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本文(人教七年级上册英语期末复习系列单项选择专练word含答案.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、人教七年级上册英语期末复习系列单项选择专练word含答案2019年秋人教七年级上册英语期末复习系列:单项选择专练1. How are you?_ AHow are you? BI am fine, thanks CGood afternoon DI am four2How is Helen?She is_ Agood Bfine CCindy Da girl3Whats this in English?_ a basketball Aits BThis is CIts DThat is4 Its _ orange Athis Ban Ca D/5 _ ruler is _ blue AThe,

2、a BThe,/ CA,an DA,a6 不明飞行物的英文缩写是_.AHB BBBC CUFO DCCTV7_ ball, please Yes, BALL ASpell BRead CSee DMeet8Where_ my books? _on the tableAis;Its Bare;Its Care;Theyre Dis;Theyre9 This is my little sister_ name is Jenny,we all like_ AShe; she BHer; her CShe; her DHer; she10 There is a computer _ the desk

3、Aon Bin Cunder Dfor11 Here _ two books Aare Bis Cin Dhave12How many _do you have?Let me see,my father has two brothers Acousins Buncles Csister Daunts13 This is _room ALucy and Lily BLucy and Lilys CLucys and Lilys14Whats that?_ a key AThats BThis is CIts DThiss15_?Its yellow AWhat s the color BWhat

4、s it CWhat color is it DWhats its name16 Whats the girls name?_is Marry AHis BMy CHer DShe17 What_ three and four? Abe Bam Cis Dare18 I have_ brother and_ sister Aa, a Ban, an Can, a Da, an19Are Jim and Tom brothers?No, _ Athey arent Bthese arent Cthose arent Dthey are20 The book is very_ So I like

5、it Aboring Binterest Cinteresting Ddifficult21 I _ TV at night Alook BseeCwatch Dlook at22 _you _a ruler? ADo,has BDo,haveCDoes,have DDoes,has23Let_ play basketballOK Awe Bus Cour DI24Jim_ have a soccer ball Aisnt Bnot Cdont Ddoesnt25 My room is tidy, _ her room is not Aand Bbut Calways Deverywhere2

6、6_ is his father?Our English teacher AWho BWhereCWhat DHow27 The tape_ on the table Aare BhaveCis Dhas28 Where is my pencil?_ ASorry, I dont knowBYes, I know CYes, it isDNo, it isnt29Is your name Tim?_ AYes, it isBYes, I am CYes, he is DYes, it isnt30Jack, your bag is nice_ ANo BThank you CDont say

7、so DYou are right31. DayisonJunefirstand Day is onSeptembertenth.A.Childrens;Teachers B.Childrens;TeachersC.Childrens;Teacher D.Children;Teacher32. DoyoulikeEnglish? Yes,its .A.boring B.notinteresting D.bad33 tennis. Thatsgood.A.Letplay B.Letsplay C.Letstoplay D.Letustoplay34.Icantfindmypen.So

8、,Imustwrite apencil.A.on B. in C.with D.for35.Whenisyourbirthday? Itson .A.February B.SecondC.Februarythesecond D.February two36. doyoulikeP.E.?Becauseitsfun.A.What B.When C.Howmuch D.Why37.How birthdaypresentsdoyouhave?A.old B.much C.many D.muchfor38.Whataretheydoing?Theyare dumplings.A.tomake

9、king C. makes D. make39.Thewindisblowingstrongly!Itsa day.A.cloudy B.windy C.rain D. sunny40 isyourfavoriteseason?Ilikespringbest.A.How B.Where C.When D.What41.Helikestoeatsome forbreakfast.A.rices B.vegetable C.strawberry D.strawberries42.He toworkonherbicycleeveryday.A. go B.goes C.isgoing D.going

10、43.Most themcometoschool foot.A.of;by B.of;on; on D.of;onthe44.TheycomefromAmerica.They English.A.speak B.say C.tell D.talk45.Thereis timeforbreakfast.A. not B.nomany D.doesnt46.You play basketball very well!_.AYes, you are right. BNot bad. CThank you47. yourteacher abasketball?A.Does;have

11、 B.Do; has CAre;have D.Is:has48. MikeandHenryhaveavolleyball?A.Does B.Do C.Are D.Is49.My brother a volleyball.butI one.A.arenthas;have B.donthave;hasC.doesnthave;have D.isnthas; has50. DOyouhaveasoccerball?Yes.I .A.are D. do51.Look! Whos _ boy?Oh, he is my cousin. He is _ eight-year-old bo

