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1、直接引语间接引语教学设计直接引语与间接引语教学设计(一)学情分析1.学生对英语有一定的学习兴趣,但两极分化明显。学生的口语和写作能力不强,对语法的概念模糊。2.在学习本课之前,学生已经接触过直接引语和间接引语,部分学生能够辨认间接引语,但对间接引语引导词的选用,时态变化和语序变化没有系统的学习。在教学中要注意的问题有:1.需要把所学的内容以多种活动、练习的形式反复出现。2.鼓励学生学会对目标语言进行梳理,通过探究,归纳语言的规律。(二)教材分析1.本节教学内容是新目标英语八年级(下)Unit 4的语法项目直接引语变为间接引语。教材要求学生掌握直接引语变间接引语时引导词、时态和语序等方面的变化规


3、5.文化意识目标(1)能用恰当的方式表达请求、感谢等意义。(四)教学策略1.以任务型教学( Taskbased Language Teaching )作为课堂教学设计的理念,具体采用情景教学法( Situational Approach )、交际教学法( Communicative Approach )等教学方法。2.坚持“教师为主导,学生为主体,任务为基础”的教学原则,在课堂教学的各个环节,教师自觉扮演“设计者、组织者、协调者和促进者”的角色。3.采用多媒体教学手段,激发学生学习的兴趣,营造良好的课堂氛围。4.课前需准备课件、师生相片和听力材料。(五)教学过程步骤目的教师活动/方法学生活动/

4、学法条件/手段1.Warm up and lead in.(5 mins)Step 1:A talk showArouse Ss interest and help Ss use the conjunction “that”.1.Show Miss Mais photo and ask Ss to talk about Miss Mai.2.Have Ss retell the descriptions using theconjunction “that”.1.Talk about Miss Mai.2.Retell the descriptions using the conjunctio

5、n “that”.PPT. / photoStep2: Guess sth. about Miss MaiHelp Ss use the conjunctions “if/whether”.1.Show Miss Mais photo with some numbers.2.Have Ss ask questions and guess what the numbers mean.1.Ask questions and guess what the numbers mean.2.Retell the questions using the conjunctions “if/whether”.P

6、PTStep 3: Know more about Miss MaiEncourage Ss to ask questions with question words “when/why/how”.Have Ss to ask more questions with “ when/why/how”.ask more questions with “ when/why/how”.PPT2. Gram-mar learning- Direct Speech and Report-edSpeech(10 mins)Read some sentences.Enable Ss to find the r

7、ules on the conjunctions from the sentences given.1.Ask Ss to look at the sentences on the screen and sum up the rules on using different conjunctions.2.Show the concept of “Speech”.Ss look at the sentences on the screen and sum up the rules on using different conjunctions.PPT./whiteboardExercise:(c

8、hoose the correct conjunc-tions)Practice (In order to master how to use the conjunctions well ).Show the exercises and have Ss complete the sentences with correct conjunctions.Think and choose the correct conjunctions.PPTExercise: (Whos smarter?)Enable Ss to grasp the changes of tenses.1.Ask Ss to c

9、hoose the right answers.2.Have Ss sum up the rules on the changes of tenses.1.Think and choose the correct answers.2.Sum up the rules on tenses.PPT./White-boardExercise: ( Can you choose the correct answers?)Enable Ss to pay attention to the word order.1.Have Ss finish the exercises.2.Check the answ

10、ers .3.Sum up the rules on the word order.1.Finish the exercises and sum up the rules on word order.PPT./White-boardTalk about the pictures.Lead in the structure: “tell/ask/order sb. (not) to do sth.”1.Show the photos of Miss Mai and one student in the class.2.Have Ss answer the question: “What did

11、Miss Mai say?”1.Look at the photos and the sentences given.2.Answer the questions.PPT./photos3.Game time(5 mins)Enable Ss to consolidate what they learned just now in a relatively relaxing atmosphere.1.Give the first student of each row one sentence, and ask them to pass the sentences to the one beh

12、ind them.2.Ask the winners to the blackboard and say out the sentences.Memorize the sentences and pass them to the studens behind.PPT./ paper4.Listening Practice(3 mins)1.Train Ss listening skills.2.Consolidate grammar learning by completing the sentences.1.Have Ss listen to the letter.2.Ask Ss to c

13、omplete the sentences according to the letter.3.Check the answers .Listen and complete the sentences.PPT./ record-ing5. Reading Practice( 1 min )Help Ss to get a clearer idea of the letter.Show the letter to SsRead the letter.PPT.6. Pairwork( 4 mins )1.Have Ss do more practice about direct speech an

14、d reported speech.2.Help Ss prepare for writing.1.Show the questions to Ss.2.Check Ss in pairs.Ask and answer the questions in pairs.PPT.7.Extendign writing(It will be Homework if the time isnt enough for some students.)( 10 mins )To help Ss use reported speech in writing.1.Show Ss the writing reque

15、sts.2.Ask Ss to reply to Miss Mai.3.Have several students share their letters.1.Write a letter to Miss Mai.2.Share the letter.PPT./ paper8. Summary( 1 min )To summarize some key points.Go over the rules on changing direct speech into reported speech.Try to remember the key points.PPT.9.Homework assi

16、gnment( 1 min )Enable Ss to consolidate what they learned in class.Assign the homework and give instructions.Mark down the homework.PPT.(六)教学反思1.本课设计思路清晰,过渡自然,巧妙利用师生学习生活为主线,串连起直接引语变间接引语各知识点。通过设计不同形式的活动和任务,从听、说、读、写四个方面由浅入深,层层递进,反复操练巩固目标语言,较好地完成了预期教学目标和新课程标准的要求,体现了新课程标准的理念。2.本节语法课以学生为主体,在发现语言规律的学习过程中,教师没有直接讲解语言规律,而是引导学生观察语言现象,通过体验、探索、合作等积极主动的学习方式自己发现规律。此外,教师发挥指导作用,帮助学生将所学知识运用到各种语言实践活动中,培养学生英语获取信息和处理信息的能力。

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