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1、野花组合在园林造景中的运用野花组合在园林造景中的运用当前,在园林绿化领域,创造自然、多样的园林景观,探索回归自然的植物应用形式,建设节约型、可持续发展的生态环境是将来发展的方向。野花组合的应用无疑迎合了这个趋势,它种类丰富、野趣盎然、应用广泛、管理粗放、成本低廉、观赏期长,正逐渐应用于郊野公园、林带绿化、道路绿化等各种场所,极大限度的将城市园林景观推向了崭新的局面。At present, in the field of afforestation, create natural, diversity of landscape, exploring the application form, r

2、eturn to natural plants construction economy, the sustainable development of ecological environment is the direction of future development. Wildflowers is catered to the trend of application of variety, delight in it is abundant, wide application, management extensive, low cost, long period, is grad

3、ually applied in country parks, forest green, road greening, such as all kinds of places, greatly limits the city landscape into a new situation. 1.野花组合的的介绍与特点1. Introduction of wildflowers and features 自上个世纪70年代野花组合就已在西方园林造景中开始流行,但目前在国内还运用较少,随着现代人们对自然的向往与审美情趣的不断提高,自然而富有野趣的野花地被正在逐渐被运用到现代园林中。Wildflow

4、ers since the 70 s had became popular in the western landscape gardening, but also in domestic use less, as modern people yearning for nature and aesthetic temperament and interest, being natural and rich in the delight of wild flowers are being used in modern landscape architecture. 1.1野花组合的概念定义1.1

5、 the concept definition of wildflowers 野花组合通常是由多种一、二年生草本花卉及多年生宿根花卉按照一定的配方混合组成。其配方原则一般是根据应用地区的气候条件、海拔条件、土壤条件、花卉的生物学特性、生态习性以及应用目的、景观配置要求等,选用不同的花卉品种、种类以及不同的成分比例配合而成的花卉组合。Wildflowers usually consists of a variety of, biennial and perennial herbaceous flowers perennial root flowers mixed according to cer

6、tain formula. Its formulation principles are generally according to the application condition, soil condition, climate condition, the elevation of biological characteristics, ecological habits, application purpose of flowers, landscape configuration requirements, choose different varieties of flower

7、, types and different composition proportion coordination and combination of flowers. 1.2野花组合的特点1.2 the characteristics of wildflowers 野花组合中使用的花卉大多具有野生性状,也就是具有野生花卉强健的生态适应性和抗逆性。这些“野花”一经播种,一年生花卉通常具有很强的自播繁衍能力,能保持多年连续开花不断;多年生花卉则可以常年生长开花。Wild flowers flowers are used in combination with wild character, n

8、amely has the wild flowers, strong ecological adaptability and resistance. Once these flowers is sowing seeds, annual flowers usually have very strong since the reproduction ability, can maintain years continuous bloom; Perennial flowers, flower can grow all year round. 栽种野花组合具有成本低、景观宏大、色彩艳丽的特点。野花需水

9、量比草坪草少,管理又比盆花省事,是草坪草、盆花很好的替代品。Planting wildflowers has low cost, big, colorful landscape features. Wild flowers water less than lawn grass, management and convenient than potted flower, lawn grass, potted flower is a good substitute. 1.2.1丰富多样的景观性1.2.1 the rich variety of landscape 配方混合的野花组合中通常包含了多种

10、春、夏、秋三季开花的花卉种类,且花色丰富多彩,一经种植,就可从春到夏、从夏到秋开花不断,美不胜收。尤其是大面积种植时,人们仿佛徜徉在花海,或是置身于原生旷野,可真切地感受到大自然的回归。Formula usually contains several types of hybrid combinations of wild flowers bloom in spring, summer, autumn three quarter of flower species, and design and color is rich and colorful, once planted, can fro

11、m spring to summer, from summer to autumn flowering, beautiful. Especially when large area planting, people seemed to be wandering in the flower fields, or in the original wilderness, can truly feel the return of the nature. 1.2.2良好的生态性与抗逆性1.2.2 ecosystem of the good and the resistance 采用“原生态”的野生花草作

