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1、代 词代 词(一)代词的分类代词可分为下列十类: 人称代词(Personal Pronoun); 疑问代词(Interrogative Pronoun); 物主代词(Possession Pronoun); 关系代词(Relative Pronoun); 反身代词(Reflexive Pronoun); 连接代词(Conjunctive Pronoun); 相互代词(Reciprocal Pronoun); 不定代词(Indefinite Pronoun); 指示代词(Demonstrative Pronoun); 准代词(Quasi Pronoun)。 (二)代词的格、人称和数(1)人称代词

2、、疑问代词和关系代词有主格、宾格和属格的区别,如I为主格,me为宾格,my为属格。又如who(主格),whom(宾格),whose(属格)。 (2)人称代词有第一、第二和第三人称的区别,如I为第一人称,you为第二人称,he/she为第三人称。 (3)第三人称代词有阳性、阴性、中性的区别,如he为阳性,she为阴性,it为中性。(4)人称代词、物主代词、不定代词和指示代词有单复数的不同形式: 单 数 复 数 I(主格) we(主格) me(宾格) us(宾格) he/she(主格) they(主格) him/her(宾格) them(宾格) you(主/宾格) you(主/宾格) it(主格)

3、 they(主格) it(宾格) them(宾格) one(主/宾格) ones(主/宾格) my(属格) our(属格) your(属格) your(属格) his/her(属格) their(属格) its(属格) their(属格) this(主/宾/属) these(主/宾/属) that(主/宾/属) those(主/宾/属) (三)人称代词1. 人称代词的格的句法功能人称代词的主格在句中用作主语及表语(或主语补语),宾格用作及物动词或介词的宾语,属格用作定语: I told Toby the news. (主语) Between you and me, the market con

4、ditions look bad. (宾语) What would you do if you were he?(表语) Mary is eating her dinner. (定语) The cat has injured its foot. (定语) (四)单数第三人称代词it的用法1. 代替人以外的第三人称单数名词What is this?It is a ballpoint pen. (原珠笔)。 2. 表示天气、时间、距离、环境等情况It is seven oclock now. (表示时间) It is spring/summer, etc. now. (表示季节) It is wa

5、rm/cold/rainy/foggy. (表示天气) It is about five kilometers from here to the stadium(体育馆). (表示距离) It is very quiet here. (表示环境) 3. 用来指一个未亲眼看到,面目不详的人Who is It speaking?(电话用语,因不知道对方是谁,故用it,不能说“Who are you speaking?”) Who is singing in the next room?It is Marla. 一旦认清对方是谁时,便不能再用it而要用he或she了 4. 用于“It is(was)

6、that(who/whom)”强势结构中 在“It isthat(who/whom)”及“It wasthat(who/whom)”强调句型中,前者涉及现在或将来,后者涉及过去。具体应用时,把It is (was)放在需要强调的句子部分前面,然后再在强调部分与句子其它部分之间插入that或who,who只用于人,that用于人和物均可。试以Mary shot the mouse here yesterday为例: It was Mary who(或that)shot the mouse here yesterday. 是玛丽昨天在这里把老鼠打死的。 It was the mouse that

7、Mary shot here yesterday. 玛丽昨天在这里打死的是这只老鼠。 It was here that Mary shot the mouse yesterday. 正是在这里玛丽昨天把这只老鼠打死的。 It was yesterday that Mary shot the mouse here. 是昨天玛丽在这里把老鼠打死的。 以上例句中,划线部分即强调的部分。需要注意的是,it的这一个强势结构并非可应用于句子中的每一部分。 5. it用作形式主语或形式宾语来代表句中后面真正的主语或宾语 这种移往句子末尾的真正主语或宾语通常是由不定式、动名词或that从句来担任。为清晰起见,

8、现分三点举例说明如下: (1)代替不定式作形式主语或形式宾语的为最多: It is my duty to help him. 在上例中,it用作形式主语,代替置于句末、用作真正主语的不定式短语。如: I consider It my duty to help him. 上例中的it用作形式宾语,代替置于句末、用作真正宾语的不定式短语。 (2)代替动名词作形式主语或宾语的情况较少,主要用在以下等词: It is no use+ 动名词 it is worthwhile+ 动名词 no good+ 动名词 hard work+ 动名词 dangerous+ 动名词 a nuisance+ 动名词

9、useless+ 动名词 a waste+ 动名词 senseless+ 动名词 如: It is no good taking this medicine. (3)代替名词从句作形式主语或宾语。这类句式极为普遍,其中的名词从句可以用连词that、连接代词或连接副词来引导: It is very likely that Team B will beat Team A this time. 6. 用作无具体意义的主语 在下列结构中it用作无具体意义的主语: It seems(或appears, says, 等)that It seems(或looks as等)if (五)物主代词1. 物主代词的

