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本文(新步步高高考英语外研版全国一轮复习话题阅读与话题写作 话题一2科普热点 Word版.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

新步步高高考英语外研版全国一轮复习话题阅读与话题写作 话题一2科普热点 Word版.docx

1、新步步高高考英语外研版全国一轮复习话题阅读与话题写作 话题一2科普热点 Word版第二节话题写作情景专练1写作素材随着科技的发展,数字化家庭(digital family)已不仅仅是一种概念。根据下列提示,请你以“What is the digital family?”为题,写一篇介绍数字化家庭的短文。特征以网络技术为基础,远距离与他人交流信息,并能控制家用电器优点为生活提供了方便;减少了生活开支;提高了生活质量趋势将会被越来越多的家庭所接受注意:词数100左右。参考词汇:家电domestic appliances;远距离地remotely;趋势tendency边记边练.记增分素材1出现:ap

2、pear;arise;emerge;come out;It emerges/comes out that.2遥远的:faraway;remote3例如:for example;such as;take.for example 4总之:in a word;in conclusion/short/brief/general;to be short/brief;shortly/briefly/generally speaking 5越来越多的人:more and more people;the increasing number of people6巨大的变化:great changes;drama

3、tic changes.练高分句式What is the digital family?(1)It emerges as a fresh thing that the digital family comes into being(数字家庭的形成是以新鲜事物的形式出现的)It is based on the network technology.Its surprising character is to help people exchange information with faraway friends and control domestic appliances.Living in

4、 the digital family,people can enjoy many of its advantages.The first one is about the convenience in daily life.(2)Taking some digital equipment for example,they can help family members out of household duties(以某些数字化设备为例,它们能够帮助家人摆脱家务)The second one is that it can reduce the living expenses.Because

5、it can simplify traditional living ways,such as cooking,cleaning,washing,etc,people can benefit a lot from its low cost.The third one means it can improve peoples living quality.Its characteristics,including quickness,comfort,can provide users with enjoyment.(3)In conclusion,we have many reasons to

6、believe that the digital family will be accepted by more and more people in the future(总之,我们完全相信:在未来,数字化家庭会被越来越多的人接受)情景专练2写作素材最近,网络上有人发起了一份有关“老人摔倒后你是否会扶?”的调查问卷。请你根据下列图示用英语写一篇100词左右的短文发表在学校的英语报上。1简要描述图画内容;2分析调查结果;3提出你的看法。边记边练.记增分素材1如图所示:From the picture we can see.;As can be seen from the picture.2令人

7、迷茫的是:It puzzled sb.that.;What puzzled that.3做关于的问卷调查:do a survey on.;a survey being done4陷入麻烦:get into trouble;get involved into trouble 5在我看来:I think;in my opinion/view;as far as I am concerned;personally.练高分句式From the picture we can see an old man lying on the ground and (1)a y

8、oung man standing by with a puzzled look(一位满脸迷惑站在旁边的年轻人): Should I help him stand up?Recently,a survey is being done on the Internet about whether we should reach out our hands to the old who fall down.According to the survey,19% of the people surveyed say yes to the question.They believe that its t

9、heir duty to help the old.However,42% say that they wont help,because they dont want to get into trouble.And (2)the remaining 39% say that it all depends(余下的39%说那要看情况而定),because they say they may dial 120 for help instead.(3)As far as Im concerned,we should first make sure there are other witnesses

10、before we help the old man so that we can be proved innocent(我认为在帮助老人之前先确保有其他的证人,以便能证明我们的无辜)情景专练3写作素材你校校刊要举办一期有关计算机知识的专刊。请你用英语为该专刊写一段100词左右的前言。提示:1计算机是20世纪最大的发明,从第一台计算机问世以来它发展得很快,极大地改变了我们的生活。2由于计算机信息存储量大,计算速度大大快于人类,因此在工、农、商、教育、旅游等领域被广泛应用(至少举一个实际生活中的例子)。3计算机正在进入每个人的生活。学好计算机对我们来说非常重要。注意:1.必须采用短文形式并且包括

11、以上全部信息;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:问世emergence;计算calculate边记边练.记增分素材1随着计算机的产生与发展:with the emergence and development of computers2自从第一台计算机产生以来:since the emergence of the first computer;since the first computer came into emergence 3显著的:striking;remarkable;noticeable;dramatic4抽出(找出)时间做某事:get round to (doing).

12、5一直在做:have练高分句式The computer is the greatest invention of the 20th century.Since the emergence of the first computer in 1946,(1)the computer has been developing rapidly and has changed our life noticeably(计算机一直在快速地发展并明显地改变了我们的生活)As a large amount of its information storage and amazing calc

13、ulating speed,computers have been widely used in industry,agriculture,business as well as education and tourism.(2)Scientists have been working to solve the most difficult biological problem(科学家们为了解决最难的生物学问题一直在工作)of decoding human DNA with the help of the computer.The computer is gradually going int

14、o our everyday life.If we dont know how to use the computer,(3)we might find it difficult to get round to something(我们可能会发现抽出时间做某事很困难)Therefore,its very important for us to keep up with computer technology.情景专练4写作素材作为一名高三学生,你经常跟你的父母就看电视问题闹矛盾。你的父母以学业繁重和影响视力等为由阻挠你看电视,而你认为电视能满足你的兴趣爱好,同时也能在你学累时放松你的大脑,最后

15、你们之间相互妥协达成了一致意见。请你根据以上内容写一篇短文。注意:1.就双方的理由可以进行适当的扩充,协议自己想象;2词数100左右,开头已给出。I am a Senior 3 student.I often quarrel with my parents over whether I can watch TV after school. 边记边练.记增分素材1就某事与某人展开激烈的争论:have a heated argument with sb.over sth./whether.2认为:think;consider;hold the view/opinion that 3另外:in ad

