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八年级英语Y Y.docx

1、八年级英语 Y Y 八年级英语 YY-2012-08-001 Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation ? 导学案 Period 1 1aGrammar Focus编写人:_ 审核人:_ 编写时间:_ 班级: 组别: 组名: 姓名: 【学习目标】 1.背一背:babysit my sister go camping plan spend time with friends ,relax at home next week 2.听一听:听1b ,Do1b并复述所听句子 听2a-2b ,完成表格内容,并能够复述所听句子3.说一说:能够利用句型:What are

2、you doing ? I am 询问他人和介绍自己未来的计划和安排。【学习重点】 Be+ v ing 表示将来【学习难点】 用be+ v -ing 谈论自己和询问他人的计划及安排【学习方法】 讨论,问答,合作探究【预习热身】一预习1a2c ,翻译词组。去野营_ 临时照看妹妹_ 和朋友度过时光_去海滩_ 去看我的奶奶_ 在家休闲_在假期_ 听起来不错_ 周五离开_二句子翻译1.假期你打算干什么?我打算去看我的奶奶。_2.你打算什么时间去?12号去。_3.你打算和谁一起去?和我的父母去_4.假期他们打算干什么?他们打算在家休闲。_5.假期他打算干什么?他打算去夏令营。_6.他打算什么时间去?下周

3、去。_【学习过程】Step1:PresentationLearning new words and expressions .ask and answer in pairs : A: What are you doing for vacation ? B: Im babysitting my sister ./ visiting my grandmother .Step 2 : Drill According to different people who may do different things on vacation and drillthe dialogue .Step 3 :Pr

4、actice Practice the dialogue in groups like this :A: What are you doing for vacation ?B: Im .C: What is .doing for vacation ?D: He / She is Step 4 : Listening Listen and do 1b2b Step 5: Survey Make a survey about what is everyone doing for winter vacation ? and make a report : In our group , differe

5、nt people have different ideas about what we are doing for winter vacation .【讲练结合】一What are you doing for vacation ? 假期你打算做什么?1.该句用现在进行时表示将来,表示在即将来临的未来预定要做的事情,一般指个人计划要做的事。2.for vacation 意为:度假,其中for表示“为了”强调目的,而on vacation 意为:“在度假”,强调状态。 _is she going _vacation ? -She is going to Qingdao . A. Where ,

6、for B. What , in C. When , on D. How , at 二,He is going camping with his parents . 他打算和他的父母一起去野营。 Going camping 意为:去野营,go + v-ing 结构译为:去做某事,常用来表示体育、娱乐活动活在特定场合进行的短时间的活动,二者之间不用任何修饰词 拓展:与go + v-ing的词组:go skating 去溜冰 go skiing 去滑雪 go boating 去划船 go dancing 去跳舞go shopping 去购物 go swimming 去游泳 go surfing 去

7、冲浪 go hiking 去远足go sightseeing 去观光 go fishing 去钓鱼 go bike riding 去骑车 【课堂小结】 _【当堂检测】一单选1. Molly , supper is ready . Well, Mom ,I _A. come B. am coming C. comes D. came2.Look! Some boys _on the playground A. playing B. are playing C. play D. plays 3._are you doing next week ? -We are going hiking .A.

8、Where B. What C. When D. Who4. Im going to Harbin for summer vacation . - _A. Have a good time B. I hope so C. Why not D. With pleasure 5. What is he going to do ? - He is going camping _his sister .A. for B. in C. with D. on 二用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Id like to find a parttime job as a _(babysit )2.Lets go _

9、next weekend , will you ?3. Im _(spend) time with my friends on Friday .4. We _(leave ) next Sunday.5. Could you go _(fish ) with me ?【学习反思】学习收获: _存在的疑惑: _八年级英语 YY-2012-08-002Period 2 (3a4)编写人:_ 审核人:_ 编写时间:_ 班级: 组别: 组名: 姓名: 【学习目标】 1.实记本课单词 2.熟读3a对话 3.汇报小组同学的假期计划【学习重点】 能应用所学句型谈论自己及他人的假期计划【学习难点】 同上【学习

10、方法】 诵读,问答及小组合作学习【预习热身】 一预习3a-4的内容,词组翻译。去西藏一周_ 到大山里去徒步旅行_ 在山上_访友_ 离开太长的时间_ 玩的愉快_ 送我一张明星片_给我看你的照片_ 从周二到周五_ 呆一周_回到学校_二句子翻译。1.你打算在哪里做什么呢?_2.你打算呆多久?只有四天。_3.我不喜欢去太久。_4.从香港给我寄一张明星片。_5.当我们回到学校的时候把你的照片给我看。_【学习过程】Step 1 : Presentation According to the picture of PPT ask and answer ?A: What are you doing for v

11、acation ?B: Im .A: Who are you going with ? B: Im going with .A: How are you going there ? B: Im going there by A: What are you doing there ?B: Im .A: How long are you staying there ? B: Im staying there for .A: Have a good time !B: Thanks very much !Step 2 : Drill Drill the dialogue in 4 like this

12、:A:What are you doing for .?B:C: What is doing for D: He / She is .Step 3 :Read Read 3a and fill in the blank .Then tell us using our own words : Liu Hui is going to Step 4: Pair work According to 4 do pair work : What is .doing for vacation ? He / She is .How long is he / she staying ? He / She is

13、staying for .Step 5 : Writing Make a plan for our winter vacation and write a passage . 【讲练结合】一How long are you staying there ? 你打算呆多长时间?How long 指某个动作或状态持续了多久。与持续性动词连用,通常用for + 一段时间回答,如: for two hours , for a year , for three weeks .- _will you stay in Xiamen for your holiday ? - _about two weeks .

