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1、河南省郑州外国语1011学年高二上学期第二次月考英语试题2010-2011学年上期第二次月考高二年级英语试题 出题人:吕红第一卷(三部分,共75分)第一部分:听力理解(共两节,每小题1分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 请听下面5段对话, 选出最佳选项。1. Whats the food like? A. Very bad. B. Not good. C. Pretty good.2. What are the two speakers doing? A. They are having a meeting. B. They are talking on the phone. C.

2、They are listening to the radio.3. What are the two speakers going to do?A. Listen to the radio. B. Go swimming. C. Walk around the lake.4. When will the woman look at the report?A. Now. B. Tomorrow. C. This afternoon.5. What can we learn from the conversation?A. The two speakers are climbing stairs

3、. B. The two speakers took the lift. C. The woman suggested walking.第二节(共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)请听下面5段对话或独白,选出最佳选项。请听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。 6. Where was the woman born?A. In Wuhan. B. In Shanghai. C. In Beijing.7. Which city does the woman like best?A. Beijing. B. Wuhan. C. Shanghai.8. How old was the woman when

4、 she came to Shanghai? A. 40. B. 8. C. 18.请听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。 9. What kind of movie is going to be on? A. A love movie. B. A kung fu movie. C. A detective movie.10. How does Grace like the kung fu movie?A. She thinks its great. B. She doesnt like it at all. C. She enjoys it very much.11. Who will go t

5、o see the movie at last?A. The man himself. B. Grace. C. Grace and the man.请听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。 12. Why did the woman call the man?A. To see whats wrong with him. B. To say hello to him. C. To ask him to play tennis with her.13. Whats wrong with the man?A. He hurt his feet. B. He got a cold. C. He got

6、 a stomachache.14. When will the woman call the man again?A. Next weekend. B. Later this week. C. Later next week.请听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。 15. Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers?A. Teacher and student. B. Doctor and patient. C. Friends.16. Whats the weather like?A. Fine. B. Rainy. C.

7、 Cold.17. What can we know about John?A. He may catch a bad cold. B. He is not wearing enough clothes.C. He has only one blanket.请听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。 18. Who do you think the listeners might be?A. Nurses. B. Doctors. C. Patients.19. Which is NOT allowed in the wards?A. Having soft drinks. B. Visiting

8、 patients in the morning. C. Smoking in certain areas.20. What program will follow this radio talk?A. A music program. B. A medical report. C. Hospital rules.第二部分: 英语知识运用 (共两节, 满分35分)第一节:单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21. Jumping out of _ airplane at ten thousand feet is quite _ exciting experience.A. /; t

9、he B. /; an C. an; an D. the; the22. _ that air conditioners cause so much pollution, I would never have bought one.A. Had I known B. I had known C. Were I to know D. Did I know 23. I _ while watching the movie 2012 last night. Unluckily, my roommate woke me up. A. had fallen asleep B. have fallen a

10、sleep C. fell asleep D. fall asleep24. After the long journey, the three of them went back home, _. A. hungry and tiredly B. hungry and tired C. hungrily and tiredly D. hungrily and tired25. The result is a better understanding of the world on all sides, _ a future world_ people from all countries a

11、re respected and different views and opinions are tolerated. A. lead to; that B. leading to; that C. leading to; where D. to lead to; in which26. - Did Mary come to the party? - I dont know. She _ while I was out. A. might have come B. might come C. should have come D. must have come27. The most imp

12、ortant thing _ when _an emergency is to stay calm.A. keep it in mind; deal with B. keep in mind; dealing with C. to keep it in mind; dealing with; D. to keep in mind; dealing with28. The companies are working together to create _ they hope will be the best means of transport in the twenty-first cent

13、ury. A. which B. that C. what D. who 29. If we learn to appreciate _ is new and different, we will be well-prepared for _ the future may have in store.A. that; whatever B. what; whatever C. that; whichever D. which ; that30. Entering the reading room, _.A. Mike and Tom were found seated quietly, doi

14、ng their homeworkB. Mike and Tom were found seating quietly, doing their homeworkC. he found Mike and Tom seating quietly, doing their homeworkD. he found Mike and Tom seated quietly, doing their homework31. The news has spread all over the country _ Premier Wen Jiabao will attend the Copenhagen sum

15、mit next week. A. that B. which C. whetherD. what32. It is _ we do - you and I _ changes the world.A. that; that B. that; what C. what; that D. what; what33. There are over 100 night clubs in the city, but you dont often see that is empty.A. one B. the one C. it D. that34. The key the earth is to ch

16、ange the way we live.A. to save; / B. to saving; /C. to save; how D. to saving; how35. Many towns and villages had their water supply _ because there was no electricity. A. cut through B. cut off C. cut up D. cut down 第二节:完型填空(共20小题;每小题分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36-55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Once I w

17、ent to a railway station near New York. I 36 to take the night train there. 37 of people were pushing into the 38 train. I found a railway official and asked him if I could get a place in a sleeping car, 39 he said sharply, “No, you cant. The train is full. Dont 40 me any more.”I was very 41 indeed.