10、分类物主代词分形容词性的物主代词和名词性的物主代词两类. 形容词性的物主代词 名词性的物主代词my our mine ours youre your yours yours his their his theirs her their hers theirs its their its theirs 2. 物主代词用法上的区别(1)形容词性的物主代词只能修饰名词而不能代替名词 Mary is eating her dinner. My soup is cold. (2)名词性的物主代词用来代替名词词组 即=形容词性的物主代词+ 前面提到的名词。如: This is your book. Tha

11、t is mine (=my book). Your car is the same as his (=his car. )(括弧内的his是形容词性的物主代词。) Our children are very friendly with theirs (their children). The cherry tree gives its share of color to the garden, and the lilac tree gives its (=its share of color). (括弧内的its是形容词性的物主代词,its用作名词性的物主代词极为少见。) 名词性物主代词也可

12、以用于句首,使句子显得庄重,带有文学性: Ours (=Our country)is a large country abounding in natural wealth. (我们的国家地大物博。) (3)名词性物主代词的双重所有格的搭配 名词性的物主代词(除its外)可与介词of连用,运用后置定语手段,构成双重所有格句型,其搭配如下: a(an, some, any, no, another, each, such, several, which, what, this, these, that, those)+ 名词+ of+ 名词性物主代词 Almer is a close frien

13、d of mine. (4)介词of+ 形容词性的物主代词+ own,即of ones own, 也可用作后置定语短语 I have nothing of my own. (我一无所有。) (5)名词性物主代词yours和mine yours和mine可用于信末的祝愿语中,yours常用于书信的结尾 (六)反身代词1. 反身代词的构成大多数反身代词是由形容词性的物主代词+ self或selves后缀而成的;单数物主代词+ self,复数物主代词+ selves。有三个反身代词的构成则不一样,它们由人称代词宾格+ self(单数)或selves(复数)构成。现把反身代词列表如下: 单数 复数my

14、self ourselves yourself yourselves oneself themselves himself themselves herself themselves itself themselves 2. 反身代词的用法反身代词通常用作宾语(包括介词宾语),表语及同位语。 (1)用作宾语 反身代词用作宾语时,表示动作由主语及于宾语,再返及主语,换言之,主语既是动作的执行者,同时又是动作的承受者,如: I teach myself mathematics. I和myself系同一人,teach的动作由宾语myself再返回至主语I。 She is looking at her

15、self in the mirror(照镜子). (说明同上) The cat hurt itself jumping from the high branch. (说明同上) 反身代词和人称代词宾格用作宾语时的不同点在于前者和句中的主语是同一人,而后者则不然。试比较: Jessica bought her a new dress. (her指另一个人) Jessica bought herself a new dress. (herself指Jessica) (2)用作介词宾语 反身代词用作介词宾语时,反身代词和主语仍必须属同一个人或事物,其含义及用法如下:a. 表示“对比”或“自己”这个含

16、义: She loves me for myself, not for my money, (她爱的是我这人,而不是我的钱。)表对比 b. 介词+ 反身代词这一结构的常见习用语: (a)to+ 反身代词,作“单独使用/单独所有”解,如: I have the room to myself. (这间房子归我独用。) (b)for+ 反身代词作“自己(亲自)”,“为(替)自己”解: If you dont believe me, you can go and see for yourself. (可以自己亲自去看看。)(c)between ourselves=between you and me,

17、 作“只是我们俩人私下谈谈(不可告诉别人)”解: All this is between ourselves (或between you and me). 用作表语 (d)of+ 反身代词,作“自动地”解: Unless we deal head-on blows to the invaders(除非给侵略者以迎头痛击),they will not retreat of themselves. (e)in+ 反身代词,作“本身”,“本性”解: Yours is not a bad idea in itself. (你的主意本身是不错的。) (f)by+ 反身代词,作“alone; withou

18、t help from others”或“automaticlly”解: I am by myself today. (我今天独自在家或在办公室)。 (3)用作表语 be+ 反身代词系一习用语结构,作“身心健康”解: Laura is not quite herself today. (Laura今天不大对头。) (4)用作同位语 反身代词在句中作主语或宾语的同位语时,起强调作用,故作“自己”、“亲自”或“本人”解: You yourself (=you and not anyone else)told me the story. (七)指示代词指示代词用来指明某一或某些特定的人或物。指示代词

19、有this(单数),these(复数),that(单数),those(复数)。same, such等词。 指示代词各自有以下用法及区别 1. this/these和that/those在时空上的差别指示代词既可用作主语、宾语又可用作定语和表语;this/these表示较近的空间或时间,that/those表示较远的空间或时间: There is this(定语)seat here, near me, or there is that(定语)one in the fourth row。Which will you have, this or that(用作宾语which之同位语)?(this均表

20、示较近距离;that均表示较远距离。) These(定语)machines were turned out last year, and Those(主语)were made years ago. (these表示较近时间;those表示较远时间。) 2. this和that在行文叙述上的差别除了在空间或时间上的远近差别外,that用来指上文叙述过的事情,this用来指下文行将叙述的事情: How to get the best result within the shortest time possiblethat is the question. this is the question:

