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学年新素养导学英语课件讲义 精练 263.docx

1、学年新素养导学英语课件 讲义 精练 263Period Two Introduction & Reading and VocabularyLanguage Points.写出下列单词的汉语意思(共8小题;每题2分,满分16分)1crash vi. (计算机)崩溃2keyword n 密码;口令3log vt. 记录;登录4software n 软件5source n 来源;出处6network n 网络7document n 文件8military adj. 军事的;军队的.写出下列汉语对应的英语单词(共10小题;每题3分,满分30分)9包含;包括 vt.contain10接近;通路 nacc

2、ess可进入的;可使用的 adj.accessible11故障 nbreakdown12(复)数据 ndata13保护;防卫 ndefence14创造;发明 vt.create15百分数;百分率 npercentage百分比,百分率;百分数 npercent16设计 vt. & ndesign17发明 ninvention18许可 npermission.写出下列短语或短语对应的汉语意思(共10小题;每题3分,满分30分)19点击 click on20注册/注销 log on/off21由组成 consist of22也 as well23作为而出名;被称为;叫作 become known a

3、s.24at the moment 此刻;目前25go down 下降26come up with 提出27from that moment on 从那时起28work as 当;任职.完成句子(共4小题;每题6分,满分24分)29It then became possible for universities to use the system as well.随之,各大学也能使用这种系统。30Berners-Lee built his first computer while he was at university using an old television!读大学时,贝尔纳斯李利用

4、一台旧电视机制成了他的第一台电脑!31. Berners-Lee made it possible for everyone to use the Internet,not just universities and the army.贝尔纳斯李使每个人使用因特网成为可能,而不仅仅局限于大学和军队。32He designed the first “web browser”,which allowed computer users to access documents from other computers.他设计了第一个“网络浏览器”,可以让电脑用户从其他电脑上获取文件。重点词汇 A CD

5、ROM is a separate disk that contains lots of information.只读光盘存储器是一个包含很多信息的单独的磁盘。contain vt.包含,包括;克制(强烈的感情);容纳contain oneself控制自己container n.容器(1)As far as I know,the hall can contain 3,000 people.据我所知,这个大厅可以容纳3 000人。(2)He was too excited to contain himself(he) when the container(contain) was to be o

6、pened.当容器要被打开的时候,他激动得几乎不能自已。易混辨析contain,includecontain指某物被装在比其更大的东西内,或指某物含有某种成分或其他物质。include指某物为整体的一部分或要素,意为“算在内,列在里面,包括”。include还常用其介词和过去分词短语作插入语,起补充说明作用,即“including名词”或“名词included”,而contain无此用法。图解助记选词填空contain,include(3)The textbook contains 12 units,including 2 revisions.(4)Does each cup contain

7、the same amount of milk?(5)Many students were praised,Tom included. The Internet is the biggest source of information in the world,and its accessible through a computer.互联网是世界上最大的信息源,通过电脑便能连接到互联网。accessible adj.可进入的;可使用的;易到达的;方便前往的;易相处的;易接近的be accessible to可接近的;可靠近的;可使用的access n接近;通路 v接近;使用have/gain

8、/get access to.拥有的机会;可以接近;进入(该短语中to是介词)(1)There is a church which is easily accessible from my home.有一个教堂从我家这里很容易到达。(2)We need a better way to access information.我们需要一个更好的方法来获取信息。(3)Kids shouldnt have/gain/get access to violent films because they might imitate the things they see.(2018江苏)孩子们不应该有机会接触

9、暴力电影,因为他们可能会模仿他们看到的东西。句型转换(4)Citizens may have free access to the library.The library may be accessible to citizens for free.单句改错(5)Only high officials have an access to the president. It consists of millions of pages of data.它包含了数百万页面的数据。consist of由组成/构成consist in在于;存在于consist with与一致,相符合注意:consist

10、 of不能用于进行时态和被动语态。(1)Life consists of not only sunshine but also hard times.人生中不单有阳光,也会有阴霾。(2)Happiness doesnt consist in how much money you have.幸福不在于你有多少钱。(3)His actions do not consist with his words.他言行不一。一句多译(4)这支医疗队由十名医生和二十名护士组成。The medical team is made up of ten doctors and twenty nurses.The me

11、dical team consists of ten doctors and twenty nurses.Ten doctors and twenty nurses make up the medical team. It then became possible for universities to use the system as well.随之,各大学也能使用这种系统。as well也,还as well as还有;不但而且;和一样好may/might as well do sth. 不妨做某事注意:B as well as Anot only A but also B不但A而且Bas

12、 well as 连接两个名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词的单复数视前者而定。as well as和动词连用,表示同类事物相比较,两者一样好。(1)The classroom is a place for learning and that includes learning from textbooks,and mistakes as well.(2018全国)教室是一个学习的地方,这包括从书本中学习,也包括从错误中学习。(2)Now that you have got a chance,you might as well make full use of it.既然你已经得到一次机会,你还是充

13、分利用它吧。(3)He as well as his parents thinks(think) that the house is not worth buying.不仅是他父母,他也认为那所房子不值得买。句型转换(4)Ive read the book and Ive seen the film as well.Ive read the book and Ive also seen the film.Ive read the book and Ive seen the film,too. He came up with the idea of the World Wide Web in 1

14、989 while he was working in Switzerland.1989年他在瑞士工作时,提出了万维网的构想。come up with提出;想出;拿出(钱款等)come up发生;被提及,被讨论;走近,靠近;太阳、月亮升起;出现come across偶然碰到;偶然发现;被理解,被弄懂come out出版;开花;发芽;显露;结果是注意:come up with是及物动词短语,主语一般是人;come up是不及物动词短语,无被动语态。(1)We wanted to buy the house but we couldnt come up with the cash.我们想买这幢房子