12、为绿化品种,具有较强的优势。野生花草土生土长,能够适应本地气候,容易成活;从美观上说,野花能顺应时节开放,让人感到清新的生态美;野草在一年四季中可呈现大自然的斑斓色彩,相对于人工草坪单一的颜色,更具自然美;另外,土生土长的野生花草更能体现出旅游景点与城市绿化的地方特色,摆脱了绿化中千城一面的陈旧模式。Use original wild flowers as greening varieties, has strong advantages. Native wild flowers and plants, can adapt to the local climate, easy to survi

13、val; From beautiful, flowers can comply with the open season, let a person feel pure and fresh and ecological beauty; Weeds in all the year round can take on the colors of nature, relative to the lawn of a single color, more natural beauty; In addition, native of wild flowers and plants can reflect

14、more scenic spots and urban greening of local characteristics, get rid of the green thousand city in the old model below. 1.2.3粗放养护,管理成本低廉1.2.3 extensive maintenance, management cost is low 野花组合具有省工省时,管理粗放,节省水源,景观效果突出的特点。据统计,采用本地花草绿化可节约管理、成本等费用达60%以水泥制管机上。Wildflowers has the provincial workers save

15、time, extensive management, save water, the characteristics of the landscape effect is prominent. According to statistics, the local plants and green can cost such as saving the cost of management, more than 60%. 野花组合对水肥要求较低,只要小苗前期给足充沛水分,后期在一些雨水较多地区,依靠降雨就可以维持景观效果。野花组合中使用的品种大多具有较强的适应性和抗逆性。大部分组合类型都可以维

16、持2年以上的景观效果。如上海土生土长的蒲公英、苦菜、荠菜、艾蒿、狗尾草等一旦成坪,基本在后期不需要养护管理。酿酒设备Wildflowers on sewage sludge with low, as long as the rootstocks prior to abundant moisture, late more rain in some areas, depending on rainfall can maintain landscape effect. Wildflowers used in most of the varieties with strong adaptability

17、 and resistance. Most combination types can maintain more than 2 years of landscape effect. As a Shanghai native of dandelion, sowthistle, shepherds purse, mugwort, green bristlegrass sod was once, such as basic in the later dont need to maintenance and management. 2.野花组合的不同类型与混合配方2. The different t

18、ypes of wildflowers and mixing formula 2.1 野花品种混合原则2.1 wildflower species mixed principle 野花组合应以因地制宜为首要原则,要根据使用区域用地性质的差异而选择相适应的野花品种,生态细木工板如临时绿地可选用波斯菊、山荞麦等生长强健的品种,播种后见效快,花期长;又如在人流量较大的公共绿地,则应以种植观赏价值高,花色鲜艳的野花品种,如角堇、黄金菊等。只要做到把植物的生态学特性与使用需求相结合,就可以达到事半功倍的效果。户外健身器材Wildflowers should adjust measures to loca

19、l conditions as the first principle, with the nature of the regional land use difference and choose corresponding to varieties of wild flowers, such as temporary green space can choose cosmos, mountain buckwheat growth such as robust varieties, sowing after quick effect, long flowering; Again as in

20、the public green space of foot traffic, you should to grow high ornamental value, colorful wildflowers varieties, such as Angle of violet, chamomile and etc. As long as do the plant ecology characteristic of the combined with use requirements, can achieve twice the result with half the effort. 2.2根据

21、植株高度区分2.2 according to the height of the plants 根据野花组合植株高度的不同大致可分为矮生、中生和高生组合三大类,一般园林中常用的是矮生组合,这类野花的整体高度大多在45cm?以下,?组合品种包括一二年生和多年生品种,一二年生的自播习性和多年生的宿根性,使得景观效果可以延续多年。According to the height of wildflowers plants of different can be roughly divided into dwarf, and combination of three kinds of this prod

22、uct, generally garden dwarf is commonly used in combination, this kind of wild flowers mostly in 45 cm overall height? The following,? Portfolio include a biennial and perennial varieties, a biennial seeding habit and perennial perennial root sex, make landscape effect can last for many years. 2.3根据

