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1、人教版九年级英语上册unit8SectionBPeriod2导学案Unit 8 It must belong to Carla.Section B 2a-self check导学案Period 4学习目标 1, 复习所学过的单词,拼读本课时的词汇。2, 通过对情态动词的熟练掌握,运用到阅读理解之中,学会逻辑思维,培养自己的判断能力。 学习重点 结合2b的文章,完成一系列的任务,进一步加强对情态动词的理解和运用,巩固所学的逻辑推理。学习难点 运用所学的情态动词的用法,对周围的事情进行判断,推理,并写一篇书面表达。导学过程 一 温故知新 复习所学的短语,填空。1.在走廊里 2.试图从窗户进入 3.

2、当地动物园主管4.从某地逃跑 5.在某人的梦里 6.它可能意思是7.题海中 8.当心 9.假装做某事10.用完,用尽 11.试图、企图做某事二 新课预习 1,播放短文录音,让学生听语音,再次理解文章大意。2,学生仔细阅读2b 的文章,独立完成2c提出的要求,完成表格,师生共同交流。 三 合作探究1,结合2a的文章,小组合作完成2d。完成后,在小组内交流。 2, 以小组为单位,讨论你生活的周围存在的一些难解之谜,并简单进行推理和猜测。 3,调查你周围的一些难解之谜,和同学讨论后,做一份调查报告。4,在任务3a 学生完成之后,小组合作完成3b.5,学生尝试做self check。 四 点拨总结1,

3、师生核对答案,订正答案,让学生找出重点的短语,句型结构,并进行读记,2,研究归纳.(1)smell的用法1.Theres a strange smell in the house. Do you know what it is?1)smell在此句中,用作_词,表示“_”,2)smell还可以用作_词,表示“嗅,闻到”Eg. Why are you smelling the fish?你为什么闻那条鱼?3)smell还可以作_词,表示“闻起来”,后接_ 词。eg. The dish smells good. _.(2) Its + adj./n. + to do sth.意为:_固定句型的用法

4、1.It is less of a problem to be poor than to be dishonest.贫穷比起不诚实来是一个更小的问题。2.Its impossible for him to do it. 要他做这件事是不可能的。强化:This year the villagers have produced _ rice _they did two years ago.A. less ; than B. fewer; than C. as less as(3). be careful 的用法1.Be careful of what you say to him. 当心你对他说的

5、话。2.Be careful with the glasses. Dont break them. 小心眼镜,别弄它们。归纳:表示“当心,警惕”用短语:_; be careful to do sth _; care n.careful adj.carefully adv. careless n. _; carelessly adv. _; carelessness n. _.强化:The _(care) man wasnt _(care)of the thief and had his money _(steal).五 训练评价 请同学们做一张本单元的重点小测。一、根据句意和首字母提示填空,完

6、成下列句子。1. Be c_ of the dog that does not bark.2. I havent seen my cat for two days. Im very w_ about her.3. Taiwan b to China forever.4. Three monkeys e_ from the zoo. And it made us feel afraid.5. Hes always running for e_ every morning.6. She m the bus and went late to school.7. Its crucial that I

7、study for it because it c_30% to the final exam.8. Im really a_, because I cant find my backpack.9. Mark Twain is Marys f_ author.10. You cant wake a person who is p_ to be asleep.二、选择填空: 11. They were lucky to _ from the burning car. A. stop B. leave C. escape D. chase12. This book_ Toms. Look! His

8、 name is on the book cover.A. mustnt be B. may be C. cant be D. must be13. Girls getting the ears pierced and boys having long hair should not be _ in our school. A. be allowed to B. allow to C. be allowed D. allow14. Linda _ come to meet me at the station, but Im not sure. A. must B. will C. might

9、D. shall15. Im looking for my bike. If you have any ideas_ it might be, please call me.A. where B. whatC. when D. how16. Susans parents have bought a large house with a swimming pool. It _ be very expensive.A. must B. can C. will D. may17. Here are some_. The owner cant be a boyA shoes B. clothesC.