14、A. How often , in B. How long , for C. How soon , in D. How many , on 二Show me your photos when we get back to school . 当我们回到学校时,给我看看你的照片。 是动词, 意为:出示,把拿给.看,常构成词组:show sb. sth. =show sth. to sb. Can you show me your new watch ? =Can you show your new watch to me ?Lucy 给我看她的新MP4。_2.get back 意为:回

15、来,相当于:return ,come back ,后接地点时常接介词to ( 在here、there、home前不加任何介词。如:get back home , get back there , get back here , come back home )Dont forget to call me when you _(回到)home .If I get back _( to / in )Shanghai , I will call you .当我的父亲到这儿的时候,我们都很开心。When my father _, we are all very happy .三Send me a po

16、stcard form Hong Kong . 从香港寄一张明星片给我。send 是动词,意为:派遣、送、寄,常构成词组:send sb. sth =send sth. to sb. 意为:给某人送/ 寄某物。 Please send me an email (改为同义句) Please _an e mail _me .我会把书寄给你的。 I will _.【课堂小结】 _【当堂检测】一单选1._are they staying there ? - _8 days .A. How soon , In B. How long , For C. How many , At D. How often

17、 , On2.Did you get back _home at six yesterday ? A. in B. at C. / D. to3. Im going to Hainan for vacation . - _A. Really ? B. Good idea C. Thats ok D. Have a good time 4.We are going to Beijing _vacation _5 weeks .A. for , to B. in , to C. at , for D. for , for5. Going to Hawaii _interesting and gre

18、at .A. sounds B. looks C. listens D. hears 二.句型转换。1.Lin Tao often goes to the movies on Sunday . Lin Tao _ _to the movies next Sunday .2. We are going camping with our teachers.(就划线部分提问) _ are you going camping _?3. They are leaving for Nanjing next week . (就划线部分提问) _ _they leaving for Nanjing ?4. T

19、he two sisters are going to U.S for summer vacation . (就划线部分提问) _ are the two sisters _for vacation ?5. Jim is staying in China for two years .( 就划线部分提问) _ _ is Jim staying in China ?【学习反思】学习收获: _存在的疑惑: _八年级英语 YY-2012-08-003 Period 3 Section B 1a-2c 编写人:_ 审核人:_ 编写时间:_ 班级: 组别: 组名: 姓名: 【学习目标】 1.实记本课新词

20、 2.能说本课新的句型 3.听2a并能复述所听句子【学习重点】 继续学习一般将来时【学习难点】 同上【学习方法】 在听听力之前,要快速浏览题目及答案,并做好听力笔记,听得过程中注意要集中注意力听与问题有关的句子,准确的捕捉关键词即:key words ,【预习热身】一预习1a-2c ,翻译词组及句子。去骑自行车_ 去观光_ 去散步_去钓鱼_租录像带_意大利的南边_ 一些问题_假期计划_ 一些,几个_名人_那的天气如何? _ _哪儿的景色如何?_二熟读2a中的句子,弄明白听力的要求。【学习过程】Step 1 : Presentation According to the pictures and

21、 answer the question : What do you like to do on vacation ? Then Do 1a Step 2 . Listening Listen to the tape and fill in the banks and check the answers . Then listen and repeat .Step 3 : Read Read loudly and understand the meaning of each sentence . 【讲练结合】一rent 是动词,意为:租用,出租。后接名词或代词。rent videos 租用录像

22、带 rent a house 出租房屋 拓展: rent sth. to sb . 把租给某人 或rent sth. from sb. 从某人处租得某物 你能把这间房屋租给我吗? Can you _ this room _ me ? 我们可以从老人那里租辆自行车。 We can _ a bike _the old man .二take walks take walks 去散步,为动词词组,其同义词:go for a walk walk 是动词,意为,步行,相当于on foot . I often walk to school . 我经常步行上学。=I often go to school on

23、 foot . 拓展: 与 take 有关的词组 take a seat 坐座位 take a rest 休息 take off 脱下,起飞 take away 拿走 take care of 照顾 take part in 加入 take out of 取出, 除去 take after(在外貌,性格方面与父母)相像take it easy 从容,轻松 take pride in 对感到自豪 take notes 做笔记 take a shower 淋浴、洗澡 take a ride 兜风 take care 当心take place 发生 It took sb. some time to

24、do sth. 做某事话费某人多长时间三 Can I ask you a few questions about your vacation plans ? 我可以问几个有关你假期计划的问题吗?1.Can I ?=Could I ?=May I .? 是一个发出请求的疑问句,语气委婉,常常希望对方做出肯定的回答,此句中常常用some 或者是与some 构成的不定代词,而不用any。2.ask sb. about sth. 询问某人关于某事 He asked me some questions about my family . 他问了一些关于我家庭的问题。 与 ask 有关的词组ask sb.

25、 to do sth . 要求某人去做某事 ask sb. not to do sth . 要求某人不要去做某事。 My mother often asks me to help her do housework .我母亲经常要我帮她做家务。 The teachers often ask us not to be late for school . 老师要求我们上学不迟到。ask sb. for sth . 要求某人给. We should not ask our parents for money . 我们不应该向父母要钱。四Whats it like there ? 那儿(景色)如何? What be like ? 意为:.怎么样? 是说话人用了询问对方对有关的人或事物的评价或感受,或要求对方描述有关人或事物的外貌相当于.How be ? What is the young girl like ? 那个年轻女孩怎么样? She is friendly . Look ! Jim is like his father . 看,Jim 很像他的父亲。【课堂小结】 _

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