16、dition;additionally;besides;furthermore;moreover 4使大脑放松:relax ones mind;make ones mind relaxed5那样的话:in that case;in which case.(非限制性定语从句).练高分句式I am a Senior 3 student.I often quarrel with my parents over whether I can watch TV after school.(1)My parents hold the opinion that I should study hard so t

17、hat I will have more choices in the future(我父母认为我应该努力学习以便将来会有更多的选择)Besides,they consider that it is harmful to my eyes to watch TV too often,which is the chief cause of short sight.But in my view,it is TV that gives me something that I am interested in.(2)In addition,it may relax my mind when I am t

18、ired,in which case the efficiency of my study will be improved(另外,在我疲劳的时候它会使我的大脑放松,那样的话学习效率也会提高)In the end we reached an agreement.(3)Only at weekends am I allowed to watch TV(只有在周末我才被允许看电视)However,the programs are limited to news,sports and entertainment,not including TV plays.This agreement is acc

19、eptable to me for it is beneficial to my study and life.情景专练5写作素材最近,你校同学就“家教到底好不好?”这一话题开展讨论。假如你是李华,请根据下表提供的信息,给报社编辑一封信,客观地介绍讨论情况和你的看法。60%的同学40%的同学你的看法赞成家教家教能帮助提高学习能力和成绩反对家教家教增加经济负担过多家教影响正常学习适当的家教对于自学能力差的学生有帮助不能过分依赖家教你建议(至少一条)注意:词数100左右。参考词汇:家庭教师tutor;家教home tutoring边记边练.记增分素材1优缺点:advantages or(and)

20、disadvantages2积极地:actively;energetically;positively;constructively3消极地:inactively;passively;negatively;destructively4观点各异:There are various opinions;Opinions vary from person to person;Opinions are different5自学能力:the ability to study by oneself;selfstudy ability6那些的人:he who.;those who.;whoever.练高分句式

21、Dear Editor,Im writing to tell you about the discussion weve had about (1)whether home tutoring has advantages or disadvantages(家教有优势还是有劣势)Our attitudes towards home tutoring are different.60% of the students think of it positively.They believe that home tutoring helps children improve their learnin

22、g skills and scores.But 40% think of it negatively.From their point of view,home tutoring may add a financial burden to parents and too much home tutoring affects childrens normal study.Personally,proper home tutoring can help children improve their learning,especially for (2)those who lack the abil

23、ity to study by themselves(那些缺乏自学能力的人),but too much tutoring may spoil these children,who may just depend on their tutors.Therefore,we should seek help from tutors (3)only when it is really necessary and only if our families can afford it(只有当确实有必要的时候和家庭支付得起的时候)情景专练6写作素材最近江苏省教育厅做出决定:严禁中小学利用寒、暑假和双休日补课

24、,这引起了社会各界强烈的反响。请你根据下表提供的信息,用英语给某报社写一封信。赞同的观点反对的观点你的感想1.中小学生睡眠时间可以得到保证,有充沛的精力投入学习;2.有利于他们自我发展;3.可以利用休息日参与一些社区服务,增强公共服务意识;1.中小学生缺乏自控力,不善于合理安排空余时间;2.上课时间少会导致成绩差。目前的考试体制不变,学生难以应对激烈的竞争;注意:词数100左右,开头已给出。Dear Editor,Im writing to tell you about the different attitudes towards the newlyannounced decision.Re

25、cently,the Education Department of Jiangsu Province made a decision that giving lessons during the summer and winter vacations or weekends should be banned in middle and primary schools. 边记边练.记增分素材1新的:newlyannounced(新颁布的);newlybuilt(新建的);newlypublished(新出版的)2既有效又高效:effective and efficient3与此同时:at th

26、e same time;meanwhile4应对激烈的竞争:do with/deal with/cope with fierce competition5身心伤害:suffer both physically and mentally.练高分句式Dear Editor,Im writing to tell you about the different attitudes towards the newlyannounced decision.Recently,the Education Department of Jiangsu Province made a decision that g

27、iving lessons during the summer and winter vacations or weekends should be banned in middle and primary schools.Many people support this decision.They think the measures based on it will ensure the students in middle and primary schools sleeping hours (1)so that they can be energetic enough to study

28、 effectively during weekdays(以便于他们星期一至星期五精力足够充沛地高效学习)Meanwhile,they have more chances for selfdevelopment.In addition,they can participate in community work,strengthening their awareness of public service.However,some are against it.They complain the students lack selfcontrol to arrange their free t

29、ime properly.They believe less class time may result in low grades since the present examination system hasnt been changed,(2)it will be difficult for them to cope with such fierce competition without extra lessons(没有额外的功课对他们来说恐怕很难应对如此激烈的竞争)Personally,the decision is quite good.Before the decision w

30、as issued,in order to get good marks in the entrance examinations,most of our weekends or holidays were taken up with extra lessons,which happened in almost all high schools.(3)We students used to suffer both physically and mentally,while at present we have more free time to work out and relax ourse

31、lves(我们学生过去身心受害,而现在我们有更多的时间去锻炼和放松自己)情景专练7写作素材描述今昔通讯方式的变化注意:词数100左右。边记边练.记增分素材1在方面发生了巨大变化:Great changes have taken place in.;There have been great changes in.2过去通常是(做):used to be (do)3相互交流:communicate with each other4有使用(利用)的机会(权利):have access to5无论何时何地:whenever and wherever.练高分句式Great changes have taken place in the way of communication in recent years.In the past,people used to keep in touch with each other mainly by writing letters or using public telephones,(1)which was very inconvenient(这样很不方便)But now using

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