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1、辽宁省沈阳市中考英语试题2012年辽宁省沈阳市中考英语试题及答案一、基础知识与运用 (共20小题,每小题l分,满分20分) A)单项填空 从A、B、C、D中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. English is _ useful language. We should learn it well. A, a B. an C. the D. (不填 ) 2. _ does Mrs. Li wash her car?Once a week A How long B. How often C. How far D. How soon 3. The 12th National Games _ in

2、 Shenyang next year. Why not prepare yourself to be a volunteer( 志愿者 )? A. holds B. is held C. will be held D. will hold 4. We need some more coffee There is only_ left. A. too many B. too much C. a little D. e few 5. It _usually _ at this time of year, but today it is raining heavily. A. is; rainin

3、g B wont; rain C. has; rained D. doesnt; rain 6. A traffic jam will make it possible for most drivers to sit and wait_. A. slowly B. quietly C. quickly D. happily 7. Do you think computers are more expensive than they were five years ago? No, they are_. A. cheap B. cheaper C. cheapest D. the cheapes

4、t 8. The _ in that restaurant looks delicious, but it tastes bad. A. cook B. table C. food D. tool 9. You _jump onto a bus while it is still moving. It is too dangerous. A. can B. must C. cant D. mustnt 10. It is easy to find a good hotel in our city_ we have many of them here. A. though B. because

5、C. when D. if 11. The exhibition shows _ 200 paintings of young, exciting artists from France. A. at B. with C. about D. in 12. After the students_ their exams, they celebrated by having a party. A. passed B. failed C. joined D. gave 13. Peter has hurt his leg. Oh, _ ! A. good news B. well done C. t

6、hank you D. that s terrible 14. I wonder _ pet fish. They are a pleasure to watch. A. why people keep B. why do people keep C. where people keep D. where do people keep 15. It is reported that people throw _ plastic bags along this street everyday. A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundred of D. hundreds of

7、 B) 补全对话 从方框AG中选出可以填入对话空白处(1620)的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 A: Hello, Doris. Lets go to the movies this afternoon. B: Sorry, Ive got to do the washing. But what about coming to help me? 16 A: Well, er, that might be difficult. B: 17 A: Um, ah, I dont know how to use a washing machine. B:No problem We havent

8、got one. 18 A:Yes, but you see, er, I m a boy. 19 B: What rubbish! If you dont help me, Ill never go to the movies with you again. A: 20 A. Boys dont wash clothes.B. We use our hands.C. Why?D. Then we can finish early and go. E. Perhaps well go shopping.F. I m coming immediately to see you.G. So do

9、I.二、完形填空 (共15小题每小题l分;满分l5分) 阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Music can spread across everywhere and narrow the distance (缩短距离 ) between people of different countries. 21 . NBA star Kobe Bryant worked with music super-star Jay Chou to create a song 22 .The Heaven and Earth Challenge(天地之斗). T

10、he song is used in the recent advertisement 23 the soft drinks company Sprite, and the two superstars shot ( 拍摄 ) the advertisement 24 on TV. The song was written by Jay, whose favorite 25 is basketball. It expresses the love for basketball and 26 encourages young people to be more confident(信心 ) ab

11、out them selves. Jay 27 that he learned a lot from Kobes sports spirit 28 creating the song. He does most of the singing part while Kobe 29 the role as a rapper ( 说唱歌手 ). The basketball star is very confident with his play. I love 30 My part is talk, its very relaxing and I did a 31 job, it must be

12、A.Kobe was very happy to 32 with Jay. 1 fell in love with Jays music since first 33 his songs, Kobe added. People can download the ring tone (下载铃声) of the song from the Internet. All 34 from the downloads will go to Project Hope, a charity (慈善 ) that helps improve educational facilities (设备) in 35 a

13、reas in China.21. A. American B. Canadian C. Japanese D. British22, A. shown B. named C. used D sold23, A. with B, on C, for D. from24, A. as usual B. at last C, luckily D. together25, A. time B, sport C. thing D. play26: A. also B, then C, still D, soon27, A, told B, spoke C, said D, talked28. A, w

14、hy B, whether C, unless D, when29, A, gets B. sees C, thinks D, sends30. A, you B. them C, it D. myself31. A. common B. great C. little D. important32. A. live B. go C. stay D. work33. A. trying B. knowing C. hearing D. writing34. A. songs B. money C. papers D. wishes35. A. poor B. rich C. famous D,

15、 good三、阅读理解 (共18小题,A节每小题l .5分,B节每小题l分,满分25分) A) 阅读下列短文,然后根据其内容从A、B、C、D中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 AAirAir has no smell.Air has no taste,But when the wind blows,You feel it on your face.Look at a kite,Or a plane in the air.How do they stay there?They ride on air.How does a balloonRise in the air,And lift people

