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1、高一英语下学期期末测试题高一英语下学期期末测试题 第卷 单项填空。A)从A,B,C,D中找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项1roughAcoast Bencourage Cplough Deffort 2realizeAidea Blead Cweak Ddeath 3attentionAocean Bmeasure Csuggestion Ddecision 4contUnAcertain Bdiary Cweight Drepair 5extraAexpert Bexperience Cexactly DexpressionB)从A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的

2、正确答案。( )6His money has _ ten million dollars, but he is not satisfiedAincreased Bbeen comeCbeen increased Dcome to( )7You cant believe him completely_ he often liesAAt all BAfter allCBefore long DAt present( )8The boss went to see Mr King, _ him for his workApraised BpraisingCand praising Dand prais

3、e ( )9The doctor asked the boy _ betterAhe if felt Bhe felt ifCif he felt Dif did he feel ( )10-You are the world-famous scientist, arent you? -You _ , I thinkI am still a studentAcant be serious Bmustnt be serious Cmust be right Dmight be funny ( )11When the boss _ in the project _Acame, had been d

4、iscussed Bhad come, was discussed Cwas coming, was discussing Dhas come, had discussed( )12Since this term he has made _Amuch progress Bmany progress Ca lot of progresses Dsome progresses( )13The houses were repaired, _ had been destroyed in the big fireAsome Bsome of themCsome of which Dof which( )

5、14Hello, John! I never _ you _ hereI have been looking for you the whole morningAthink, were Bhave thought, were Cthink, are Dthought, were( )15The girl looks pale; she _ illAmust Bmay Cmight be Dcant be( )16They know the important part _ computers _ in their livesAin which, play Bwhich, do Cthat, p

6、lay Din that, do ( )17-Would you mind _ the books for me?-_Ahold/ Yes, please Bto hold/ No, please Cholding/ Yes, please Dholding/ Of course not( )18They sell eggs _ the dozen in that countryAin Bon Cfor Dby( )19The drink has _ badWhy didnt you keep it in the shade? Abecame Bgone Cchanged Dkept( )20

7、If you _ nature, youll regret, I thinkAturn over Bturn down Cgo against Dgo over ( )21First of all you _ should your voice _Amake, hear Bmake, heard Cforce, to hear Dforce, hearing ( )22I _ following your advice right awayAwouldnt like Bdont feel like Cdont want Ddont agree ( )23-What a beautiful pl

8、ace!-But _ a wasteAit is only Bthere isCit used to Dthere used to be ( )24-Why didnt you call me?-I did call you, but I had some difficulty in _Aget on Bgetting onCget through Dgetting through( )25When the weather is fine they are _ sitting outsideAlike of Blike Cfond of Dfond完形填空。My wife and I had

9、just finished the 150-mile trip home from our daughters collegeIt was the _(26) time in our lives that she would be gone for any length of _(27)We wondered how other people had _(28) itLater in bed, I _(29) the time I started collegeMy father had driven me, tooMy mother had to stay behind to _(30) t

10、he cows from getting into the cropsI, the fourth in a line of brothers, was the first to _(31) collegeThe truck was slow, and I was gladI didnt want to get to_(32) too soonI shook_(33) with my father in the truck and he didnt say a wordBut I knew he was going to make a little_ (34)He finally said,“I

11、 never went to college and _(35) of your brothers went to collegeI cant say dont do this or that, because everything is _(36) and I dont know what is going to _(37) , but I think things will work outWhen you get a job, be sure to be _(38) and work hard”I knew that soon I would be _(39) in the big to

12、wn and I would be _(40) the lifeThen my father brought out the Bible(圣经)that he had _(41) so oftenI knew that he would miss it and I must _(42) itHe just said,“This can help you _(43) you will let it”When I finished school I took the Bible _(44) to my fatherBut he said he wanted me to _(45) itNow, t

13、oo late, I rememberIt would have been so _(46) to give it to my daughter when she got out of the carBut I didntI could give her _(47) My father could give me _(48) a BibleBut I dont really believe now that I gave her half as _(49) as my father gave meSo the next morning I did up the book and sent it

14、 to herI wrote a _(50) “This can help you,”I said,“if you will let it”26Afirst BlastCvery Dhappiest 27Awhile Btime Cplace Djourney 28Aunderstood Bstood Cthought Dtried 29Acalled BrememberedCthought of Dwent through30Alet Braise Ckeep Dfeed 31Atake part in Bgo away toCbegin with Dcontinue with 32Amy

