工带来愉悦心情也相应地提高了企业工作效率。9. It is

14、no easy task to keep the appropriate balance between career and life at times. 有时候,在事业和生活中达到一种平衡是很困难的。10. However, one should get a clear perspective that achievement in career will never be the sole purpose of life, to work diligently is to create and savor more wonderful life. 然而,人应该有清晰的认识,事业的成功不是

15、人生的唯一的目的,去努力工作是为了去创造更加美好的人生。11. A sensible man knows how to strike a proper balance between work and life. 明智的人会在生活和事业之间找到一种平衡。教育类基本语料库:1. teachers = instructors = educators n老师2. professionally well-trained adj专业上训练有素的3. highly qualified adj 合格的4. knowledgeable = learned adj博学的5. traditional classr

16、oom teaching = conventional education = conventional teaching n传统课堂教育6. distance learning n远程学习7. distance education = tele-education n远程教育8. on-line education n在线教育9. impart knowledge into ones mind v教授知识10. disseminate knowledge = pass on knowledge = convey knowledge v 传播知识核心观点句语料库:1. Some top edu

17、cational institutions have chosen to deliver an internet-based program and thus geographical barriers have been lifted. 一些名校提供网络教育,因此学习不再受地域的限制。2. On-line education brings huge convenience to those who are eager to update knowledge but are hard-pressed for time, therefore, it is more attractive to b

18、usy modern people. 在线教育给时间有限的学习者提供了便利,因此,对于繁忙的学习者极有吸引力。点评:bring huge convenience to sb点评:update knowledge v充电 (在这个短语前也加汉字)3. Having the benefits of obtaining a higher qualification without going to the university campus is attractive to many students, especially those sick or disabled learners. 对于很多

19、人而言,尤其残疾学习者或者生病的学生,不必亲临学校即可获得学位极有吸引力。4. Conventional teaching usually means greater cost, while on-line educational programs are affordable, flexible and time-saving. 传统教育费用较高,相反,在线教育价格低廉,灵活省时。5. Whether at home or at work, on-line learners can endeavor to achieve their academic qualifications witho

20、ut causing too much disruption to their career or family lives. 无论在家或者职场,在不干扰生活和事业的前提下,远程教育者可以通过努力获得学历。6. Apart from affordable, flexible classes and greater convenience, self-learners also have access to the on-line learning resources of many of the worlds top educational institutions. 除了学费低廉,时间灵活,

21、极度方便,自学者可以获得世界名校的优质在线资源。7. A number of prestigious universities offer a range of online programs that are highly respected 许多顶尖名校提供多种在线学习项目,而这些网络课程得到大众认同。8. Tele-education perfectly fits for adult learners who need to combine their studies with a working life. 很多人需要平衡学业和家庭,因此,远程教育适合他们。9. A humorous

22、and learned teacher could impart knowledge into the learners minds more vividly and efficiently, which is the most obvious merit of traditional classroom education. 老师幽默博学,传播知识生动高效,这是传统教育最明显的利好。10. It is easy for students to resolve their academic problems and dispel their worries by means of resort

23、ing to teachers for help or having face-to-face communication. 通过面对面交流以及及时求助于老师,学习者很容易解决学业烦恼。11. It is those highly qualified teachers that stimulate the students study motivation and assist them fostering sensible learning habit and efficient self-study method. 优秀教师激发人的学习动力,培养他们理性的学习习惯以及高效的学习方法。点评:

24、it is that 强调句12. It must be stressed out that consolation and encouragement from the teachers could positively help the students nurture optimistic life outlook, for they have a pool of life experience that could share with their students. 老师的鼓励安慰帮助学习者培养乐观人生观,因为老师可以分享人生经验。点评:consolation n安慰13. Comp

25、ared with the tele-education, professionally well-trained teachers know better about the common sense of education, they excel in the specialized knowledge and could summarize the core of knowledge. 对比网络教育,优秀教师了解教育常识,精通专业知识,总结学科精华。14. Traditional classroom education not only serves the academic purp

26、ose, but also involves moral instructions and the students character-training. 传统教育不仅仅是传播知识,还关注学生的道德教育和性格培养。15. It is as clear as crystal that those only teachers could enable the students to receive the custom-tailored education. 只有老师才能帮助学生获得因材施教的教育。16. The competitive atmosphere and the pressure f

27、rom the peers could help those who are poor at self-discipline to apply themselves to academic study. 竞争的氛围,来之同龄人的压力可以帮助没有自律性的学习者专注于学习。点评:focus on learning = concentrate on study = apply oneself to academic study v专注于学习17. The group discussion and the efficient class interaction could stimulate the

28、learners study motivation. 小组讨论和课堂互动激发人的学习动力。18. Home learners tend to be socially inadequate and lack the necessary interpersonal skills because they are unable to cultivate teamwork spirit, cooperation and competitive consciousness. 网络学习者会变得社交方面力不从心,缺乏必要的人际交往技能,因为他们不能培养团队精神,合作竞争意识。19. The merits o

29、f traditional classroom education prevail over the convenience of the on-line education. 传统教育的利好超越了在线教育的便利。20. Tele-education is an effective supplementary tool to the conventional teaching. 远程教育是传统教育的有效的辅助工具。媒审查基础语料库:1. violent element n暴力元素2. violent information n暴力信息3. vivid depiction of violence

30、 n 对于暴力的生动描绘4. popular = prevailing = prevalent adj流行的5. exert a baneful impact on v对于有不利影响6. exert great negative influence on v对于有不利影响7. should be banned v应该被禁止8. is supposed to be restricted = ought to be restrained v应该被限制9. harmless relaxation n 无害的娱乐10. It wont hurt to expose to those films or

31、computer games containing violence. 接触到含有暴力元素的电影和游戏是无害的。解析:expose to v使接触到解析:It wont hurt to do sth v 做是无害的1. The commercialized mass media is besieged with vivid depiction of various criminal activities and violence. 商业化的大众传媒充斥着对于各种犯罪以及暴力的生动描绘。解析:The commercialized mass media 商业化的大众传媒拓展:is besieged

32、 with = is flooded with = is full of v充斥着 2. For many years, the link between watching violence on television or games and violent behavior in everyday life has seemed an open debate. 很久以来, 关于电视暴力与日常生活中的暴力行为是否有关系的问题似乎一直存在争论。解析:has seemed an open debate 似乎成为一种公开的争议3. Television violence has contributed directly to rising crime, as evidence by statistics showing a dramatic rise

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