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1、高考英语2009年高考英语阅读理解训练2十一We all hate speed cameras, dont we? Theyre not there to slow drivers down and lower the road accidents; they just make money for the government. They trick us, cost us cold hard cash, disturb us from driving properly and are unfair.Well, heres a surprising thing: what if there

2、were facts that the boring cameras actually saved lives? Its a conclusion difficult to ignore when you look at whats happening in France, a country with a historically poor record of road safety.There were 16,617 road deaths in 1972 in France for example, but that dropped to 8412 by 1995 following r

3、ules such as compulsory seat belt wearing in 1990 and a lowering of the blood alcohol limit to 0.05 in 1995.Last year, the road deaths dropped below 5,000 for the first time, or 4.9 per cent less than 2004. Comparing road deaths to population in 2005, thats about 817 per million people compared with

4、 Australias 806.And guess what? Last year the number of speed cameras on French roads reached 1,000 and the government plans to double that within the next three years.Okay, you know the arguments regarding increased traffic safety and cameras-for-income, but it seems in France theres been a major c

5、ultural change brought on by radars and other laws. A three-hour, wine-soaked lunch with a quick rush back to the office is no longer on.Travelling on the highways, it is rare to see anyone breaking the 130km/h speed limit when once few traveled below it. The speed cameras are clearly signed so driv

6、ers know when they are coming. Theres even an official web site listing fixed and mobile camera locations and it is updated regularly.Maybe it is because of such transparency by government, rather than the concealment too often used by authorities in many other countries that more French can enjoy l

7、a joi de vivre thanks to speed cameras.1Generally, it seems to most people that speed cameras are used to . Amake money for the government Bslow down the traffic Clower the road accidents Dhelp us drive properly2From the passage we can learn that . AFrance has a very poor record of road safety Bwed

8、better ignore the evidence that speed cameras save lives CFrance had less road deaths than Australia in 2005 DFrance does successfully in controlling road accidents3Which seems more effective in lowering road deaths in France according to this passage? ACompulsory seat belt. BLowering blood alcohol

9、limit. CPlacing more speed cameras. DEating in a shorter time.4Now you can seldom see in France . Apeople drive at a speed of less than 130km/h Blunch time lasts long hours with drunk people rushing back to office Cdrivers drive according to the traffic lights Dpolice conduct traffic in streets 5Wha

10、t does the underlined word “concealment” in the last paragraph mean? ASecrecy. BOpenness. CStrictness. DHarmony.十二Sometime early in the next century, human beings will move to Mars. They will live there for about a year, and then will be replaced with another group of pioneers. Building the base on

11、Mars will advance our knowledge of the solar system and aid in our understanding of the earth.We already know that Mars resembles the earth in many aspects: general size, presence of water, length of day, range of temperatures. These resemblances have caused many people to consider a centuries-long

12、project: to terraform Mars. Terraforming means altering a planets surface so that Earths life forms can survive there. This concept, previously found only in science fiction is now being seriously considered by scientists.Terraforming Mars is theoretically simple: add nitrogen and oxygen to the atmo

13、sphere; pump water to the surface; and add the earths plants and animals in the order in which they developed on Earth. But it will take at least 300 years.Some people think that such a project is too huge for humans to undertake, but there are very good reasons to make the attempt. The earth now co

14、ntains some 6 billion people, and no one has any idea of how many humans the earth can support. Our very existence and numbers are threatening many other species. We also have had some experience with terraforming our own planet: altering the landscape, the atmosphere and the climate. Currently terr

15、aforming earth has become a wiser activity as we try to control global warming, air and water pollution, and preserve some natural living places.While the possibility of such a project is small, it is not impossible. Even if earth-bound societies come and go in the next 300 years, the project can co

16、ntinue through the work of the Mars settlers without the need for constant backing from the earth.The future existence of all the people in our world may very well depend upon our ability to terraform Mars.1What would be the best title for this passage? ATerraforming Mars. BSaving the Earth. CTravel