15、daughters college Bmy homeCthe city Dthe farm33Ahands Bheads Carms Dfingers 34Aspeech Bliving Cpromise Dprogress 35Asome BoneCnone Dall36Ameaningful BdifferentCinteresting Dfavorite 37Ahappen BendCtake in Dbreak out 38Alively Bhard Creasonable Dhonest 39Ahappy Balone Csure Dlost40Alosing Blooking Cm

16、issing Dthinking 41Abought Bread Cloved Dgiven 42Arefuse Bmark Cfollow Dtake 43Aif Bunless Cwhich Dthough 44Aon Bup Cback Dtowards 45Akeep Breturn Cpost Dsell 46Apopular Bstrange Cready Dnice 47Asomething Beverything Ca book Da Bible 48Aonly Breally Csurely Dvery 49Amuch Bmany Cfar Dgood50Aword Bspe

17、ech Ccomposition Dnote 阅读理解。A阅读下列短文,并做每篇后面的题目。 (A) There are few experiences quite pleasant as getting a good ideaYouve had a problem, youve thought about it till you were tired; youve forgotten it and perhaps slept on it, and then flash! When you werent thinking about it, suddenly the answer has co

18、me to you, as a present from the godsYoure pleased with it, and feel goodIt may not be right, but at least you can try it outOf course all ideas dont come like that, but the interesting thing is that so many do, particularly the most important onesThey come into the mind, glowing(燃烧)with the heat of

19、 creation( )51Getting a good idea is _Amore satisfying than most of the things Bas satisfying as most of the thingsCone of the few things in your lifeDthe same as a few experiences in your life ( )52“Slept on it”means _Acontinue to sleep for a better settlementBput the problem unsolved until the nex

20、t day Chad a good dream about the problemDfound the problem was solved in the dream ( )53The most important ideas _Acome when you are tired Bare always rightCare pleasing but not goodDcome as if they send out brightness and warmth ( )54The ideas coming into the mind are worth _Athinking about Bdream

21、ing Ctrying out Dsleeping on( )55What does“so many do”mean in the third paragraph? AInteresting ideas always turn out to be trueBMany ideas often come suddenlyCMany interesting things happen suddenlyDMany important ideas suddenly come from the gods (B) King Albert of the Belgians was born in 1875Whe

22、n he was young he studied engineering and was especially interested in ships and planesOne of his favourite sports was mountain climbing, and it was as a result of falling while out climbing that he died in 1934He was 59 thenHe is the best remembered by the Belgians for his leadership during World W

23、ar I, which broke out in 1914, only five years after he came into powerBelgium was officially neutral(中立)country at the start of the war, but because the Germans could more easily attack(攻击)France by crossing Belgium, they did not care about Belgiums neutrality, and came into it after the beginning

24、of warAlbert realized that his small country had no chance of stopping the German army, but decided that rather than just surrender(投降), the Belgium should fightAlthough almost the whole of their country was conquered(攻占), the Belgians, led by their king, continued to fight against the Germans throu

25、ghout the full four years of the warKing Alberts wife, Queen Elizabeth, also did her best for the country, working in an army hospitalThere she did all kinds of work, from sweeping dirty floors to dressing the wounds of wounded soldiers( )56Albert became King of Belgium in _A1919 B1914 C1909 D1880 (

26、 )57The Germans attacked Belgium because _ABelgium and Germany had been enemies for many years BBelgium helped France which was Germanys enemyCit was easier to conquer Belgium than France Dthey wanted to enter France by way of Belgium ( )58When the war broke out, King Albert was _Asure of victory an

27、d decided to fight onBnot sure of victory but he decided to fight on Ccertain of defeat and yet decided to fight onDnot certain of victory and so decided not to fight on( )59King Alberts wife _Awas a doctor before she got married Bworked as a nurse after the warCwas glad to work at anything for her

28、country Dwas too rich to do dirty work( )60King Albert died _Ain a fighting Bin an accidentCin an army hospitalDin the war against Germany (C) People within a country do business togetherThey buy goods, or products from one another and sell products to othersDifferent countries do business together,

29、 tooOne country may buy and bring in things from another countryThis is called importing productsThe same country may also sell things to another countryThis is called exporting productsThe Netherlands is a small country better known to us as HollandIt lies in the low country of Europe on the North SeaHolland has a steel-making industry which needs ironThis ore(矿石)is found in some parts of the world, but Holland has noneThe little country must import itShips carry the ore to Holland from places like Canada and AfricaHolland

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