18、 I said to the friend who was with me, “ he talked to me like this 42 he doesnt know that I am a famous writer. If he knewBut before I could 43 my sentence my friend said, “Dont be 44 . How could that help you? Whoever you are, there are no 45 seats on the train.” I was 46 he was wrong, so I went up

19、 to the same official again and told him that I was Mark Twain. But all he said, “I told you not to trouble me any more.”Just then I 47 a young porter in a sleeping car looking at me, He whispered something to the train conductor, and that conductor came over to me and said very 48 , “ Can I help yo

20、u, sir?” “ I 49 do.” I answered.The porter took out boxes and we got on to the train. When the porter saw we were comfortably 50 in our places, he said, “Now. Is there anything you want, sir? Because you can have whatever you 51 .” After the porter had gone, my friend looked 52 . He said. “I am 53 s

21、orry I said those things to you just now” Just then the porter came again and said. “ Oh. Sir, I 54 you immediately”. “Really?” I said happily, “of course”, he said. “I recognized you the 55 I saw you and told the conductor that you are Mr Smith, the mayor of New York City.”36. A. managed B. failed

22、C. used D. happened37. A. Some B. Most C. Crowds D. Many38. A. night B. busy C. full D. leaving39. A. but B. and C. though D. where40. A. ask B. trouble C. follow D. strike41. A. nervous B. uneasy C. hurt D. busy42. A. as if B. since C. suppose D. because43. A. complete B. continue C. make D. speak4

23、4. A. upset B. sad C. foolish D. discouraged45. A. more B. enough C. our D. empty46. A. wondering B. sure C. told D. thinking47. A. met B. noticed C. remembered D. knew48. A. loudly B. calmly C. politely D. slowly49. A. can B. shall C. certainly D. must50. A. seating B. settled C. sleeping D. drinki

24、ng51. A. take B. bring C. like D. buy52. A. surprised B. ashamed C. sorrowful D. anxious53. A. awfully B. much C. more D. too much54. A. admired B. realized C. recognized D. respected55. A. moments B. while C. minute D. soon第三节:阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2分, 满分20分) 阅读下列短文,从每篇短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将

25、该项涂黑。 AAs is known to all, colors appear in every language to express peoples feeling and thoughts. Then, what is the situation in American English? Red is a hot color. Americans may say they are red hot about something unfair. They are red hot when they are very angry about something. The small hot

26、-tasting peppers found in many Mexican foods are called red hot for their color and their fiery taste. Fast loud music is popular with many people. They may say the music is red hot, especially the kind called Dixieland Jazz. Pink is a lighter kind of red. People sometimes say they are in the pink w

27、hen they are in good health. The expression was first used in America at the beginning of the twentieth century. It comes from the fact that many babies are born with nice pink skin that shows that they are in good health. The color black is often used in expressions. People describe a day on which

28、everything goes wrong as a black day. People or things on a blacklist are connected with things illegal now. But at one time, some businesses refused to employ people who were on a blacklist for belonging to unpopular organizations. The color green is natural for trees and grass. But it is an unnatu

29、ral color for humans. A person who has a sick feeling in his stomach may say he feels a little green. A passenger on a boat who is feeling very sick from high waves may look very green. Sometimes a person may be upset because he does not have something as nice as a friend has. That person may say he

30、 is green with envy. Some people are green with envy because a friend has more dollars or greenbacks. Dollars are called greenbacks because green is the color of the back side of the paper money.56Americans use “red hot” to describe the following EXCEPT _. A. something unfair B. small hot-tasting pe

31、ppersC. the person who is very angry D. popular music like Dixieland Jazz57When we say someone feels a little green, it means he/she _. A. enjoys himself in boating B. is hit by a high waveC. has a stomachache D. likes trees and grass58In the writers eyes, what is related to a black day? A. Being sent a beautiful gift

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