16、 up?It uses hot air.We need air to breathe,We need air to survive (生存).And when we breathe it,It keeps us alive.36. Do you think that we can see air?A.Yes, its very nice. B. No, but we can breathe it. C. Yes, it has taste. D. No, but we can smell it.37. What does the underlined word They refer to (

17、指的是)? A. Wind and air. B. Smell and taste. C. A kite and a plane. D. Wind and clouds.38. A balloon can lift people up with_. A. hot air B. soft wind C. smell D. taste39. What does the poem mainly(主要地) try to tell us? A. We need air sometimes. B. Its hard to stay in the air. C. Air is too little to w

18、aste. D. Air is very important to us. B One day, Tom decided to play a trick on ( 戏弄 ) some people in his town. He was carrying a long rope. He stopped a man on the road. Tom said, “Could you help me, please? He explained that he was doing a project for school. He said that he was trying to measure

19、( 测量 ) the building, and he needed some help. Tom asked him to hold one end of the rope. Its just for a few minutes, he said. The man was glad to help the young boy. He held the rope in his hand. Then Tom went around the corner. Tom stopped a woman. He said that he was doing a project, and wanted to

20、 measure the building He asked her to hold the rope, too. Yes, certainly, she said. She was glad to help the boy. She held the rope in her hand. Then Tom went away and left the two people. The man and the woman could not see each other. They held the rope and waited for Tom. But Tom hid behind a wal

21、l and watched. He told his friend Ben. They both laughed at the two people. They are very silly! said Tom. Then Toms Aunt Polly came up behind them. The boys didnt see her coming. You naughty( 淘气的)boys! she said. She smacked ( 打一巴掌)Tom and sent him home. 40. How many people are there in the story? A

22、. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five. 41 Tom stopped a man and a woman on the road because he wanted to _ A. play a trick on them B. try measuring the building C. get help from them D. do a project for school 42. Where did Tom and Ben hide watching? A. Around the corner. B. Near the building. C. Behind

23、 the wall. D. Far from the road. 43. When Aunt Polly saw what Tom and Ben did, she was very _. A. angry B. excited C. surprised D, sad 44. Which of the following is the right order to show what happened in the story?A. a; b; c B. b; c; a C. c; a; b D. b; a; c C Making peace at lunchtime It was my fi

24、rst day at school. I felt nervous and went to all my classes with no friends. I listened carefully to all the lessons and waited for lunch. Then, finally, the bell rang. It was time to talk and have fun. In the lunch line I met a new friend who wore a hijab(穆斯林女性)on her head, and though I am Jewish

25、( 犹太人 ),we got along fine. I was so happy when she said: Sit with us at our table. She pointed to the table next to the door. So I agreed. I took my tray(餐盘) and was about to walk with her across the floor, when suddenly someone touched my arm. Hey, I saw you on the bus, said a tail girl in a long s

26、kirt. 1 see your Jewish star necklace. You should sit with us. At that moment I looked around, the Spanish only sat with other Spanish, the Russians always with the Russians and never the Arabs ( 阿拉伯人 )with the Jews. I saw how wars got started. Everyone sticks to (坚持) his or her own kind. The lunchr

27、oom was a map of the world. Why was everyone so blind? And so I turned this girl down, and went with the first, and there was no enmity (敌意). I built a bridge between two worlds when I sat with those different from me. 45. When do you think the story happened to the writer? A. On her first day at sc

28、hool. B. During her first class at school. C. After lunchtime at school. D. Before waiting in the lunch line. 46. The girl who wore a hijab on her head is _. A. the Spanish B the Arabs C. the Russians D. the Jews 47. The writer didnt know what the tall girl meant until she_. A. sat with her B. got a

29、 star necklace C. looked around D. walked across the floor 48. Which of the following can best explain why the lunchroom was a map of the world? A. Suddenly someone touched my arm. B. The Spanish only sat with other Spanish. C. I listened carefully to all the lessons. D. Everyone was so blind in the

30、 lunchroom. 49. The writer gives us a 9ood example in making peace because she . A. realised how wars got started B. didnt get along well with others C. pointed to the table next to the door D. built a bridge between two worlds B)下面的短文由六个段落组成,开头和结尾已给出,其余的四个段落均是随机排列的。请根据段落之间的逻辑关系用字母A、B、C、D重新排列这四个段落的顺

31、序,使短文通顺。 Before you attend an interview, you should do some preparation. This will not only give you confidence, but will also help make the interview a success. 50. During the interview, look at the interviewer even if you are very nervous and shy. Communication between eyes is important in an interview. 51. First, do some research on the company. What does the company do?

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