21、 how to get the best result within the shortest time possible. 在上面例句中,第一句中的that也可改用this,但不及that正规;第二句中的this则绝对不能改用that。指示代词this和that用作副词时相当于副词so,在用法上与用作代词时相同。 3. this/that和these/those用于表种类、类型时的结构this(that)sort(kind or type)of接单数可数名词或不可数名词; these(those)sorts(kinds or types)of接复数可数名词: Alice has this k

22、ind of plant (不能用plants)in her home. Alice has these(those)kinds of plants (不能用单数plant)in her home. 4. that和those用于表比较结构指示代词that和它的复数形式those往往用于比较结构来代表前面提到的东西,以避免重复该名词: The position of a grandparent is easier than that of(=the position of)a parent. 5. those和they,them用法上的区别 指示代词those后面可跟定语短语或定语从句;人称代

23、词they及them则不可,否则便犯结构上的错误: For them interested in learning, the university offers a good program. 定语短语 错,因them后面跟定语短语,把them改为those,即For those interested in learning, the university offers a good program. 6. Those who的数的含义 Those who=People who,相应的汉语是“凡的人”,如: Those who wish to visit the exhibition may

24、sign up here. 7. and that构成的习惯用法 and that用在一起,有时构成一个习惯用法,用来代表前面的整个句子或该句的主谓部分: Bobby has lost a gold watch, and that the one given him by his father-in-law. (and that=and he has lost) and that的这种用法能加强句子后面部分的语气。 8. 指示代词such的用法(1)用作主语 Such is my impression of England. (2)用作宾语 Since you are a scholar, y

25、ou should show yourself as such. (such=one, 即=a scholar, 用作as之宾语)你既是个学者,就得有个学者的表现。 (3)用作表语 such用作表语时,要注意: 往往倒置于句首(有时也用于句中): Such are the viewpoints or my friends on life. b. 通常都是和that或as引导的从句一起用(从句在后): Such was the force of the explosion(=The force of the explosion was such)that all the window were

26、broken. (注意such置于句首,采用倒装语序。)爆炸力真大,竟使所有窗子都破了。 c. 也往往和as引导的不定式短语连用: I hope his illness is not such as to cause anxiety. 我希望他的病还不是那样叫人担忧。 注意:as不能省略,省掉便错。 (4)用作定语 such作定语用时,要注意以下几点: a. such a (n)接单数可数名词;such(无a)接不可数名词,或复数可数名词: such a fool such fools such information a film films patience a story stories

27、 weather a thing things elegance an interesting story old people kindness an old house interesting books (八)关系代词1. 关系代词who, whom, whose, that和which的最基本的用法(1)关系代词的格、先行词、句法功能和应用对象 关系代词有who(主格),whom(宾格),whose(属格),that和which。它们用来引导定语从句以修饰它们所代表的名词或代词,该词称为先行词(antecedent)。关系代词在其所引导的定语从句中充当主语、宾语、表语、定语。who用于

28、人,which用于物,that则两者皆可。例如: I saw the man who is famous for his fine acting. (用作主语) (2)which和whom在定语从句中作状语或定语时的处理。 如果关系代词which和whom在它们所引导的定语从句中不是作主语、宾语而是起状语或定语作用时,须在它们之前加上介词。如: 用作定语 The factory has 3, 000 workers, of whom about 1, 000 are women. (of whom修饰3,000 workers。) (3)在带有插入语的定语从句中who和whom的选用 关系代词

29、who/whom引导的定语从句,担任主语成分时用主格who,担任宾语成分用宾格whom,这点很简单,但有时它们引导的定语从句带有插入语,而该插入语后也不用逗号隔开,因此不易区分它是定语从句中的插入语或是定语从句中的主谓结构;这时就产生用主格who还是宾格whom这一困难。 如:Jason is a man who I believe is honest. 在定语从句who I believe is honest中,I believe是插入语,去掉该插入语剩下的便是Jason is a man who is honest,在语法及句意上都能成立,who是定语从句中动词is的主语,故用主格,不能用

30、whom。 Jason is a man whom I believe (to be)honest. 在定语从句whom I believe(to be)honest中,如把I believe当作插入语而予以删掉的话,剩下的句子结构便成为Jason is a man whom(to be)honest,显然不合语法,因而I believe不是插入语,而是定语从句中的主谓结构,whom作believe的宾语,故不能用主格形式who, (to be)honest是whom的宾语补语。 (4)whose在使用上必须注意的两点: a. whose在它所引导的定语从句中起定语作用,它既可代表人又可代表物

31、: This is the house whose windows(=the windows of which或of which the windows)are all broken. b. whose在它所引导的定语从句中常和it连用,it起形式主语作用: A writer is a person whose duty is to write. whose引导的定语从句中,主语是duty为whose所修饰,不定式to write为表语。 2. 关系代词who(m), which和that一些常见的主要用法 (1)which的先行词可以是一个句子 which的先行词通常是一个名词,但有时候它的先行词可以是一个句子,即which有时候可以用来代表前面一个句子所表示的意思,这种用法很普遍,如:

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