15、,但拿不出这笔现款。(2)She came across some old photographs in a drawer.她在抽屉里偶然发现了一些旧照片。(3)The roses came out early this year.玫瑰花今年开得早。(4)Something unexpected came up at the meeting that day.那天会上出现了意想不到的事情。(5)It is said that her new album will come out next month.据说她的新专辑将于下个月出版。单句改错(6)Some scientists have com

16、e up a shocking idea. He designed the first “web browser”,which allowed computer users to access documents from other computers.他设计了第一个“网络浏览器”,可以让电脑用户从其他电脑上获取文件。design vt.设计;构思;计划;筹划;制订;制造;意欲 n设计;布局;构思;意图;打算be designed to do.被设计用来做;为做而设计be designed for为设计be designed as/to be为目的或用途而制造或设计by design故意地(

17、1)Have you seen the latest designs for the new library?你见过新图书馆的几款最新设计图样吗?(2)This course of study is designed to help(help) those wishing to teach abroad.这个学习课程是为帮助那些想在国外教学的人而设计的。(3)This piece of land is designed as/to be a garden.这块地预定建花园用。(4)We dont know whether it was done by accident or by design

18、.我们不知道那是偶然的还是故意为之。单句改错(5)The houses were designed for the refugees in the earthquake have already been completed. You need permission from the World Wide Web before you can access information.在你使用网站上的信息之前,需要得到万维网的许可。permission n许可,允许ask for permission请求许可with/without ones permission获得某人同意/没有获得某人许可pe

19、rmit vt.许可,允许,准许 n通行证,许可证permit sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事permit doing sth. 允许做某事(1)She had asked the government for permission to move the books to a safe place,but they refused.(2017浙江)她向政府请求许可把书搬到一个安全的地方,但是他们拒绝了。(2)Its strange that he should have taken the books without the owners permission.(2018江苏)

20、很奇怪,他竟然未经主人同意就拿走了那些书。(3)Students are not permitted to cook(cook) in their rooms.学生们不允许在他们的房间里做饭。(4)We dont permit using(use) mobile phones in the classroom.我们不允许在教室里使用手机。单句改错(5)Weather,we will have a picnic this weekend.经典句式BernersLee made it possible for everyone to use the Internet,not just univer

21、sities and the army.贝尔纳斯李使每个人使用因特网成为可能,而不仅仅局限于大学和军队。句中it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是不定式短语,而possible是宾语补足语。当make,think,find,feel,consider等动词后面是不定式或从句作宾语,并且宾语带有补语时,通常用it作形式宾语,而把真正的宾语置于宾补后,构成句式:主语谓语it宾语补足语真正的宾语。(1)In his introduction,he made it clear that our credits would be hard-earned.(2018全国)在他的介绍中,他向我们明确表示这门课程的学分

22、会很难获得。(2)I think it a shame to cheat in the exams.我认为考试作弊是一件丢人的事。(3)I feel it an honour to be invited(invite) to your birthday party.被邀请参加你的生日派对,我感到很荣幸。单句改错(4)We find difficult to talk to our guests about the recent events.单句语法填空1The library in the city is accessible(access) to people at weekends.2N

23、o one can enter this area without the permission (permit) of the police.3Children above 12 are able to take part in skiing or other activities designed(design) for children.4His school bag contains a lot of books,including(include) a storybook.5Several of the members have come up with suggestions of

24、 their own.6Passengers are permitted to carry(carry) only one piece of hand luggage onto the plane.7Our class is a happy family,consisting(consist) of 16 boys and 19 girls.8People felt it impossible for man to fly into the outer space some years ago.9Im willing to help foreigners learn Chinese well

25、and introduce Chinese culture to the world as well.10A container(contain) is something such as a box or bottle that is used to keep things in.完成句子11They stood there for an hour watching the game.他们在那儿站了一小时观看比赛。12It is possible for me to finish the job in three days.对我来说,在三天内完成这项工作是可能的。13We do not pe

26、rmit smoking in the office.我们不允许在办公室里吸烟。14They want to make it clear to the public that they are doing an important job.他们想让公众弄清楚,他们在做一项重要的工作。基础巩固.单词拼写1She came by the data from different kinds of sources(来源)2It is said that soft drinks containing(含有) carbon dioxide are not good for health.3We cant

27、sell tickets for the moment because of a computer breakdown(故障)4Weve collected lots of data(数据) to get ready for this experiment.5His elder son was killed in a car crash(碰撞) a few years ago.6The percentage(百分率) of girls in engineering has increased greatly.选词填空7She works as a manager for a design co

28、mpany.8It seems that the housing price wont go down in 2019,so we still cant afford to buy a house.9The province consisting of thirteen counties and three coastal cities will quicken its pace of economic development.10You would take things as they came.All you had to do was think a little harder and

29、 come up with a new solution.11Jackie Chan is known as an international movie star.单句语法填空12It is said that the Great Wall was built as a defence(defend) against enemies.13We should try our best to help those who dont have access to higher education.14We must not let news about this secret invention(

30、invent) get out.15This job is so boring.I wish I could do something more creative(create)16He as well as I is(be) responsible for the new project.17People find it important to protect wildlife.18The program is designed(design) to help people who have been out of work for a long time.19No official permission(permit) has been given for the event to take place.句型转换20The old man grows vegetables as well as flowers.The old man grows vegetables and flowers as well.21Water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen.Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.(consist)22It is known that Marie

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