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1、美国口语900句想说的话,说不出口;话说到一半,不知怎样表达;听到看到的每一个字都认识,可就是不知道它是什么意思;跟老外交流时,找不到合适的话题; -现代美国英语900句就是你最好的选择!-Unit 1 20大最常用地道美语短句-1.Hang in there.=Dont give up. 坚持下去。2.Suit yourself. 你随意。/随便。3.Spill it out. 说出来。4. Ill be back in a second. 我马上回来。5.Its time to hit the road. 是上路的时候了。6.I get the picture. 我大概明白了。7.That

2、 couldnt be better. 那再好不过了。8.Youve got a point there. 你说得有道理。9.It doesnt make any difference. 没有任何差别。10.That doesnt make sense. 那没道理。/那没什么意义。11.I cant stand it any more. 我再也受不了了。12.Dont sweat it.=Dont worry about it. 别担心。13.Keep that in mind. 记住那件事。14.Somethings come up. 发生了点儿事。15.Youve got nothing

3、to lose. 你又不会失去什么。16.I wish I could. 不行。17.You never know. 你不会知道的。/天晓得。18.Its none of your business. 这不关你事。19.I can tell. 我看得出来。20.Lets check it out.=Lets investigate it.=Lets find out. 我们去看看吧。/我们去查一下。-Unit 2 问候专用-21.How are you today? 你今天好吗?22.How are you doing this morning? 你今天早上过得怎么样?23.Whats hap

4、pening? 过得怎么样?24.So far, so good. 到目前为止都好。25.Great seeing you here.=Great to see you here. 在这儿见到你真好。26.What a pleasant surprise! 真是意外之喜啊!27.What a coincidence! 真是巧啊!28.Its been a long time. 好久不见了。29.I havent seen you for a long time. 我好久没见你了。30.You havent changed much. 你没什么变化。-Unit 3 “You look”专集-31

5、.You look sharp!=You look good!=You look fashionable! 你看起来很精神。/你看起来很时髦。32.You look fantastic. 你看起来棒极了。33.You look gorgeous. 你看起来很漂亮。34.You look fabulous. 你看起来好极了。35. You look high-spirit. 你看起来精力充沛。36.You look super. 你看起来好极了。37. You look excellent. 你看起来非常好。38. You look energetic. 你看起来充满活力。39. You loo

6、k extra spunky today. 你看起来充满活力。40. You look like youre ready for any challenge. 你看起来已准备好应付任何挑战了。-Unit 4 “你很特别”专集-41.Youre special. 你很特别。42. Youre different. 你与众不同。43. Youre unique. 你是独一无二的。44. Youre one of a kind. 你非常特别。45.Theres no one like you. 没有人像你一样。46.No one can compare with you. 没有人能与你相比。47.T

7、here will never be another you. 你是独一无二的。never be 从来没有.-Unit 5 “决定”专集-48.Its up to you. 由你决定。49.Its your choice. 这是你的选择。50.Youre the boss. 一切听你的。51.Ill let you decide. 我让你决定。52.I havent decided yet. 我还没有决定。-Unit 6 “联系”专集-53.How can I get in touch with you? 我怎样和你联络?54.How can I contact you? 我怎样联系你?55.

8、How can I reach you? 我怎样联系你?56.Lets keep in touch. 让我们保持联系。57.Please do not hesitate to contact us. 请尽管与我们联系。58.Ive been trying to get hold of you for days. 这些日子我一直在找你。get hold of 找到某人59.Weve been out of touch with Jim since he left.自从吉姆走了之后,我们就和他失去了联系。-Unit 7 “Im” 专集-60. Im easygoing. 我很随和。61. Im p

9、icky. 我很挑剔。62. Im very selective. 我这人很挑剔。63. Im so relieved那我就放心了。64. Im overwhelmed.= Im extremely happy./=I have too much work to do.我太高兴了。/我有太多的工作要做。65. Im done. 我做完了。66. Im finished. 我完成了。-Unit 8 “Are you” 专集-67. Are you sure? 你确定吗?68. Are you free? 你有空吗?69. Are you available? 你有空吗?70. Are you t

10、ied up?= Are you busy? 你有空吗?71. Are you used to it yet? 你习惯了吗?72. Are you looking for someone? 你在找什么人?-Unit 9 “去哪里”专集-73.Where are you heading? 你去哪里?74.Where are you headed? 你去哪里?75. Are you heading home? 你是要回家吗?76. Are you heading my way? 你是不是跟我同路?77.Which direction are you going? 你去哪个方向?78.Im goin

