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1、日本船舶买卖格式Nipponsale1999魏长庚船长Issued Dec. 16, 1965 The Documentary Committee of The Japan Shipping Exchange, Inc.Amended Jul. 13, 1971 Amended Mar. 16, 1977日本航运交易所文件委员会Amended Sep. 9, 1993 Amended Nov. 2,1999 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT 协议备忘录 Place and Date of Agreement 协议签订的日期和地点 Code Name: NIPPONSALE 199

2、9 (Part I) 1. Sellers (Preamble) 2. Buyers (Preamble) 卖方(绪论) 买方(绪论) 3. Vessels name (Preamble) 4. Flag/Registry (Preamble, Cl. 3 (a) (ii) 船名(绪论) 船旗/注册港(绪论,条款.3(a)(ii)) 5. Class (Preamble, Cl. 6 (b) 6. Built (year and builders name) (Preamble) 船级社(绪论,条款.6(b)) 建造(年份和建造船厂名称)(绪论) 7. Gross register tonna

3、ge (Preamble) 8. Summer deadweight tonnage (Preamble) 总吨(绪论) 夏季载重吨(绪论) 9.Place/Date of superficial(preamble, 10.Place/Date of class records examination CL.5(a),Cl10) (Preamble) 表面检查地点/日期(绪论,条款.5(a),10) 船级社记录检查的地点/日期(绪论) 11. Purchase Price (Cl. 1) 购买价格(条款.1) 12. Place of closing (Cl. 3 (c) 文件交割地点(条款.

4、3(c) 13. Delivery range (Cl. 4 (a), Cl. 6 (e)(i), (f) 交船的地理范围(条款.4(a),C1.6(e)(i),(f) 14. Delivery period (Cl. 4 (a) and Cancelling Date (Cl. 4 (a), (d), (e) 交船期限(条款.4(a)和解约日期(条款.4(a),(d),(e) 15. Places (Cl. 2 (a), Cl. 4 (c) 交船地点(条款.2(a),4(c)) 16. Liquidated damages, per day The additional clauses, i

5、f any, numbered from (Cl. 7 (c)16 to () shall be deemed to be 议定损害赔偿金,每天(条款.7(c)fully incorporated into this Agreement.附加条款,若有,编号从16到()应被视为完全并入本协议It is mutually agreed that this Agreement shall be performed in accordance with the terms and conditions contained herein.双方约定同意本协议将应按照在本合同此处包含的条款和条件履行Sig

6、nature(Sellers)Signature(Buyers)卖方签字买方签字By:By:Title:职务/头衔Title:职务/头衔IT IS THIS DAY MUTUALLY AGREED between the Sellers 1referred to in Box 1 (“the Sellers”) and the Buyers referred to in 2Box 2 (“the Buyers”) that the Sellers shall sell and the Buyers shall 3buy the Vessel named in Box 3 with partic

7、ulars as referred to in 4Boxes 4 - 8 (“the Vessel”), which has been accepted by the Buyers 5following their superficial inspection of the Vessel and examination 6of her class records as referred to in Boxes 9 and 10 respectively on 7the following terms and conditions. 8兹证明卖方(第1栏)与买方(第2栏)在此日达成卖方出售、买方

8、买入船舶(船舶名称参看第3栏)的买卖船舶协议,船舶详细资料见第4栏到第8栏,且上述资料在买方进行船舶表面检查及船级记录(第9栏和第10栏)检查后,已被买方所接受。该协议之条款及规定条件见下文。1. PURCHASE PRICE 9The purchase price of the Vessel (“the Purchase Price”) shall be 10as stated in Box 11. 111、购买价格该船舶购买价格按第11栏记载。2. PAYMENT 12(a) As security for the fulfillment of this Agreement, the Bu

9、yers 13shall remit a deposit of ten (10) per cent of the Purchase Price 14(“the Deposit”) to a bank nominated by the Sellers within 15three (3) banking days (being days on which banks are open 16 for the transaction of business in the place stated in Box 15 17(“Banking Days”), from the date of this

10、Agreement, in the 18names of both the Sellers and the Buyers. Any interest earned 19on the Deposit shall be credited to the Buyers. Bank charges 20on the Deposit shall be borne equally by the Sellers and the 21 Buyers. The Deposit shall be paid to the Sellers as a part of 22the Purchase Price in the

11、 same manner as the balance of the 23ninety (90) per cent of the Purchase Price as provided for 24hereunder. 25(b) The Buyers shall remit the balance of the Purchase Price by 26telegraphic transfer to the said bank immediately after the 27Notice of Readiness for Delivery is tendered by the Sellers 2

12、8as per clause 7 of this Agreement. The balance shall be paid 29to the Sellers together with the Deposit against the Protocol 30of Delivery and Acceptance being duly signed by a 31representative of each party at the time of delivery of the 32Vessel. 332、付款(a)为确保协议充分履行之安全起见,买方应在从本协议签订之日起3个银行日(在第15栏(银