10、pensD. ear rings18. The T-shirt is too small_ him.A. forB. to C. at D. of19. -Whose book is this?-It must belong_.A. Diana B. DianasC. to Diana D. to Dianas20. When the teacher came into the classroom, all the students pretended_.A. slept B. sleeping C. to be sleeping D. to sleep三、补全对话,每空一词。A: Im an

11、xious, because I (21)_ _ find my backpack.B: Really?(22) _ did you drop it?A: I think I (23)_ _ it during the concert.B: So it (24)_ _still be in the symphony hall. Go there to have a look. By the way, (25)_ _ are you so anxious?A: Because I have a math test (26) _ _algebra tomorrow.B: Oh, terrible.

12、A: Its ( 27) _ that it counts 30% (28) _ the final exam.B: Im (29) _ _ to hear that.A: (30) _ you have any ideas, please call me.B: OK.I will.四、用所给短语的正确形式填空。31. After a month their food supplies _ .32. Shes a gusty(勇敢的)player; she never _ .33. These books must not _ from the library.34. He _ most of

13、 his money to charity.35. The plane _ on time in spite of fog.五、按要求转换下列句型。36. To work in a school is very interesting. (同义句)_ _ very interesting to work in a school.37. Dont worry too much about your exam. (同义句)Dont _ _ too much about your exam.38. We maybe make our friends and family unhappy. (对划线部

14、分提问)_ _ you maybe make your friends and family?39. The headmaster saw the children playing on the playground. (变成复合句)The headmaster saw the children _ _ on the playground.40. He will be back in two months.(对划线部分提问)_ _will hw be back?41. The old man bought the bird two weeks ago. (同义句)The old man _ _

15、the bird for two weeks.42. He told the teachers at school about his problem. (对划线部分提问)_ _ he tell the teachers at school about?43. I need to look up the word in the dictionary. (变一般问句)_ you _ to look up the word in the dictionary?44. They would like to help some homeless people. (变一般问句)_ you _ to he

16、lp some homeless people?45. This volunteer work takes each of them several hours a week. (对划线部分提问)_ _ does this volunteer work take each of them a week?六、补全对话 每空一词。46. 这本字典一定是我的.它上面写有我的名字.The dictionary_ _mine. It has my name on it.47. 那条发带不可能是鲍勃的。别忘了,他是个男孩。The hair band_ _Bobs. After all, he is a b

17、oy.48. 这本英语书属于汤姆的。The English book _ _Tom.49. 因为担心英语考试,我没睡好。I could not sleep well because I _ _ _my English test.50. 因为下雨了,所以我不能出去。I cant go out _ _the rain.51. 这个问题对我来说太难了。The question is _ _difficult for me.52. 别让他逃出这个房间。Dont let him _ _the room.七,阅读理解 阅读短文, 判断正误。正确的在题前括号内写T,错误的写F。One hot day, so

18、me mice were playing in a forest and a lion was having a rest under a tree. One mouse did not look where he was going and hit the lions leg. The lion was very angry, and he caught the mouse. The little animal did not know what to do.“Im sorry, sir.”the mouse said.“Will you free me, please?”“I dont k

19、now why I should,”the lion said.“Im very hungry, and its time to have lunch.”“Please dont eat me,”the mouse said.“Im so small and wouldnt satisfy you.”“Besides(而且),if you free me, I might be able to help you one day.” The lion laughed loudly and said,“How could a great animal like me need your help?

20、” But the lion had a kind heart, and he freed his little friend.“Thank you so much,” the mouse said.“Some day youll see that I was telling the truth.” Several days after this, some men were trying to catch the lion. They put a net in the forest, so the lion was caught in it. He couldnt understand ho

21、w this could happen because he was usually very careful. The great animal was in big trouble. Loud, angry noises could be heard everywhere in the forest. The mouse heard these noises and went to see what was wrong. He found the lion in the net and knew what he had to do. The small mouse started to b

22、ite the net, soon a little piece of the net fell on the ground. Then another piece fell, and another. In a short time the great animal was freed.( )63. In a forest, a small mouse hit a lions head. The lion got angry and caught him.( )64. The lion was very hungry, so he wanted to have the mouse for lunch.( )65. The lion didnt think he would need the small mouses help.( )66. The lion had to free the small mouse because he was caught in a net.( )67. When the small mouse heard the loud, angry noises, he was too frightened to help the lion.开心 ,我学会了: 1 2 3 加油 ,这些我还不懂: 1 2 3

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