11、g downtown. 我要去商业区。-Unit 10 “Thats”专集-79. Thats perfect. 那太好了。/那太完美了。80. Thats a relief. 真是如释重负啊。81. Thats life. 这就是生活。82. Thats more like it.=Thats better. 那才像话。83. Thats too good to be true. 这好得让人无法相信。84. Thats not a very nice thing to say. 这样说不太好。-Unit 11 “Hes”专集-85. He has a nice smile. 他的笑容很漂亮。

12、86. Hes very nice. 他很好。87. Hes a nice guy. 他这人很好。88. Hes very choosy about what he eats. 他吃饭很挑剔。89. Hes narrow-minded. 他很小心眼。90. Hes (a) good for nothing. 他什么用都没有。good for nothing 毫无价值.91. Hes a waste of space.= Hes absolutely good for nothing. 他的存在简直是浪费地方./他一无是处。92. Hes fun to be with. 他这人相处起来很有趣。9

13、3. Hes as cool as a cucumber.=Hes very calm. Nothing seems to bother him.他非常冷静。-Unit 12 “天气”家族-94.Whats the weather forecast for today? 今天天气预报怎么说?95. Whats the weather like today? 今天天气如何?96.Whats it like outside? 今天户外天气会怎么样呢?97.What will the weather be like tomorrow? 明天天气会怎么样?98.The sky is getting v

14、ery cloudy.=Its going to rain cats and dogs.=A storm is coming.天越来越阴了。/要下大雨了。99.The wind is kicking up. 风越刮越大了。100.It looks like its about to rain. 看起来要下雨了。be about to刚要,即将101.Today is a perfect day to get some sun.= Today is a perfect day to catch some rays. 今天天气最适合去晒太阳。102.The weather is beautiful

15、. Its my kind of day. 天气真好,我就喜欢这样的日子。-Unit 13 “Have a”专集-103.Have a wonderful day! 祝你一天愉快!104. Have a happy day! 祝你一天快乐。105. Have a terrific day! 祝你有极好的一天!106. Have a super day! 祝你有美好的一天。107. Have an awesome day! 祝你有很棒的一天! awesome 棒极了108. Have a good one祝你一天过的好。= Have a good day!109. Have a good eve

16、ning! 祝你晚上过得愉快。110. Have a nice time!玩得开心!111. Have a great weekend!周末愉快!-Unit 14 “幸运不幸运”专集-112.Everything went right for me.我每件事都很顺利。113. Everything is perfect.一切都很完美。114. Everything is going my way.每件事都很顺利。115. Everything is working out.一切顺利。116.Im really blessed.我真幸福。117.Its a great day to be ali

17、ve.活着真是太幸福了。118.Today is really my day.我今天运气真好。119.Today is a beautiful day.今天真是个美好的日子。120.I dont seem to have any luck today.我今天运气不好。121.Things arent going my way today. 我今天运气不好。-Unit 15 “这一天”专集-122.Howd your day go?你今天过得怎么样?=How did your day go? 123.How was your day? 你今天过得怎么样?124.I had a great day

18、. 我今天过得很愉快。125.I had a wonderful day. 我今天过得非常好。126. I had a super day. 我今天过得好极了。127. I had lucky day. 我今天运气真好。128. I had lousy day. 我今天过得很糟糕。lousy非常糟的129. I had an awful day. 我今天过得糟透了。130.Its been a tough day. 今天可真是不好过啊。131.Its been a long day. 今天真是漫长的一天。/今天忙了一天。132.Todays been a pretty bad day.今天真是

19、够糟糕的。-Unit 16 “邀请”专集-133. Im throwing a party. Would you like to join us?我要开一个派对。你要参加吗?134.Im going to have a party.我准备开一个派对。135.I want you to come.我希望你能来。136.Youve got to go there.你一定要来。137.Youve got to show up.你一定要出现。138.It wont be the same without you.没有你就不一样了。-Unit 17 “请客” 专集-139.Its my treat th

20、is time.这次我请客。140.Its on me.我请客。141.Let me pick up the check.我来买单吧。.let me foot the bill 我来买单142.Let me treat you to dinner.我请你吃晚饭吧。treat dinner 请客143.Why dont you let me get dinner tonight?今晚何不让我请你吃饭呢?144.Dont say a word.别争了。145.Dont argue with me. 别争了。146.Next time Ill let you pay.下次我让你付钱。-U