13、行工作日)内规定地点的银行开门营业办理商业交易事宜的受理日)内,将购买价格的10%作为保证金汇款给由卖方指定,以买卖双方共同名义开设的银行账户。保证金的所有利息收益归买方所有。银行对保证金收取的费用将由买卖双方平均分摊。保证金将作为购买价格的一部分,与剩余的90%(详见下文)以同一方式支付给卖方。(b)在卖方按照本协议第7条递交船舶交付准备就绪通知书之后,买方应立即将剩余的90%购买价款电汇到上述银行。剩余款项应当在船舶交付时,由买卖双方代表人适当签署交付和接受协议议定书后,连同保证金一同支付给卖方。3. DOCUMENTATION 34(a) At the time of delivery

14、of the Vessel, the Sellers shall provide 35the Buyers with the following documents 36(i) the Bill of Sale, duly notarized by a Notary Public, 37specifying that the Vessel is free from all debts, 38encumbrances, mortgages and maritime liens; and 39(ii) a letter from the Sellers undertaking to supply

15、a Deletion 40Certificate from the Registry stated in Box 4 as soon as 41practicable after the Vessels delivery; and 42(iii) such other documents as may be mutually agreed. 43(b) Upon delivery the Buyers and the Sellers shall execute and 44exchange a Protocol of Delivery and Acceptance, thereby 45con

16、firming the date and time of delivery of the Vessel. 46(c) Closing shall take place at the place stated in Box 12. 473、交接文件(a)在交付船舶时,卖方应将以下文件提供给买方:(i)卖据,经公正人正式签字认证并明确载明该船舶没有任何债务、负担、抵押和船舶优先权;和(ii)卖方的确认函,保证在船舶交付之后尽可能提早提供在第4栏载明的船旗国注册处签发的注销证书;和(iii)可能相互约定同意的其他文件。(b)在交付时,买卖双方应执行和交换船舶交接议定书,以此来确认交付船舶的时间和日期

17、。(c)交接会议应在第12栏记载的地点进行。4. DELIVERY PLACE AND TIME 48(a) The Sellers shall ensure that the Vessel is ready for delivery 49within the Delivery Range stated in Box 13 not before and 50not later than the dates stated in Box 14, the latter date being 51the Cancelling Date. 52(b) The Sellers shall keep the

18、 Buyers informed of the Vessels 53itinerary and give the Buyers thirty (30), fifteen (15), seven 54(7) and three (3) days notice of the expected date and place 55of readiness for delivery. 56(c) In the event that the Vessel is not ready for delivery on or 57 before the Cancelling Date, the Buyers sh

19、all have the option 58 of cancelling this Agreement, provided such option shall be 59exercised in writing within two (2) Working Days (which 60shall be the days not falling on Saturdays, Sundays, or Public 61holidays in the place stated in Box 15) from the Cancelling 62 Date. However, if the failure

20、 to deliver the Vessel is caused 63by any event over which the Sellers have no control, then 64the Cancelling Date shall be extended by the corresponding 65time lost due to such event but in no case shall such extension 66be for a period of more than thirty (30) days. 67(d) In the event the Buyers d

21、o not elect to exercise the option to 68cancel this Agreement in accordance with sub-clause (c) above, 69they shall have the right to designate a new date for delivery 70of the Vessel, provided such right is exercised in writing 71within two (2) Working Days from the Cancelling Date, and 72such desi

22、gnated date shall be the new Cancelling Date as if 73stated in Box 14. However if no new Cancelling Date is 74designated by the Buyers in accordance with this sub-clause 75there shall be no further Cancelling Date and the Sellers shall 76deliver the Vessel as soon as practicable. 77(e) Notwithstandi

23、ng the exercise of due diligence by them, if 78the Sellers anticipate that the Vessel will not be ready for 79delivery by the Cancelling Date, (whether it be the first agreed 80Cancelling Date or any subsequent Cancelling Date as 81provided for in sub-clause (d) above), then the Sellers may 82notify

24、 the Buyers in writing stating the date when they 83anticipate that the Vessel will be ready for delivery and 84 proposing that that date shall be the new Cancelling Date. 85Upon receipt of such notification the Buyers shall have the 86option to cancel this Agreement, provided such option is 87exerc

25、ised in writing within two (2) Working Days from the 88receipt of the aforesaid notification from the Sellers. If the 89Buyers do not exercise the option to cancel this Agreement, 90the date proposed by the Sellers shall be the new Cancelling 91Date as if stated in Box 14. 924、交付地点和时间(a)卖方应确保船舶在交付区域


27、将有权指定一个新的船舶交付日,但须在从解约日起的两个工作日内以书面形式行使此权利,因此,该指定的日期应成为新的解约日,如同第14栏已经载明的一样。然而,如果买方未根据上文(c)分条款进行指定,则应不存在新的解约日,那么,卖方应尽快交付船舶。(e)尽管卖方已经行使恪尽职守之职,如果卖方预计到船舶无法在解约日截止前准备就绪交付(无论是最初约定的解约日,还是根据上文(d)款规定,后来设定的任何解约日),那么卖方可以书面通知买方声明他们预期准备就绪交付的日期,并提议该日作为新的解约日。一旦收到卖方的书面通知后,买方应有权在收到该通知起的2个工作日内书面取消本协议。如果买方没有行使选择权去取消本协议,那么,卖方提议的新的日期将成为新的解约日,如同第14栏载明一样。5. DELIVERY CONDITION 93(a) The Sellers shall deliver the Vessel to the Buyers in 94substantially the same condition as when the Vessel was 95

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