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1、出国签证英语面试题出国签证英语面试题出国签证英语面试题签证必答题1) What will you study in the United States? 2) What is your major? In what aspect of your major will you study? 3) What will you do in USA? 4) Are you going to study in USA? 5) When/where did you get your BS/MS(Bachelor/Master Degree)? 6) What/where are you studying

2、now? 7) How long will you study in USA? 8) Have you any scholarship? 9) What do you want to study in USA? 10) What do you do with your work for BS/MS/PhD? 11) What is your purpose for the visa? 12) What is your academic background? 13) How do you know this Univ.(University)? 14) What is your plan? W

3、hat will you do after graduation? 15) Give me three reasons that you will come back to China? 16) Can you explain why 90% Chinese students didnt come back?17) Why do you choose this Univ.? 18) Why do you like your major? 19) Why do you want to study in USA? 20) Why do you want to pursue a doctors de

4、gree? 21) Why do you receive financial aid from this Univ.? 22) What is the difficult class do you have? 23) Do you want your wife to go with you? 24) Why do you change your major? 25) Whats the difference between your major now and the major in USA? 26) How many universities have you applied? How m

5、any of them admitted you? How many of them give you financial aids? . 27) Please explain why you chose * University in academic standard level in details. 28)Please give me FIVE reasons why you select this university!29)Where do/will you live ? Where is your Hukou(户口,用中文)?30) What are you doing for

6、living? Which university are you in?31) Why you are refused at last time and what kind of visa you apply?32)Will you get a bachelor/master degree? 33) How much is your TOEFL/GRE score ? 34) What is your purpose to the USA ? 35) Why will you want to get the PhD degree in * universityor *(specialty)?W

7、hy do you want to go to USA for the Ph.D. degree?(注:对类似句法的问题,要注意对方重音落在何处,是侧重问为何去美国还是侧重问为何读博士,答错侧重则徒劳无益.) 36) Is it you? 37)Why are you nervous? 38) Any relative in the united states? Parents? .Anybody else in the United States? . 39) Do you have any speciality? 40) what specialty will/did you study

8、? 41) Why your specialty is important to China? 42) Where does your sponsor get the funds from? 43) When was the university founded?.Who found the university?.Who is the chairman of the department?44) Why didnt you get married? 45) You will be an American engineer after you finish your PH.D! How can

9、 you convince me that you will come back? 46) What is your plan after you come back to china, as a teacher or find a high salary job? (注:这类似诱供,若回答high salary,对方会说美国工资更高,你不会回来!)47) Who will offer you the money? 48) Why does the univ. give you funding? 49) How long will you get your financial support?

10、 50) How much is your salary of one month? 51) Can you talk something about the course of * ? 52)Why your Diploma look so new ? Are they forged ? 53) Do you feel that you are trapped in a logic loop? you see, you said you come back to earn money and you said you will not be attracted by good living

11、conditions? 54) TELL ME the standard to judge a school. 55) Why did you apply this Univ., please give me some academic reason?(我回答的最后一条原因是有很多著名教授。).Then, specify someone. (说出教授名字)56) What is the thing you like best in America. .Then what is the thing you dont like most in China? .57) What is your dr

12、eam? 58) Do you think it is just luck which makes one receive his visa or not ?面签具体问题Nicetomeetyou!/Goodmorning, sir! 1 Which university did you study?2 When did you graduate from University?3 whats your subject/major?4你的最高学历是什么? Whats your highest level of education ? Which degree do you have?5 Whe

13、re do you live?6 What will you do in Australia?7 How did you know the company?8 Have you been to Australia? UUlsC|3. 9 Where did you work before? How long? What did you do in this company?10 What will you do in Australia Company ? Detail 11 Whats business of your company? What kind of project your c

14、ompany are doing? Could you please describe the company?12 How many persons are there in your company in Australia?13 Whats the partner of your company?14 Whats your Special skill?15 What kind of project did you do?16 Why did the company hire you?签证面试英语汇总英国留学频道 What is your future plan? / What will

15、do after graduation?Would you come back after graduation?What degree do you intend to achieve after graduation?Will you want to immigrate (settle in) to the UK?After graduation, will you plan to find a job in the UK?In the UK, you will earn much more money than in China. Then why do you say you will

16、 come back to China?If a company wants to hire you after graduation, would you come?What do you think your future position after your study?And what do you think your future salary?Are you fit and well enough to be interviewed?Is this your application form? Do you understand it and did you sign it?A

17、nd how long? What is the maximum time you wish to stay (study) there?Are you travelling along or with someone else?Do you know anyone at all in the United Kingdom?Is any of your family outside China now? If so, who are they and where?Do you know anyone else who intends to travel to the United Kingdo

18、m?Do you know anyone you know been refused a visa to go to the United Kingdom?Are you one of any political parties in China?Have you ever applied for a visa to go to any other country?Is this your first time applying for a visa?Is this your first time going out of China?Why do you want to go to the

19、UK?What will you do in the UK?Why do you intend to study in the UK rather than in China?What degree will you plan to pursue in the UK?1.签证官-30多岁的样子,瘦瘦的,很典型的西方男子模样。旁边一个翻译,男性,大约50岁的样子。问题:1)你可以用英语接受面谈吗?2)你要在英国呆对长时间?3)要学习什么课程?4)你现在干什么?在这家公司干了多长时间?5)已经干了这么长时间为什么要出国读书呢?6)你已经结婚了是吗?你的妻子会去英国吗?7)你自己负担你的费用吗?你准


21、)你在国内的学历?4)你在英国学什么?(回答的尽量完整仔细,课程名称要背过,省得他一再追问)5)为什么选择英国?为什么不在国内继续学习?(这两个问题建议大家事先做好准备,因为他问得非常具体,你的理由也要充分可靠)6)你目前的身份?7)你大学毕业以后都干了些什么?(这一部分他问的非常仔细)8)父母工作收入9)你留学需要花多少钱?10)家里提供多少钱?11)打算留英否?(回答就一个字 否 不要多说)12)有无犯罪纪录?13)你还有什么补充4.签证官-中年白种男性,微微发福,戴副眼镜,胡子有但不多,是那种很难记起的人翻译-男士问题:1)你为什么要去英国?2)你怎么知道这个学校的?3)你要上多长时间?

22、4)讲讲这个课程情况。5)你现在在做什么?6)你取得了什么文凭吗?7)你毕业后有什么打算?VO:“What is your plan after the course?”Ans:“I think I will come back。”VO:“Is there any other options?”Ans:“ No, no options。 just this。VO:“But you say I think I will come back.”Ans::“Oh,I am sorry. There must be some wrongs in my expression. Not I think I

23、 will but I will come back definitely.”8)你还申请了别的学校吗?VO:“Have you applied other universities?”Ans:“No, I only applied this university。”VO:“Why?”Ans::“This university is my favourite,。”VO:“Have you made any comparisons?”Ans::“Yes,I have。”VO:“Then, Why not the University of Cambridge?”Ans::“Yes. Cambridge is more famous, but its business school is not so good as that of *university。”VO:“Really?”Ans:“Yes, really.”VO(微笑)“OK.”9)你父母的收入情况如何?10)我能看一下他们的收入证明吗?11)你父母为你提供多少钱?12)请让我看一下你的存单原件。13)你在中国有什么问题吗

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