12、y.A. the; a Ba; a Cthe; an D./;a52.What Tomlike for breakfast?Adoes;eat;eat C.does;toeat ;toeat53.I dontlikeapples bananas.A.and B.but C.or D.of54. Does yourfriendlikesalad? .A.Yes,shelike B.No,shedoesC.Yes,shedoesnt D.No,shedoesnt55.Ihaveacat.Itlikesfish.Iteats everyday.A.alot B.many C.lo

13、tsof D.much56. DoesyourEnglishteachersingvery Yes.shedoes.A.good B.nice C.great D.well57. Lets baseball.OK.Lets;go B.plays;goC. play;togo;goes58._ is the second day in a week.ASunday BTuesday CMonday D.Wednesday59.Whats breakfast?A.of B.for D.with60.Ieatsomevegetables,like .A.str

14、awberries B.eggs C.tomatoes D.hamburgers61 Doesyourfriend likesalad? .A.Yes,shelike BNo,shedoesC.Yes,shedoesnt D.No, shedoesnt62Idont likefruit.Pleasetakethe away.A.broccoli B.egg D.strawberries63Mary,here yourNewYearscard.Thankyou.Andthese;is B.are;are;are D.are;is6

15、4Doyoulikeoranges? .Iwanttoeatthemnow.A.No.Idont B.Yes.IdoC.Yes.Iam D.No,Imnot65. Doesyour brotherhaveasoccerball? Andhehasabasketball,too.A.Yes.heis B.No,heisnt C.No,hedoesnt D.Yes,hedoes66DoesBob aroom?Yes.hedoes.He aniceroom.A.have;has B.has;have Chave;have D.has;have67Doesyourson likecarrots? .A

16、.Yes,shedoes B.Yes,heisC.No,hedoesnt DNo,shedoesnt68. helike?Bananas.Ithink.A.Whatis B.Whereis C.Whatdoes D.Whatdo69She bananas.butshe strawberries.A.likes;dontlike B.likes;doesntlikeClike;dontlike D.likes;like70. What shelike?She;like B.does;like;likes D.does;likes71. yoursister

17、s bananas?A. Do;like B.Does;like C.Do;likes D.Does;likes72. DoesBruce bread?Yes,he .A.likes;does B.likes;do;does;do73.Mymother fruit,butshelikes B.dontlike C.doesntlike D.notlike74.Lets icecream。A.have B.has C.tohave D.tohave75.Some areinthese .A,tomatoes,photoes

18、matos;photosC.tomatoes;photos D.tomatos;photoes76. gradeareyouin?A.How B.Where C.What D.Whats77. isyourbirthday?A.When B.What C.Why D.How78. Isyourmother? Itsasecret!A.When B.Where C.How D.Howold79.LinTaoisin .A.GradeOne,ClassOne B.classone,gradeoneC.Grade1,class1 D.Class1,Grade180Areyou 14? .A.No,I

19、am. B.Yes.ImnotC.Yes.Im D.Yes.Iam81. We have _ Art Festival and _ English Day every year. A. a; a B. an; an C. /; an D. the; an82. The girl is _. Today is her _ birthday. A. twelfth; twelfth B. twelve; twelfth C. twelfth; twelve D. twelve; twelve83. Happy birthday to you! _!A. Happy birthday to you

20、B. The same to you C. Thank you D. Youre welcome84. May is the _ month of the year. A. five B. fiveth C. fifth D. fifty85. We have a School Day _next week. A. at B. in C. / D. on86. They have a basketball game _ November every year.A. at B. in C. on D. of87. When is her birthday? Its July _. A. 21st

21、 B. 21nd C. 21rd D. 21th 88. _ birthday is June 20.A. My brothers B. My brotherC. He brother D. His brothers89. When is Jims birthday?_A. He is 12. B. Its on August 10th. C. Jim is OK. D. Here is his birthday.90. _ are you? Im 13. A. Where B. What C. How old D. When参考答案15 BBCB 610 CACBA 1115 ABBCC 1620 DCAAC 2125 CBBDB 2630 ACAAB3135BCBCC 3640DCBBD 4145DBBAC 4650 CABCD51-55 ACCDA 56-60DACBC 61-65 DDCBD 66-70 ACCBD71-75 ACCAC 7680CADDD 8185BBCCC 8690BAABC

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