23、花色区分2.3 according to the design and color to distinguish 某些景观地通过选择同一色系的花种组合,可以组成黄色、红色、粉色等各色系的野花组合,结合坡地造型大面积种植可以达到纯净、自然、震撼的景观效果。Some landscape by selecting flowers the same color combination, can form yellow, red, pink, etc all kinds of wild flowers, combining with the slope shape large area planting

24、 can achieve pure, natural, powerful landscape effect. 2.4根据适应性区分2.4 according to the adaptability 根据植物生长特性的差异可以分为湿生、旱生、耐荫、耐热等分类组合。如在成熟景观区域的隐蔽环境,每天提供直射的阳光只能在1-4小时之内,因此要选择耐荫的野花品种,如马蔺、毛地黄、射干、紫花地丁、玉簪、石蒜组合。Based on the differences of plant growth characteristics can be divided into wet and dry raw, such

25、 as shade-tolerance, heat-resisting category combination. Such as hidden in the mature landscape area environment, provide direct sunlight every day can only be 1-4 hours, so choose shade-tolerance of varieties of wild flowers, such as marin, foxglove, rhizoma belamcandae, herba violae, h., lycoris

26、radiata combination. 3.野花组合在新城中的运用3. The wild flowers combinations used in the new town 嘉定新城目前正处于绿化景观全面建设时期,远香湖、紫气东来、石岗门塘等大型公共绿地建设规模大、品质定位高,目前在这些景观绿地中已大面积种植野花,计划将新城打造为“花城”,成为嘉定新城的一大亮点,同时也符合目前建设节能型、生态性城市的宗旨要求。Jiading new town at present, in the period of greening landscape construction is the lake, s

27、abingga sukdun dergici jimbi, shigang door ponds and other large public green space construction of large scale and high quality positioning, currently in these landscape green space has large area planting wildflowers, plans to establish new town as an huacheng, has become a spotlight of jiading ne

28、w town, and at the same time also accord with energy-saving, ecological city construction is the objective requirements. 3.1当地野花植物品种的选择3.1 the local wild flowers, the choice of plant varieties 嘉定新城地处亚热带北缘,冬冷夏热、四季分明、雨热同季、降水充沛,但冬季常有寒流,属于典型的亚热带季风气候。因此选用了耐热、强健、花期长的野花品种,如美女樱、蜀锦等。Jiading new town is locat

29、ed in the subtropical north rim, hot summer and cold winter, distinct seasons, rain hot same, abundant precipitation, but winter is very cold, belongs to a typical subtropical monsoon climate. Therefore chose to heat, robust, long wildflowers blooming varieties, such as verbena, preface, etc. 3.2 不同

30、绿地类型的组合选择3.2 different green space types of portfolio choice 根据绿地性质和运用地点部位的不同,我们选用不同的组合配比,在河道边种植耐水湿品种,如千屈菜、大滨菊、高山紫菀、旱金莲等;开敞绿地选择色泽明快艳丽,耐高温的组合,如波斯菊、松果菊、金鸡菊等;林下选用耐荫品种,如二月兰、鸢尾、石蒜、玉簪等单一品种;依此类推。According to the nature of green space and use location of different area, we choose different combination ratio

31、, wet resistance varieties at the edge of the river, such as willow shore, chrysanthemum, alpine asters, nasturtium, etc; Open green space to choose colour and lustre is bright beautiful, the combination of high temperature resistance, such as the cosmos, echinacea, coreopsis, etc; Forests choose sh

32、ade resistant varieties, such as February, iris, lycoris radiata, host a single species; And so on. 3.2.1城市道路绿化3.2.1 urban road greening 结合目前新城一大批城市道路的建设施工,野花组合还广泛应用于分隔带、人行道边林地等绿化带中,使人们在行进过程中也可以体验到自然的气息。Combining the construction of the new city a large number of city road, wildflowers are widely applied in the separation zone, sidewalk woodland green belts, such as make people in the process of travel can also experience the natural breath. 由于道路系统各种恶劣的生存条件和各种多变的气候条件的约束,我们选用了抗性特别突出的野花品种形成组合,做到三季有花,冬季见绿,以抗旱、耐热、耐阴湿、耐贫瘠土壤,抗病虫害,前期生长快,与杂草竞争力强为选择原则,如大花金鸡菊、波斯菊、

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