17、ling to Mars. DA Newly-found Place.2What does the underlined word “altering” mean in the second paragraph? AWarming. BChanging. CPlanting. DBuilding.3According to the passage the main purpose of terraforming Mars is to . Ado some scientific research work Bfind out its similarity to earth Cavoid the

18、dying away of many other species Dfind on Mars living place for the increasing human beings4The main reason for causing many people to consider terraforming Mars is that . Athere are some resemblances between Earth and Mars. Bterraforming Mars is theoretically simple Cwe have had some experience wit

19、h terraforming our own planet: Earth Dthe development of science and technology is very rapid5Whats the authors attitude towards the project? AOptimistic. BNegative. CSceptical. DObjective.十三When six the very best students from different cities in Guandong province all together chose universities in

20、 Hong Kong; when the very best student of Beijing picked up HK University while giving up the nearby Peking or Tsingbua University; when the highest enrollment (录取)rate of Hong Kong Science and Industry University reached 48:1, its the high time to ask where the real education heaven for students in

21、 China is.Years ago, the answer certainly would be “Peking or Tsinghua University”. But now no one could give the exact reaction without hesitation. The only sure thing is that HK universities have gradually showed an unusual attraction to a great many mainland students.Its no doubt to call this HK

22、craze(狂热),which is even out of the expectation of those HK universities themselves.How can HK universities shake the steady foundations of Peking and Tsinghua and attract so many mainland students?First, Hong Kong universities offer large-amount scholarship, especially for the top students who can r

23、eceive the sum scholarship as much as 400,000 HK dollars. Since higher education has become a kind of heavy burden of many families, its easy to understand why the reaction to the generous offering of HK universities is great.Second, most HK universities receive professors and students from all over

24、 the world and carry out bilingual(双语)education. This kind of excellent language atmosphere is another attraction for mainland students.Further more, university students in Hong Kong have a better chance to study abroad as exchange students.Can mainland top universities like Peking or Tsinghua Unive

25、rsity calm as before when facing the unexpected competition from HK? Will they take relevant measures to win back the top students who once help them set the worldwide reputation? Time will explain it. The fierce competition brought by HK universities can be a good thing for an entire improvement of

26、 education in China. After the awakening and action taking of mainland universities, they can perform better together with HK universities.At least, it reminded the mainland universities the tuition fees(学费)are among students top concern when they are choosing universities. Its time to move.1What is

27、 the passage mainly talking about? ASome thought brought by the enrollment of HK universities. BHigher education in Hong Kong. CThe competition between HK University and Peking University. DThe fall of mainland universities.2Top students from mainland apply for HK universities because . Amany studen

28、ts now would love to study aboard to get a better experience Bthey concern only about the tuition fees when choosing universities CHK universities offer higher scholarship, better environment and more opportunities for their further study DPeking university has lost its worldwide reputation3What is

29、the authors attitude toward the competition brought by HK universities? AThe government should take relevant measures to stop this unfair competition. BMainland universities had better lower their tuition fees and win back the top students. CUniversities both in mainland and in HK would get an entir

30、e improvement during the competition. DIt may probably cause a complete loss both sides in the end.4From the passage we can see HK universities . Adidnt mean to enroll top students from mainland Bdidnt expect their enrollment of mainland students would be so popular Chave strict enrollment rules and

31、 only 1 out of 48 students can get the chance to study there Dare proud of their teaching staff and facilities5What does the author mean by saying “Its time to move” in the last paragraph? AMainland universities should take measures as soon as possible to attract students. BThe opportunities come fo

32、r top students to study abroad. CMainland universities should make full preparations to challenge mainland universities. DTop students should be offered further education free of charge.十四Once when I was a teenager, my father and I were standing in line to buy tickets for the circus. Finally there was only one family between us and the ticket counter. This family made a big impression on me. There were eight ch

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