21、nit 18 “提议”专用-147.Would you care for a cup of coffee?你要喝杯咖吗?148. Would you care for something to drink?你要喝点什么?149.Would you like a cup of tea?你要喝杯茶吗?150. Would you like something to eat?你想吃点什么吗?151.Do you want to catch a movie sometime?想不想找时间去看场电影?152.Lets hang out.我们找一天聚聚吧。=Lets get together one of

22、 these days.hang out(呆在某处,或与某人呆在一起)闲逛,出去玩儿153.Lets have fun tonight.今晚让我们乐一乐。have fun 玩得高兴154.How does a movie sound?去看部电影怎么样?How does sound?-Unit 19 “Im crazy”专集-155. Im crazy about Crazy English.我非常喜欢疯狂英语。156. Im crazy about rock music.我对摇滚乐很着迷。157. Im crazy about watching soccer.我非常喜欢看足球赛。158. Im

23、 crazy about her.我非常喜欢她。/我爱上她了。/我为她着迷。159. Im crazy for you.我为你疯狂。/我非常喜欢你。-Unit 20 “恋爱”专用-160.Im in love with her. 我爱上她了。161.I really want to ask her out this weekend.我真想这个周末约她出来。162.Im too nervous to ask her out.我很紧张,不敢约她出去。163.Are you seeing anyone now?你在谈恋爱吗?=Do you have a boyfriend / girlfriend?

24、164.I think he has a crush on you.我想她爱上你了。=I think he is falling love with you.165.I think she has the hots for you.我想她是为你神魂颠倒。=I think she likes you.166.She really turns me on.她让我着迷。=She really gets me all excited. Turn on(使)感兴趣167.She is a real knockout.她真是个尤物。/她真是太吸引人了。=She is really good-looking

25、. =She has a beautiful body. =She is a beautiful woman.knockout迷人的168.Did you just make eyes at him?你刚才向他抛媚眼了吗?向某人作媚眼 make eyes at.169.Were you just checking him out? 你刚才向他抛媚眼了吗?170.I havent thought about marriage yet.我没想过要结婚。171.I broke up with my boyfriend.我跟我男朋友分手了。172.His girlfriend ditched him

26、at the party.他女朋友在派对上跟他分手了。=His girlfriend left him at the party. 173.I guess it just wasnt meant to be. 我想你们没缘分吧。=I guess it just wasnt going to happen your way this time.= I guess it just wasnt in the cards for you.-Unit 21 “称呼”专集-174.What should I call you?我怎么称呼你?175.How should I address you? 我怎么

27、称呼你?176.What do you want me to call you? 你想我怎么称呼你?177.What do you like to be called? 你想我怎么称呼你?178.What was your name again?请再说一次名字好吗?-Unit 22 “安慰”专集-179.I know how you feel.我理解你的感受。180.I know what you are going through.我知道你经历的这些事。go through 遭受, 经受, 经历181.Thats really tough.真是不好受。182.Its just one of

28、those things.事情总是这样子的。183.Dont worry about it.别担心。184.You are handling it really well.你处理得很好。185.Its better than nothing.总比什么都没有好。186.Think nothing of it.别放在心上。187.It will turn out all right.会好起来的。188.Things will work out OK.一切会好的。189.Everything will be fine.一切都会好的。-Unit 23 “发疯”家族-190.Are you out of

29、 your mind?你疯了吗?191.You must be out of your mind to marry that guy.你准是疯了,居然嫁给那个家伙!192.Are you crazy? 你疯了吗?193.It drives me crazy. 它使我疯了。194.She drives me crazy.她快让我发疯了。195. She drives me nuts. 她快让我发狂了。196.The traffic in Guangzhou drives me nuts.广州的交通简直让我难受。197.Driving in Beijing drives me nuts.在北京开车

30、简直让我发疯。-Unit 24 “打电话”专用-198.Give me a call.给我打电话。199.Call me if youd like.愿意的话,给我打电话。200.Feel free to call me.随时打电话给我。201.I need to make a quick call.我要迅速打个电话。202.I couldnt get through.电话打不通。get through(用电话)接通某人203.The line is always busy.电话老占线。204.The connection is bad.线路很不好。205.Hold on, please.请稍候

31、。206.Ill have him to call you back.我让他给你回电话。207.Please call me back in 10 minutes.请在十分钟后给我打电话。208.Can I take a message?我能留个口信吗?209.Send me a text message?给我发短信。210.Send me an SMS(SMS=short message service). 给我发短信。-Unit 25 “Thank you for”家族-211. Thank you for the lovely present.谢谢你送的可爱的礼物。212. Thank you for your consideration.谢谢你考虑这么周全。213. Thank

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